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Sniper at-large in MD/DC/VA

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Nine people have been shot with a long range weapon since Wednesday night. The sniper's most recent victim is a 13 yr old boy shot this morning as he was being dropped off at school. Six of the shootings have been linked together via forensics. The other three shootings' bullet fragments are too damaged to link to the same sniper but believed to be linked. [url=http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A53540-2002Oct7.html]Washington Post story[/url] Understandably, this is big news in my area. I wonder if folks not in the area also know. The motherf*cker/s needs to be hunted down.

aka riffing


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Yeah, this is a big-time national story. My mom used to live in Silver Spring until a couple years ago. Man, am I glad she moved out here to California. At least, I'll be glad until the next BIG earthquake hits us. I feel for you people around DC. That must be a pretty intimidating atmoshpere to live in right now. I hope they find this nut (or nuts) ASAFP!!!
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This morning's shooting was less than a 1/4 mile from my house. The sick fuck doing this [b]must[/b] be caught soon. There are a few different possibilities that have been considered. 1. The Michaels connection - The Wheaton, MD and Fredricksburg, VA shootings happened at Michaels crafts stores. Here in Bowie, the local Michaels store was burned down last Christmas due to arson. As far as I know the case had not been solved. I phoned my neighbor, who is a PG county cop, and reminded him of this arson just in case there was a link. He told me that they were already doing interviews there. 2. Terrorism - It is unfortunately possible that this could have terrorist ties. If so, it could be a way of distracting mass police resourses to provide an easier access to the DC area for something even deadlier than these shootings. Stores in the area are not doing much business today. My neighbors are staying close to home and many are quite afraid of things as ordinary as parking lots. Let's hope this murderer is soon caught and receives what he's due.
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It was unfortunate that schools lifted the blue code lockdown that disallowed school children from going outside. I don't blame them at all because up to this point, the sniper hadn't made children targets. I would like to think there is only one person - I'd hate to think that two or more people don't see this as anything but wrong and immoral. This person is a skilled marksman but is sick in the head. I also think the sniper is a man, as most serial killers are. Just thinking out loud, I'm not a detective or anything like that, but I think the sniper is enjoying showing off his skill but his psychosis is overlooking the fact he's killing people. He may be increasing his challenges to see how good he is. I think this is how he'll get caught. He'll up the challenge factor until he fails and when he does, he'll get sloppy and leave evidence that will lead to him. Maybe I watch too many detectice movies and shows.

aka riffing


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I tell you one thing, I'm paying attention whenever I'm outside. Earlier today, I took a break from work and went down with one of my buddies who smokes (I work in Rockville now) and here comes a white Mitsu box truck into the parking lot. I had a little adrenaline rush for an instant there, but 90% of the delivery trucks on the road are white...if the truck description is the only clue we've got, then we'll be at this for a while I'm afraid. Now, shooting children is a whole new low for this cretin. Funny, I've actually been putting off getting gas since this has been going on. Too much time out in the open. I'm driving the beater this week because it happened to have more gas in it. It's definitely terrorism by the definition of the word, whether it's being performed by a Muslim extremist, a right-wing radical or just some schmuck who needed more attention from his mommy when he was a kid. My neighbor reminded me the other day of something I said just after 9/11. I was playing devil's advocate but I was saying that if the terrorists REALLY wanted to scare people, they'd go after them where they live...just shooting people as they walk down the street or in their homes or whatever. If there are active terror cells in the US, I wouldn't put it past them to play that game eventually. Who knows? I just hope they catch this guy sooner rather than later!
None more black.
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PHONEY NEWS FLASH: TERRORISTS BELIEVED RESPONSIBLE FOR EXPLOSION AT NEW JERSEY REFINERY. 23 WORKERS KILLED....MANY MISSING. -------------------------------------------------- REAL DEAL NEWS FLASH: SNIPER KILLING ADULTS AND CHILDREN AT RANDOM AROUND THE D.C. AREA. -------------------------------------------------- Now, if you were inside the head of an Al Quida terrorist, which incident would instill more terror in the general population than the other, eh? Wouldn't surprise me if these guys are up to this stuff. And the French oil tanker explosion is another incident I consider highly suspicious.

Joe Pine (60's talk show host who sported a wooden leg) to Frank Zappa -- "So, with your long hair, I guess that makes you a woman." Frank Zappa's response -- "So, with your wooden leg, I guess that makes you a table."




