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Any have any information on Art Verdi w.f.d. champion?

vinnie c.

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VC, You Got That Right! All i know is he is 54 years old, lives in jersey, obiously practices all day and my friend BB Thomas says he is posting over at evan's drumtalk along with Tim Waterson and Travis Barker. BB says the evans board are killing these guys calling them geeks and crap!.Come on Travis Barker a Geek! WOW! Who would they call cool? Anyway I have emailed BB and ask him to post that we found this board and try to get these guys over here, where we can have some wfd talk without everyone screeming "you suck". I heard it is coming to serious blows over there. But you know what is so funny, none of them will get into the WFD ring. They will all say Art sucks, but would not dare to step into the ring with a man or woman whose hands move over 18 times a second. hahahaha!
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I have been over to the Evans board quite a bit

they sure do have problems with WFD

Why??? don't know, but i will tell you that when Art Verdi came over there and posted, I was blown away by what he had to say

they all refused to believe it was really him, and he never bothered coming back there

It was amazing what he had to say

it was also amazing when Tim Waterson came on and talked about what amazing technique art has, he saw some tape or something

anyway, maybe art could come here and post, where maybe he is appreciated. there are one or two people over there that just spoiled everything, but there is always someone like that to wreck things

right bb?????

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Hey, Soundzap:


Just as some people will criticize those of us that marched Drum Corps ... or those that put someone down for playing jazz, there are just going to be folks that have *got* to find the bad in the world.


I think you will find on MusicPlayer.com's Drum Talk, that we have a very open minded and open armed group of drummers.


Our motto over here has always followed the Thumper (from Bambi) theory ... "If you can't say something nice ... don't say nothing at all!"


Now, while this does not always hold true (as we are human beings, ... after all!), we embrace folks that persue all avenues and aspects of drumming!


Bring on Art! Bring on WFD! Bring on Drumming!

Bring it on!


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Hey, bbthomas!

Welcome to MusicPlayer.com's Drum Talk! (the other drum talk!)


For all you new guys, please find the "Inquiring Minds Want To Know" thread and tell us a little about your playing background and things about yourself!




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I was just reading Andy's post, editor of DRUM magazine, at the Evans board. I wish he would come on this board along with Ron Spagnardi. It would be a friendly and a great debate on W.F.D.
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What was the post on evan's and has MD editor posted a come back to Andy?, this is like the old drum battles. I have read about Buddy and Gene and Barrett and Buddy battles in the press. What does Andy say say, that's bigtime when you have an editor of his stature make a post. Was it a WFD post?
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it sure is nice to hear that you appreciate the talent that it takes to be a WFD champion. I say, that these drummers that hold records know plenty about drumming. some of the Evans people think that they don't care about anything but speed. after reading art's posts you would realize that this guy has mastered the drums as a musical instrument first. his tecniques are something I would like to learn about. wish there was a way to get him here. in the meantime, somewhere on that board there is a post "I'm Art Verdi", and what he says is incredible stuff. they insulted him off the board saying it was some imposter. what a joke, man

who would say all that kidding around., don't make any sense.

Thanks for the welcome to your board.

I need some advice on some stuff, but I will post that somewhere else.

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SoundZaps, I am following your post today, trying to catch you. Your just too fast! heheheheh! (lol) wfd geek humor. i am with you bro. I have been searching around for Art, Tim and Travis Barker, they have backed off it seems from the crap. If you see there post please tell them we are over here and if it says WFD or Extreme Sport Drummiing it should be ok to post. Everitning cool so far. It looks like promark or Art's head company remo i think would have him on a chat line. Johnny Rabb and Tim Waterson got so much support from their companies. Tim has just completed a series for Discovery Channel where they talk indepth about what he does. Remember he told us about it on one of the other boards. If we Art back here we will find out what os going on, because there are too many people wanting to learn this hand tech. especially that left hand thing. I did see a post where Travis is training for the record and may do it soon. i guess we could email promark and remo asking for Art's email?
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Yes! I am not sure how often they do it, but since Art uses promark it seems like at some point they might look at doing something on him or having him on their chatline. I went over to their site and requested some info on Art and left this message board address and my email for anyone that can tell us more on Art. Maybe someone from promark will email or post here. djarrett do you know how this promark chatline works? It may not be 24 hr. chatline, maybe just a various scheduled times. I could not get into it.
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vinnie, bb, and steve:


I work with Pat to promote and co-host the chats (like the upcoming one on Tuesday, July 17th with Shane Evans of Collective Soul)

Would you like me to forward this thread to him and see if we can get Art lined up for some fall event?


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I think that remo and promark are pretty much ignoring verdi. Why? I sure want to see something about him. Better yet, I would like to get some tech info from him. More than anything I would love to see a solo on video. there was a guy on the evans board that knew him personally, and said that it was more than amazing to watch him play. that he could do things on his kit that seemed impossible. I received an e-mail from drumminnomore on request and he said that even Buddy Rich was astounded when he saw Art play and that Joe Morello named him the Best Drummer long ago. It doesn't sound like he is some nobody to me, so what the hell are they waiting for? Maybe they are waiting for Travis, but I'm not, I mean i would like to see him too someday, when he can break the record, but for now BRING ON VERDI, and let's check him out and pick his brain
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Vinnie, Thanks!, but it is too childish to keep doing that. The evan's admin. has banned all WFD post except "The World's Fastest Drum Editor" with Andy d. I am wondering if Mr. Spagnardi is coming on next? Looks like it! from the way the Admin. is setting the stage.Anyway I will watch the theater there but not post unless a have too case. I would not be surprised though if MD does not counter on Andy d.'s remarks. Onto Art Verdi; There is a post at promark's sound board discussion site From Jeff Hartsough of promark that Art uses promark TX5BN and that he lives in Nashville. I believe that Jeff has that mixed up with Johnny Rabb living in Nashville. Art I believe lives in New Jersey. I left a reply if anyone has info to post here. bb
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