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We finally put up a new song... and a question on the style....


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We finally got a new song recorded and up. It's called "CUIDADO: Piso Mojado". That's the Spanish translation on the yellow "CAUTION: Wet Floor" signs. Listen to it at - http://www.mp3.com/DustinDerek - I was also wondering what style you would consider this? I put it under Psychedelic, but that only covers the intro and outro of the song, and the rest of the song doesn't really fit under that category. We have some 3/4 jazz/fusion and some funkier sounding parts, and then the smooth intro. Would this be considered Acid Jazz? Funk? Progressive Rock? Fusion? Any suggestions? Thanks,





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Yeah, you're right, it actually is fusion. I had it under Acid Jazz at first, but changed it over to fusion a few days ago. The other song, Groove, is more of an Acid Jazz song. Thanks for the good feedback! If anyone else can listen to the new song, let me know what you think of it! Thanks again,





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but listen to this, you have to put a category for your "group", you know what i mean?you cant be calling one song rock and the other jazz and the other etc etc.....and after listening to your music in general you should call it fusion.... i like your music a lot keep the good work and bye
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No, we aren't a fusion band. Listen to No Mullets, that is a progressive funk-rock song. No fusion influence at all. We aren't a fusion group, you don't have to limit yourself to one style. We have alot of styles we play, so we aren't going to call Moist Towelette fusion when it's obviously Latin Jazz. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif Thanks anyway though for your advice!





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derek look at tribal tech, theyre a fusion group but you can find latin jazz songs on it, you can find funky songs on it etc etc the same with vital tech tones they have blues songs on it but it still a fusion band....and besides i heard all your songs and there are not any prog rock there my friend.....you have to put he group in one category, you cant say "hey look my new cd it have prog rock, latin jazz, smooth jazz,acid jazz, funk, progressive rock, progreesive metal, fusion etc etc on it!!"you have to put it in one category and for me thats called fusion.....
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As I've said before, we are not a fusion band. We are a jamband, which is a style where songs aren't classified, just played. It's a mix of many, many styles. Sure, No Mullets isn't full progressive rock, but that's the closest category. It's funk-rock, not pure funk, not pure rock, an obvious mix. And it fits the definition of progressive, so there is no progressive funk-rock, or progressive funk, therefore progressive rock. You can DEFINITELY say that you have all those different styles on a CD. You don't have to limit yourself to classifying to one style. Variety is a good thing, buddy. We are definitely not a fusion band. Though we do play some fusion, we play just as much funk and straight ahead jazz and other styles. That classifies us as a jamband, because of the many styles and because of the long jams live. Thanks anyway though,





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i like variety a lot man, i listen to all the styles i mentioned before and more!!!! listen the style you play is a fusion of various others and thats called fusion you want it or not........dont think as fusion just like tony williams lifetime or mahavishnu orchesta etc , now fusion is used to classify bands like yours and the ones i listen to mostly.....and again you want it or not soon or later youre gonna have to classify your band category...good luck derek....
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ohhh i didnt read a part of your post!!!!anyways i know you like phish and dave mathews band and etc and that thats classified as jamband or jamrock but anyways your music in my opinion doesnt sound like that, and where are the long long jams? i really identify your sound with the fusion sound....but if you like those bands and you want to be called like that, well thats your decision...good luck anyways..
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Yeah, we defintely are jamband. Jambands are known for live playing, so we don't do long jams for studio work. I know fusion, and we are not fusion. We play some fusion, but we also play some of everything else. That's called jamband, a mix of styles. Call it what you wish, but we are a jamband, and will continue to play jamband music! Thanks,





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look i wasnt sure of the whole jamband stuff , i mean i dont know the style so well to tell you if you play that music or not( even though it would have to be really similar to fusion) but if you tell me oysterhead is jamband then im sure that you dont play jamband music....haha , listen to michel camilo he puts latin jazz elements on his music and he still playing fusion, look mike stern playing funky songs with dennis chamber and he still considered fusion, i mean is cool if you would like your music to be called jamband but im 84%(lol) sure that youre music is considered fusion, what you play live i just dont know. anyways im gonna talk with other guys that know a lot of music to make sure of all this thing( yes i have nothing else to do hehe)
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look i wasnt sure of the whole jamband stuff , i mean i dont know the style so well to tell you if you play that music or not( even though it would have to be really similar to fusion) but if you tell me oysterhead is jamband then im sure that you dont play jamband music....haha , listen to michel camilo he puts latin jazz elements on his music and he still playing fusion, look mike stern playing funky songs with dennis chamber and he still considered fusion, i mean is cool if you would like your music to be called jamband but im 84%(lol) sure that youre music is considered fusion, what you play live i just dont know. anyways im gonna talk with other guys that know a lot of music to make sure of all this thing( yes i have nothing else to do hehe)
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look i wasnt sure of the whole jamband stuff , i mean i dont know the style so well to tell you if you play that music or not( even though it would have to be really similar to fusion) but if you tell me oysterhead is jamband then im sure that you dont play jamband music....haha , listen to michel camilo he puts latin jazz elements on his music and he still playing fusion, look mike stern playing funky songs with dennis chamber and he still considered fusion, i mean is cool if you would like your music to be called jamband but im 84%(lol) sure that youre music is considered fusion, what you play live i just dont know. anyways im gonna talk with other guys that know a lot of music to make sure of all this thing( yes i have nothing else to do hehe)
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Yes, we are a jamband. Jambands are based around long jamming, and mixed styles. Oysterhead sounds nothing like us, or nothing like Phish, or nothing like String Cheese Incident or Moe. But they are all classified as Jamband because of their big mix of certain styles. You calling us a fusion group is like calling Phish a Latin group or Dave Matthews Band a funk group. I'm 100% sure we are not a fusion group, considering I'm in the group I think that's valid. We only have 5 of our songs up, by the way. We have fusion, yes. But for example, Moist Towelette is not fusion. It's Latin, and smooth jazz. Jazz Fusion is basically a rock/jazz mix(basically heavier jazz, I'm not talking metal or something). Acid Jazz is basically a funk/jazz mix. Latin Jazz is basically a latin/jazz mix. Those are the basic definitions. We have the same amount of rock/jazz mix as we do latin/jazz mix, funk/jazz mix, funk/blues mix, and funk/rock mix. We are 100% positive we are a jamband, because that's the style we are focused on playing. Call it what you wish! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif





