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Bye Bye Dendy (DJ)?


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I have copied this out of Bart's topic: Drum Forum?


We'll guys, here is the skinny. Dendy (that's me) got laid off 4 days before Christmas! That's right ... no notice, ... you know the drill.

Anyway, Corporate changes have caught up with my division and I have become the latest statistic. What will I do? Good question. I haven't given it a lot of thought. My wife and I are opening a hair salon (Seraphim Salon) here in Nashville on Jan 2nd. We bought, have moved and renamed the place where my wife worked for the last 9 years. I, however, was only helping to get the place cranked up. This lay-off has come at a bad time financially, but things will work out ... I'm sure.


Perhaps it is time to get back to playing full time?


As far as the forum goes, I have not gotten any answers regarding the fate of Drum Talk. I have never gotten paid one dime to host this forum. I did it because of you guys. At this time, I see no reason to NOT continue to moderate, but I have to get word if the forums will continue.


If any of you hear of anyone looking for someone that kicks major behind working as a remote employee, let me know and I will be happy to forward them a resume'. I am totally proficient in PC and MAC formats (Including OSX). I know just about every software program in existance (most only enough to complete my tasks). I have a complete facility to edit movies, video, music, etc., ... and I think I do a pretty half-decent job at moderating a forum.


Thanks for all the support that you guys continue to throw my way. I, like Bart, spend way to much time on this forum, ... but it is because I really care about all of you guys.


I will keep you posted as to the developments at MusicPlayer.com.


Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all!


Dendy (DJ)

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DJ, I'm sorry that this has happened to you my man. Things will work out for the better I'm sure. Just focus on one thing at a time, what has the most potential and use it to you advantage. I'm sure that THIS FAMILY OF OURS WILL PROMMISE TO HELP IF WE CAN, right you guys and gals out there?


DJ, please keep in touch with all of us here on the forum. I certianly appreciate the conversations, help, and advise given by you and others here, just like a family. All of us have participated in giving and taking advise here, sharing problems, the funny things, and providing the help if someone has an issue, concern or a problem understanding a part of this business. I have only witnessed positive and constructive responses here.


My own personal experience:

The same thing happened to me 30 years ago at an engineering company. The manager told me six hours in advance on a friday (he liked me), I had a job within an hour after that, I was lucky.... I had a wife two kids and a dog.


He told me that he was told by his boss to tell me at the end of the day just so they could get a full days work out of me. I had been on loan to them for 3 years from another engineering company. They kept telling me how much they wanted me, and that they would give me a raise and all. I then joined their orginazation. I kept getting other engineer's projects on my desk to finish as other engineers got laid off. I then had 5 large projects on the table besides my own work within three months of my hire. Concerned, I approached the Chief engineer that hired me and he kept telling me that I was OK, don't worry......and that's the rest of the story!!!!!!!!!!


Since then I don't trust anyone in business, always give the people that give me a paycheck my loyality and 120% of me. But they always have to prove to ME that they are worthy of my expertise and time, and I always test them for it too. I'm in a good position now and my attitude still hasen't changed. It's the friendships that I have that move the mountians of crap that I deal with on a daily basis.


This forum, my studio, my close friends, my music and family keep me in the sane lane.


I want to wish you DJ a strong recovery in the new year for you and yours. Have a joyous holiday season, keep the stick on the ice.


Your friend in Michigan................


Jazzman :cool:


[ 12-24-2001: Message edited by: Jazzman ]

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Damn Dendy, that sucks. Four days before Christmas, that sucks. Good luck with the hair salon, and I'm sure that something good will come your way soon.




I have the mind of a criminal genius.....I keep it in the freezer next to mother.
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Geez, what a bite! Man, I am SO sorry. :( I'm sure things will be looking up in no time, though...and remember, no matter how bad things seem, they could always be worse, y'know, be thankful you've got your health. A gig is easy to replace...good health for you and your loved ones isn't necessarily as easy.


Good luck...



"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Hang in there DJ. Things have a way of turning around when you least expect them to. Enjoy family and friends this holiday season. In this crazy world we live in, they're really the only thing we have.


And that goes for everyone here.... Happy holidays to you all.

Just for the record.
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DJ, I hate to hear this kind of news especially during the holiday season and while the world is in so much turmoil! Layoffs are a common thing these days and everyone who is still enjoying job security should count their blessings!

I have no doubt that you will more than survive! This might actually be a blessing in disguise, so don't let it get you down until you find what the good Lord has in store for you!!

Best wishes!!!! :)

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