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God bless, TinderArts and rog951, you're too close for comfort. How do you watch out for a sniper? I went to the ATM this evening and I caught myself looking at the trees and tops of buildings around it. But really, did I expect to see the barrel of a rifle from long range? I wonder if people are gonna start wearing bullet-proof vests. I am so glad I do not have any kids or I'd be a nervous wreck.

aka riffing


Double Post music: Strip Down




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[quote]Originally posted by riffing: [b]God bless, TinderArts and rog951, you're too close for comfort. How do you watch out for a sniper? I went to the ATM this evening and I caught myself looking at the trees and tops of buildings around it. But really, did I expect to see the barrel of a rifle from long range? I wonder if people are gonna start wearing bullet-proof vests. I am so glad I do not have any kids or I'd be a nervous wreck.[/b][/quote]Yeah, I can imagine the fear that having kids must add to the equation. I've got a fiance going to school at night and I worry about her out waiting for the bus or whatever. If it's any consolation, the guy seems to be getting worse...the last two victims didn't die (although I understand the kid from this morning is in serious danger of not making it :cry: ). Prevention? I think listening to lots of Metallica is the best defense for me. There's no way a sniper will be able to get a shot at my moving target head! I dunno, I think it just pays to be as aware of your surroundings as possible and if the hairs on the back of your neck ever stand up, go the other way...
None more black.
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This is the first I heard about it-that is definitely some bad shitte. What`s bad is, that every time something like this happens now it`s going to be `see? this is why we need to have cameras in your bathroom.`
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The Washington Post reports that a shell casing has been found here in Bowie. It could prove to be the best evidence so far. There is a small park accross the street from the school and the casing was found there. There is also one of those red light cameras at the intersection at the school. If the shooter ran the light, there could be a pic of him.
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Bunny [quote] Man, am I glad she moved out here to California. [/quote]I think(dont take this personal), that the next BIG hit will come on the left coast. The people on the East coast are freaked and have been. I am not saying that the people on the left coast are any different. I guess what I am asking is " Has alot of stuff changed out there as far as security goes?" I personally think that no security has been addressed in the way it needs to be anywhere.
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[quote]Originally posted by C.M.: [b]Bunny [quote] Man, am I glad she moved out here to California. [/quote]I think(dont take this personal), that the next BIG hit will come on the left coast. [/b][/quote]Well, I won't take it personal, but that does scare the SHITE out of me. Of course, I've considered the inevitability of a Left Coast attack. I live 15 miles from SF, and the GG Bridge, so I am well aware that my stomping ground is a realistic target for terrorism. [I'm also aware of the inevitability of the BIG earthquake hitting us. Scary stuff.] But, what can we [i]really[/i] do to prevent some total antisocial whacko from going on a sniping rampage???
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[quote]Originally posted by dBunny: [b]But, what can we [i]really[/i] do to prevent some total antisocial whacko from going on a sniping rampage???[/b][/quote]Don't know. But here's something that should help in catching the sniper: The reward for info resulting in the capture has increased from its original value of $50K to over $240K.

aka riffing


Double Post music: Strip Down




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If a person knows for sure who it is, yes, they should turn them in. It's possible that person could be scared of being shot if they attempt to turn the sniper to the police. $240K may make it worth the risk. Maybe I watch too many movies, but I figure there may be people out there who are good at finding people (PIs) and this money could make them interested in working on it or work harder if they alread are. Don't know about you, but I've seen what money can do for people's motivation. When it comes down to it, if dancing naked in the rain will help catch the sniper, I'd do it. The reward can only help, IMO.

