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Is your music or drumming any good?


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Hey Drummies!

...lately there have been people opening topics seeking reactions to their music. I think this is great, but it could become unwieldy very rapidly as the number of topics multiplies. So, this folder has been created for two reasons:


1. If you want reactions to your music or drumming, tell us where to find it.

2. If you want to check out some new music or drumming and comment on it, go for it.


This could be a lot of fun if we get a decent level of participation. Ever wanted to be an A&R person? Ever needed some good quotes for a promotion? This is the place!


Groove on............

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Awwwright...sorry bout the other thread...if you guys want to hear me as a 16 year old kid on the drums check it out:



Steve LeBlanc's Solo stuff


JamFree's music (my band) is available here:




Enjoy, I'll be happy to listen to and comment on anyone else's music...please specify whether you want me to comment on the Drumming or the overall track.




This message has been edited by Steve LeBlanc on 06-19-2001 at 05:09 PM

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Hey, Steve:

I liked it. Of course there are sound quality issues, but this can be a challenge with home studios to mp3 conversions.


I particularly like Rage.




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Thanks for listening Dendy! Rage has my 18 year old nephew on drums, he rocks!


As far as the sound quality issues go, yeah it's something I constantly struggle with. "Beauty" was recorded on an old Teac 4track in 1987 so, of course that one sounds like shit.


Our new stuff has to be remixed and mastered but I hope we're getting better http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif.


Is your drumming available on the net somewhere, I want to hear you play man.


I'd like to hear some of the other guys here too...I love drums! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif


This message has been edited by Steve LeBlanc on 05-08-2001 at 12:51 PM

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Steve, I am working on that. I have some video of me playing with Teresa Wade this past fall as we opened for Travis Tritt!

I also have some footage from last month of us playing unplugged at the infamous BlueBird Cafe' here in Nashville.

I will let you know when I get it converted to Quick TIme or Real.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey, how'd this thread get back up here?


Really though, I know some of you guys have some of your drumming posted on the net somewhere...I'd love to hear it, I'm looking for something to listen to today.


If you're worried about criticism, don't, I promise I won't make any comments on your music unless you ask me to...I would like to hear some drums though.




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Steve..checked Notes...yeah, about that mixing http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/eek.gif maybe you can A/B some Return To Forever as you mix (assuming you're the ones doing it).


but some fucking great playing...seriously, that keyboard intro is fantastic by your brother ( i hate bastards that can play everything top notch http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif ), and i also dig your minimal BD use in the middle of the tune, as it makes the dbl bass bursts all the more powerful...and i do think the drums sound like they were tracked really well...but those guitars...yikes http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif


definately gonna check all your stuff when time permits...


Felix....i can load your page, but it temporarily freezes me; then i get a bunch of javascript errors....plus i get the impression there's no music there yet anyways http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/confused.gif


um...and i will have mpgs of my own up eventually...perfect examples of how NOT to play, trust me...


This message has been edited by Rader Ranch on 06-06-2001 at 08:41 PM

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seriously, that keyboard intro is fantastic by your brother ( i hate bastards that can play everything top notch ),


hehe, well I'm the one playing the keyboard..go ahead and hate me http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif. My brother Tom's the dbl bass drummer. I haven't recorded my drum playing in a while...check the post earlier in this thread if you want to hear MY drumming on the tune "Beauty". Talk about audio problems http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif, you'll hear lots.


I know we've got a lot of work to do as engineers...I don't want the stuff to sound like Return to Forever but I know what you mean.


Sorry about my guitar tone...it is shrill http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif.


Thanks for listening...I look forward to hearing your stuff.




This message has been edited by Steve LeBlanc on 06-07-2001 at 01:37 PM

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Well the good news is we start mixing next weekend.


The bad news is I have to wait till the cd gets copywritten before we put it on the page.


The other bad news is I have to figure out a streaming or download site deal as well. Maybe the Bartman can give me some ideas. I think I will just fly surfers to an ftp site. I've never put audio files on the web. Shouldn't be too bad.


