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Compilation CD - another option


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Just had a thought - now that musicplayer.com has a virtual studio centre on Rocket Network, what is stopping us in future working on music together, presuming enough of us have Cubase or Logic (though there are free versions of both that can be used with Rocket anyway)?


Just imagine the music that could be produced, if the stuff put up for this CD is any indication.


Anyway - just a thought.






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Ok http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif


Rocket Network (www.rocketnetwork.com) allows Cubase, Pro-tools or Logic users to collaborate. For those of you that use apps like that, here's how it works (for sake of demonstration will use Cubase and presume registration with Rocket has already occurred):


1. Open up Cubase

2. Click on Rocket button, log in to rocket network.

3. Record into Cubase as you normally would.

4. Select a track and click on post button in Cubase and that track appears in arrange window of other users you are working with.


That's it - easy as that. I have been involved in some super cool tunes, where 2 or 3 people have created a session in rocket and had a damn fun couple of hours. It is designed for pro users as well, where private sessions can be created and you choose who you want to take part. It was recently used by Sheryl Crow for a track in the film Bridget Jones' Diary, as Sheryl was on one side of the Atlantic, the musicians on the other.


Anyway - it's totally free to check out, they even have fully functional versions of Cubasis and Logic for free download. If you decide you like it I think it costs $10 a month. As a free user you can still contribute to public sessions etc, there is no functional limitation on what you can do except being able to create new sessions.


Hope that clarifies.







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surely discussing an actual way of forum users collaborating to create music TOGETHER is worth a look at?




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Dave - thanks for the clear explanation. I've been curious about Rocket Network. I could see myself using this extensively in the future.


One question, does everyone have to be using the same software? Can Logic share tracks with Cubase, for instance? Also, how much setup is involved before you can use this? Oh, and how do you establish a session with other musicians? Does a session have an id and a password like a conference call?


Thanks again!!

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Originally posted by dansouth@yahoo.com:

One question, does everyone have to be using the same software? Can Logic share tracks with Cubase, for instance? Also, how much setup is involved before you can use this? Oh, and how do you establish a session with other musicians? Does a session have an id and a password like a conference call?


Hi Dan -


1. Yes at this stage everyone does need to use the same software - my understanding is that the Rocket Developer's Kit is the basis for them all but each software company (steinberg, emagic etc), have added stuff that makes them a little different from each other.


2. Setup - will take a few mins to download and install rocket, only take 5-10 mins to be collaborating if you are familiar with using cubase etc.


3. No passwords on private sessions - basically each user determines via an interface who they want to be able to access the session. Free users can't do that so anyone can jump in.


keep well http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif







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