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Double Pedal Placement


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I haven't had time yet to really, really play with my double pedal. One of the first things that occured to me as I slapped it on, ... is where to position the slave pedal at. Where do you guys place it? I plan on moving it as I am uncomfortable in its current position.


Keep the hi-hat pedal the same and place the salve in the inside?

Move the hi-hat pedal and place the slave pedal in its position?

Or is it a combination of both where they split the difference?



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Hey, Drum Trav:


I am afraid that I am adding another option to your mix.


I place my slave pedal to the left of the hihat pedal.


I already play with my hihat a little closer than some folks do. This was the only way to get my foot on the pedal board without it having to uncomfortably move under the snare.


I hope this does not totally blow you plan!





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Place your pedals comfortable to your feet...I prefer them symetrically in front of me. Angle the kick a little to your right. I will assume you have a five piece. Your drums will be a little to your right. I prefer this method of setup...it is pretty ergonomically correct...that way your splashes, crashes, high hat and perhaps another tom will fit ok to your left. Your legs won't be too far apart and your right arm won't be crossed very far at all. Plus your set up looks cool.


Get a hat stand where the legs swivel...I would place hat on left of left foot pedal. This is how most set ups are. If your stand doesn't swivel...place right leg over the foot pedal but not too close to touch your slaves linkage...this will set your high hat pedal a little in front your slave pedal.

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