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i love it all


i know im drawn to the stress-relieving humour of curve and co, hell i exfoliate my mind with verbal/textually crap-speak almost daily on boards such as this, and all the better for it



tall poppies look nice where they are but if their tone is condecending, they get cut down in the funniest of ways



keep the tongue in cheek, and the self rightiousness at a minimum.


yeah nice weather eh?


to miroslav is guess that should read "lepo vreme!!!"



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Steve... Scott... whatever, welcome to the forum. I go away

for a few days and miss all the fun... I have a cable modem

(bragging again huh?) and still haven't downloaded your tunes

yet, but I will.


Soapbox, Gentle Giant... very nice! They're the band that

kept me from getting lucky on prom night!

Got Twang? www.DeSotoRust.com


"Interesting fact: the more gear a band brings in, the less people show up. This rule is almost universally true." JJ the Blue Moon

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this is sure an entertaining thread!


welcome scott.


here's my opinion on links/spam:


these forums are about sharing information. since you started off promoting your music, now everyone knows that that's your main reason for being here. it's quite obvious (from listening to your stuff & reading the "horn arranging" thread elsewhere) that you know your stuff, and i'm sure you'll have some great answers to arranging questions in the near future.


i would suggest (as has already been mentioned) that you tone down the promotion.


modesty and humility go a long way.

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Originally posted by Curve Dominant:

Hey everybody!


My name is Dick Spamalot, a professional musician from Palookaville...


I thought I would torture you with some demos of my playing and writing...


My main instrument of torture is guitar...


I know it's tacky and tasteless for me to do this in this forum, but I think it's the best way for everyone to get to know the real me...


I have a web site with nearly 1600 complete demos of my music, but I will narrow it down to several hundred demos to save anyone with absolutely no life time in having to navigate my whole site...


You should be able to just click on each link to hear a complete demo (since you're all complete idiots and so new to this internet thingy)...if not:


(You'll need Real Patience 8 Basic for much of this, but I'll give you a link to my mp3 page at the bottom of this post, which has an abbreviated selection)


Real Patience


To get started...


Here's a boring/fusion/rock solo of mine from a gig back in 1978 where I trade solos with the kazoo player...


Solo 3196


I played/recorded a drum solo to which I then played/added a meanderingly pointless guitar solo...


Me-myself and I


Here's one of many mediocre songs I've written, engineered and produced with my co-witer Fonda Cox


Get It Together-STREAMING


Get It Together-SPEWING


Here's a boring bit of guitar wanking of mine from a gig back in 1995...


Wanking Solo 25,371


Here's a heavier kind of wanking I did just for kicks...both streaming and spewing


Someday My Clue Will Come-STREAMING


Someday My Clue Will Come-SPEWING


Here's a monotonuous blues solo of mine from a gig back in 1988...


Monotonous Blues Solo


Here's an excruciatingly bad jazz guitar solo of mine from a gig back in 1991..


Excruciating Jazz Solo 13


Here are some bloody awful compositions of mine from my web site:

(I sequenced all the instruments - genius!)... no guitar on these (thank God)...


Bloody Awful Composition 2


Bloody Fucking Awful Composition 1


Really Bloody Fucking Awful Composition 3


Here's a dated and irrelevant solo guitar arrangement of mine recorded during performance to an empty dive bar back in May 2001...


Irrelevant Guitar Piece


Here's a pseudo-hip-trendy-genre-of-your-choice project I'm working on with a keyboardist friend of mine, Jack Ballzoff...Jack: all keyboards; Me: wanking, sucking, boring, drum loop noodling, butchering/hacking...


Pseudo-Hip-Trendy-Genre-Of-Your-Choice Project


Here's a Stripper Bar Show Soundtrack...I performed the entire thing on my Korg Karma keyboard into ProTools, scoring it to the video file provided by the Porn Company (in between wanking sessions, but those are the perks!)...


