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Attack on America 09/11/01


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Thanks too All from other nations that have written to myself, and other Americans you know, for your concern and compassion for we Americans. Our political leaders have already labeled this an act of war.


Most sadly, whatever position America takes, whatever response we persue, will not bring back the lives of the thousands of people who have died today.


We're a pretty emotional nation. And despite personal differences, we have a tendency to forget them and band together in such circumstances. We hate wars in general, and protest against them, yet we're pretty proficient at them. A sad but true fact of living under the American flag.


You can be assured it won't end here. And I'm sad to say that there's a strong possibility that more suffering is ahead. But let's also remember, that these actions were taken by a small group of people, from whatever nation. And it would be inappropriate for us to respond in kind. We need to take action against those RESPONSIBLE, while at the same time, doing whatever we can to preserve the safety and welfare of ALL the innocent. Whether those innocent live in the U.S.A., or reside in ANY other country.


Hopefully, something positive will come from all this. Perhaps the rest of the countries will unite and provide a united front in opposing such blatant cowardly acts of terrorism. And perhaps, in a positive light, all people in all countries will come to understand that barbaric acts such as these cannot be allowed to continue. Terrorism brings only pain and suffering to all people, from all nations, wherever in the world it occurs. And the only way to eliminate it is to be united in our resolve.




This message has been edited by ModernDrummer on 09-11-2001 at 01:55 PM

If you always do what you've always done, you'll always have what you've always had.
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I offer a prayer to all the families who lost love ones in New York, D.C. and those who had friends and relatives in the planes.


Once the oppropriate sets are taken, I hope God has mercyon the souls of those responcible; because we will not...

IM onegreyneed

Email onegreyneed@yahoo.com

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Hey, Guys:


I am happy to report that initial reports from my co-workers located in NY ... is that they are all OK.


I am at a lose for comment at this point.


This tragedy is like non-other that I know ... perhaps only Hiroshima could compare.


Please donate blood at your local redcross for the injured.


Also, I will take this opportunity ... even as an employee of my company ... to ask that you all pray for the victims, their families, and this country.


Suddenly ... drumming seems so small. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/frown.gif





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Yes ... this is all very sobering. Suddenly our individual lives seem very small with the realities of life mounting around us.


I just got a call from my best friend, a fellow musician (saxophonist) and the Best Man at my wedding. He told me that his cousin was aboard the United plane ... the second plane that crashed into the World Trade Center towers. This is the one they actually have video footage of ... which makes the scene even more grewsome (if that's possible).


As the minutes, hours and days pass, there will be no doubt that many of us will experience more grief as we learn of additional loss of life.


I pray for the peace of God to rest on the families whose loved ones have been taken from them. For comfort to those children who will never see their mommy or daddy again. For strength for our entire country and out nation's leaders.

Drummer Cafe - community drum & percussion forum
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To all my fellow drummers I offer a prayer to all the families and friends who have been affected by this unbelievable disater. I encourage everyone to take 1 minute and join together to play a drum as a worldwide Drum community in a healing and spiritual manner for all the people who have been injurred or lost their lives in the day of sorrow. Tim Waterson
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I hate to think what kind of caos is in store for the future of our children.Someone must pay for this!!!

I was a cavalry scout in the US Army during the Persian Gulf War and while there I saw just how much different the people there were than we Americans and Europeans!I felt as though

I was on a movie set for a film based on some distant planet in which the human culture was torn between the modern and stone ages!

To see the Palestinian people dancing in the streets fueled an anger in me that could only be quenched with retaliation!

Those poor people didn't know what hit them!


My heart and prayer goes out to all who suffered loss during this national tragedy!



This message has been edited by ian* on 09-11-2001 at 05:41 PM

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Originally posted by djarrett:

Suddenly ... drumming seems so small. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/frown.gif






Unless, of course, it's finding the vermin responsible and doing some serious drumming on their asses...

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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As a young american, i am hurt, angry, confused, and scared. I honestly thought that in my life i would never see an attack on american soil. Sadly, we all know how wrong i was. I am safe, as is my family. We mostly all live in TX which has had no real threats. My heart and my prayers go out to all of the victims of this horrendous tragedy. Whoever your god is, pray to him for the souls of the dead, the wounded, and the families and friends who have been affected on this truly horrible day in American history.
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So much has transpired since my first post this morning.


As I sit comfortably in my studio ... and monitor MSNBC in my little 3X5 computer window ... I cannot help but reflect on people waving for help out windows only minutes before the building collapsed on them.


I think , as I sip iced tea, that this morning ... possibly thousands of people got up, showered and hurried to work ... at a place that they have been to so many times before ... in a seemingly indestructible place of work ... only to be find two hours later, their life's snuffed out.


I mention that I sit here comfortably sipping ice tea ... because I feel a sense of survivor's guilt ... that I got up this morning, just as those folks did, and I was blessed to be here tonight , only to sit and watch in horror as news continues to develop.


How can this happen? Will live ever be as we knew if before?


What will the long-term implications be?


Will I ever feel like I can board a plane again?


Will we ever feel like we can be safe to do the things that we have been free to do in the past?


What will be the long-term financial implications with no more World Trade Centers?


All of this, and yet ... does any of this matter ... when you think of the families that lost loved ones today ... that only an hour before they kissed goodbye as usual as they went away to work?


Anyway, Despite the great conversations we all have regarding drums here, I am glad that I also have developed a network of friends that I can communicate my thoughts and feelings with.


Kiss your wife or girlfriend. Kiss your children. Call your parents. Tell your friends how much they mean to you. Help a neighbor.


