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Colaiuta stuff

Steve Holmes

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I hate to pimp my site within my first few posts but it seems to me a lot of guys would be into it.


Vinnie clinics, video clips, exclusive bootleg mp3's, name it.


I've got so much traffic I'm in the process of putting out an instructional video. Theres a preview clip available at:



Sorry if this is out of line, I like these forums a lot. And like I said it, seems there alot of guys here that may appreeciate the content of the site. I plugged this forum on my latest news post if that helps!



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Originally posted by Steve Holmes:

... Vinnie clinics, video clips, exclusive bootleg mp3's, name it.


I don't know that I would be advertising the fact that you have "bootleg" anything. Personally, I'm against this type of thing, but do what you must.


Welcome to Drum Talk.






Bart Elliott


Drummer Cafe - community drum & percussion forum
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Hey, Steve:


This sort of thing is usually frowned upon in the other forums on our site. If you were on Craig Anderton's site you would have been SPAM HARASSED right off the site!! BUT!, I encourage anything that advances the cause of drumming. Anything that is educational, informational, or inspirational!


I do not, however condone bootleg anything. This is how folks get themselves prosecuted!!!





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Thanks for the response. I would edit the message but it seems that otpion is not available here = (


As far as bootlegs go, I'm against someone making money off someone elses unauthorized work. I'm certainanly not against simply sharing material free of charge. Oh well.

Thanks for a great forum!



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Hey, Steve:

You can edit. Just click on the little pencil and pad icon at the top of your message window.

This will open the window message from the original post and you can edit from there.



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Originally posted by Steve Holmes:

As far as bootlegs go, I'm against someone making money off someone elses unauthorized work. I'm certainanly not against simply sharing material free of charge.


I understand, but let's take this a step further. Sure, no one is making money of the bootleg ... including the ARTIST!!! That's the whole point isn't it? I wasn't referring to someone making money by selling the bootleg ... I am more concerned that there are bootlegs to begin with. There's no incentive for someone to BUY the product if they can just get a free copy or bootleg. How does the artist make any money if everyone gets free copies and/or bootlegs. That's what NAPSTER doesn't seem to grasp. Seems very obvious and simple to me, but as we all know ... people don't usually think about how it might effect others before they engage in these types of activities.


These are my personal convictions anyway. Do what you will?


I just thought of a little song Jimmy Cricket used to sing "... and always let your conscious be your guide."





Bart Elliott


Drummer Cafe - community drum & percussion forum
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I can respect this board's disapproval of seemingly questionable activities, but Steve seems to have developed a rapport with the drummers he features on his website. It is a unique resource, and Steve's ability to break down and explain complicated Vinnie and Weckl stuff is of immense value to the Internet drumming community. I encourage anyone wanting to learn more about those two drummers and their skills, Steve's website is the place to go. Steve is also an oustanding drummer in the SoCal area, so if you are looking, you can find his e-mail there, too. =)
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Wel, I cant argue with the fact that the artist isn't getting paid for downloadable bootleg stuff, but they are getting free publicity. THis dosnt justify it but it is something..one more person that has heard of them.



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Originally posted by Steve Holmes:

Wel, I cant argue with the fact that the artist isn't getting paid for downloadable bootleg stuff, but they are getting free publicity. This dosnt justify it but it is something..one more person that has heard of them.


Steve, again ... I'm definitely not trying to "bash" you here ... so please don't take it that way (nice web site by the way).


The fact that you bring up the comment "they are getting free publicity" is an excuse, a quasi-justification. If you don't it justifies your actions ... then why did you mention it. The fact that you even thought of it means that you feel justified in doing in some small way.


The main point I'd like to bring out is that the artist didn't make the call on whether or not to have the stuff available to the public or not ... YOU DID. They didn't say to themselves ... "you know, so what if I'm not getting any money, I'm getting free publicity." Do you see my point. You've not provided Weckl or Colaiuta the opportunity to say NO. Maybe they think their playing sucked the night you bootlegged it. I know I wouldn't want a performance circling around that I wasn't proud of. The point is they don't have any say in the matter.


As far as making money, if you show any "gain" by having this stuff on your site ... you are making a profit off these artists. If you sell your own product or get business from this web site ... it could be said that these bootlegs are assisting in your income by drawing traffic to your site. People visit your site because of the stuff you provide about Weckl and Colaiuta; if you make money off that site, even if it's not from the bootlegs directly ... you are still making money off these guys; using their talents to draw potential clients ... and thus making $$$.


I'm only wanting to shed some light on this; I'm not trying to tell you what to do or not do. The information I am relaying to you IS the type of argument that would be used against you in a court of law ... should things go that way.


If there is no harm in offering this stuff on your web site, then there should be no reason why you couldn't ask Weckl and Colaiuta for permission to have this stuff on your site. Is there a reason why you shouldn't do that? If there is, then probably it shouldn't be there to begin with.


With all that said, let me say that I did enjoy the portions of the website that were about you. I checked out some of your solo examples ... and you sounded great ... keep up the good work.








Bart Elliott


Drummer Cafe - community drum & percussion forum
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I know Weckl. He's aware of my site.

I spoke with Vinnie briefly about my site. He didn't object either.


I appreciate your giving insight to the other side of the coin though. And thanks for the compliments as well!



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Originally posted by Steve Holmes:


I know Weckl. He's aware of my site.

I spoke with Vinnie briefly about my site. He didn't object either.



Hey, then there's nothing to worry about. If these know about it, etc., then there's no sweat right?


Sorry I didn't realize that you had their permission for all this stuff.


Go for it!






Bart Elliott


Drummer Cafe - community drum & percussion forum
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