Buttcheeks of the Universe


Well, that's way too much, but, when you suck as much as I do, too much is never enough, right??!!!


Thanks for not puking! (???)


Please visit my gratuitiously narcissistic site to get tortured more and learn more about me and how clueless and pathetic my music (if you dare call it that) is...




Peace (if you can find some, and if you have to subject yourself to my music in a search for some, well...I wish you luck, with great trepidation).


Dick Spamalot


MY MP3 (Mutherfucking Pathetic to the 3rd power) PAGE


[ 01-02-2002: Message edited by: Curve Dominant ]


Oh, my goodness! The things that happen when your turn your back on the boards for a few days! I'm not ROTF, but I can assure you that tears are streaming down my cheeks - no, not THOSE cheeks...


Good Lord, Curve, you made my day...


Scott, you're obviously a smart guy with a lot to offer. If no one has pointed you in the right direction yet, please check out the "Is Your Music Any Good?" thread. It's where we share our MP3 links.


I know we're a little more crazy here than most other forums, but the people here are amazing. When you become part of the community, you'll learn a LOT by hanging with this crew. Now, lest you think that becoming part of the community is difficult, please note that most people don't get the same greeting that you did. So, here's a suggestion... Hang out, watch what's going on, and then do like the Romans do. The key is to blend while remaining distinctive.


BTW, I responded to a couple of your other posts. You have some interesting ideas. Welcome aboard.

The Black Knight always triumphs!


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Originally posted by Sjonesmusic:


I hoped to just get my music out there, and develop some relationships without all the dancing around the issue...I am simply too busy to spend a ton of time posting gradual posts...I thought I'd cut to the chase, that's all...


Well, ya know what? We're all pretty busy, too. If you want to cut to the chase, jump on over to the "Is You Music Any Good?" thread and listen to some OTHER people's tunes. Offer some genuine comments. You'll find that people really appreciate that and will offer to reciprocate.


That's how it works, my friend. Do you love your fellow musician enough to listen to his work and offer constructive criticism, or are you just in it for the adulation? If the former is true, stick around. Otherwise, go back to the nitwit forum.


NOTE: There's a similar MP3 thread available on Dave Bryce's keyboard forum. It's called "Let's Hear It!!"

The Black Knight always triumphs!


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I think you`re nothing but a great guy. You`re probably a great musician as well, I haven`t had time to check it out. I probably will. But PLEASE have some self-irony. You`re a human being just as the rest of us. I would say that your first post gave me the impression of someone who felt very important: It felt kinda like this:




I could never start out like that, partly because I don`t have the references to do so, and partly because I feel its unnecessary. Its not what you have done, its what you can do for us that is important for us other people. You should have done a quick bit of board research before you introduced yourself.


I would suggest losing some of that pride and take Curve`s post with a smile.

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Originally posted by Curious_G:

Soapbox, Gentle Giant... very nice! They're the band that

kept me from getting lucky on prom night!


If thats what you have to tell yourself...... ;)


This whole thread is just TOO FUNNY. There should be some kind of cover charge or something for this level of entertainment! Welcome Scott from a fellow relative newcomer/Scott!

Again, hello and thank you to all the members of this forum for totally cracking me up!


Scott Benson


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Please post you stuff in 128KBPS MP3 format. Real Player is a pain in the butt and I hate installing it on my PC - it tries to take over everything and is an annoying little app. And every RA thing I ever heard sounded swirly - like low-res MP3 - maybe because people are encoding poorly, but whatever.


Check the IYMAG Post and you'll see that MP3 is widely, if not exclusively used (except for your recent addition). After all the commotion, I figured I'd check out your tunes, but akkk! RA files.



Steve Powell - Bull Moon Digital


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Originally posted by Harp Heaven:



I think you`re nothing but a great guy. You`re probably a great musician as well, I haven`t had time to check it out. I probably will. But PLEASE have some self-irony. You`re a human being just as the rest of us. I would say that your first post gave me the impression of someone who felt very important: It felt kinda like this:




I could never start out like that, partly because I don`t have the references to do so, and partly because I feel its unnecessary. Its not what you have done, its what you can do for us that is important for us other people. You should have done a quick bit of board research before you introduced yourself.


