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Are you ready for some FOOTBALL?!

Dave Bryce

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I was wondering about the center. I, too, suspect that something VERY serious happened to him. First of all, the fact that the details are being withheld is rather suspicious. Secondly, the Raider players looked shocked before, during, and after the game, almost as though they were grieving.

The Black Knight always triumphs!


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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

No one has said anything about Barret Robbins - so I will.

As someone who has seen firsthand what mental illness can do to families -- I feel nothing but sympathy and sadness for Barret and his family.


A lot of Raiders fans around here are slamming the man pretty mercilessly. All I can say is, does anyone really believe that a football player meant to go AOL for the freakin' Superbowl? No, clearly this guy has problems which are, at least to some extent, outside of his control.


Very sad.



Make my funk the P-funk.

I wants to get funked up.


My Funk/Jam originals project: http://www.thefunkery.com/


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Well, they recently announced that the Pats Damien Woody is taking Robbins' place at center in the Pro Bowl. It would have been his first Pro Bowl, just like Sunday would have been his first Super Bowl.


And, in even more depresssibng news, check this:


It remains unclear what Robbins did from Friday's 11 p.m. bed check and 8 p.m. Saturday.


But two Raiders fans and a bar worker told the Contra Costa Times on Monday that Robbins was at Moon Doggy's, a bar in Pacific Beach, early Saturday night. They said they noticed Robbins sitting in a booth by himself in the back of the bar. He was crying at one point. The two fans heard Robbins muttering to himself and engaged him in conversation.


``He was more upset than anything else,'' one of the fans said. ``He just looked lost. We thought, `What's he doing by himself?'''


Robbins acknowledged one of the fans who asked if he was going through family problems.


``We said, `Hey, we got to get you home. We want you to play good tomorrow,''' one of the fans said. ``We gave the cab driver 20 bucks and told him to take him back to the Hyatt.''


The team source said Robbins was suffering from alcohol poisoning after drinking too much that day. Several players said Robbins spent a large part of the day in Tijuana, Mexico.


That poor bastard.

- Jeff

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Dave P, I'm with you on this one. Robbins problem is bigger than any one game. I think that whatever is wrong with him, be it depression or substance abuse, he clearly needs help. I heard on ESPN that the Raiders are taking care of it and have their specialists involved. I hope that's the case. But then you also hear that he has been dismissed from the team. I just hope they do right by him and his family and not judge him on the fact that he missed the game and possibly caused them a good chance of winning.


Human life is more important than any game.

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Originally posted by CP:

Human life is more important than any game.

Of course. And I'm glad it appears that the Raiders will take care of one of their own.


At the same time, a team's goal is to win, and I doubt that Al Davis or Bill Callahan would feel that putting Barret back on the team is the best way to win, or (perhaps) the best thing for Barret.


Therefore, if he does get placed on waivers, it's in both his and the team's best interests.


- Jeff

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They shouldn't put him on waivers until they are sure that he is alright. Once they make a determination as to his well-being then they should let him go or do whatever is best for both the team and the player. They should take a page from George Steinbrenner and the Yankees. Do you know that Steinbrenner took care of Darryl Strawberry and Dwight Gooden's medical needs and put them in the best programs money could buy? When people asked him why he kept doing it, time after time, when Strawberry would have a relapse. Steinbrenner said because one of his players is like one of his sons. If they ever had a problem he would never turn his back on them. So as long as Strawberry is alive he would always help him, because that is the least he would do for his own son. His said Strawberry is not a piece of property, but a person. And when he was saying this, there was tears in his eyes. He was pretty choked up. I just hope Al Davis has this kinda heart, and doesn't turn his back on this guy.
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Originally posted by Dave Pierce:

A lot of Raiders fans around here are slamming the man pretty mercilessly. All I can say is, does anyone really believe that a football player meant to go AOL for the freakin' Superbowl? No, clearly this guy has problems which are, at least to some extent, outside of his control.


Very sad.

Who is slamming him? It seems to me that most of us have also used the word "sad", Dave...





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

Who is slamming him? It seems to me that most of us have also used the word "sad", Dave...

I think Dave was referring to the Bay Area in his "around here" reference...not the Keyboard Corner.


