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I would like to get my practice room at home set up better. Currently I have a Tascam Bass Trainer CD player, headphones, plus my SWR WM10 combo and a music stand.


It would be good to discover what equipment other players use for home practice sessions.


What bit of kit couldn't you do without?


Does anyone have a set-up like a mini studio?

If so, what's in it?


Or does anyone have any thoughts on not practicing in the same place all the time. I do play around the house a fair bit but this is usually the unplugged (and usually un-focused) noodling type of practice rather than anything too serious.



'The most important thing is to settle on a bass then commit to it. Get to know your bass inside and out and play it in every situation you can.' Marcus Miller
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I have my spare room , where I have the following:


Ampeg B2R Head + Ampeg SVT210 HE (i don't use them much at home co's it too loud and the walls are not very thick)


Practice stuff


Warwick blue cab 30

Tascam bass trainer

my both basses, ibanez and spector ( I play with both equal amount of time)

My pc, with audicity recording program, and tascam connected to the pc, and the 2.1 pc speakers.


That's prety much that, I have long cables so sometimes I go to the living room to listen the sound that is going across the walls.


I will do although when I buy my own house, a studio in the garage, with proper isolation and recording monitors and and and.....




"And then the magical unicorn will come prancing down the rainbow and we'll all join hands for a rousing chorus of Kumbaya." - by davio



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I practise in the bedroom. My wife insists I put away all cables, effects, CD players, amps etc after every practice so I do a lot unplugged. I like to play uplugged and vary between that and the plugged-in practise.


This is what I use



sheet music/Real Book

amp+cab+line6 dl4 looper (the looper is a fantastic tool for practice, it has revolutionised my practice sessions)

Tascam bass trainer

cheap keyboard

minidisc recorder with sony t mic

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I use my Apple ibook with Logic Express software and a Tascam US-122 interface. I plug into the Tascam, set-up a drum beat on the PC and play along. I tend to do scales and other exercises unplugged.



"We will make you bob your head whether you want to or not". - David Sisk
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I think it is great if you can dedicate one room to your Music / Practice room. Our small Townhome was originally a 3 bedroom / 2 bath home. It is about 1200 sq.ft. We remodeled and made the 3rd bedroom into a Music / Media room. To practice, you really don't need a lot of equipment. I use my computer as as music system. It has a great set of Altec Lansing speakers that sound as good as my Yamaha stereo sound system and is so much easier to use with a large assortment of playlists. My amp is a Peavey Basic 112 which is more than enough for practice. I actually do 95% of all my practice with my Tascam trainer and a good set of headphones. Having a practice space all set up and ready to go will make finding the time to practice much easier. Headphones are the best part in my opinion. You can practice anytime day or night and not disturb family or neighbors.


"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb, voting on what to eat for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb, contesting the vote."

Benjamin Franklin

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I live alone--so I have all of my music stuff on my walls as artwork. You'd be suprised at how lovely a bunch of guitars, basses and mandolin-type items can look when spread across the walls of my little condo.


I have a rather large, nice-sounding stereo with a remote control, a small Fender 'Rumble' practice amp, a bass Pod and my laptop connected to a fast internet connection. I'm pretty much set for learning/looking up anything I want to learn whenever I wish.


It's lovely.



"To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."

--Sun Tzu

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As an empty-nester, I have my own area for practice. The director of the praise band I'm in emails MIDI files made by the piano, which I then drop into iTunes, in a play list for that Sunday's session. Some songs are easier to learn with a percussion track added, which is easily done in GarageBand, then exported directly to my iTunes playlist. If a part of a song is a little difficult, I loop it in The Amazing Slow Downer program, which plays it directly from iTunes at whatever speed I want. My bass is plugged into a USB mic/instrument interface box, which also picks up the computer's audio. I generally output the combined audio and bass to headphones, but sometimes play it from the box's audio out to a stereo. The church has its own amp, so I don't own or even need one, at least not now.
As an illustrator, I might hope my work could someday touch someone's heart, but a musician has the potentital to touch a person's very soul.
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When I gotta be quiet and at work(productive lunch hour) on employer's PC:



When I HAVE TO hear it, it is PC tunes(if cover or recorded stuff) > Line 6 BassPODXT Live > QSC2402 > one(1) ACME B2 at low volume. The ACME's are full range so any music also comes out full. I cut the "recorded bass" a bit so what I'm playing/practicing will be up front.



Dad gave me a bass when I was 10.

I learned Gloria, Satisfaction, and a lot of Booker T & the MG's.

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I live by myself so all my stuff is in my livingroom in easy reach.


But I think the most important gear I have for practice is my metronome and drum machine.

I also use the old Tascam Bass Trainer and sometimes make use of my TASCAM 122 (with Cubase) plugged into my PC.