I would suggest losing some of that pride and take Curve`s post with a smile.


I appreciate your observations, but you couldn't be further from the truth of my intentions, and motivation...


I never boasted about how "great" I supposedly was...and if you had any chance to know me, you would know that I actually loathe self-promotion, but more than anything, I feel fortunate and privileged to not only be alive, but to be able to make music...


I felt that my first post reflected that I was mindful about whether or not it was too forward, but I thought it was not...


I had no idea that it would be met with such a flurry of chastisement...


Frankly, I have absolutely no need whatsoever for adulation...I posted my music to share it...like it or hate it...I could care less...I do what I do, and have plenty of respect in "real" life, and discussion boards are just a way of connecting with people for the sharing of ideas...


Curve and I are fine...we have made peace, moving on...please...


You are right, I should have researched the board, but I did not...


I am sorry, and did NOT intend offense to anyone...


If you had researched me, before being so quick to be the next to slap my hand, you would know that my entire motive for making music, is to help people...not GET anything of it: whether it be respect, accolades, or whatever...


I live to give back what I've been given...


I would like to join in the discussion and NOT continue this debate over my "method" of introduction anymore...


Thank you...





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Originally posted by stevepow:

OK, I found the MP3s - wow that site of yours is quite a Shrine.


Quite a "shrine"?


So, now my site's motives are in question?


Does anyone in here have any kind of reply above sarcasm?


Listen, I have been MORE than patient with this whole "hazing-slap-on-the-wrist-we'll-show-this-guy-with-our-every-reply" attitude...


I have done MORE than apologize, and would appreciate silence over contempt...


You know why I have such an extensive site?


Because I LIVED...I shouldn't be here, or at the very least my life was weeks away from being a vegetable, and I lived...


The kind of life I've had instead has been miraculous, and more than I could have imagined...


So, I wish to share it with as many people as possible...


Jaques Cousteau said it best: "If any man has had the privilege of living an extraordinary life, he has no right to keep it to himself"


I have taken the heat for my indiscretion in this forum, but will NOT take some wave of crap, because my website is in depth...


Does anyone in here wish to just talk about music?





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Welcome. There are a bunch of other threads on this forum where people are indeed talking about music. Your only hope is to go to one of those threads and jump into the conversation. It'll never happen on this thread.


But I gotta say this is one I read all the way through. It's like a work of collective performance art.




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Originally posted by Dan South:


Well, ya know what? We're all pretty busy, too. If you want to cut to the chase, jump on over to the "Is You Music Any Good?" thread and listen to some OTHER people's tunes. Offer some genuine comments. You'll find that people really appreciate that and will offer to reciprocate.


That's how it works, my friend. Do you love your fellow musician enough to listen to his work and offer constructive criticism, or are you just in it for the adulation? If the former is true, stick around. Otherwise, go back to the nitwit forum.


NOTE: There's a similar MP3 thread available on Dave Bryce's keyboard forum. It's called "Let's Hear It!!"


I've just joined this forum, and fully intend on listening to as much music as possible of those within, unfortunately, I've spent the majority of my time defending this post...


I will participate, but I haven't even been given much more than, "you screwed up" since I've joined...


Upon Craig's recommendation, I DID post in the thread you mentioned in here...


I have been given no chance, but the kind welcomes of a few, to even interact beyond this badgering...


How dare you accuse me of "not loving my fellow musician enough"...you don't even know me...


I done...

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I have been given no chance, but the kind welcomes of a few, to even interact beyond this badgering...