Thank God you are alive. Say a prayer ... and stay safe.





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I know what you mean. I went to work as usual this morning, but as soon as i got in my truck, heard the news of the first two crashes. I was immediatly confused. As soon as i got to work we all set around a TV watching the news, wondering what's next?, What do we do? How should we feel? Tonight i sit typing this, sipping on some tequilla. Do i feel guilty, yes. THOUSANDS of people dead. All i can do is pray and hope that America makes it through this time, which we will.

I would like to take this moment to mention my anger. Three things have made me quite furious today. One, when we find out who did this, they will die. Well, that's all that will happen to them. Death is something they have already accepted. They won. Nothing we do will change today's horrific events.

Two, i am very upset that "life goes on" for so many americans, so soon. Yes, life does continue, but take some time to realize that your fellow citizens died today. They did not die in a war, or an accident, they died in an attack. An attack on american soil! Yet, so many Americans just continue without too much appreciation for what happened. I can NOT comprehend this.

Three, the video of a Palastenian man. This man said something along the lines of,"America should have known this was coming. I wish it would have been worse." He smiled and laughed as he said this. This enrages me. Thousands of civilians, NOT soldiers, not government officials, INNOCENT CITIZENS.

I am filled with anger because of these three things and more. I am hurt. I am very sad. Mostly, I am confused. God help us all.

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You know, it's pretty sobering reading your post about folks getting ready for work, thinking this just 'another day'. It reminds us that it COULD happen to anyone, anywhere, at any time. You can leave for work tomorrow morning and never get home to your loved ones, plain & simple.


And if I may please interject this. Say a quick 'Thanks' to the powers that YOU are watching the sunrise on September 12, 2001. Remember that some folks never made it this far.


rlhubley - Well, of course you're safe in Texas. You have ZZ TOP! No one would DARE ruin THOSE beards! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gifhttp://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif

If you always do what you've always done, you'll always have what you've always had.
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Can't sleep....I read your posts and yes DJ it is good to have friends to talk about these things! I am shocked, worried, mournful, angry, and anxious all at the same time! Terrible feeling!

....Yet tonight many people feel alot worse than I having lost a wife,husband,mom,dad,brother,sister,son,daughter or friend!!


We can't change that but we can put an end to the perpetrators who were involved in this and I am confident that we will! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/mad.gif

I just hope that this doesn't develop into WWIII ! God forbid!


Love you guys!


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I thought we all should realize something i just found at. I'm at work and have small MSNBC Live window in the corner of my screen. They are running the interview with Alice Hoglan who is the mother of Mark Logan, whodied in the plane that crashed in Pensylvania. He was able to call his home before the plane crashed. During this interview they showed some pictures of Mark, one picture showed him sitting behing a 5-piece kit in black oyster pearl(probably 60's, Slingerland or Ludwig). We've all lost a drumming brother in this horrible incident.

I just thought this was interesting enough to share.

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Yes, rlhubley;

Seeing this picture of Mark this morning behind that drumset was just too much for me. It really broke me down because it made this that much more real and personal to me. This could have been any of us calling our Mom for the last time.

Additionally, I realized that I only know each of you by a "handle" ... not by face. Mark could have easlily been on of you. He may have even been a participant in MPc's Drum Talk! How will we know?


Just too much tragedy to handle.


Thanks ... and I love you guys too!



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I've been away for awhile due to my job. I work in a large metropolitan newsroom. It is filled with callous, cynical, veteran journalists. The meanest, nastiest jokes I've ever heard came from their mouths. These are men and women who have spent time doing war reporting in Vietnam. Others spent time in places like Beirut and the Congo. We are not a patriotic lot. Editors scramble for tragedy, for the human story. We've all become desensitized by it.


On Tuesday I saw a lot of broken people, all the posturing washed away by a single day of tragedy that can't be measured against any day in recent history. People who have spent their lives learning how to write about anything and everything suddenly can't find a single phrase to describe their pain and frustration. Suddenly, we are a patriotic lot. Suddenly, we are like everyone else.


God, heal this land and this people.


This message has been edited by Gaddabout on 09-13-2001 at 07:53 PM

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I come from no-nuclear New Zealand and live in peace loving Japan.

I worked for Chrysler until a month or so ago.


I was planning to fly to Detroit on the 13th to say my final goodbyes to all my Chrysler buddies.


Three days before I was due to fly out one of my buddies calls to say his mother-in-law has died, so he is flying to England and won't be there.

Two days before my departure this happens.

And my new job is in Hiroshima, the city of the atom bomb.


This post has the word "I" in it a lot, but in fact the recent turn of events has really helped me realize the insignificance of "I". "We" are all together in this, fighting for democracy and fairness and freedom of speech. The US has been the unfortunate victim of a blow against democracy, and the world needs to join together to gaurantee it doesn't happen again. Let there be peace...

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Originally posted by oyajipunk:

I come from no-nuclear New Zealand and live in peace loving Japan.

I worked for Chrysler until a month or so ago.


I was planning to fly to Detroit on the 13th to say my final goodbyes to all my Chrysler buddies.


Three days before I was due to fly out one of my buddies calls to say his mother-in-law has died, so he is flying to England and won't be there.

Two days before my departure this happens.

And my new job is in Hiroshima, the city of the atom bomb.


This post has the word "I" in it a lot, but in fact the recent turn of events has really helped me realize the insignificance of "I". "We" are all together in this, fighting for democracy and fairness and freedom of speech. The US has been the unfortunate victim of a blow against democracy, and the world needs to join together to gaurantee it doesn't happen again. Let there be peace...



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