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Can I Scream NOW..... or should I cry???

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Originally posted by Ani:

Originally posted by TheWewus:

Sorry to be a pain, but you fixed it on the outside liner notes but not the inside. Still need the- THE, on the inside.



Where, specifically, are you referring to; I thought I caught all of them? The red backgrounds, if that's what you are referencing, are the old designs and are being replaced by the top designs with the lighter colors.

OK, looks good then.
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Originally posted by 20to20:



Your graphics are extremely professional-looking

and perfect for this project...


You sure are a quick study... ;)



Thanks Bob,


I've been doing graphics for quite some time now, just never CD covers.


The thing that I'm a novice at is PHP and forum hosting. I do have a forum back up and ready for private discussions, I just haven't got the SOMA content imported back into it. For that, I have contracted my nephew to use his expertise in making the move so not to lose any data. He writes script and code for a living, so he should be able to do the task.


I'm going to make an attempt to fine tune the text for JackPine on the CD design, so that the clarity of the fonts are right where we need them to be. Once I have got the CD graphics completed, I intend to finish writing the article about the Fantasy League in between working on my two music projects "Where I've Been" and "Cheap Talking Fool", meanwhile, I hope to migrate discussions for each back over into the Private Forum. The address is the same as before, but you will need to re-register.

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The layout design looks nice, but as Cymbals has stated, the resolution for quality printing is lacking. JackPine and I have been discussing this through emails.


When you go to print the images, the text is blurred. I have downloaded a demo version of Quark Xpress, which is a top of the line product for creating these types of graphic design. Problem is, for the Quark Xpress alone, it's $995.00; if I decide I want Adobe Creative Suite to accompany the Quark, it's an additional $1,195.00. KILL ME NOW. :freak:


The demo version will only allow 5 times of printing the works and will embed the words DEMO VERSION into the design; they want to make sure you BUY the product. No freebie print designs, not even ONE.


Thing is, my sister (the annoying one that I spent Christmas with, for those of you that caught that thread over in SSS) owns a registered copy of Quark Xpress 4.1 and also the Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. She has a BA in Graphic Arts and could assist me if I run into problems.


I'm liking what I see in the demo, and right now I'm trying to figure out where the command is to layer the text over the images. What seems to be simple in the other programs I use, does not apply here in this one. I'm sure it's just a minor thing I'm overlooking, but ....


Anyway, if I can get this demo going without too much problem.... I have already called my sister to see if she would allow me to come over and use her set up to complete this task in a FULLY professional format that will allow quality printing for the finals.


I hope that ya'll realize the dreaded doom that I will be subjecting myself to. I love her dearly, but my sister drives me up a wall. I'll be paying for this one with blood for quite some time to come. :D .... and I thought Microsoft Developer was expensive. :freak: If I could afford the Quark, I'd go ahead and purchase it; it would definitely be a worthwhile expenditure if I decide that I want to offer graphic arts and print designs as a service.

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Originally posted by Ani:

Problem is, for the Quark Xpress alone, it's $995.00; if I decide I want Adobe Creative Suite to accompany the Quark, it's an additional $1,195.00. KILL ME NOW. :freak:


I hope that ya'll realize the dreaded doom that I will be subjecting myself to. I love her dearly, but my sister drives me up a wall. I'll be paying for this one with blood for quite some time to come. :D

It's seems like paying the $995.00 would be

cheaper than the corpuscles...


And you could write it off as a business expense... ;)



BTW, Quark may be the standard, but there are,

as you may know, many other (cheaper) options

that can get the job done, too...


Good luck,



Bob Phillips


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This program is incredible, but it is INTENSE :eek::eek::eek:


A lot of the things that are just passe in the quick graphics programs require commands inside this program to give functionality to certain features. The compact programs are simplified to make them user-friendly, whereas this one is complex and sophisticated with advanced technology. You can always tell when you're working with PROFESSIONAL tools; you have to learn to interpret the language.


Definitely not one of Microsoft's corporate buddies though; it's an entirely different platform. I'm proficient with many MS products, and I'm wondering if there is a MS product that parallels this one available. It would probably be a whole lot easier to adjust to, language wise.