Look, fella, you had the same chance as anyone who signs up here. Do you see other newbies being "badgered"? With the exception of the occasional troll, no, you don't. Why did it happen to you? Maybe for the same reasons that it's happened elsewhere. You know the saying: If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten. You have a chance, here, for a fresh start in a VERY reasonable internet community. But you are doing everything in your power to make this difficult. Why? Do you find solace in the rejection of others?


How dare you accuse me of "not loving my fellow musician enough"...you don't even know me...


How on earth do you WALK with that chip on your shoulder. I asked "Do you love your fellow musician enough to listen to their music?" It was a question, not an accusation. It was a rhetorical question. It was designed to make you think about something and answer for yourself in your own heart. We don't care whether you played a musical instrument for the very first time today or whether you're the reincarnation of Mozart. You're welcome to be a part of this community. But being a part of a community requires a give and take, not "Hi, I'm here! How do you like me so far?"


Yes, I now see that you've posted your music links to the proper thread, but I haven't seen you say, "Hey, Joe So-and-so, I listened to Song X. Great mix! What effects did you use on the guitar?" Yet you have time to post, "Has anybody checked out my stuff yet?" Are you GETTING THE PICTURE? Is the one-sidedness of this equation beginning to make an impression? How much more simply does this need to be stated?


Stephen Covey suggest that we "seek first to understand, then to be understood." You don't know anything about us. You haven't taken time to get to "understand" the members of this forum. You obviously did not read far enough to know about the IYMAG thread, and that was on the very first page. Instead, you showed up and said, "Here's my stuff! Check it out!" And you got a predictable reaction. That's like walking into a party and shouting, "Hello, everybody! Am I cool, or WHAT?" You've read the responses, and you've since discussed this issue with the moderator. But even after all of that, you STILL aren't making an effort to participate beyond "badgering" people into listening to your music and snapping at members who have tried to offer you some straight advice.


Okay, fine. You don't want my advice. I won't beat you over the head with it. It's there in black and white for you to consider if and when you're ready. All I will add now is that if you follow my suggestions, you will find the reception here to be a bit warmer than what you've experienced thus far. If you choose to ignore this advice, well, I DID try, my friend. I did try.


[ 01-06-2002: Message edited by: Dan South ]

The Black Knight always triumphs!


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Did you bother to read my reply to the horn arranging thread?


I've tried to add to the forum content, beyond this thread...


Do you not get that my first week in this forum, was never intended to be a plea for adulation...nor was it intended to be a defense of my introduction...?


Geez, I said "hello, here's my music, I mean you no harm"...and I got a bullet in the head for it...


I have not made this difficult, I have tried to explain as clearly as possible, my intentions...and at this point, I'm becoming impatient with having this kind of response, in spite of my every effort to assure that I have the most giving intentions...


I have NEVER been treated this way in ANY forum EVER for sharing my music, and it has often been in THIS format...so my methods have worked before, WITHOUT such reprisal...


As far as the perceived "chip"...I did not come in here with a cocky statement which you so deftly paraphrased as "look at me" or something...


I have no chip, but I'm tired of explaining this...and doubt I will ever make it clear, as the gavel keeps pounding away...no matter what I've said or done...it has made my usually limitless patience grow very thin...


As far as listening to others' music goes, I have every intention of doing so, and WILL do so...


Will I take your advice?


Do I seek wisdom? Am I teachable? Always...


But I can't say that this has been entirely wise counsel from everyone...


Seeking to understand...

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Originally posted by Sjonesmusic:


Quite a "shrine"?


So, now my site's motives are in question?


Does anyone in here have any kind of reply above sarcasm?


Listen, I have been MORE than patient with this whole "hazing-slap-on-the-wrist-we'll-show-this-guy-with-our-every-reply" attitude...


I have done MORE than apologize, and would appreciate silence over contempt...


You know why I have such an extensive site?


Because I LIVED...I shouldn't be here, or at the very least my life was weeks away from being a vegetable, and I lived...


The kind of life I've had instead has been miraculous, and more than I could have imagined...


So, I wish to share it with as many people as possible...


