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My Bass Is Cussing At Me!


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Help! im Playing A Squier P-BASS Special, and the other day i as playing it through a zoom b2.1u and i notived how it would suddenly cut out every now and then, but only when slapping. So at first i thought it was the fx board so i ran i through just an amp, and again only cut off when i was slapping! So i meant to go see my local music shop, but competly forgot, and now i recall tightening the output jack nut, months after the inncedent and after taking it out of the body i noticied that the tone wire from the pots was just flatoing, it had come out of the solder, so i kind of er super glued it! i know sorry guys! and then by my amazment, the tone actaully worked! but anyway im having lots of unwanted crakcles and pops ect, and i think being a year old this x mas needs a 'tune up' like tightneing everything, but i was thinking maybe re-wiring it also, how would i go about doing this without it going wrong! Thanks Guys!
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Fender and Stew Mac both have wiring diagrams on their websites.

I'd start there.


Then, I'd buy some solder. :)


Good luck, it's not as hard to do as you might think. If you don't know how to solder properly, find an old radio or similar and practice on that.






I'm a lot more like I am now than I was when I got here.






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Yeah, ive been looking some stuff up on the net, it does look very easy, physics does most of it. Also how would i go about removing the previous solder from the joints? Or do i just re-solder over the top? Thanks
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To remove solder, you'd use a solder sucker and/or a solder wick. A google images search should set you up for what to look for.

These can both be found in a good hardware or electronics supply store.






I'm a lot more like I am now than I was when I got here.






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Maplins is your best bet for soldering gear. Make sure you are careful when soldering though. Apply only just enough heat for only just long enough. You can dammage the capacitors and pots very easily.

Feel the groove internally within your own creativity. - fingertalkin


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A little tip for soldering. When the tip gets very hot, put a small drop of solder on it and let that drop be a bridge between the tip and the part being soldered. This allows for the heat transfer to go rapidly to the spot being soldered. This well reduce the possiblity of overheating the entire piece (pot).


"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb, voting on what to eat for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb, contesting the vote."

Benjamin Franklin

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