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If Money Was Not an Object


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Just for a little fun. If money was not a problem,..........what setup would you have?


List the bass, strings, amp, cabinet, effects pedals, etc.


Unfortunately, money is a problem for just about all of us. Go ahead, dream a little.....

"The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don't know" by Me
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(1) Fender Precision Bass (I've actrually got this)


(1) Rickenbacker 4001CV64 (the McCartney based reissue) with some sort of flatwound strings.


(1) Musicman Stingray (vintage 1979, not an Ernie Ball version) with a set of Rotosounds.


(1) Fender Bassman 100 (1968 or 1969 vintage) with two cabinets: 1) the stock version with two 15s and, 2) an SWR 4x10 cabinet.


(1) Carl Martin compressor


(1) Mutron II


Some high-end cables.


A box of Fender medium picks.


I think that about does it for me. :)

Mudcat's music on Soundclick


"Work hard. Rock hard. Eat hard. Sleep hard. Grow big. Wear glasses if you need 'em."-The Webb Wilder Credo-

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The only thing I've been drooling over is a 5-string warwick, neck-thru fretless of some sort... though I suppose a few hundred more watts in my amplification wouldn't hurt :)

[Carvin] XB76WF - All Walnut 6-string fretless

[schecter] Stiletto Studio 5 Fretless | Stiletto Elite 5

[Ampeg] SVT3-Pro | SVT-410HLF


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1972 Black Rickenbacker, with Rotosound Swing Bass 45-105's, with my current rig (Ampeg SVT-4pro & 810, Sansamp programmable BDDI). And maybe one of them Carl Thompson basses. Those things look sweet. Can't decide though: 4 string fretted, or 5 string fretless?
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If anyone flies out to take lessons, they can stay in my guest room.


I'll join the fantasy game with a pair of Alembic basses. These basses are all made one at a time, so mine would of course be unique.




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I would buy a roady,

I havent gone out to play basses in a long time. I am thinking of starting to save up for one... so I will have to get back to you on a new desire. I have an ampeg BXT210M and Eden 210XST and would like another of each to make a stereo set. I would like to also get another BNX3 and memory cards for it (Just incase one breaks). Really I'm happy with my sound overall. I would like a bass that is more responsive andhas less dead and live spots throughout the fretboard.







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Dingwall 4-string Z2, custom SuperJ fretless 6-string (I'm sure I could talk Sheldon into it given the fact that money is not an object in this fantasy world in which nouns have a different definition), Aguilar DB750, Aguilar GS412, Mesa Boogie PowerHouse 215 (4Ohm)...scratch that...2 of each cab...and a DB750 for each cab and a Hartke B150 combo to make sure I can hear myself.


...and a Dr. Pepper.

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I'll play.


My rig will obviously need a major upgrade because, after all, money is no object. And people in the next country can't hear me - Canada or Mexico. That's a problem.


We'll start with some of THESE . Four of them should do the trick. Something about 16 21" drivers makes my Spidey Senses tingle. Or maybe that's just all that air moving. I'll need a Crown XTi 4000 to drive each of the Bassault-r's. It will also be necessary to acquire the Bag End INFRA Integrators to fully realize the low-end possibilities of the Bassault-r's.


Now that we've got enough low end to cause California to prematurely fall into the Pacific Ocean we'll need some additional drivers to cover the rest of the (more audible) frequency range. I'm a big fan of Ampeg cabs. I believe 8 SVT 8x10's will adequately rock my universe. We can cable those up by twos parallel and drive each pair with another Crown XTi 4000. Because we can. Because money isnt an object. And we want it to be loud.


I believe that will be sufficient for speakers and power. Now we need to color the tone a bit. I've already got an Ampeg SVP-CL so that angle is covered, baby. I believe the ideal situation would be setting up some sort of master switching device that could select multiple or individual preamps. Why limit yourself? I'd definitely need another Ashdown RPM-1 because those rock. All three of the Alembic preamps because as I understand it they can do wonderful things for your tone. An SWR Interstellar Overdrive would be nice. I'd keep my SWR Mini Mo because, well, why not? Probably add an assortment of other preamps just because I could. And I know I'm forgetting a few things at the moment. I guess that's part of the problem of having endless funds - you forget things.


Basses. I have a lot already that I'm very extremely happy with. I'd have to track down one of Mike Lull's 1959 Ricks that he sold to someone a few years ago because both of those basses played and sounded like god. A pre-CBS jazz would be neat as long as it aged well. I'd have Alembic build me an 8-string counterpart to the JPJ Custom that I already have. Probably a few others...


One bass that I would absolutely, without a doubt, mustmustmust have built would be a 4-neck Conklin. Each neck would have 9 strings. One neck would be fretted. One neck would be fretless. The other two necks would be fretted but would be in alternate tunings from the first fretted neck. One of them would probably have all 9 strings tuned to F# (below 'normal' low B). I'd call that "The Brown Neck" for reasons that I won't go into except to hint about the "brown note" episode of South Park. The bass would need to have at very minimum 10 different exotic woods - purple heart and koa are 'must haves'; they could surprise me with the rest. All the necks would need lots of LEDs; basically it needs to look like a major international airport at night when they're all on. I would learn 4 licks/tricks to execute on this bass and that's all I'd ever play on it. I might write a few 25 minute prog-rock epic instrumentals that 'featured' this bass. They'd go nowhere and really say nothing musically but they'd be really long and prog-rock. I'd take a picture of the bass and post it to the forum whenever I had the opportunity. Hopefully others would start randomly posting the picture too. That would rule.