Jaques Cousteau said it best: "If any man has had the privilege of living an extraordinary life, he has no right to keep it to himself"


I have taken the heat for my indiscretion in this forum, but will NOT take some wave of crap, because my website is in depth...


Does anyone in here wish to just talk about music?







Wow dude, I dont think that was meant the way you took it(I suppose I could be wrong- its happened before.). I dont think of a shrine as a bad thing. Your site isnt your average, run of the mill little check out my MP3 site. Its huge! It looks great and very pro to me, but the MP3s could download a little faster, and I have a cable modem. Personally, I would let the posts roll of my back a little more if I were you, but like you've said to others, I dont know you...Maybe thats how you are, but to me you seem like a nice enough guy. Laugh at yourself, poke fun back, and get on with the music. Just my opinion, take it for what its worth.

Scott Benson


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I'll just add that you will not find a more reasonable poster than Dan South and I think he sets one of the finest examples of, at least, a "virtual person" as anyone I can think of - I don't know if he's religious or not, but he demonstrates by example not by proclamation. I can see you taking issue with Curve - I can never even tell where he is coming from - and with me; though I have relatives in Phily, my sarcasm can be taken at face value. Some of us poked you pretty hard, but several others like Dan were earnestly trying to be helpful and you have to be plain hard-headed not to see that.


Your Self-aggrandizing Web Site and and the "Hey, has anyone listened yet" post were at such odds with your Christian rhetoric (yeah I know Christians aren't perfect - I read that post too) that I found it nothing less than amazing. Proclaiming your faith in whatever at whatever frenetic pace and volume does not absolve you from being FOS - at least not on earth.


BTW, I thought your post on arranging was pretty interesting. I look forward to working thru some examples on that.

Steve Powell - Bull Moon Digital


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Originally posted by Magical Pig:



Wow dude, I dont think that was meant the way you took it(I suppose I could be wrong- its happened before.). I dont think of a shrine as a bad thing. Your site isnt your average, run of the mill little check out my MP3 site. Its huge! It looks great and very pro to me, but the MP3s could download a little faster, and I have a cable modem. Personally, I would let the posts roll of my back a little more if I were you, but like you've said to others, I dont know you...Maybe thats how you are, but to me you seem like a nice enough guy. Laugh at yourself, poke fun back, and get on with the music. Just my opinion, take it for what its worth.


I probably took it the wrong way...


But this whole thing has made me a bit testy...


Sorry guys, I'm burnt, it's been a long day...


Thanks for trying to point me in the right direction...


I do appreciate it...



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Originally posted by stevepow:

I'll just add that you will not find a more reasonable poster than Dan South and I think he sets one of the finest examples of, at least, a "virtual person" as anyone I can think of - I don't know if he's religious or not, but he demonstrates by example not by proclamation. I can see you taking issue with Curve - I can never even tell where he is coming from - and with me; though I have relatives in Phily, my sarcasm can be taken at face value. Some of us poked you pretty hard, but several others like Dan were earnestly trying to be helpful and you have to be plain hard-headed not to see that.


Your Self-aggrandizing Web Site and and the "Hey, has anyone listened yet" post were at such odds with your Christian rhetoric (yeah I know Christians aren't perfect - I read that post too) that I found it nothing less than amazing. Proclaiming your faith in whatever at whatever frenetic pace and volume does not absolve you from being FOS - at least not on earth.


BTW, I thought your post on arranging was pretty interesting. I look forward to working thru some examples on that.


I don't understand why asking that question was "against my Christian faith"...


"Self Aggrandizing"?


So my site should be smaller, or less extensive, just so it doesn't rub someone the wrong way?


It's about my life and my work, that's all...


I never said my life was better, more important, more worthy of any praise...just: "here's my life"...


So love me or hate me...I stand by my life and my presentation of it...


Again, I'm tired...so...sorry if this has been too strongly worded tonight...


Praying for peace,



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Quite a "shrine"?