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Old bedroom. Painted Royal Blue by my wife. Couch, CD player, Tascam, folding chair, headphones, ampeg head and cabinet, music stand, carpet and heat. Good dog at my feet.


3rd floor is open space that we use to rehearse as a band. Good acoustics we leave equipment sit there between rehearsals. I'll practice in there sometimes too.


small Kustom amp in living room so that I can play along with DVDs when no one else is home.

"When I take a stroll down Jackass Lane it is usually to see someone that is already there" Mrs. Brown
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Practice is about all I do in my short evenings. I like it simple:


One of those cheap, padded, keyboard benches to sit on

Carvin combo amp

portable CD player for play-alongs

books, notepads, file folders

3 basses (one ABG to grab on a monment's notice)


That's about it.

The stuff is in the same room as the stereo, but I'd rather play along through the bass amp.


I've been meaning to get a cheap cassette player to record myself but haven't got a round tuit and besides, it's one more gadget to fool with.

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The band practice rig:



The "play while I surf the net, etc." practice rig:



Both located in the basement. I also have a Peavey Basic 60 upstairs sitting behind our recliners and my Lotus L700 bass for diddling and annoying the wife on.

Feel free to visit my band's site

Delusional Mind

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I tend to practice either unplugged or through headphones, usually through my Mbox 2 and notebook or my Gallien Krueger MB150E112 combo. My true practice time has been near non-existent lately.


I rehearse with either a provided rig at a studio or lately through a insanely overpowered rig for rehearsal; a Demeter VTBP-201s -> Stewart World 2.1 -> Ampeg SVT410HE.

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Originally posted by yourlord:

Originally posted by getz76:

You rehearse with an 8x10 and a 2x15 rig... with wireless?

You betcha..


We play hard/progressive rock to heavy metal, so if it's not pissing off the neighbors we're not doing it right.

A more ignorant statement has not been uttered on this forum in quite some time.
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I practice in my home studio (that has taken over my basement). I have my full live rig setup but usually only one half the power amp is ever turned on; Stewart power amps can turn on/off each channel independently. Eventually I'd really like to get another practice amp so I can just leave my entire live rig in the garage. Even one 4x10 cab is completely ridiculous for practicing.


The rest of the studio is:

* AMD x64 based PC with XP x64 and Sonar 5 for recording

* A bunch of misc. outboard gear

* A superfly desk

* Minibar w/fridge and a 36 bottle wine rack

* TV

* some exercise equipment

* a comfy couch

* a gas log fireplace

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Originally posted by Bumpcity:

Originally posted by yourlord:

You betcha..


We play hard/progressive rock to heavy metal, so if it's not pissing off the neighbors we're not doing it right.

A more ignorant statement has not been uttered on this forum in quite some time.
Ever heard of tongue-in-cheek? There is no law that says you must run your rig cranked all the way up, all the time. My rig sounds wonderful at lower volumes.


I do enjoy opening up from time to time though. I bought a house with an underground basement so I wouldn't bother the neighbors too much.


The wireless doesn't get used that much. It's a pain to keep batteries in it but the lack of a leash is a nice perk sometimes.

Feel free to visit my band's site

Delusional Mind

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yourlord - you'll save us all a lot of posts by using smiley faces to tell us where your tongue is.


I was going to say that he needs the wireless because the rest of the band is in another part of the house - the bass really blooms that way :)


My impressive high tech practice setup is a supermarket plastic bag containing a Tascam guitar trainer (bought before they came out with the bass one), the power supply, a line-in cable, and Senn 570 headphones. I carry the bag and my bass to a PC somewhere (depending on which computer is free and who is doing what in the house). The line-in cable carries the music from my PC to the Tascam, and I'm on my way.


On occassion, I'll hoist the iAmp 500 and a Berg up from the depths and play through that. Sometimes I use the computer speakers; sometimes I use the line-in facility and make everything come through my rig.




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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Originally posted by Tom Capasso:

I was going to say that he needs the wireless because the rest of the band is in another part of the house - the bass really blooms that way :)

Actually I've stood out in the back yard and played before. A wireless and lots of power gives you lots of options :P <-- smiley!

Feel free to visit my band's site

Delusional Mind

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Originally posted by SteveC:

I leave everything out.

Not for long.... Children have amazing destructive (if unintentional) abilities. And you wouldn't want Grace to try to stand up by holding on to a bass ("ohh pretty color") and have it fall over on her. Grace's mom will not take kindly to a mirror-image "Yamaha" stamped on her forehead. :eek:




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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Originally posted by wraub:

For practice I usually use my bass.


True story.





Now it all makes sense. I knew I was doing something wrong.


(That's a cute kid you got ahold of there, wraub-o)

Push the button Frank.
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Originally posted by wraub:

For practice I usually use my bass.

True story.



Same here, except with the addition of a few things to generate backing tracks for my Friedland books.





"For instance" is not proof.


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