After all this stuff was assembled I'd hire a pack of wild roadies and a semi truck to haul it all around and set it up for me. I'd tour North America until I got bored. I'd show up unannounced to a random town, setup, play some stuff until buildings fell over or the cops showed up, then move on. I would be the God of Thunder. Gene Simmons wouldn't have jack on me.


The end.

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Ok later I will do my wish list, but for now go to the Conklin site and anything that has 7 strings I'll buy.


Even the Midi one.


see you later




"And then the magical unicorn will come prancing down the rainbow and we'll all join hands for a rousing chorus of Kumbaya." - by davio



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Originally posted by Bumpcity:

I'll play.


My rig will obviously need a major upgrade because, after all, money is no object. And people in the next country can't hear me - Canada or Mexico. That's a problem....


The end.



You have constructed not only one bad mother-grabber of a bass rig. You have composed quite possibly the finest piece of literature I've seen here.


(Did anyone else notice that his choice of subs weigh in at 310 lbs. each?! And he wants four of them! Pack of wild roadies indeed.)

My whole trick is to keep the tune well out in front. If I play Tchaikovsky, I play his melodies and skip his spiritual struggle. ~Liberace
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I agree, post-of-the-day to Bump.


Yes, I've not come across the 360 lb woofers before. Imagine just one of those in your house. It would probably cause permanent structural damage!


Yesterday I bought a T-shirt that Bump would appreciate. It has a picture of the Marshall volume knod turned up to 11 and the word "VOLUME" in large letters underneath. A christmas present to myself methinks.



"We will make you bob your head whether you want to or not". - David Sisk
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I have spent entirely too much timed on this subject, so I'm in.


MTD 535-24 Northern ash body, maple on maple neck. I just got one a few months ago and so far it has wildly exceeded my expectations.


MTD 535-24 fretless. Korina body, ebony on maple neck.


Sadowsky P bass. Alder body. Brazillian rosewood on maple neck. Hipshot D tuner.


A nice preamp. After discussions with Maury and Sweet Willie, I'm thinking that the Kern might be the ticket.


A Crest CA-9. I heard one and have never forgotten the sound.


2) Bergantino HT 322. I would keep all of my Acme gear, cause you can't beat 'em.


2) Demeter STDB-1 direct boxes. One for each rack.


A Demeter HXC-1 HX series compressor. Just in case...


A New Standard Cleveland with an AES extention. Micing and pickup to be determined after a year of testing.


A nice bow. I never thought a bow would make that much of a difference or that I bowed enough to know the difference. WRONG!!!


I would also keep my Walter Woods head, 'cuz it rules!


A nice small P.A.


A Honda Element, back seats removed and thrown away.


More later.

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The bass gear is a minor consideration - I'm pretty well sorted. What I need is a substantial house with adjoining studio with nice big live room, control room and chill-out/games room. And of course some suitable gear to fill it!


And a well managed investment fund to give me enough spare time...



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My Dream set up would be 2 of these:












Lots of these:



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- 1 Stingray 5 with dual humbuckers, translucent red, shell pickguard and maple fret board. DR LoRiders .130 - .045.

- 2 Precision basses (Fender, Lull, Sadowski, who knows?) one with flats and one with DR HiBeams .105 - .045.

- 2 Jazz Basses same as the two P basses

- 1 Modern 6 string bass of some sort with RoundWound strings, perhaps a Warrior .

- 1 Warwick Fretless Thumb bass

- 1 NS Design 5 string EUB

- Martin B1E ABG

- An assortment of new and vintage basses that I've played around with in the store or saw for sale online and liked then bought because of endless supply of funds.


That should cover all the basses. :D:rolleyes:


- 2 SVT Classics (All tube)

- 2 SVT 8x10 cabs

- A couple of high power clean sounding amps

- A small lightweight and portable amp for small gigs.

- Whatever else floats my boat at that time

- A well stocked studio (instruments, amps and recording equipment) in a big house with servants so I can keep all the equipment and have time to use it.

- Everything my wife's heart desires so she will not get upset at me for having all that gear.

- An assortment of roadies and trucks and vans to haul various equipment with.


That should just about do it. :thu:

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I never really thought about this since it is so far fetched from reality but let's see. For an amp rig, I would try the new Mark Bass head with 2 4x10 cabs. For a bass: Nordstrand and/or a modulus and Fodera. That's at least $10k.
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Thank you, good sirs, for reading my rambling nonsense! :)


Originally posted by Davo-London:

Yes, I've not come across the 360 lb woofers before. Imagine just one of those in your house. It would probably cause permanent structural damage!

Bag End had just one of those setup at the NAMM show in 2005. They had a 5 string bass plugged into it via a power amp and (maybe) a preamp; might have been direct. It really didn't matter. I got to play it. The low B string was reeee-diculous. Seriously. I've never experienced that kind of fundamental reproduction of the low B before. They didn't even have it turned up that loud due to the Sound Nazis walking the floor at NAMM. It was truly an amazing experience.


If you think they weigh a lot you should look up how much they cost!


Originally posted by Davo-London:

Yesterday I bought a T-shirt that Bump would appreciate. It has a picture of the Marshall volume knod turned up to 11 and the word "VOLUME" in large letters underneath. A christmas present to myself methinks.



I so need to buy one of those.
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Paul Frank has stores in America in LA, San Fran, Chicago, NY, Las Vegas, but er ... not in Seattle. They are on line but it is just a portal, you don't appear to be able to purchase anything.


I've just taken a photo, i'll stick it on my webspace tonight for you to drool over.



"We will make you bob your head whether you want to or not". - David Sisk
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