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Weckl goes to Sabian!?!?


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Guess Dave's lesson with Freddie Gruber really paid off! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif


Being a huge Sabian fan, I'm always excited when great players choose the same equipment as I do. I know it all comes down to personal taste.


Let's just hope that Weckl's choice to change is based on his ears and not his pocket book (per our prior endorsee discussion).


Now if only Erskine would switch over .... LOL


Use the Force Peter ... turn away from the Dark Side; I see power within you ... you can do it! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/cool.gif





Bart Elliott


Drummer Cafe - community drum & percussion forum
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It's all crap. I don't care. Sorry, but endorsements mean nothing to me. I'm well aware of Sabian and I know drummers play them. There are jazz drummers who play Sabian, jazz drummers who play Paiste, jazz drummers who play Zildjian. Drum endorsers are like tobacco companies... it's all an effort to get impressionable young drummers and students to buy their product.


Now, before I get flamed, I know that in the very competitive business world, endorsements are necessary. I'm happy for Sabian for scoring Dave as an endorser. But I seriously doubt he switched cause he likes Sabians over Zildjians. He did it because he was approached by them and they offered him a better type of business relationship than he was getting at Zildjian.

Just for the record.
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If the rumors are true that Weckl is a raging egomaniac, then he probably couldn't pass up the chance to have his own signature line of cymbals.


I use Sabian too, but that's something that really bothers me about them, the fact that all their endorsers get to make up their own signature lines. If the cymbals are good in the first place, then why do the endorsers need to change them? http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/confused.gif


I've never even heard of a lot of the endorsers who have their own signature cymbals!

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Sabian makes great cymbals...so does Zildjian.


But I think one of the coolest cymbals I've ever heard was an old Crut my brother trimmed down after breaking the outer edge.


My point is...anything that makes the sound you want is cool...I've never bought anything based on a drummer's endorsement.

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Originally posted by sidereal:

But I seriously doubt he switched cause he likes Sabians over Zildjians. He did it because he was approached by them and they offered him a better type of business relationship than he was getting at Zildjian.


Well, maybe we should wait and see what Dave's reasons are before we all assume too much. You may be right ... you may be wrong. All these companies make great cymbals, so the change may not have anything to do with "better" sound, but rather "better" business relationship. I'd like to get it from the horse's mouth before I start judging the guy. Who knows, perhaps he will break the mold and stereotype.

Drummer Cafe - community drum & percussion forum
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I'm sorry but because any drummer changes brands doesn't mean I'm going to sell off the brand on my stands now. It doesn't mean it will make a bit of difference when I buy. I don't understand why this thread has gone this far....
I can't complain, but sometimes I still do... --Joe Walsh
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Originally posted by Mightydog:

I'm sorry but because any drummer changes brands doesn't mean I'm going to sell off the brand on my stands now. It doesn't mean it will make a bit of difference when I buy. I don't understand why this thread has gone this far....



It doesn't effect what I buy either ... but I think you are missing the point. Weckl has been using Zildjian cymbals for as long as I've known him; the same goes for his Yamaha drums. The point is that Dave Weckl is not known has a "endorsement whore" and has remained true to his instruments of choice ... and the manufactures that make them. This doesn't mean that one can't have a change in their tastes. Even the human taste buds cycle every 15 years; what you hated as a kid you just might like as an adult.


I think we are all interested in why Weckl made the change; we're just Curious Georges. Perhaps we've run out of things to talk about ... I don't know. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif

Drummer Cafe - community drum & percussion forum
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See, the object with cymbals is to get someone to use exclusively 'your' brand. That's why endorsements are so ubiquitous. I mean, how many pro drummers do you see with mixed cymbal arrangements, even though it's *totally* fine to do so. There is an impression created out there that to look pro, you need to stick with one brand.


So how do you get someone to stick with one brand? Get them while they're young. Young drummers in their garage listen to Blink 182, so you see so many of those types of drummers endorsed. Other young drummers take lessons. Teachers encourage young students to listen to cats like Dave Weckl. So if you start with one company, you're not going to go changing all your cymbals later, so get em hooked on your product while they're young and they'll probably stick with you to have consistency in their arrangement.


It's not really as subversive as I'm making it sound. But it is all about a business deal and has nothing to do with sound, or quality.

Just for the record.
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Originally posted by BruBoz:

If the rumors are true that Weckl is a raging egomaniac, then he probably couldn't pass up the chance to have his own signature line of cymbals.


What rumors? I've never heard anything but good things about Dave Weckl. I've heard some stories about some other big name drummers, but people I know who have met Weckl or worked with him say he is cordial and professional. I find it hard to believe someone who has spent 15 years giving away his professional secrets could be anything but endearing.

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It's not really as subversive as I'm making it sound. But it is all about a business deal and has nothing to do with sound, or quality.


Yep. But y'know I think it's the responsibility of at least SOME drummers to teach these kids by example that it's cool to have more than one brand of stuff in your kit. I learned from Bill Bruford that you can make your own cymbals out of old broken ones...this was an important lesson when I was 15...it changed the way I approached drums and music.


I really wish more pro drummers would go against the corporate grain and play a mixed up kit.

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Originally posted by Mightydog:

I don't understand why this thread has gone this far....


If Michael Jordan decided to exchange his Nikes for Converse, I guarantee the entire world as we know it would be turned upside down. To put it in more relative terms, if Steve Gadd exchanged his famous Yamahas in for a Gretsch, there'd be pandomonium in Drum Land. His sound would change.


Drummers work their entire life to create a signature sound. Weckl is a superstar drummer who is now trading in one very important part of his sound for something unknown. It's simultaneously shocking and exciting. The only thing that would disappoint me is if his new Sabians were merely Zildjian K knock-offs. I'm more interested in something new.

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Originally posted by Gaddabout:

I find it hard to believe someone who has spent 15 years giving away his professional secrets could be anything but endearing.



Well, that's why I called them rumors.


Besides, you can have a big ego and still be "endearing." I wasn't saying he was a jerk, I just said I heard he had a big ego!

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If the rumors were true, they wouldn't be rumors. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif


Plus, I doubt an egomaniac would take lessons....


Billy Cobham switched from Zildjian to Sabian after a few decades. I never heard why, but I did read that one of the reasons, if not THE reason, he switched from (a long time with) Tama, to Mapex, and then to Yamaha, was due to clinic sponsorships, here and abroad. Japan mainly , I think. And Chad Sexton switched to Zildjian FROM Sabian, due in part to Zildjians sponsorship. And I STILL buy whatever I like the sound of.


Screw the ads, trust your ears...


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Originally posted by ackthbtbt@hotmail.com:

If the rumors were true, they wouldn't be rumors. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif



You mean like that rumor that was floating around about Weckl switching to Sabian?

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a lot of people seems to hate weckl, i have heard somebody even calling him "the kenny g of the drums" i think even if you dont like the music he does you HAVE to respect his drumming because he his one of the greats
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