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Jazz Fusion/Funk


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So what does everyone here think of the jazz fusion/funk acts out on the jam scene right now? Any opinions of Medeski, Martin and Wood, Soulive, Astral Project, Galactic, The Funky Meters, etc.


I think it's some of the best keyboard based music out there today, but I never see much mention of those bands or that music style on this forum.

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I totally agree.


If there is anyone out there who reads this forum and hasn't heard these guys, you're missing out on a lot. Medeski, Martin and Wood is hands-down my favorite contemporary band.

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As some one who has seen more than 50 Funky Meters shows, you are not going to get an argument out of me.........but in my opinion there is a pretty swift drop off in the level of quality when you hit the other bands......I like what Martin, Medeski and Wood are doing, but George and Art (and Leo and Zig) are the orignators of that sound.
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Mojosaur, I completely agree that no one can touch The (Funky) Meters when it comes to funk, they completely defined the genre. (Also check out George Porter Jr. and the Runnin' Pardners if you haven't heard them yet - and their live show blows away the recorded stuff I've heard). I think Galactic is somewhat following in their footsteps, but like you said, the quality isn't quite the same.


MMW and Soulive delve a bit more into jazz than straight up funk like the Meters. Naturally, Medeski is a monster, but Neal Evans from Soulive has impressed me more than any other young player on the scene (the whole band actually). They haven't been around long, but anyone who hasn't heard them NEEDS to check them out. (Deesquare - MMW is on the top of my list as well, but lately I haven't been able to get Soulive out of my CD player)

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Hi BFunk.....I'm down with the Running Partners.......John Gros, the keyboard player from the RP has a new band called Papa Grows Funk who I like a lot too.....Russell Batiste, the drummer from the FM, is in that band along with June Yamagishi from the Wild Magnolias.


Galactic started out as Galactic Prophylactic, a group of Tulane students who learned by playing along with Meters records......I think the whole NO scene is great, I'm glad to hear people are on to it.....


Steve, BTW I was impressed with your tune on BeSonic....you have a great voice and a real gift, good luck with your career.....if I had that kind of talent music would be my career instead of my hobby......

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I've heard about Papa Grows Funk, I'll have to check out some of their stuff.


When I saw Runnin' Pardners at Jazzfest this year, they had two keyboard players. There was a real big guy just playing the B3, and they had another guy on piano/synths. Which one is John Gros?

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It was less than 2 years ago that Neal Evans and Soulive were gigging in a small club near home and my guitar player had to go out and get him some oil for his B3 because it wouldn't start. Neal didn't even know it needed oil. He has come a long way in a short time. I like those guys a lot.


I've never seen MMW live. I understand that is where it happens. But, as far as the studio stuff goes, I just keep waiting for something to happen and it just never seems to materialize. Great grooves, don't get me wrong, but it just doesn't seem to go anywhere. Most of the musicians I know agree. But, I guess live is where it's at with those dudes.

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Mecca Are you kidding? The intro track...perfect for the Weather Channel. I'm sure those guys are great musicians but they need to play whats inside em' not some reworked cliches.


This message has been edited by mojosaur on 07-20-2001 at 04:43 PM

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**Lol mojosaur**

But you gotta hear the CD! I mean from the nastiest Chic Corea type synth Fusion to the Funk Grooves and the Rock Guitar solos - You wont beleive it!! And I have nothing to do with these guys, I have the CD and happen to live in Atlanta where they play. They've even got a live tune with the late George Howard(sax)and he and the drummer trade licks, it's just wicked!!!

TROLL . . . ish.
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Hey guys, thanks for the tips, I picked up Medesky Martin & Wood yesterday, very tasty! Will look into the Funky Meters next week (one CD a week, I'm tryin to cut down). I've been looking for Jazz/funk fusion groups ever since Level 42 pulled the plug. Although more Jazz/rock fusion, anyone into Tribal Tech or Dave Weckl's solo discs?


"Eccentric language often is symptomatic of peculiar thinking" - George Will


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I love Weckyl's Synergy Cd. I haven't heard the new one yet, but it's sans guitar which should be interesting. Synergy isn't a big keyboard album per se, but Tommy Kennedy is brilliant on bass. He is my current fretless wonder fav.
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Mecca......yeah, I was knocked out by that....I was waiting for "my local forecast...." All kidding aside it sounds great-- don't they all, and I believe you about the CD.


The Funky Meters have a live CD available on their web site......but I'm not sure jazz.fusion would be a good description, its New Orleans funk., something like Booker T meets Dr John.....you could check out the old Meters stuff on Josie that has been re-issued on Sundazed.


What you should do is go to a love show.....you'll be blown away.....Art and George are old pros who still love to play and it shows.

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Originally posted by b3wiz:

I've never seen MMW live. I understand that is where it happens. But, as far as the studio stuff goes, I just keep waiting for something to happen and it just never seems to materialize. Great grooves, don't get me wrong, but it just doesn't seem to go anywhere.


I know what you mean. It seems there's less & less direction in their material. I have most of their CD's. I bought the Combustion one & wish I'd didn't & I must admit, the last one I downloaded the entire album from Napster & I glad I didn't pay for those cuts. It seems like there's not enough form or definite theme for my taste.




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