aka riffing


Double Post music: Strip Down




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[quote]Originally posted by riffing: [b]>>>When it comes down to it, if dancing naked in the rain will help catch the sniper, I'd do it<<<[/b][/quote]Well Riff, you really won't know for sure until you try it! So get out there and cut that rug before the lunatic nutbag strikes again! :eek:
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Seems to me that there was a movie years ago called "Black Sunday" about terrorists who try to blow something up at a Superbowl. Now, it's been a long time, and I may have gotten my movies mixed up, but I believe one of the terrorists began sniping at random citizens before the attack, just to check his skills. Our agency, NOAA, lost one of its own to the current sniper attacks. The thing I don't understand is that I can understand being pissed off at someone. For example, some wacko gets fired from a Michael's and vows revenge. I don't condone it, but if the wacko went after their boss I could understand (but not agree). But this is totally screwed.
"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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[quote] Just heard a copter fly by and saw one earlier today and they aren't for traffic reports. Have also seen more patrol cars. I'm glad the authorities are mobilized. [/quote]Yeah, they say now that they're having copters comb the area almost constantly. My house is basically the epicenter of all this shit, my girl is so freaked she bobs and weaves on the way to the car from work. My sister teaches school in Bowie, elementary school, but only about 2 miles from the middle school. Scary as shit. Hey Roj, where in Rockville? I'm in Bethesda, right off of Old Georgetown Road. You'll be able to spot me because I'll be walking out of my building next to a girl ducking and weaving... My question to everyone on the outside is this: Does Montgomery County seem, from the people interviewed and our speech-impedified police chief, like a giant hick town? We're one of the richest counties in the nation, and I swear the only people they're interviewing are functionally illiterate.
Andrew Mazzocchi
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[quote]Originally posted by Ultravibe: [b][QUOTE] My question to everyone on the outside is this: Does Montgomery County seem, from the people interviewed and our speech-impedified police chief, like a giant hick town? We're one of the richest counties in the nation, and I swear the only people they're interviewing are functionally illiterate.[/b][/quote]Nah, Ultravibe, every city in America is full of people like that. They're always the ones who get interviewed, for some reason.
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My condolences to all those who have been affected by these idiots. :cry: My guess: 50/50 odds it's some nutcase or it is terrorists. Flip the coin, place your bets. I tend to lean towards the former, but you'd have to be silly to discount the possibility of the later. The guy's a [i]trained[/i] shot, but not a [i]great[/i] shot. I have not seen any range estimates on the shots, but anything under 500 meters with a M16A1 or similar weapon (especially if it has optics installed) is a fairly easy "center mass" shot. Especially when the "target" isn't shooting back, or even expecting you to be firing upon them... and if the attacks are indeed as random as they appear to be, the sniper simply waits for a better shot or easier target. That's one thing that leads me to think it's NOT a highly trained sniper. Secondly, choice of weapon. The 5.56 mm NATO / Rem .223 is not exactly the first choice for long range sniper use. Third is the percentages. This guy's no GYSGT Carlos Hathcock, that's for sure... thank goodness. It's bad enough, but a really well trained sniper, under those conditions would be expected to do one shot / one kill nearly every time - not 6 out of 9 (66%). Terrorists are not always the most highly trained people in the world, but some of them certainly can be capable of this level of shooting. But their usual mothod is more likely to be what we saw in Kuwait today - a couple guys come in with AK47's set to full auto and "spray" the place. And SOUND DIAGNOSIS is right - it's not always the huge and spectacular type of terrorism attacks that instil the most fear - it's the fairly frequent, yet sporadic smaller attacks such as car bombs, anthrax letters and sniping that tend to make the largest percentage of people within the target society feel that "no one's safe". That's a major goal for terrorists. As for vests, most vests are not going to really stop a rifle round - they're designed for protection from (the much less powerful by way of comparison) handgun rounds. The ones that can are extremely expensive, heavy and probably not for sale to civillians in the DC area. But wear 'em if you've got 'em. Can't hurt. But don't waste your money if you don't already own one just because of this. How to spot a sniper? Chances are good you won't if they are any good at all. Elevated positions with cover / concealment and little chance of a random detection, where a sniper can prepare and sight in undisturbed are the locations a sniper would normally prefer. I've heard reports of the possibility of the sniper using a white panel truck such as a box truck or van. That's possible... but now that it's all over the news, chances are good they'll change their methods. Use it once and it's a surprise... use it twice and you may get away with it.... but keeping to the same MO over and over is a sure way to get nailed. Let's hope these idiots ARE that stupid. A trained military sniper wouldn't be. The local PD's don't seem to really have a clue on this. IMO, they need to get some trained people involved in this ASAP - FBI's HRT shooters are very good, and they'd be my first choice for the assignment - short of bringing in the Marines. But what's going to probably initially get these idiots is local civillians seeing something and calling it in. "Shoot and scoot" snipers are always going to be harder to get than someone who remains in position like Charles Whitman did at the Texas Tower back in '66. Best way to take out a sniper? Good recon / observation and intel, and another sniper. Take advantage of - or better yet, force them to make a mistake. Probably the best thing I've seen them do so far is to insult the guy - assuming it's a nutcase, that's a classic Psy-ops technique. I hope they get the bastard(s) soon. :evil: :mad: Everybody PLEASE be safe, okay?
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