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kudos- to the great felix stein

felix stein

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I can hardly believe what happened last night.


I must have had 10 people come up to me and say how "great" I played last night...one dude said I was inspirational...imagine that. And one dude said my yamadogs sounded awesome...funny, nobody seemed to want that kit when I was trying to sell it.


All original instrumental stuff, place was pretty much full but not packed and I played almost every trick I knew (I only did one double paradiddle inversion which pissed me off cause I know 3) for 3 lovely hours.


Aside from blowing a few beats of groove here and a rimshot once or twice - you should have seen the jaws drop.


Aside from all the goofy subdivisions and patterns which I can't imagine anyone would like I did this thing where I was playing a medium jazz ride, bending the pitch of the floor tom with my forehead and still comping with the rest of my limbs. It was weird...I've horsed around doing that before but never live and man, I was right inside the music...it was SO BIZARRE. It was like another dimension.


Funny though, I know I still stink.

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Hey Felix, congrats! You're obviously pumped.


I visited your bands home page. Your playing the Pioneer Mill in Tiffin, Ohio. That's my home town. Got my start in the Tiffin Columbian Tornado Marching Band. My parents still live there in the summer and my mother in law used to work at the Pioneer Mill. Have a great gig! Small world. Skip

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Sounds like drummer talk...just before they fly over the Cuckoo's Nest...lookout everybody!

"No More Paradiddles"...

What gives it away is definitely the "I know I still stink" routine... Nice touch!


[ 11-07-2001: Message edited by: jflush ]

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Felix, I haven't played out in years, a lot of folks keep wanting me to do it though, I'm thinking about it.


I do know how you must have felt during the session. Don't be modist, you were in the pocket all night long. There were times that I was also into it and the band was soooo tight that the owner asked us to keep playing and gave us a bonus on top of the by the hour rate. We attracted large crowds wherever we went in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. I was into playing drums all of the time, I dooo rember when some girls used to stand all around the stages when we played, but I never noticed them (probably the dumbist damn thing I could have done). In my opinion, as a professional musician, this should be the farthist thing from ones mind. I really do believe in this. All this does is create problems with the band, looks unprofessional and could affect your bands press.


I was and still am a VERY SERIOUS performer, musician, when I played out years ago, and as I do now in my studio.


You were obviously pumped up to a natural high. It happens when everything falls into place, feels and sounds right, the group can sense your high and allow you to take center stage. Guess what, the people in the audiance really have been paying attention to you and your groups talant on stage. A couple of ata-boys from the sober crowd was all I needed to have.


I believe when you become proficiant in the craft, you become more aware that you are just really good. Believe in it. When your good your watched. When the people that you are playing for are having as much fun as you are, makes the hair stand on end. I know , because I've been there too.


I never liked to play for a crowd that was drunk, I was way above that. I had a lot of professional talant and they weren't paying attention to me on how I was keeping things together. At those times it felt like a waste of my time. I would have much rather practiced at home instead!


I couldn't stand not playing out, and it didn't matter where I played, how long I played, or what we played, I just loved my craft and shown the band and the crowds what a true musician sounds like. I never did any tricks, but knew how to be the bands time piece, never raced the group or dragged the group when I played. Always practiced, and it showed. The bands that I started had to deal with me, I never faltered in my passion.


Felix you had taken them by suprise my man, and reinforced your capabilities as a drummer, professional musician and a team player. Damn good job, and remember that feeling, never let it go away, never! :D:D:D


Take care felix, keep the faith....

From one drummer to another.....


Jazzman :cool:

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Drummer Euphoria!

That is what you experienced!


This feeling doesn't happen often enough (as far as I am concerned). It is when things lock in so perfectly that you feel like you are floating. It is a magical place.


Often ... I have imagined that this place permanently exists for players with the skill level of Bissonette, Bozzio, Coluatia, or Weckl ... but, they all tell me that Drummer Euphoria is a phenomenon that only occurs on rare occassions.


In the state of Drummer Euphoria, you are "one" with your drums and your bandmates. It seems as if all is locked in and groove flows from your hands.


Congrats, Felix.

You have risen to a new level of drummer understanding. You no longer suck!

This is liken to having a loving sexual relationship whereby a magical orgasm has occured.


Now, ... the frustration will occur when (next time) you do not achieve this same level of satisfaction. You now have a new goal (aside from how many singles you can play in a minute, or how clean you can play paradiddles)


When we can elevate our playing to the point that we become one with the music at every performance ... you (and I ) will have arrived!


You go Felix!



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yeah, it's gonna blow next month when I have to play again and nobody is going to be there. Then I will attempt to play while under the influence-just kidding. Yep...I've had plenty bad gigs and probably plenty more to come.


There is something to say about the sum of all the parts being greater than than the individuals themselves.

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