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Hi Ani,


If you ever do decide you need to splash out on Adobe stuff, let me know. I am a reseller of Adobe and Macromedia stuff so could ship to you at near cost. Not suggesting that needs to occur for FL, only if you were thinking of buying the software anyway...

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Thanks Dave,


If you would want to email me the prices of Adobe Creative Suite (? on suite) at anifa@musicbizbuzz.net, just to give me an idea of how much we'd be talking about, it'd be nice. Don't know if I can swing it right now, but it's worth checking into. Are you familiar with the "InDesign" product offered by Adobe??? I read a few articles relative to it being a contender for Quark Xpress; just wondering if anyone has first hand knowledge of the comparison.


This Quark is "NICE" ... complicated as a new platform somewhat unfamiliar to me... but WOWZA, the page that I printed out is VERY HIGH QUALITY resolution and it's looks like it came hot off the press from a PRO printing company....(the program won't allow me to save anything in the trial version... which is a real bite, because if I were to decide to buy it... to finish out this project, I'd have to do all the design work ALL OVER AGAIN :freak: ) I can't even save what I have thus far to take it over to my sister's place and import the work done so far.


I still have not figured out how to drop the images into the background of the Quark, but, I figured out how to manipulate the gradient coloring tools for background colors, and also the framing tool, so I was able to get the same basic effect that I had captured in PhotoImpact that I displayed online... that will cover the inside credits portion of the 2fold page. I still need to figure out how to layer the text over the images though, and if not that, at least figure out how to wrap the text around the photo image. This program is entirely different from any imaging program that I've ever used; and I've used a few... Microsoft Products, PhotoImpact, GIF Animator, ArcSoft imaging, Coffee Cup, Photo Suite, Picture It (Adobe), and a few others that I'm sure that I haven't mentioned.


I've been at this, in reading the tutorials and working on applying the new (to me) techniques all day.... since about 9:30 a.m. and it's now 1:00 a.m. But DAMN!!!!! Even with a big grey "Quark XPress Demo" running through the middle of the print out I did on the credits page.... this is awesome looking. And you can even clearly read the fine print... :D

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Yeah, I'm still awake and with my nose stuck in this Quark program. I went to do a search to find the better prices on the Quark XPress, and lowandbehold, I found what I tried finding earlier... a forum discussing the differences between Quark and Indesign; sounds like Indesign has gained a lot of respect. Here's the link: http://studentpress.journ.umn.edu/acp/forums/~0815.html


Dave, definitely shoot me a price on Indesign, but also, the Creative bundle had Indesign included... if it's the full version of Indesign and the other programs such as Photoshop, Acrobat, Illustrator and whatever else was included... the better deal might be the Premium package. If they are watered down versions (MS Works as opposed to MS Office :rolleyes: ) bundled into one; then full versions of individual programs would probably be the better route to take.

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Ani, InDesign is the way to go, especially for jobs that are heavy graphics & pictures. I'm not sure about doing a 72 page catalog, but for CD liner design & small jobs, it's perfect. I had a long document to do, but I chickened out & did it Quark. I've been using InDesign since Sept of last year. The last Keyboard Corner Compilation was done in it. It is processor intensive, especially using high resolution view on your pictures. I think of it as almost as good at handling text as Quark, with some Illustrator & Photoshop features. It is way more flexible than Quark, it doesn't care whether it's an .ai file, an .eps, .tif, .psd, as long as it's not a jpeg &/or rgb, where as Quark only likes .tif & .eps. It's stable, at least it's stable on a Mac, & a lot of people have it. If they don't, you can export as an eps, fonts embedded for someone to output in Illustrator or Quark. The CS is improved over 2.0, but is not backwards compatible. I've only found 1 service bureau that has CS. The suite is the way to go, because for the price of Quark, you'll get Indesign, Illustrator, & Photoshop.


If you want me to finish the CD, I'll do it for you. If you want to learn Quark or InDesign, etc., I recommend you keep going & struggle through it.




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