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So, what did I miss?

getz out

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We had three flame wars and four troll attacks.


SteveC bought and sold seven basses, four preamps and two speaker cabinets.


I played a toga party. Videos were refused by the new corporate youTube.


Eight newbies asked what bass or what amp to buy.


In other words, nothing new happened.


Welcome back, friend!

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Originally posted by jeremy c:

We had three flame wars and four troll attacks.


SteveC bought and sold seven basses, four preamps and two speaker cabinets.


I played a toga party. Videos were refused by the new corporate youTube.


Eight newbies asked what bass or what amp to buy.


In other words, nothing new happened.


Welcome back, friend!



About right!



Congratulations Maury!

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Congratulations, wish you two well in your new life together.. The home/personal life is kinda going the opposite direction here, but over the past weekend I have joined the band for an up-and-coming country artist..(she has a song on the country top 40).. there is the possibility of a Jay Leno show appearance and an Italian tour..(speaking of visiting Italy..) in negotiations for sponsorship of a US tour as well...The story on how this came about was to me no less than a sign from a higher power.. we shall see what transpires..
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Thanks everyone.


The wedding was fun. A big party in a nice room with a full blown costume theme. How many grooms get to wear a 2-foot afro to their wedding? :)


It was my second trip to Italy... I traveled with my friend Scott last year to Venice, Florence, and Rome. My wife had traveled to Italy about 10 years prior.


We romped through Venice, Florence, Radda, and Rome. A good time was had. We drove from Florence to Radda, Radda to Siena and back, and then Radda to Rome. Driving in Italy is not for the faint of heart, especially Rome. If anyone was wondering, a Fiat Punta 1.3 can do 180 kph downhill.


Besides the food everywhere, the art everywhere, the historic sites everywhere, and the shopping in Florence, Italy is just like anywhere else. :D


My Italian sucks; I can get by shopping, asking for directions, and ordering a meal, but that is were it ends. For a first generation American and being so exposed to the language, I should be more able. I have to do something about that.


I will post the photos soon enough.


Originally posted by Lenny B:

Spurs beat Chelsea 2-1!

Lenny, I saw the replay on Fox Soccer Channel! Great game! Lennon's goal was fantastic... Keane is fun to watch, isn't he? I heard Arsenal lost as well.
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Congrats and welcome back.


What did you miss from me? Nothing except a bad joke about my shorts...


So, when are you going to break it to her that you haven't been working all those extra hours and that you're *gasp* a bass player... Or did she find that out as you were asking the locals for directions to a gear shop?

If you think my playing is bad, you should hear me sing!
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Originally posted by getz76:

How many grooms get to wear a 2-foot afro to their wedding? :)

um, Billy Preston?


Welcome back, Maury! Sorry you missed BPLive, but it was for an acceptable reason. Glad it went as you two had planned! Congratulations to you both. I think you got the better part of the deal, however. :D


Best to Ms. Preston!

Play. Just play.
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Congratulations Maury,

Did you go into any old, dusty, music stores and MAYBE find an ancient, beatup, Uprignt Bass for sale cheap.

Or did the wife say: "This is my honeymoon,



"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb, voting on what to eat for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb, contesting the vote."

Benjamin Franklin

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Nice going Maury. I wish you guys all the best you can get out of life.

When do you plan on being a daddy?


I can't help but think that any one of my marriages may have lasted longer had I been on a real honeymoon - or at least one that didn't include lotsa booze and a suite in a casino tower somewhere.


Now, how bout them pics?

"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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Congrats - glad to hear that wedding and honeymoon went well - how could they not??


The "sweet" adjective is now at risk after seeing that look of evil on Willie's face. Must be that tough Manhattan upbringing....


Welcome back!




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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