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Can I Scream NOW..... or should I cry???

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I've just spent the last two days... pretty much committed to this CD design layout... and it sho looked nice on the screen..... Uhhhhh... I went to print it out and :cry::cry::cry: you can't read the print legibly. I'm going to have to completey redo the credits.... AND THAT WAS MAJOR TIME CONSUMING!!!!! ARGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!


The web page does not show what I have to exact specs, but it will give you guys a good idea of what's coming.... I went to full white font on the back cover on the web to show the difference in clarity (also it's larger, whereas the credits can't go any larger without running off the page, but they'll show better in wite that a gradient fill that looked good with the cover art)



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Thanks guys, I appreciate your compliments... I'm a bit frustrated for now. I should have checked early on to see how the text art would look in print prior to designing the whole thing.


Well, I've been messing around with this and I'm going to have to regroup them a bit and make the text at least a size bigger to make it legible. To do this, I will have to eliminate the spaces that separate names....... I found a nice hue that is not actually white, but light enough not to fade into the background; yet compliments the color of the graphic. I'm dead on my feet and I have an early to rise in the morning. I was up better than half the night last night working on this.... I'll attempt another go at this after work tomorrow evening.


Those of you involved in the music project of CTF and WIB; I've not had a lot of time to dedicate to replying to your messages. I hope you guys understand... I'm committed to getting this cover layout done so that we can finalize the 1st FL project..... Thanks!!!!


This is just some really tedious stuff in using rulers and measuring the individual placement of text items.... and matching text colors to graphics without a dropper, sizing and resizing, and all that good jazz!!!!


Nite Nite, Ya'll!!!

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...and before I tuck in.... since I'm "still" up switching laundry over :rolleyes: I thought I'd let you guys see what else I've been working on too... I started a web page that goes into extreme details of the project. I'm still writing the article, and it is NOT available to a public view browser yet; it's only available by immediate URL. http://musicbizbuzz.net/internotes.htm
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Hi Ani,


Like the web page with details on the project. You ask what country in Australia I live. Australia is a country, I live in the state of New South Wales. So feel free to just list Australia as you already have :thu:

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:thu: I was pretty tired last night Nursers... didn't stop to think about the fact that Australia was not only a continent, but also it's own country as well. It's been 26 years since I've studied geography :D Thanks...


I think that it's really pretty cool that we have several countries that participated in this project and covered HALF of the continents. Since they have combined Europe and Asia in many educational systems; it allows me to say half :D;)

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Originally posted by Ani:

Since they have combined Europe and Asia in many educational systems



Are you joking? I take it by 'they' you mean Americans. Ani, have your kids got an atlas or a globe? Take a look, that's ridiculous.


Do these so called eductional systems have a world map that includes USA with burritos to the south and snow to the north; Brits and terrorists to the East, clever people who invent things to the West and upsidedown crocodile hunters on the other side of the world.


No wonder so many Americans are ignorant to the rest of the world.


By the way, we have actually covered more than half the continents - tons from North America, a fair few from Europe & Nursers from Australia/Australasia. Then you add Pauldil from South America & Rim with his Asian origins. We're only missing Antartica and Africa, although some would say we're all from Africa originally ;)


Anyway, back on topic, GREAT JOB ANI! It's looking wonderful, well done and thanks so much!

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Are you joking? I take it by 'they' you mean Americans. Ani, have your kids got an atlas or a globe? Take a look, that's ridiculous.
Actually, America still recognizes 7 Continents in their educational systems. I pulled that information from a site online relative to a quick search conducted on continents just to make sure I was remembering all the continents. When you don't use that information learned in school for 25 years, it tends to escape you.


I've had my nose stuck in the computer for at least 4 days, and Monday/Tuesday being my days off, were better than 14 hour days each day working on the web page and the cover design layout. I'm going to be back at it again this evening, but thought I'd browse the topic for just a few... prior to digging back in. I'll take the requests for edits or corrections on grammar / geographical locales into consideration.


I'll be tackling that CD cover art first though.


Also Fly, Pauldil and Rim both reside in the USA currently if I am not mistaking; is this correct? Do you happen to know if they are students with visas, visitors here on work assignment, or if they have actually established America citizenship? If they are indeed still legal citizens of those countries named, it would be advantageous to list them as such to broaden the territories covered. If they have attained American citizenship, it would be more appropriate to name their country of origin and then make a mention of their residence in America. Either way I guess the territories are still covered, just indirectly if they are residing in America. I plan on writing about your tour of America throughout this project also. ;)

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Originally posted by nursers:

Cmon flyscots, give Ani a break.

Oh I wasnt taking a dig at Ani at all, sorry if it came across that way.


Ani, Rim & Paul are both living and working in the US. I'm sure they are American citizens but they were born in The Phillipines(?) and Argentina respectively. Maybe they have dual citizenship, I dont know, I suppose you could ask them for any information you think is relevant.


I plan on writing about your tour of America throughout this project also.
Cool. I met team members Paul, Rim & Lance on my travels after all. Anything I can help you with. I suppose we'll talk about that when we come to it, I'm sure you have many more things to be getting on with just now, as do I.
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Originally posted by flyscots:

Originally posted by nursers:

Cmon flyscots, give Ani a break.

Oh I wasnt taking a dig at Ani at all, sorry if it came across that way.

I know you didn't mean it that way. I woulda killed you if you had you lovely man you ;):freak:
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Hi guys,


Didn't have any time to devote to this tonight. Sent a rough draft off to jackpine and waiting for some input from him prior to proceeding on with it to make sure it's going to work for him. I needed to spend some time with the kids tonight as I've been pretty deep into this project for the past few nights. My son has another State competition with the band on Saturday, which I'm taking off work for, but I'll try to get back into writing the article soon enough.


For now, I'm going to update folks on the Treasury Job that was in pending over in the old thread that was started.

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I've been without online access for a

few days so I'm checking back in...


Ani, I think the CD and page designs look great...


Thanks for all your efforts on yet another front...


Wish your lad good luck at the Band Competition...



Bob Phillips


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Thanks Bob, on all counts... my son will be departing within a half hour to head out for the competitions. From what I heard last Monday night in the smaller group of school bands, there is some pretty stiff competiton. My son's band was probably in the top 3, but there was one band director from another school that was absolutely INCREDIBLE in his leadership. You could hear absolute rise and fall in the music and the emotion in the delivery by performers was intense. I was in complete awe. Even my sons' band directors were watching in fascination.


I'm redoing the design works and going with a lighter background outlined in black to help the text be more legible. JackPine mentioned that black bkg with white font is not a friendly color combination in artwork; after printing it out myself, I agree.


I've got to take my son to band right now, I'll post the new images later.

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Okay, I have some new graphics up on the same page as the other. These should be easier to read with the lighter background. I've sent the images to JackPine and will await his input once again.


I'd like for everyone to check the credits for accuracy.

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Ani, your designs look great. Excellent work!


Originally posted by Ani:

Also Fly, Pauldil and Rim both reside in the USA currently if I am not mistaking; is this correct? Do you happen to know if they are students with visas, visitors here on work assignment, or if they have actually established America citizenship?

I am a naturalized citizen of the USA. I was born in the Philippines and moved to the US when I was 9.

aka riffing


Double Post music: Strip Down




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Originally posted by TheWewus:

Sorry to be a pain, but you fixed it on the outside liner notes but not the inside. Still need the- THE, on the inside.



Where, specifically, are you referring to; I thought I caught all of them? The red backgrounds, if that's what you are referencing, are the old designs and are being replaced by the top designs with the lighter colors.

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