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Chuck Rainey Tomorrow in London Bass Centre.


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Hey guys


Tomorrow at 7.30pm Chuck Rainey will be at the Bass Centre store in London, with Phil Jones amplification.


I wonder if anyone from the forum is going.

I would like to meet some of the people that usually comes here.


For more details go to






"And then the magical unicorn will come prancing down the rainbow and we'll all join hands for a rousing chorus of Kumbaya." - by davio



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David, thanks for the post :) - I didn't know about this. I'd like to go and it's easy enough for me. If you go to the myspace or soundclick links below in my signature you can see what I look like - the it shouldn't be hard to meet up. I will PM you my cellphone number.


I would love to see Chuck play!


On the basscentre site I noticed an obituary for Boz Burrell - that's sad news - he was a great!



Anyone else for Chuck's gig.


I don't have chance to get a ticket for tomorrow in advance so I will gamble on getting one on the door - fingers crossed!

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If you have any chance, Rowbee - go! It was great last night. My friend, Fabio commented that it was like having a lesson with Chuck Rainey.


Bad luck, Davo.


David, were you there? I saw Steve Lawson and said Hi.


Surprisingly only 50 or 60 people there. Chuck is 'the man'.


I'll write more later, Chuck had so much to say that I will share with me. Fabio even got a recording on his hard disk recorder.


Later, I've promised myself to be more dilligent in company time.

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Believe me, I'd absolutely LOVE to go. It's just that I have a meeting tonight with a band I've been asked to join and it would be unprofessional to back out.



Now theres three of you in a band, youre like a proper band. Youre like the policemen.
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It was a great night - nice to see you again Phil.


Chuck's got a hell of a lot of great stories to tell - there's a lot of wisdom in them there tales! Very friendly guy too, and, as we all know, a stellar player. Great stuff.


Go if you can,




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The next event at the Bass Centre is one you CAN'T miss - Seth Horan is doing a Warwick clinic/demo/gig there in December. I think it's on the 8th, but I'll confirm that as soon as I know.


Seth's a brilliant singer/songwriter and bassist - just plays bass and sings. great songs, great bass playing, definitely one not to miss.




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