- Jeff

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Originally posted by Jeff, TASCAM Guy:

I think Dave was referring to the Bay Area in his "around here" reference...not the Keyboard Corner.


- Jeff

Ahhh. Got it.


To quote Gilda Radner's Emily Litella, " Nevermind"...





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Originally posted by Jeff, TASCAM Guy:

Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

Who is slamming him? It seems to me that most of us have also used the word "sad", Dave...

I think Dave was referring to the Bay Area in his "around here" reference...not the Keyboard Corner.


- Jeff

Oh, yeah, my bad. I meant "around here in the meat world". Thanks for clarifying for me Jeff.



Make my funk the P-funk.

I wants to get funked up.


My Funk/Jam originals project: http://www.thefunkery.com/


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Originally posted by Dave Pierce:

I meant "around here in the meat world". Thanks for clarifying for me Jeff.

No problem...and I really like the term "meat world". :)


In related news, Robbins was released from the hospital this morning and is headed back to his Bay Area home. As it turns out, he'd stopped taking his anti-depression meds, with bad results. Most reports say he'd been on suicide watch during his hospital stay.


Most people have some pre-conceived notion of what depression is all about, and most of them are wrong. It's almost funny that I've heard a few people say things like, "How can a 6'3", 320 pound guy who makes millions as a pro football player be depressed? What's he got to be sad about?".


Depression...chronic depression...is a medical problem that we've only scatched the surface of understanding. It's a bunch of guesswork as of now in terms of treating the chemical imbalance disorder. Both of Robbins' parents suffered from it, and there's plenty of evidence that both genetic and environmental causes can be to blame. In any case, there's no more a "type of person" who can suffer from depression than there is a type of person that can catch a cold.


I wish him the best in his recovery, and hope that I see him playing pro ball again.


- Jeff

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Originally posted by Jeff, TASCAM Guy:

No problem...and I really like the term "meat world". :)

:D Me too. I owe that one to my friend Mathew, who was on my Ops team at S&P, and now works in London. When telling a story about a friend of mine, he interrupted to ask, "bits or meat?" He knew me well enough to know that was a valid question to ask about my set of friends. :rolleyes::freak:



Make my funk the P-funk.

I wants to get funked up.


My Funk/Jam originals project: http://www.thefunkery.com/


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Callahan will be holding a press conference at noon here to discuss the Robbins affair.


I really feel for the guy (BR). I mean, being depressive myself, I'm having a hard enough time coming out of my post-Super Bowl depression, but my emotions are extremely mild compared to what Robbins was going through this weekend. That kind of bipolar depression is a whole different story. Poor guy. I hope he gets all the help he needs. Otherwise, he might not have long to live.


I'll report back if I hear anything noteworthy in the press conference.

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Well guys... Im Back. Great season, so sorry I missed the finest part with all of you. Sorry indeed. New responsibilities,oh well.


The Season - couldn't have asked for anything better actually. Yeah the eagles stunk in the playoffs and changed there scheme, and the Titan's fumbled away a solid opportuniy, but overall I coulnd't be happier.. No post game/season whining about ref calls and sour grapes. I love my teams..Im moving on to next year.


The Superbowl - Well you guys have heard and said it all so I wont bore you. Props to th bucs for one of the finest performances ever..I mean they have to be one of the greatest SB teams in history. These guys may be around a while so get used to the idea. Never gonna shut up Sapp now!


Props to the Raiders for giving the season a youthful effort dispite the aging vets. Great team, regardless of if they make it back or not!


Props to Rich Gannon for his history making record breaking SB performance. No surprizes, Rich has had about 15 years to show us how much game he has, and to be honest he's a QB who just happens to be above average...nothing more nothing less. Love to see Pennington with his Offense I would!


The Forum. Well gang I'll give myself about a week to catch up on all these posts. I left off on page 17 about 3 weeks ago I think. This will hold me over while I go thru football withdrawl...thank guys!! You are simply the greatest!!

TROLL . . . ish.
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  • 4 weeks later...
Originally posted by DJDM:

So I guess on top of some homophobic tendencies this kid is definitely NOT READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL... "Andy says football is gay."




Wow. That kids seriously needs to learn:


1) A new word

2) A new chord



Make my funk the P-funk.

I wants to get funked up.


My Funk/Jam originals project: http://www.thefunkery.com/


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