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Cymbal cleaners, what do you use?


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Well here is a sore spot for me.


I used a brass cleaner that I once purchased from a pro drum shop, the guy behind the counter claimed that this stuff was the greatest. Wrong..man....... it started to take the black lettering off of the cymbal. I stopped and quickly removed the cleaner, then used soap and water to get that junk off of it. I was totally bummed out. :mad:


I really don't know what to use. I know that some of you folks out there don't really care about how the cymbals look, but I do.


Leaving the dirt and oxidation prevail doesn't season the cymbals you know, like a steak pan. :D


What's you kick on this subject. I can't remember the name of the junk, but as I recal, it was in a 4" tall 2"dia. black spray bottle with an orange lable on it. :confused:



Jazzman :cool:


[ 11-12-2001: Message edited by: Jazzman ]

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Two Schools of thought here actually-

I know folks that buy cymbals and bury them in the ground for a year before they ever play them. Claim it ages the cymbals. My thoughts on that ... HOGWASH!


I have the best solution for keeping my cymbals clean ... and 90% of mine are brilliants ... I NEVER LET THEM GET DIRTY!

I wipe them down with a soft cloth ... maybe even slightly damp if necessary ... after each and every gig.

I also use a Meguires car product called Quik Detailer Mist and Wipe to keep heavier soiling from occuring. It is basically a spray-on-wipe-off product thats totally non abrasive and will not remove any logos, etc. It just restores luster to the cymbals.


Now, if buying a used cymbal that has not been maintained ... your basic choices to get that puppy clean are to use something a little more abrasive. In doing so, you will probably lose your logos.

Sabian just released an indelible stencil package for restoring your logos. I look for the other companies to follow suit soon.


Then, some say ... Logos ... we don't need no stinking logos!


Just my thoughts,



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Yeah, I could really care-or-less about the logos on cymbals. It's a musical instrument for goodness sake ... let it be! They already got their stamp etched into the cymbal, which I think is great. But somebody got the idea that everyone from two blocks away needs to be able to tell what cymbals you are using when they see you play. When I give clinics, people STILL ask what cymbals I use ... despite the huge logo and Sabian banner hanging behind my kit. :rolleyes:


Even though I have a relationship with a cymbal company, I still view the loss of the logo from cleaning as a casualty of war! :D

Drummer Cafe - community drum & percussion forum
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Yeah, several decades ago (I remember hearing it as a kid), people used to talk about burying the cymbals to let them "age" and get a "great" sound.


If you ask me, what they wanted was to go digging your cymbals up and steal them because you were foolish enough to bury them!


I think the whole idea is that the tone grooves in the cymbal would get dirt in there, which it does if you don't ever clean them, and thus not "ring" and "shimmer" as much. This concept was more popular with Ride cymbals more than anything; at least when I heard the "bury your cymbal" recommendations, it was always in reference to Ride cymbals.


I had a Ride cymbal that probably fit into the "needing" to be buried ... but I decided to have it circumcised ... turning the 22 inch cymbal into a 20 inch. Best thing I ever did!


You know, there is one line of cymbals that I DO recommend burying ... the Zildjian Scimitar. But in this case, you would need to intentionally forget where you buried them. :D


[ 11-13-2001: Message edited by: Bartman ]

Drummer Cafe - community drum & percussion forum
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Sabians have to age their cymbals cause they don't know how to lathe them correctly, thus building up a ton of stress in the instrument. Most of them I have heard are a sonic mess and sound worse even live. Frequencies cancelling each other out, etc.


I think 80% of their cymbals belong back in the casting furnace.


I sure hope they are making those things better.... but what do I know????




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Hey Bartman - Just curious... What kind of cymbals do you use?? LMAO! ;)


I also use "Roadie In A Bottle", which from what I understand, is pretty similar to "Groove Juice".


As far as logos, I'm with Bartman. I'm hoping all of those black ink logos eventually fade off. Until one of the cymbal manufacturers is giving me their cymbals, I don't feel the need to advertise for them for free. Or worse, why I have to PAY to advertise for them. I personally either remove logos from stuff I buy, or make sure I buy stuff without logos. It's all too pretentious, anyway. What? Using the 'right' drums or cymbals or sticks or heads or whatever makes me a better drummer? Better than what?


LOL, and I don't really know why Helen Keller really needs to know what cymbals I play, anyway!

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Hu u u m m m m, he said.


A house can be clean and still live in it too ya-know!


Most of the concerts that I have seen on TV kinda feel different about it. I sometimes have to turn the brightness knob down on the TV set just to see the picture! :D


Why is that? EGO trip, or is it because everyone else in the band polished their gear for show! :D Hey didn't you ever think your car drove better when you cleaned and polished it? Sure you did I can see you laughing, you know who you are out there. Well if you didn't ask the wife? HEHE-HOHO Hardeharhar!!!!!!!!!!!!( I think I just lost it)


In either case it doesn't reflect on the player to show he is seasoned, just that he enjoys to see his equipment good looking, a reflection on his/her attitude. Just detail! I thought all drummers were detailed oriented.


I bet the people that don't clean their gear, don't clean their cars either! What about that McDonalds bag in the back seat. LOL


To all and to all a good night.......sore to speak.


Good comments sooooooooo far. Sorry about the brain fart.


Jazzman :cool:


[ 11-16-2001: Message edited by: Jazzman ]


[ 11-16-2001: Message edited by: Jazzman ]

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