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Thought I would share a little bit of my research with you all since you've been talking about different music style terms.


In the early 70's, the term fusion (or jazz/rock) was used when referencing the mixture of jazz improvisation with rock rhythms and electronics.


The phrase acid jazz was the first jazz term to be coined by a disc jockey rather than by a musician. It is much more a marketing phenomenon than a coherent musical style, even more so than tradition and as with traditional. Acid Jazz is very much the commercialization of a revival movement. Just like earlier revivals, it was inspired initially by listening to records rather than to live musicians. In this case the original style is that of late-1960s' and early 1970s' jazz-funk. The sort of music that wasn't heavy enough to be free jazz or early fusion but was more jazz-oriented than the average soul record.


At the time, this found a ready response among black listeners and a few white aficionados. After the usual twenty-year gap, a new generation of fans succeeded in promoting the music to a much wider crossover audience. Most of the creative musicians who have flirted with the acid-jazz market have found it too restricting and have moved on, exactly as with other revivals. and they have taken some of their listeners with them.


I can remember back in 1994, a 22-year-old drumset student of mine said, "have you heard this new 'Acid Jazz'?" and proceeded to play me a sample cut. After listening for not more than 15 seconds I stood to my feet and screamed, "this isn't new .... it's Herbie Hancock performing Cantaloupe Island!" http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif LOL The student was originally from the UK which is where I believe this term had really gained it's popularity, and possibly it's origin.


If you study the jazz-funk music of the late 60's and early 70's and you've found what is now called, by some as, "Acid Jazz."





Bart Elliott


Drummer Cafe - community drum & percussion forum
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derek you must understand that i listen to music that mix all of what you said and sound like your music ( well theyre pros you know ) and is called fusion...bartman said some cool stuff but he didnt talk about the main thing hehe, i mean im sure but i would like to hear some other people's opinions , because im not 100& sure, i dont know too many jambands....
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Thanks Bart for explaining through that, I was kind of clueless on the origins of everything. I just know that Herbie Hancock is great! I just played through Chameleon tonight actually with my brother. Tacheone, they might call it fusion, but we are not a fusion band. You can call us a fusion band, a funk band, a folk band, a pop band, a country band, a techno band, a metal band, or whatever you want to call us, it's cool, but but we are still a jamband. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif I'm positive we are a jamband. After all, I should know. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif





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Actually, we are. And yes we are correct. We mix styles. We jam out songs. That is the definition of a jamband. There are many styles of jamband, folk, rock, jazz, world, etc... Read into jambands a little more before you decide that we are not a jamband. Like I've said, think and call us what you'd like, it's still jamband.
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Yeah, fusion's exact term is referring to the mix of styles. But like you said, that isn't the historical definition. It seems like mainly the historical definition of fusion is jazz with a rock influence. We do mix, but from picking between the two styles and categories, we definitely fit under jamband.
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What a bizarre thread http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif


that is a progressive funk-rock song. No fusion influence at all. We aren't a fusion group, you don't have to limit yourself to one style. We have alot of styles we play, so we aren't going to call Moist Towelette fusion when it's obviously Latin Jazz. Thanks anyway though for your advice!


Exactly...call it whatever you want...it's all music, so if you label yourselves as one thing people will always expect that one thing.


Personally I don't like to even label one song of ours as a style unless it's super clear...most of our tunes contain more than one style of music in them and just can't be genrefied http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif


Anyway...I'm listening now...if you feel you have to put it in a genre (well I guess you do on MP3c)...I guess I'd call it Jazz Fusion but it really is more than that 'cause it has a lot of Pop/Rock/Funk in it.







This message has been edited by Steve LeBlanc on 09-17-2001 at 07:03 PM

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