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OT: My 4 yr old daughter sings...


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What a great two days this has been (over Thanksgiving). My 4 yr old daughter has been performing for all of us :cool: , so I asked if she wanted to sing and let me record her. She said "Yeah!". :love: I put together a midi accompaniment track for "Happy Birthday" and pulled down a public midi track for "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star/ABC song", so you'll find music on those three. The others are her singing only (although I'll likely look for or create some more accompaniment tracks and re-record those).


Keep in mind she's 4 and doesn't quite know how to find all the right pitches given a musical framework...but I think this is pretty good for a pre-schooler, especially the little "scat" parts that she did at the end of the songs (not sure where that came from, but it's adorable :love: ). Here ya go...enjoy!





Old bass players never die, they just buy lighter rigs.

- Tom Capasso, 11/9/2006


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Thanks Jim. Heh heh...well, I suppose I'm just a little proud of her. ;) I feel like one of the most important things that I could do with my life is to insure that this young lady grows up to be a strong, intelligent, beautiful, confident, talented, successful, and caring person. Since I believe that we are usually our own worst enemy (lack of confidence in ourselves), I want her to grow up with so much confidence and persistance that she's unstoppable. She's already very strong-willed so she has a good start along those lines...makes it hard for her parents, but it's an awefully good characteristic for an adult woman to have, so I definitely do not try to break her spirit...just channel it in the right direction. :D



Old bass players never die, they just buy lighter rigs.

- Tom Capasso, 11/9/2006


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by Dave Sisk:


She's already very strong-willed so she has a good start along those lines...makes it hard for her parents, but...


You'll be playing a lot of rests, bud. ;)

Strong willed people come by that trait naturally. My youngest daughter is that way and I don't think anything could break her spirit, at least she wouldn't let you know it. She's 24 now, and learned at an early age how to get her way. I miss her being 4.

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If I were a record producer, I would put her under contract now.


This recording is something you will cherish the rest of your life.


You did indeed have a wonderful Thanksgiving.


Rocky :wave:

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb, voting on what to eat for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb, contesting the vote."

Benjamin Franklin

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That's cute Dave!


Kids with music are fun... the other night I was about to bust into my boys' room and bust them for not being asleep (3 and 5 year old share a room). Before I could get started on my lecture, my 5 year old says, "How do you sing jazz?" We spent the next five minutes singing the ABC melody in scat. They were asleep almost immediately after that. (Does that mean my singing is more effective punishment than spanking?)


Dave's a shining example of what parents should do when they have a recorder available.

- Matt W.
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Dave, she hits the pitch as well as Chris Cornel does live!!!!!!!! he is the singer for soundgarden and audioslave. Nice to hear you 2 having a good time. My father recorded me playing saxohone when I was younger, and playing the rubber band guitar when I was 3 or 4. Also I got up on stage a couple of times and jumped off of speakers betweent he age of 3 and 7. His incouragement and support for "me as a person" and not "me as he wanted me to be" was probably one of the things I am most thankful for in my childhood.


Keep it up mate :)







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