So, now my site's motives are in question?


Does anyone in here have any kind of reply above sarcasm?


Steve was complimenting your web site. Why did you assume that his compliment was an attack?


Listen, I have been MORE than patient with this whole "hazing-slap-on-the-wrist-we'll-show-this-guy-with-our-every-reply" attitude...


For the record, we do not haze people here. Look back through all of the posts and see if you can find some record of this type of behavior before making a comment like this.


And no, you have NOT been patient. You've been self-righteous, defensive, and condescending on numerous occasions despite the apologies that you've offered.


I have done MORE than apologize, and would appreciate silence over contempt...


So have we. And so would we.


You know why I have such an extensive site?


Because I LIVED...


And also because you put a lot of time and effort and care into developing your web site, which is more than most of us can claim. But you failed to perceive a direct compliment on this magnificent piece of work, mistaking if for a malicious comment. Are you that suspicious of people in general?


So, I wish to share it with as many people as possible...


Jaques Cousteau said it best: "If any man has had the privilege of living an extraordinary life, he has no right to keep it to himself"


If Jacques Cousteau had run up to you on the street and said, "Here - watch my program!" you would have thought he was a nut case. It helps to get to know people first.


I have taken the heat for my indiscretion in this forum, but will NOT take some wave of crap, because my website is in depth...


This is just out of control, sorry...


[ 01-06-2002: Message edited by: Dan South ]

The Black Knight always triumphs!


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Scott. I went to your site and listened to your music.

I think you are a very accomlished guitar player, and being a guitar player myself and being into the same sorts of players as you, I must say i was impressed. You are very good.


When i went to your site, i was impressed yet again.

I am always impressed with people who accomplish alot at a high level.

Your drawings are great and your lessons are good.

You are obviously an organized, determined individual with a good grip on organization and goal setting.


So there it is as far as i can figure.

People like you, piss people off.

You make others feel inadequate and they resent you for it.


So far you are dealing with it well, but what the solution is , i am curious to find out.

I hope you stick it out, and show everyone here what you've got and that you are authentically just into what you are into and seeking others of the same mind.


It doesn't make any sense to me that you should have to defend yourself for being an agressive achiever and living "closer to the heart" so to speak, but such is our society.


I'm still behind you and your way of doing things here.

Be yourself.

But you know that already.


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Originally posted by stevepow:

I'll just add that you will not find a more reasonable poster than Dan South and I think he sets one of the finest examples of, at least, a "virtual person" as anyone I can think of - I don't know if he's religious or not, but he demonstrates by example not by proclamation.


Steve, thank you! That was probably the nicest unsolicited compliment that I've ever received - well, from a GUY, anyway. ;)


Seriously, I'm...incredibly humbled! How can I ever repay you? Can I come down and help you shovel some snow? ;)


[ 01-06-2002: Message edited by: Dan South ]

The Black Knight always triumphs!


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posted by Steve Powell:

I can see you taking issue with Curve - I can never even tell where he is coming from




I just came from Club Life. It's at the corner of 3rd and Market Streets. DJ Lorne was spinning underground house. Oshia and I were drinking vodka & cranberries.


Now you know: that's where Curve is coming from. And we arrived by taxi cab.


I hope this clears things up.


E :)

Eric Vincent (ASCAP)


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Scott, I haven't said so yet, but welcome. Our community is made up of a lot of different people, and different attitudes, different tolerance levels to different things - I think that's been made quite obvious here... :P


I haven't yet had the chance to hit your site, but when I do I'll let you know..sounds pretty extensive!


I know how you feel with all this; one of my first posted topics ended up being a semi-flamefest; if you look at the number of posts I have that's where a lot of them came from...(and no, I won't post a link to that thread - I'm happy it's been dead for a long time .. :D )


Anyway, stick around, learn, educate, and feel free to post as you will. If you feel the loose netiquette specific to this forum helps you, follow it, if not, be a rebel - there's always room for one more.. :D





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