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" Ashley Judd " Is that really her ?

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[quote]Originally posted by Ducati 996: [b]Is she real, or just a dream girl, drawn up to mock me!.... [/b][/quote]Eh, yeah... Ducati, meet Ashley. Ashley, Ducati. Well, now that you two have been properly introduced, why don't you set up a time to meet at a motel or something? Oh, and take pictures too. LOTS of pictures... I can't wait to see how [i]this one[/i] turns out... :eek:

Super 8


Hear my stuff here


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havent noticed AlphaJerk around for a while..maybe in a fit of jealousy that Tedster passed him out on posts that he changed his name and on screen persona..- A.J.? mmm..maybe not.
Visit my band : www.neonfleacircus.net or www.myspace.com/neonfleacircus
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I can confirm that this poster is The Ashley Judd. I got a chance to spend some time with her in Las Vegas last year and then when I saw her posting here we communicated through Private Messaging. Ashley plays guitar and synth and also sings very well. While I was in Las Vegas me and her also spent some time with another actress/musician Salma Hayek. One night we all wound up in bed together, it was one of the best threesomes I've ever had.
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[quote]Originally posted by patrick_dont_fret: [b]Dood, why's everybody always trying to cut into my piece of pie? Ashley's mine, all mine. You cannot have her. You hear? You CANNOT. Salma Hayek is coming with us, too.[/b][/quote]Well, fact is I've already had her and will continue to when my schedule permits and there's nothing you can do about it. Plus, I don't know what I do, but I cut you jack!
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[quote]Originally posted by zork: [b]That's a man, baby![/b][/quote] [quote]Originally posted by zork: [b]That's a man, baby![/b][/quote] [quote]Originally posted by zork: [b]That's a man, baby![/b][/quote]:idea:
In two days, it won't matter.
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[quote]Originally posted by Ducati 996: [b]I dont know what this post was even about, :eek: ... but I have got to know if that photo is really " Ashley Judd " :cry: [/b][/quote]She's as real as you [img]http://www.twobros.com/Exhaust/Ducati/005-350408D.jpg[/img] [img]http://image.pathfinder.com/ew/features/980403/mentions/img/ashley.jpg[/img] You're both very pretty [img]http://www.plauder-smilies.de/love/mushy.gif[/img]
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I think a lot of you guys are intimidated by famous beautiful women. I'm not. I learned a long time ago... [b]they're people just like you and me.[/b] What you have to do is just.... talk to them, walk up and introduce yourself. "Hi, I'm The Wewus, couldn't help but notice you, would you like to get out of here and go dancing or just get a drink, or coffee?" See, what I've done is offer some options so I'm non-threatening, and I'm making a move to get away from the other guys that are already moving in. I don't dance or drink coffee except in the morning so I'm hoping she'll go for the drink and then I'm home free, BUT, I'll go along with either of the other options. If she decides to dance I'll pull up lame on one leg and if she wants coffee I'll order a coffee with amaretto or kahlua just to stay relaxed. Ok, so now I've got Ashley, or Salma, or Jennifer Aniston alone. (don't laugh, don't you think she needs a night away from Brad) The next step is just to be sincere. What I do here is very calmly and casually say " Gosh, what a great night, wouldn't you like to have sex right now?" and then yawn like you don't really care. I'm not saying this works every time but maybe 50% of the time it does. Don't be afraid to get shot down! So now you've got my tips go out there and get you some celebrity pussy!
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"She's as real as you " :idea: Yes ... that Is the bike I race at Willow springs, and your comment is very close to the truth, when racing the bike becomes part of you, you cant even see it , It is as thou you are flying with nothing around you. I do not ride on the streets thou, it has become much to dangerous, besides where else then on a track can you hit 185 Mph , rapid down shift and throw into a left hander at 120mph with a 45% right at 80. come off clipping the high crest bank at about 65mph then down shift, reves up... dump the clutch and hang on, like a bat out of hell to hit 170mph in about 5 seconds, before the oval crest.. :evil: .. Definitely "is one" with me, or at least for that moment of time it is my extension, precision carving were I demand, just like a reflex when you scratch your nose. :cool:
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[quote]Originally posted by Cowfingers: [b]havent noticed AlphaJerk around for a while..maybe in a fit of jealousy that Tedster passed him out on posts that he changed his name and on screen persona..- A.J.? mmm..maybe not.[/b][/quote]Ewww...and to think I flirted with "Ashley" too... ("Crying Game" music starts playing).. No, seriously...whoever Ashley is, she's got quite a few posts, so it's not someone new. But, like I said before, I can pretend it's really Ashley, can't I? ;)
"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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[quote]Originally posted by TheWewus: [b]"Hi, I'm The Wewus, couldn't help but notice you, would you like to get out of here and go dancing or just get a drink, or coffee?"[/b][/quote]Ashley: "Hold on a sec... (digs through purse). Oh, here it is." Pepper sprays Wewus in face. Wewus screams and drops to the ground, where he is pummelled by body guards. Ashley laughs and walks away. :D - Jeff
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[quote]Originally posted by Ashley Judd: [b] Tedster: No need to pretend, what do I have to do to prove it to you? ;) Ashley[/b][/quote]..she is Tedster's daughter. :wave: Now, all you guys better run, ol' Ted's got a gun. :thu:
In two days, it won't matter.
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[img]http://www.allstarz.org/ashleyjudd/023.jpg[/img] Ashley, you even have beautiful toes!!!



ME: "Nobody knows the troubles I've seen!"


Unknown Voice: "The Shadow do!"

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