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Fat Chance

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Originally posted by rog951:

Too bad we didn't end up with Dallas/Minnesota in the west. That would've made for quite an interesting series! Maybe later...

Dont think so this year. I mean, I know I've been tipping Minnesota to cause a big upset for a while now but I thought all along they were destined to play Dallas. I should've known it'd be Dallas vs Edmonton AGAIN! The only time since 1997 that they havent met in the 1st round was last year, when neither team made it to the playoffs.


I really cant see Minnesota beating Colorado over 7 games. I still think they'll cause some major problems and maybe win a game or two, but the Avs are too strong.

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Very interesting opening night! Ottawa got spanked! I'm pulling for the Isles hard in that series! Edmonton beat Dallas in a tight one. Philly tried to come back but fell short in the end. Quite entertaining!!! Tonight's the big night for me!!!
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Game 1 goes to Toronto with Mogilny scoring three! And the Isles take down Ottawa 3-0!! Now it feels like the playoffs!!!! :thu:


Flyscots, you're right about Domi's improvement in the past few years. He's still the Toronto tough guy, but he does seem to be focusing on the game more now. As for the Isles, I hope they can keep it up long enough to take the series.



St. Louis at Vancouver

Minnesota at Colorado

Washington at Tampa Bay

Anaheim at Detroit

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-Anaheim leads Detroit 3-0!!! Holy shit!

-Toronto takes a 2-1 lead over Philly with an OT win!!!

-Ottawa leads NY 2-1

-Colorado leads Minnesotta 2-1

-St. Louis now leads Vancouver 2-1


Critical game 4's are coming up for Boston tomorrow and Detroit on wednesday. :wave:

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What the hell is going on with Anaheim?!? I read that their coach isnt happy with the way they are playing yet Dave Lewis (Wings coach) IS happy with his teams performances! Did they switch colors or something?


Just about all the Game 1s were wrong, New Jersey were the only home seed team to win Game 1.


The only game I've seen so far was Flyers-Leafs game 1. The Flyers deserved to win that game with all the pressure that they put on but its hard to say that Toronto didnt deserve their win because every time they went forward they looked dangerous. The amount of odd man rushes was shocking.


For me, Philly's big guns were far too quiet in that game. We needed much more from LeClair, Amonte, Roenick & Recchi. I was pleased to read they all performed much better in game 2.


The Domi-Brashear battle is a great little side story to the series! Who 'won' the fight in game 2? Did you see the look of exhilaration, delight, relief & passion on Brashear's face when he scored in Game 1? Especially after Domi had scored his fluke!


Hockey is back in the UK tonight & tomorrow. We get either Boston vs New Jersey (hope not) or Washington vs Tampa tonight, then St. Louis vs Vancouver tomorrow (if I can stay awake for the time difference that is!)


John Scotsman

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The Flyers gave up a two goal lead on the road against the Leafs in the second period :cry: . You can't do your in playoffs Three minutes into the second OT Kim Johnsson has Belfour beat and hits the crossbar :freak: .

We can't buy a goal...



Rob :thu:

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Well compared to last year we're rollin in goals!


I know what your saying - so many give aways, 2 on 1s and giving up a 2 goal lead does not make a cup winning team. The posts were hit a few times in game 1 aswell.


Hey Rob, its next week I get to Philly. Well, I'll actually be staying about 40 minutes away from the city. Give me a shout and we'll see if we can meet up for a game over some beers like you suggested! flyscots@yahoo.com

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...and human!


Come on Rog, there's another 4 games to go. Tampa winning last night just makes for a more interesting series. I take it you are refering to the Jagr incident when he was hit with his head down. You should be just as annoyed at Jagr for not keeping calm and retaliating. Did you see the look of guilt on his face when he was sitting in the Penalty box?


Chris, Rob - our TV analyst (Canadian Russell Chamberlain, coach of the London Knights) says that th Flyers-Leafs series is some of the best Hockey he has ever seen and that he thinks its the best 1st round of all time! Do you agree? I believe him but he does tend to get over excited. He's a Habs fan by the way.

