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Cable Voodoo right on our forum page

jeremy c

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Has anyone noticed the ads for Analysis Plus cables which sporadically appear on the right side of the forum page?


Has anyone tried out a $900 cable?


Could the shape of the wire actually affect its signal carrying properties?


The physics discussed on their web pages is beyond my comprehension. And I don't think my lack of math and physics background is the reason.


The most expensive cables I\'ve ever seen.

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I've missed the ad. But I do have one of those audiophile friends who just spent an enormous amount on a pair of cables, 200 hours of music to burn them in, and says they sound amazing.


I asked if he had hooked up an old cable to one side and a new cable to the other. After a short period of shock he explained that doing so would have a negative effect on the sound stage.


Next time the ad shows up I'll hit it, if only to support the forum.

- Matt W.
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Mista Cohen.... They left a really important aspect of these cables out of the ad copy... they're made with gold wires that were formed from gold taken directly from King Tut's tomb and melted down in macrobiotic furnaces that are air-cooled by Oompa-Loopas operating giant fans 24 hours per day. The rubbber coating for the cables comes directly from the tires of James Dean's Spider, Bob Marley's old sandals and bits of the pencil erasers used by George Gershwin while he was writing "Rhapsody In Blue." This rubber is processed personally by Stevie Wonder, who sings songs from Talking Book while melting each bit of rubber by hand. Lemmy himself hocks a loogie into each batch of the molten rubber (for extra attytood), and each cable is hand-assembled by Mike Watt and James Watt (no relation, but it's a funny mental image). The cables are then packaged by none other than Jerry Mathers (as the Beaver) who passes each cable through Norm Crosby's discarded stash of cocaine for extra freshness.


Now, how much would you pay for that cable?


Wait, don't answer... because... you get much, much...


OK, screw it. I'm outta juice. Stupid $900 cables.



"To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."

--Sun Tzu

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Maybe when I was about 14 years old, I might, I repeat, might have been able to hear a slight difference between ultra quality cables and the cheep stuff. But after passing 40 years of age, I can guarantee you I could not hear any difference. Poor hearing saves you a lot of money when GAS attacks.


"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb, voting on what to eat for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb, contesting the vote."

Benjamin Franklin

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Question, would $900.00 cables make my $190.00 bass and my $139.00 amp sound like the real deal?

I would buy a set but my credit card is temorarily...out of commission.


"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb, voting on what to eat for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb, contesting the vote."

Benjamin Franklin

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Originally posted by Rocky3840:

Question, would $900.00 cables make my $190.00 bass and my $139.00 amp sound like the real deal?

I would buy a set but my credit card is temorarily...out of commission.


You can hear the difference between a $190 bass and a $900 bass. NO ONE can hear the difference between a $19 cable and a $900 cable.


$900 cables are for people with tiny penises and too much money...

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I don't know what kind of voodoo spyware filter I have, but I just now noticed I don't see ANY ads. Except the Google ad bar at the bottom of the page.


And I struggle to pay $18 for a cable...unless it's a George L.

"Let's raise the level of this conversation" -- Jeremy Cohen, in the Picasso Thread.


Still spendin' that political capital far faster than I can earn it...stretched way out on a limb here and looking for a better interest rate.

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Originally posted by SteveC:

Jeremy, you didn't scroll far enough down...There's a 30 foot cable for $8,910...

I actually did see the $8,910 price but my brain couldn't fathom a price of ~$9000 so I wrote $900 instead (which is still a number that is hard to conceive of for a piece of wire).
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Originally posted by CMDN:

Mista Cohen.... They left a really important aspect of these cables out of the ad copy... they're made with gold wires that were formed from gold taken directly from King Tut's tomb and melted down in macrobiotic furnaces that are air-cooled by Oompa-Loopas operating giant fans 24 hours per day. The rubbber coating for the cables comes directly from the tires of James Dean's Spider, Bob Marley's old sandals and bits of the pencil erasers used by George Gershwin while he was writing "Rhapsody In Blue." This rubber is processed personally by Stevie Wonder, who sings songs from Talking Book while melting each bit of rubber by hand. Lemmy himself hocks a loogie into each batch of the molten rubber (for extra attytood), and each cable is hand-assembled by Mike Watt and James Watt (no relation, but it's a funny mental image). The cables are then packaged by none other than Jerry Mathers (as the Beaver) who passes each cable through Norm Crosby's discarded stash of cocaine for extra freshness.


Now, how much would you pay for that cable?


Wait, don't answer... because... you get much, much...


OK, screw it. I'm outta juice. Stupid $900 cables.

Erik, you are my hero.
My whole trick is to keep the tune well out in front. If I play Tchaikovsky, I play his melodies and skip his spiritual struggle. ~Liberace
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"a conductive sheath to eliminate mivrophonics"


What are they then?


Skin Effect below 20KHz on stranded cables? Since when? I'm confused.

Feel the groove internally within your own creativity. - fingertalkin


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Originally posted by davebrownbass:

... I struggle to pay $18 for a cable...unless it's a George L.

I bought a George L instrument cable a few months ago - I was astounded at the difference it made - much much more clarity and volume. However my 6 month old cable (Planet Wave?) was a bit crackly - that's why I bought a new one. A 6m George L cost me $AU70 - about $US50 - and is worth every cent.

