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Two days left to win a bass!!!


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Hey! We're snowed in and have no mail service, so won't be getting the new CD out until Monday at the earliest. So, for those of you who would like a crack at winning a new Waterstone Lulu bass , there's still time to preorder a Clatter CD! The new deadline is Monday, Dec. 4 at noon CST. We'll also be sending out a super-cool behind-the-scenes DVD and a seed kit for attracting Monarch butterflies (if you're not a green thumb, this would make a great Christmas present for grandma!!). Here's a photo of the Lulu:




And if you want to tack on a copy of my new Christmas CD , let me know so you'll only pay shipping on one.



Here's my original post:


Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been around much, but this year has been completely consumed with this new CD. It's finally finished and sent off to the manufacturers, but I've put some samples up and thought you might like to hear them!


There are samples of all the songs on our web site , or you can go to our MySpace page to hear 4 songs in their entirety, including "Limelight." I played it on my Waterstone short-scale 12-string bassit was a blast! Definitely not an exact recreation of the original, more like an homage. ;)


Speaking of Waterstone, we are giving away a Waterstone Lulu bass with preorders, in case anyone was thinking of buying the CD at some point.


Hope you guys have all been well! I feel so out of touch!!



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Thanks for listening and for the kind comments! It's always a little nerve-wracking when you take on a classic like that, especially when you're trying to play both bass and guitar parts at the same time on a 12 string! To tell the truth, the hardest part was singing! I love Geddy's voice on this song, so it was hard to do it justice.
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Excellente` Job! Sounds great, Geddy would be proud.... Neil, on the other hand, perturbed. Not cuz of the drumming just that he is a little miserable. (I'm not talking about the tragedies that have happened to him) I've meet him once and either it was a bad day or...?!?! pompous comes to mind.

Back to Amy! The other tunes are exceptional as well. Great voice, kinda reminds me of the vocals from Animal Logic with Copeland and Clarke... what was her name....aahh.. after a quick search, Deborah Holland. Again, cool stuff Amy.




Don't have a job you don't enjoy. If you're happy in what you're doing, you'll like yourself, you'll have inner peace. ~ Johnny Carson
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Glad to hear about your new CD, Amy! :thu:


"Limelight" is one of my favorite Rush songs, too. Just trying to get bass and vocals to click isn't easy; adding guitar parts has only got to make that worse!


Another one I like to attempt is "Red Barchetta". A little more challenging on the bass, maybe, but a lot of fun, too.


I'll give a listen to the tracks when I can. (Work has MySpace blocked. :( )


Did you have to get permission from Rush to cover "Limelight"? How'd that go?

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I'm glad you gys are getting a kick out of it!!! That's too bad about Neil. I think that's why I'm always hesitant to meet people I admire because I'm afraid it will be a big let-down.


RicBass, we did get permission to use the song. First we looked through the CMRRA database (sort of the Harry Fox of Canada, I think) but they did not represent Rush, although they did list the publishing info. Then we sent an e-mail to SRO/Anthem, Rush's management company, and really wondered if they'd bother replying, since I'm sure they get a flood of e-mail. They did reply, and sent us a form to fill out. We sent that in, they sent us a contract with the amount we owed, we signed that and sent it back with a check. On small pressings like ours, publishers just have the band pay a small amount per song for the number you're pressing. If we were a big-time act, we would keep track of royalties and pay them later.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Jonathan! Just approved the artwork proof today, so we should have them here and ready to ship by December 1. Thanksgiving is throwing us off a bit, but other than that things are coming along nicely!


Now if I can just get the Christmas CD finishedI'm heading back to Nashville Sunday to hopefully get that wrapped up so it too can be out before Christmas!


Thanks for the bump! :)

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Hey Amy, I just gave the MySpace songs a listen last night. Very nice, as I expected it would be! :freak::D


That is a nice arrangement of "Limelight", BTW. :thu: It's funny, because it is one of the few Rush/Geddy songs that's almost in my range. (I don't have much of a high range.) When you sing it, it's in your lower register. It works well, though. Reminds me of my fascination with good flautists that can really work the lower register on a standard flute.

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Thanks for listening! Actually, "Limelight" was on the high side for me to sing in some parts! I'm glad you thought it sounded okay.


You know, I just split my signal straight. I have one A/B box where A goes to the clean and B goes through a Digitech Whammy (that I only use on a few songs) then into another A/B box. From there the A goes to the Mesa guitar half stack and the B goes to the SWR Super Redhead combo that uses a Boss VF-1 multi-effects unit. Does that make sense?!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Okay, I've edited my original post with a photo of the bass we're giving away. I hope you don't mind the spam, just thought you guys might like a chance to win the bass! Plus I know some of you were thinking about getting the Clatter CD, so I wanted to let you know the preorder special price of $10 is still available.


Here I am on our road yesterday:



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Originally posted by JonathanD:

I personally would rather everyone waited till tuesday to order so my chances are better for the bass. Cant wait to hear the whole thing!


Hahaha!! If someone hacks into my PayPal account and starts deleting orders, I'm gonna look in your direction! :D


Hope you enjoy the CD (andmaybethe bass! ;) )

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Maybe you should start looking in some direction, Amy. Last night I got an email notification with subject line "Your purchase will be shipped by PayPal MultiOrder Shipping with U.S. Postal Service®" and then 4 minutes later another "Cancelled Shipment with PayPal MultiOrder Shipping with U.S. Postal Service®"


Is it being shipped through a different service or is there something funky (not in a musical way) going on?

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Sorry, that would be my fault. I was getting packages ready Sunday night and using PayPal's new feature where you can make multiple shipping labels at once. Usually you have to specify a ship date, but I didn't see where to do that, so I went ahead and clicked through thinking it would give me the option later. Evidently I had missed something and it had made the ship date Monday, and I didn't want to ship everything until Tuesday or Wednesday (we still can't get off the farm!!). So I had to cancel all the shipping labels. Unfortunately, they had gone ahead and sent out confirmation e-mails to everyone. Argh! So I was worried that everyone would be perplexed and annoyed. So sorry about that!!!
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Hahaha! Well, hate to disappoint you, Tom, but the bass is officially going to Stephanie in Wisconsin! We just chose the winner today. I think it's pretty cool and fitting that it would go to a girl! :)


We're wrapping up the DVD production now, so CD-only orders should go out Thursday and those with shirts will go out as soon as the shirts arrive, hopefully by Monday if not before. Our year has been one crazy delay after another, so I'm sorry it's having to rub off on you guys! Hopefully everything will be worth the wait. :)

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I noticed the "Changed his mind" e-mail, but I just figured that you changed shipping arrangements or something. I'm looking forward to recieving the new CD and T-shirt! :thu:

Nothing is as it seems but everything is exactly what it is - B. Banzai


Life is what happens while you are busy playing in bands.

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