Tunes should be up in a month or so. Can't wait till you guys rip on me! Oh jeez...naw, it's pretty good stuff. The next cd will be even better and it's half written so we are all geeked to get going!


Sorry about your Java script. Do you have it enabled on your browser?

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Originally posted by felix stein:

Sorry about your Java script. Do you have it enabled on your browser?



yeah...IE 5.0 on mac 8.6...seems like maybe 1 in 50-75 sites give me problems like this, but most java/flash et.al. work fine...so i guess that just means you're special and unique http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif

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Originally posted by felix stein:

The bad news is I have to wait till the cd gets copywritten before we put it on the page.


Why don't you just copyright one of the songs and post a rough mix? Or even an excerpt of a rough mix? Just write out a lead sheet and sent it in. Copyright covers melody, chord changes, and lyrics. Drum parts, bass lines, guitar riffs, etc. cannot be copyrighted.


If you're really paranoid, you can even copyright the rough mix as a sound recording.

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I'm not paranoid at all...I could give a shit actually...it's my guitar player and he gets his way do or die. I have wanted to do some of those options but hell, what's the rush anyways? I'm not one to upset the apple cart...after playing with a cat 15 years off and on one knows when to back off. I'm just the drummer. *notice all responsibility shirked off at last moment*


We will have some files up soon. And then you will listen to it, be totally enraptured and buy a cd.

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  • 2 weeks later...

what did you do to that poor triangle? http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif cool power tool sounds in the bg. i'd humbly submit that the snare sound could be better though...less muffled, more character...


but ... i can't smoke at work either http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/frown.gif

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posted by felix stein:

It's the MP3's squashing the snare sound....it's a rough mix.


no excuses! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/tongue.gifhttp://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif seriously, i hope you guys play with sounds that much in most of your tunes...


Jen...Untitled is a strong song...makes me think of REM/Smithereens. and you certainly have better time and a more solid style than i...drives the whole band along.


and yes i did edit this stupid post you fucking web app....



This message has been edited by Rader Ranch on 06-19-2001 at 09:13 PM

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Pretty, happy tune Wondercrush. Nice solid playing and drum sound, warm bass drum sound, vintage snare sound, nice dry tom sound...little to major sounding in the guitars and a few too many 16th's for my taste- the ride is a little clangy though, at least on my ca ca computer speakers...but it fits the tune...so I guess that's a compliment.


Lee, when are you going to rip on my tune?

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  • 1 month later...

There are some new drummers 'round these parts...so I thought I'd send this thread back to the top...if you guys have any of your music online I'd love to hear it.



DJ, just an idea, why not change the title of this thread to read something like "Share your Drumming." I think everyone's music is pretty good, especially if they're proud enough to share it.

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O.K., here's my opinion on the "March of the Zombies" sample from your site.


Overall, I like the song. I don't really judge specific tones much, as I understand it's a rough cut, and the loss due to mp3. I'm always sure any song sounds better coming off a CD. I like the feel and 'dark' character to the song. Kind of New Age to me, which I like anyway. So, based solely on that cut, if the rest of the CD had a similar feel, I'd probably buy the album.


The only question I would raise would be about the 'power tool' sounds in the background, as Rader Ranch had also noticed and mentioned. I LIKE the sounds, as they add some interest to the song. But to critique, I'd ask WHY are they there? How do power tools relate to marching, zombies, or marching zombies? Now, if the song was titled "March of Frankenstein", THEN I would think they were really cool and appropriate as the sounds would have relevance to the song.


Again, just my thoughts. And please, I'm not bashing the cut at all. As I said I'd probably buy the tune. To be honest, most albums I own I typically buy for only one or two tracks on the album, anyway. Though I may find more that I like once I own it and listen to it a few times.


