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Band names!


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My brother and I are starting yet another band, and we're arguing over the band name. Of course, I'm the one with ideas. He has contributed zero so far. The bum. What do you guys think? We write songs in a variety of styles, with unintentional homages to: Pinback, Pearl Jam, Lenny Kravitz, and a handful of others. My feeling is all band names are stupid, short of actually being named after a member of the band, so I would rather go for ridiculous. Here's what we have so far:


Jollybone: My preference, simply because my brother hates it more than I do, and it really gets under his skin =)


Bulldog: *I* think this should be the name of our coffee house band, when we don't have a full compliment of electronics.


Bob Boze Belle: My tribute to former local indie journalist


Harmonic Indifference: What I call us when I write a song by myself, or my brother attempts a guitar solo


Jiminy: We could build a whole mythology based on whether or not the J is silent or not.


My brother's tongue-in-cheek contribututions, a poor attempt to annoy me (I take that back -- he was successful in his attempt):


The Bed Wetters


The Suburbanoids

Yellow Snow Trails

The Itsy Bitsy Spiders

Foot Powder

Silly Men & Garfunky

Ornery White Men

The Mondays

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Once again, Gaddabout, you and I are in the same situation. I've been forming a new band and we're looking for a name. I finally found a cool name... Masonic... Then I learn that there's a UK band called The Masonics. Is that too close? I don't know. But I think we're going to go for it. It's been a nightmare, and there's been no consensus except with that one. We're sort of ambient-pop with occasional machinery, ala Coldplay, Mazzy Star and Radiohead. Girl singer.


I like Jiminy. I think the others, IMHO, sound either like you're trying too hard, or not trying hard enough. :) That's the problem with band names. I think the trick is in not trying to find something that means something, and just go for what sounds good that no one else has used. There's a great new UK band called Elbow. Elbow!? But hey, it's memorable.


Use this test: "Hey, are you guys going out to the XX show tonight?" "Man, did you get the new XX CD yet?" Those kinds of things. Actually, given that test, now I'm not sure Jiminy is working. Sounds a bit like "Chimney." Aaaarrggghhh.... this process always kills me. Picking a band name is like trying to find the love of your life.

Just for the record.
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I can't see a pearl jam / kravitz band pulling off The Bed Wetters and be taken seriously. I think that too often bands pick names that they think are funny in the moment, and then regret it. My advice: don't try to be funny unless you're a cover band, or have a xylophone player in the group.


One thing I forgot: Try street names in your city. There are some great, simple, easy to remember names there. That's how I came up with Masonic... by far the coolest sounding street name in San Francisco. Plus, we get the local flavah with it, i.e. the local press will be more inclined to look into the band. Every city's looking for the next big thing to brag about, and the press loves to latch on to something that gives identity to their home town.

Just for the record.
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Hi Gadabout, how about these:


Cranial Meltdown


Passive Pork


Spunk Munk


High Energy


Heaven's Gate


Fused Metal


Field Mice


Straight Wire


Yellow Snow


The 11th Commandment


Charged Heads


Gang Band




Pop Twist


I could go on and on............


I don't know if this helps but it had my mind working! :D


Good luck with a name fallas.....


Jazzman :cool:

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Masonic sounds like you are a moronic brick layer or involved in one of those branches of the Jehova's Witnesses.


Just pick a band name...you guys will probably break up before it starts to fly anyways. In fact I think we played for at least a year with out even having a name.


Our band name sucks I think, I have tried to change it but politics won't enable me to do it...hell, after 5.5 years everyone knows us as greazyspoon.


How about "The The"? I love that dumb name...dumber the better.

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one of the first ones you mentioned was "bulldog"- if that's not taken, it's pretty good.



how about:


The Other The




That The


That That


The That


Silent J




Jim & E


Mork Spork


Heaven's Metal


The Yellow Commandment


Moronic Bricklayer




Jiminy's Witnesses

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  • 2 weeks later...

how about...



the ultra shut up machines


death ray monkey bomb


noise to my ears


this music is good to listen to while taking a bath


tron 2.0 hackers


the you suck and we rock band



japanese for hillbilly music


photoshop kings


waste of tape


we're gonna invade your town


times new roman


microsoft OS X beta 0.0.01


500 more names to go


499 to be exact


screw the fans they can go shutup somewhere



ok, so a little violent, but that's whta i would name things! it's tight that way... umm have fun! :D

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Gradeschool Hairless is my fave, but I fear prosecution of some sorts. Better destroy my hard drives....


White Trash Compactor is my current jazz/avant/improv band. I'm the only member so far...


Comfort Food


Soul Sleep




F-Hole and the Hollow Bodies


More than Jake, but Worse than Ezra


Mahavishnu Dan




Anonymous Alcholics


Gear Sluts, Ltd.


Good Lord I'm drunk and coming up with lots of bad band names


Just Say Yes


Too High


One Night Stan


Two Chickens At Once


The Twelve Days of Kwanzaa


Malt, Lick Her


Single Malt Scott


I'm passing out now...

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  • 2 weeks later...

A few more:


star flop


great cheeks


fresh meat


sour dough


basket weavers




the dead cavemen


crazy dudes


lost in heat




two-tone junkies


gas phase


four fingers








lost in face


sewer gas




two ton chunks


fire-em up


grease bags 4


break beat band


puddle jumpers


water gods





...................oh well I had fun again folks.....


Jazzman :cool:

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