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Why no Response?


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HI Fellow drummers , I'm going to make a statement that may seem unpopular but I recently wrote another message , I haven't received one response is it my questions are out dated , I was involed with another Drum Forum Site before.And the problem there was , it was a click of the same guys always communicating with each other which in itself isn't bad the problem was anyone new that joined or entered was completely ignored , after many messages seeking some reply I simply gave up . No One answered anything at all .I was very dishearted say the lest so I left. Now I'm not saying thats the case here obviously not you have already replied to several of my messages , it's just when this happens a warning flag goes up and I'm hoping that this is not the case here at all. sincerely......serpico3
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I can't really speak for everyone here but I think we're all busy with different stuff so we only post responses when a topic REALLY interests us and/or we really have something to add...that's why I didn't respond to your post...I didn't have anything to add.


I appreciated the thread you're talking about, I was very glad you provided some information I didn't know. Maybe I should have posted to thank you for the info but I didn't have anything to add to the subject so I just read it and moved on.


If you have a specific question that I feel I can answer I almost always respond. If I don't think I can answer it properly I move on.


I haven't observed a closed clique here...in fact to me it's just the opposite, I was welcomed here even though drums aren't my main instrument.


Hell...we even let a couple of guitar players hang here. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif


Most of the time I don't have much time so I'm very selective about where, when I post.


Sorry if you thought it was something different.





This message has been edited by Steve LeBlanc on 07-21-2001 at 06:32 PM

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Thanks so much for your earnest reply,It has reaffirmed my faith that this is the greatest Forum for all musicians , As I saiod before I'm an old timmer so I'm still getting use to this computer stuff , in fact my Grandsons who are age 8 and 7 real couple of meatballs, I call them , man they blow me away with the knowledge and use of these computers and in fact urged me to get one so we can correspond together , with games and cards , they live in Seattle Wa I live in Conn So the distance to me is a killer . I Miss them so much , and they both play Drums and Guitar. I recently just bought my youngest Grandson a Killer set of King drums , made just for younger players , Man I wish they had these when I first started out my first real set at age 8 was a 24 inch Slingerland Bass Drum, snare, tom, Cymbal , But I had to have blocks added to the pedal plus cut the seat so I could reach the drums .things are sure better know and I got my other Grandson a 3/4 scaled verson of a Fender telecaster Guitar w/ Amp and thet are really studinging diligently on both. Anyway I got off track here Thanks Steve for replying and listening it is greatly appreciated.......Sincerely serpico3
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I recently just bought my youngest

Grandson a Killer set of King drums


Wow, that's really great...I wanted to get the same set for my 2 year old son but money's been tight so I had to settle for something cheaper (CB Jr. 5 pc Kit).




It's still fairly good quality for a youngster...I plan on buying him a really nice kit in a year or two if he keeps playing.


Stick around, the guys around here (even though there aren't too many) seem like really nice guys and above all they really love drums.





This message has been edited by Steve LeBlanc on 07-21-2001 at 09:43 PM

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You can't take things personally; no one here is that shallow.


I can only speak for myself when I say that I'm busy and am lucky to find the time to post when I do. Actually I should be doing something more productive, like practicing ... but I digress.


Please know that not everyone responds to every thread. Sometimes, we've already talked about the talk and just don't feel like hashing it out again. If you don't get any responses, perhaps it might be a good idea to see if you can find your answers from earlier threads.


I don't know what thread you are talking about; so I'm sorry.


I'm trying to run my own little neck of the drumming community over at the Drum Ring International which also has a forum and a discussion list.


Hang in there and be patient. If someone doesn't reply to your post, post it again after a week or so.





Bart Elliott


Drummer Cafe - community drum & percussion forum
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Hey Thanks Bart Man and Steve you guys are terrific and I can see that you both are dedicated and serious musicans , First to steve , Hey Great Steve playing along side Louie Boy , He's a Hot Ticket and diffenitely , the Now Raining Champion Taken over after Buddy's death , Hes now the man . No doubt , Thank God we still have him with us just recently he survived an Accident being hit buy a Car him and his wife and had to be Hospitilized , as such not so Good Luck for young Steve Ettleson who had the same fate befall him ./ Sadly he did not survive . I to did the Tour Bus Gig Thing back in the Early 70's I Played for Herman, Kenton, and filled in on a Fergason gig , I worked for the Willard Alexander Agency of 660 Madison Ave NY my agent was a young Trombone Player for Buddy named Keith O'Quinn right out of Berklee I was, Home from VietNam I did 2 tours there with the 3rd Marine Force Recon Division anyway boy I'm going back do I show my age yet , Man I sure let the cat out of the bag, And the Set of Drums you bought your son are Great , hey in a couple of years if he sticks it( NO PUN INTEADED !!) your right to go up to another level of drums , The Reason I bought the King Set was because , 1 my grandson already shows and works diligently at his drumming and I believe it holds a better resale value later when he wants to upgrade to another set . Ok Bartman, Thnks for your insight , it to showed me my ways to improve myself in these forums and it is greatly appreciated , I thought that was you on Drum Ring, I to have tried that forum but not much luck there for me , Hope yours is much better , Anyway Gentlemen, It's been a Pleasure talking to you , I have one more reponse to reply to then it's supper and then Practice time for me. Sincerely ....serpico3
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