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giggin felix

felix stein

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Felix--stay away from the practice thing, man! Then you'll start balancing you check book and checking the oil in your car. Don't do it, buddy! You'll wake up some morning and find yourself middle class!!!!
I can't complain, but sometimes I still do... --Joe Walsh
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Originally posted by djarrett:

I sit there myself, but I consider myself the "lower" or the Middle Class!


Lower middle-class is definately the best. It means you can pay your bills, and maybe even own a home, but still get righteously angry at rich people without being hypocritical. Makes for some very good rock lyrics.

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Originally posted by sidereal:

Buy a house? Good lord, Gaddabout, where do you live, Nebraska?


Ha! Hey sidereal, don't poke fun at the Midwest. I'm lower-middle class (middle school teacher) and I don't know how I'm ever going to buy a house in Missouri! At this rate I'll never get my kit out of my parents' basement! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/frown.gifhttp://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif

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Originally posted by sidereal:

Buy a house? Good lord, Gaddabout, where do you live, Nebraska?


I live in Phoenix Metro, where we never run out of available desert to put up another 640-acre masterplanned subdivision. A $40,000 annual income can still buy you a new house in the burbs. I've noticed a lot of musicians moving here lately -- good musicians -- and I think it's primarily because the cost of living is about 1/10th what it is in LA.


As for me, I hate yard work, so I am not a homeowner, per se. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif

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Hey Gaddabout, where in Phoenix Metro do you live? I'm in Glendale, and your right, plenty o desert out here! Now I'm always interested in seeing drummers perform, and I was wondering if you have any public gigs that I might be able to come and watch sometime? You just seem like such a knowlegeable person when it comes to drums, and if your playing is as smart as your words, I'm sure I could learn quite a few things. Well, thanks.




P.S. If you ever do become a "homeowner", I'm a wiz with a lawnmower! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif

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HMS, wow, thanks for the kind words. I definately talk a better game than I play. Last time I played in a place you might've heard about, I had hair. The cat to go see in town is Dom Moio. E-mail me at mself14430@earthlink.net and we'll chat some more.
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Why on earth are you all dogging classes of people? No matter how much money someone may make, they all have the same problems as you do (bills, etc.) The only difference I've seen is the more money you make the bigger your toys ... that's it. I hear upper-class whine about the same things as middle and lower-class people .... BILLS.


I grew-up poor in the foothills of Missouri, and yet I never knew I was poor. I had a roof over my head, food to eat, and clothes to wear. Sure I got teased because I didn't have the latest and greatest things. My mom worked all day to provide for my sister and I since my dad abandoned us when I was 10.


I feel that I am making a good living now, and I don't have a clue what "class" I am ... probably lower-middle class. To me, it doesn't matter ... I just work hard, enjoy life, and try my best to be a good husband and father.


I guess I don't understand why "wealthy" people should be given a hard time just because they make more money than I do; money that I'm sure they (or someone) worked very hard to get.


Just my two cents ...

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Originally posted by Bartman:


I guess I don't understand why "wealthy" people should be given a hard time just because they make more money than I do; money that I'm sure they (or someone) worked very hard to get.


Just my two cents ...



I don't really have a problem with wealthy people who actually work for their money. I just have a problem with people like George W. Bush who inherit their money and are basically part of an aristocracy that uses their money to influence people in positions of power.


But I don't wanna open up a Pandora's Box on this subject, so I'll just shut up now. This is a drumming forum, not a politics forum. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif


Hey Bart, where in Missouri did you grow up? I'm in KC. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif

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Originally posted by Bartman:

Why on earth are you all dogging classes of people?


Ha! I thought the last line in my post might reveal the tongue-in-cheek nature of my comment, but I guess not. Apologies if I offended anyone. As a general rule, never take me seriously.

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Originally posted by BruBoz:

I don't really have a problem with wealthy people who actually work for their money. I just have a problem with people like George W. Bush who inherit their money and are basically part of an aristocracy that uses their money to influence people in positions of power.


But I don't wanna open up a Pandora's Box on this subject, so I'll just shut up now. This is a drumming forum, not a politics forum. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif


Hey Bart, where in Missouri did you grow up? I'm in KC. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif



Well, I don't know who's feeding you the information that is assuming that George W. Bush inherited all his money. I currently live in Dallas which is where George W. Bush used to be in business; he is the former owner of the Texas Rangers prior to becoming the Governor of Texas. If you are dogging George W. Bush, then I take it that you were (are) a Gore supporter. If you think Bush got all his from inheritance, then you've GOT to know that Gore definitely did. Quite frankly it doesn't matter, at least to me, if people get their money from inheritance. I pray that I have something to leave my son and that I teach him how to be responsible and build and inheritance for his children. Dogging people because their initial wealth came from inheritance doesn't make sense to me. What have they done? What crimes have they committed or are the guilty of? Slamming people because they have money sounds very bitter to me.


I'm sure there are those that would look at my possessions and think that I am rich ... but I'm not. I'm just a responsible human being who doesn't buy anything unless I have the cash. So is that reason to start bashing me? I don't think so. Sure, some people make their money at the expense of someone elses loss, but to assume all people of wealth are evil is just wrong (silly actually).


I realize that this is a drum forum, and not a place for politics and class discussion, but thoughts and beliefs have a way of also affecting our stances on music and drumming. I don't think anyone has really "bashed" anyone else, but I do think some of you are walking a thin line hear. I would encourage you to look inside yourselves to find out what it is that makes you feel and react the way you do. You may not really feel the way it sounds, but there is some hinden truth in all that we say ... even when we joke.