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Originally posted by flyscots:

Chris, Rob - our TV analyst (Canadian Russell Chamberlain, coach of the London Knights) says that th Flyers-Leafs series is some of the best Hockey he has ever seen and that he thinks its the best 1st round of all time! Do you agree? I believe him but he does tend to get over excited. He's a Habs fan by the way.

I don't know if I could say it's the absolute best hockey I've EVER seen, but it's definitely been an exciting and physical series so far! There have been incredible plays by both teams, and some huge saves. The entire second OT of game 3 had me on the edge of my seat. :thu:
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The Flyers/Leafs series is definitely the most physical.I just hope Leclair,Roenick,and Amonte pick up their game tonight.If they don't I think the Flyers are done :mad:


What's the deal with Domi trying to take out Simon Gagne?




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Originally posted by rog951:

Friggin' refs are deaf, blind and DUMB!!!

Nuts. The Caps deserved to lose the game. Jagr's penalty was borderline, perhaps, but he did punch the guy twice in the back of the head when he was down on his knees. Sure, I understand his desire to even the score after being rocked (by what I thought was a legal check) earlier in the game, but it's not like these teams aren't going to see each other again until next year. There's plenty of time for pay back. You have to have more discipline than that. Referees will allow roughing in overtime but expecting them to ignore rabbit punches is foolish.


All that aside, you can lay this loss at Klee's feet. What a moron! A flying elbow to the back of the head when you're shorthanded? What the hell? At the very least I think that's a poor reflection on the Caps coaching staff.




I think the Caps are a better team than the Lightning and will win this series.

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Originally posted by Postman:

>>>I understand his desire to even the score after being rocked (by what I thought was a legal check) earlier in the game<<<

Well, look at the guy's feet if they ever show that hit again. They're both four inches off the ice. Pretty sure that's a charge whether Jagr is hit with an elbow or a shoulder (although it looked like an elbow to me and it looked like "intent to injure" to me). That said, after sleeping on it, I feel better. Refs miss calls...it's what they do. Look at that Toronto/Philly game where Mogilny was taken out with a high stick with no call. Guess what: Toronto still won that game. So, even though I still believe the original call on Jagr in OT was pretty weak (rabbit punches or no, when you look at the whole play, both players should've gone) I will say that the good teams find a way to overcome things like that. You'll get no argument from me on Klee's penalty. Blatant and stupid. BTW, does anyone know when the last playoff OT 5 on 3 power play was? Has it ever happened before?
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I never thought I'd say this, but GO DUCKS! Can't say I'm a fan of Anaheim in the regular season, but I always like underdogs and tonight, I don't know if the defending champion Wings can get up the momentum and energy to not get swept by the 7th seed team! Ouch!


Ducks haven't been to the second round since '97 -- they beat Phoenix in seven games in the opening round that year.


- Jeff

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What a great night of sport it was for me last night! I played in 2 games of football (soccer) had a post game beer, then came home to watch the hockey.


We started with St Louis-Vancouver, but at the 1st intermission they switched to Colorado-Minnesota, then when that was over it was back to STL-VAN. When the Blues' 4th goal went in they realised the game was won and changed to Anaheim-Detroit. Unfortunately they had to cut the broadcast after the 1st period in Anaheim but it was nice to be treated well with our Hockey coverage for a change!


Vancouver's big line was hugely disappointing. Also the Sedin-Klatt-Sedin line never really looked like doing any damage. Dan Cloutier in net was a definate weekness, I just dont think he's good enough for the playoffs. You cant blame the goalie for everything but I think he should've had the last 2 goals.


Then when I woke up this morning (well it was nearly afternoon after staying up to watch all the hockey!) I looked up the scores to find that Anaheim had completed the unthinkable and had swept the Champion Red Wings!


Reading on, I was delighted to see that the Flyers had finally defeated the Leafs! Did any of you watch that game? As the night was going on, I was envisioning it as being another Penguins style all nighter. Belfour must be playing out of his skin. Philly out-shot Toronto 75-38, thats some difference, if only Dan Cloutier was a Leaf. Have to give credit to Toronto for keeping it so tight despite the injuries. These players are going to be exhausted once this series is over, but thats the playoffs for ya!


John Scotsman

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Three OT Periods...