It's just the way my thinking runs when we do stuff in our band. We like the idea of extraneous sounds, but for me, they need to have some relevance to the song, and / or the song title. What's the motivation for including this or that sound? That's just how *I* think, O.K.? Not that it's the 'correct' way to think. IMHO, I would feel the same way if sounds of horses or birds had been included in the song. Interesting, but what's your point? What are you trying to say, what message are you wanting to convey to me, the listener, by including those particular sounds?


Just my thoughts.




This message has been edited by ModernDrummer on 07-20-2001 at 01:57 PM

If you always do what you've always done, you'll always have what you've always had.
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Cool Derek! You guys are jammin.


Nothing like jamming with your bro eh? I don't know what I'd do without my brother, we're each other's biggest inspiration.


You're young...please always keep this in mind...no matter what kind of stuff gets between you guys...never stop hangin and playing together...brothers love should transcend everything.


You've got a nice groove, I'm very scared of what you'll be in 5+ years http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif...I've bookmarked your page and will visit periodically.


Peace and Love,




One more thing...I noticed you guys have some nice gear...you guys must be rich http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif, that's ok, I'm going to spoil my kid too...I just bought him a small drum kit for his birthday (he's only 2).



This message has been edited by Steve LeBlanc on 07-20-2001 at 03:25 PM

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Damn, I've just gotta say more...listening to a few more of your songs I'm grinning from ear to ear...you guys remind me so much of myself...this is some of the coolest stuff I've heard on the internet...I have CDs of my bro and I jamming that are so similar to No Mullets that I thought it was me http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif, especially your brother's jazz guitar licks, I'm blushing http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif, he's a way better guitar player than me though.


Keep it up...NEVER stop playing music.




This message has been edited by Steve LeBlanc on 07-20-2001 at 03:44 PM

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Hehe thanks! We're actually not rich at all, my brother has a full time job so he buys his equipment from that, I'm only using a Pearl Export, but I've been building onto it for the last 4 years, I've had it for about 5 1/2 to 6 years, it's been a while though since I've spent money on something that didn't have to do with the drums. Me and my brother jam almost nightly though, he works until about 5 PM, so I practice for a good 2-3 hours before he gets home, and then usually an hour or more jamming with him. We just came up with a part that'd sound good for a new song the other night, it's evolving into something! Maybe it'll be a new song in a few weeks! Anyway, thanks a ton for the good feedback!




Yeah, I use SoundOff pads, they are GREAT! Of course, like RumbleBelly said, you can't completley muffle the bass drum, it just sounds a little lighter than normal. But, every thing else muffles great, I've played on my kit at 3 in the morning with the pads on (yesterday/this morning actually) and it was really quiet. Definately worth it, but the hi-hat muffling and cymbal muffling takes a little assembly, so I just use the hi-hat pad for my timbale, and the top piece for my cowbell. I just play on the timbale as if they were hi-hats. Though it only takes about 30 seconds to get them on the hats, I'm too lazy most of the time. But they really give a very quiet sound, it's ALOT quieter than without them. Great deal, especially on price! I've had them since Christmas, used them ALOT. Highly recommended!





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  • 4 months later...

Hey....sorry to commandeer one thread to another, but i was thinking that this thread should be a constant grower like the one over at the SSS board...so that all one has to do is go a couple pages back or foward to check multiple folks stuff, compare etc....


Author Topic: Tell me what you think...


Senior Member

Member # 19996


posted 12-10-2001 12:15 PM                   


... of my playing. This is one of the projects that I'm involved in. It's nothing fancy. It is just a demo, so I didn't spend too much time on it. BTW, "the flow" is not up yet. The version that is there is with a lame drum machine. But check out the other two and let me know what you think.

Rip me apart, I could use it!


Here is the link.




Hey rlhubley....i'd go along w/what Bartman was getting at, and say that it's not playing too stiff that's the problem, but perhaps playing too straight (i mean, your band isn't called pakalolo for nothing, is it? ;) ) i'm thinking more in the style of the drummers for Gomez or Blind Melon i guess...definately to my ears the main prob. is that you guys aren't playing together, in the most literal sense...



...hope this thread can keep going :confused:

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