Epi EB-3

G-K Backline 600

2 x Eden EX112


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Diminishing. Returns.


I can tell the difference between a $200 bottle of wine and a $30 bottle of wine.


I have tasted $800 bottles of wine on expense-account dinners; my palate is not refined enough to appreciate the difference between that $800 bottle and the $200 bottle. Is there a difference? Maybe, but I cannot tell.


I feel the same with cables. My $30 Canare + Neutrik cables made by Butch at Bayou Audio Cables are as good as any others I have used to my ears... I do not need cutting edge science to tell me that. :)

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Originally posted by TimR:

"a conductive sheath to eliminate mivrophonics"


What are they then?


Skin Effect below 20KHz on stranded cables? Since when? I'm confused.

The way I remember it, skin effect was manifested at much higher frequencies. It's how Tesla put very high voltages through himself in response to Edison's scars tactics about AC.





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I just read a little more closely. It's not only heirloom quality, it's made in the USA!




"There's a sucker born every minute."

Push the button Frank.
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Originally posted by slowfinger:

Originally posted by davebrownbass:

... I struggle to pay $18 for a cable...unless it's a George L.

I bought a George L instrument cable a few months ago - I was astounded at the difference it made - much much more clarity and volume. However my 6 month old cable (Planet Wave?) was a bit crackly - that's why I bought a new one. A 6m George L cost me $AU70 - about $US50 - and is worth every cent.
If it's crackly, maybe you just needed to clean the connectors? A nice new cable would solve the problem, but so would a $10 can of connector cleaner. ;)


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Analysis cable price list:


You can get into this technology for as little as $100.


It's only the "Golden Oval" that is $3000.


And if you look around a bit, you'll see Richard Bona won't use anything else!


I think the $3000 cable is only there to make you feel special that you spent a hundred bucks on a 10 foot cable.


So...what happens if the castors for the PA carts run over the cable fully loaded? The wires are pinched and the cable is ruined?



"Let's raise the level of this conversation" -- Jeremy Cohen, in the Picasso Thread.


Still spendin' that political capital far faster than I can earn it...stretched way out on a limb here and looking for a better interest rate.

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Those will surely cure me from walking on my cables.


They may also cause me to have to whoop a man's ass if he walked on my cables.

My whole trick is to keep the tune well out in front. If I play Tchaikovsky, I play his melodies and skip his spiritual struggle. ~Liberace
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Basically the skin effect is seen in solid cores. The electrons are repelled from each other and so end up being pushed right to the outside of the cores, hence the current flows on the 'skin' of the cable. The thickness of this skin depends on the frequnecy of the current. At 60hz the skin thickness is about 6mm. So for Mains AC the thickness of the cable should be less than 6mm (1/4") in diameter or the copper in the centre is 'wasted' in terms of current carrying, however for high currents you need this extra copper to dissipate the heat or the cable melts.


As the frequency increases, the skin thickness decreases as the electrons are pushed further away from each other, but this is not really relevant in thin cables untill you get above 100KHz.


The capacitance in cables, between the core and the sheild is often quoted by these cable manufacturers as a significant factor. The higher the capacitance, the more the cable acts as a low pass filter. However as all these cable manufacturers use cable that is specifically designed to have a low capacitance, at the frequencies we are interested one good quality cable sounds pretty much like another.


The length of cable also affects the capacitance the longer the cable, the higher the capacitace, but again were only talking noticable differences on cables of 1000m (3000ft). The signal from the bass won't travel that far anyway.


The contact resistance is important too, a dirty connecter will increse the cable resistance, making it harder for the signals to travel, also in certain circumstances this resistance can be high enough that coupled with the capacitance of the cable, turns it into a resonanting circuit capable of being affected by radio waves, hence you can sometimes pick up local minicab or police radio.


High qualty cables differ mainly in construction materials and tecniques. Generally the more you pay the better construced and longer the cable will last. Gold is used in connectors because it has a lower contact reistance. More flexible silicon cables, with more strands to the core mean the cable can flex more before it breaks. As you use your cables they are constantly flexing and wearing the inner copper cores, eventually they break. You can reduce this by loosely coiling all cables rather than winding them in tight coils round your foot pedal or cramming them into your gig bag in knots.


I think what they have done is taken technology used in microwave and radio frequency laboratory instrumentation and tried to apply it to audio frequency instruments. Its a bit overkill in my opinion.

Feel the groove internally within your own creativity. - fingertalkin


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I took Tim to mean that the very idea of building the "ultimate cable" is a bit pointless. But I'll let him speak for himself. (And he's very articulate!)


Tim, thanks for explaining that. I love the stuff I can learn around here!

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Well its not pointless. Its good to push the boundaries and use technology from other areas to improve what can be done in ours, but as I say for audio it just seems a bit overkill. It would be interesting to hear the difference.


But since you ask Rocky and I know how you take an idea and run with it. What about using fibre optics with inbuilt converters in the Jacks to convert from A/D and back again. Maybe sampling at something ridiculously high like 1Mhz and 128bits. So that you don't loose too much top end :-)

Feel the groove internally within your own creativity. - fingertalkin


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