75 Shots On Goal...


A Win Against The Leafs... PRICELESS


This series is turning out to be the best.The goaltending on both sides in OT was amazing.That's why I love this game.





Rob :thu:

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Originally posted by rog951:

Well, look at the guy's feet if they ever show that hit again. They're both four inches off the ice. Pretty sure that's a charge whether Jagr is hit with an elbow or a shoulder (although it looked like an elbow to me and it looked like "intent to injure" to me).

I'll look again. If he left his feet it would certainly be a charge. I'm almost positive the hit was with the shoulder. On a check, even a flying elbow, it's awfully rare to get an intent to injure penalty (unless it's from behind into the boards which is two or five at the ref's discretion and a misconduct).


If it makes you feel better, the charge would have been washed by the goal anyway. The obligatory major for drawing blood (not in the rulebook, by the way) is traditionally only given for stick fouls.


[Fair disclosure: I'm a ref myself... which doesn't mean I don't yell myself blue at the pros sometimes. ;) ]

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Today I am a happy man, no matter what happens to the leafs from now on. The ducks won. Cujo, the goalie who left the Leafs for less money, to win the cup, can now begin golfing knowing he played a large part in the biggest upset in years. oh, it feels good to be a leafs fan right now, even after a hard fought, triple overtime loss last night.



"It's better to regret something you did than something you didn't do." - Butthole Surfers
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Originally posted by Kwiks:

Today I am a happy man, no matter what happens to the leafs from now on. The ducks won. Cujo, the goalie who left the Leafs for less money, to win the cup, can now begin golfing knowing he played a large part in the biggest upset in years. oh, it feels good to be a leafs fan right now, even after a hard fought, triple overtime loss last night.



Damn right. :thu:
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As a Wings fan, I don't entirely blamr Cujo. Sure, he let in some soft goals, but who let them GET to the net in the first place?


Where was Brett? 700+ goals, and not ONE in the playoffs! And it wasn't that J.S. couldn't be beat. He WAS. Only to have several ring off the post.


No, it was more that the players that usually make a difference just didn't step up.


What pisses me off even more is, now that playoff hockey is over in Detroit, I have NO excuse to get out of going shopping with the wife.


DAMN those Wings...



I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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I like the Cujo comments! I never liked him anyway!


Rog, your series is looking really good now - best of 3! I only saw very brief highlights of Game 4, there were some great plays by Martin St. Louis! The danger for the Caps now is that all Tampa's young talent have found their confidence and are firing on all cylinders. Momentum shifts & moral are major factors. The fans are gonna be going wild welcoming back their heros, Washington desperately need to score early in Game 5.

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Ooooooh, I'm not so sure about that. There's a team to your northwest that's looking awfully good.
Denver and Dallas matchup well against each other, and it should be a great series if it happens. Maybe we can see the smame WCF game 7 performance out of Waah that we did last year eh? ;)



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Originally posted by flyscots:

>>>Rog, your series is looking really good now - best of 3! I only saw very brief highlights of Game 4, there were some great plays by Martin St. Louis! The danger for the Caps now is that all Tampa's young talent have found their confidence and are firing on all cylinders. Momentum shifts & moral are major factors. The fans are gonna be going wild welcoming back their heros, Washington desperately need to score early in Game 5<<<

That little St. Louis dude looks damn good, doesn't he? I had both he and Vinnie Prospal on my fantasy team this year so I'm no stranger to either of these guys. The Caps' perpetual lack of killer instinct might just finish 'em again in this series. No doubt the crowd will be insane in Tampa tonight and, I agree, an early goal is crucial for my boyz. If I was coaching the Caps, the only thing I would say to the players is "finish your checks tonight with extreme prejudice." When they remember to hit, they generally win. I still think they can win it but why do they always have to do it the hard way?


Thank God Detroit's out! I'm sick of hearing about them. Detroit Detroit Detroit. Whatever. :rolleyes: I'd love to see Giguere take the Ducks all the way to the finals!


As far as the Leafs/Flyers series goes, every time I see a final score I say to myself either "Damn, Flyers won!" or "Damn, Leafs won!" I guess I'm not a big fan of having to face either team later on! :) Same thing with Ottawa. Oh well...guess I better worry about Tampa first!



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