A wise person once said, "From the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks." I feel that there is a lot of truth to that, although trying to get your ideas and emotions conveyed on these bulletin boards is not an easy task. We all tend to misinterpret what others say; I know I do! LOL

Drummer Cafe - community drum & percussion forum
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Originally posted by Bartman:

You may not really feel the way it sounds, but there is some hinden truth in all that we say ... even when we joke.


I did indeed cross the line. As someone who has lived on both sides of the line, I should've known better.

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Originally posted by Bartman:

Slamming people because they have money sounds very bitter to me.



Bart, is it possible that you're taking this a little too seriously? http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif


As for Bush, "Is Our Children Learning" by Paul Begala is a great source for inside information on "Dubya." Yes, he was business man, but his oil business was financed by his father's rich friends.


I'm not dogging the wealthy in general. I just don't like Bush. I'm a loyal Democrat, what can I say? Please don't make me divulge how I really feel about our president. Wouldn't be prudent. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif


So, how 'bout those drums, eh? http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/cool.gif

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I'm sure ther is some political related forum to discuss all of this jargon!All political difference aside remember that this is a drum talk forum where political party doesn't make a paradiddle of difference! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif



P.S.Congrats Felix http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gifhttp://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif


This message has been edited by ian* on 08-25-2001 at 11:18 PM

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I must reply to this http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/tongue.gif


1. What does it matter where you get your money, as long as it is honest? I hope and pray that if I ever have kids, i can leave tons of money for them. I mean, let's be honest here. Most of us have day jobs, and can't concentrate on drumming as much as we would like to, right? And for the fortuante few who use drumming as a means of income, i'm sure you would sometimes like to be able to play only the "fun" music instead of the occasional $$ gig, right? On top of that, who wants to work anyway http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif


2. Politics on a drum forum: This is cool. Polotics are VERY IMPORTANT, and too many of us take them for granted and do NOT pay attention to what is going on with the goverment. We should be a bit more active, ya know, keep music in the schools, fund the arts, etc. To me, finding out how other drummers feel about issues outside of drumming is great, politcs included. Does it really hurt to get to know each other better?


3. low-class, middle class, upper class, hey, what's important here is the one common denominator of all of us drummers. We all have class http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif

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Originally posted by felix stein:



Yeah, they are "pouring" in right now...very strange. We have a great manager it looks like.


As for the rest of you guys...what the *()&^*^?????


Too funny.



I just didn't see the relevance of the political speeches given the topic of your original post!


It's amazing what a good manager/booking agent can do for you!!!!

I'm glad things are moving ahead for your band!It kind of encourages me to get motivated!


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I think it helps we have been together for 5 years also.


Your time will come again Ian*


The wild thing was that I was true to this band. Turned down a bunch of mediocre copy gigs and put up with a TON of ca ca from my contemporaries.


I love politics actually and I wouldn't mind a thread where we drummers can vent. As far as classes are concerned, one can make a shitload of dough in the US if they play their cards right. Most people with not a lot of dough don't want or have avoided the stress involved with making it.


They have also avoided the most lucrative markets. Being an artist/drummer is not about being rich. It is about being at ease with one's lifestyle.

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Originally posted by ian*:

I just didn't see the relevance of the political speeches given the topic of your original post!


Just for the record here, I didn't start any political talk; I replied to statements made by several of our new members. In the future I will impose my own muzzle in an effort to stay on topic ... even though the topic was WAY off by the time I even made my first post. It's difficult for me to stand by and listen to silliness; even more difficult not responding. Notice I didn't respond to BruBoz's reply to my first post. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif I think it's only fair to say that if you don't want political views in the threads ... DON'T START BY SNEAKING THEM IN AND NOT EXPECT A RESPONSE.

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Originally posted by rlhubley:

2. Politics on a drum forum: This is cool. Polotics are VERY IMPORTANT, and too many of us take them for granted and do NOT pay attention to what is going on with the goverment. We should be a bit more active, ya know, keep music in the schools, fund the arts, etc. To me, finding out how other drummers feel about issues outside of drumming is great, politcs included. Does it really hurt to get to know each other better?



Well, I'm glad to see not everybody is ticked off at me for talking politics. I'm a social studies teacher, I can't help it!! I agree with rlhubley's statement. A few posts about politics isn't going to hurt anybody.


Bartman can think my political ideas are "silliness" if he wants. That's why the U.S. is such a great place to live.


In conclusion, Eat the Rich!!!! (JUST KIDDING!!! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif)

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Originally posted by BruBoz:

Bartman can think my political ideas are "silliness" if he wants. That's why the U.S. is such a great place to live.


No ... what's silly is the way they whole "class" discussion came about, then how you took it yet another step further by launching your political (Democratic) agenda. Now THAT's what I find silly. It's almost as bad as these guys who come on here and SPAM us with non-topic jargon and links to other web sites. Your only saving grace was that you actually made a few points on topic before taking a sharp LEFT turn. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif


Now ... back to drumming

Drummer Cafe - community drum & percussion forum
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Originally posted by Bartman:

Your only saving grace was that you actually made a few points on topic before taking a sharp LEFT turn. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif


Now ... back to drumming


Well, that's your opinion. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/tongue.gif


Oh geez, will this ever end? I think Bartman and I will just have to agree to disagree. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif


We both love drumming, so there's really no need to argue. I'm sure if we got past all the political stuff, we'd find we have more similarities than differences. I guess this is why a lot of internet forums have "Off Topic" threads. It's inevitable that people will veer off into other subjects of interest.


I officially call a truce, Bartman! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/cool.gif

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