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Gear Graveyard ... the other side of GAS.


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Anyone else have used up, tired out, or dead stuff they need to dump?


I need to get rid of various old stuff and don't really know what to do with it. None of it's worth the effort of Ebay or Craigslist, but I'm sick of it sitting in the corners of my studio and my apartment, and would give it away to anyone who pays shipping.


Any suggestions of what to do with it, other than putting it out on the street? Anyone want a kaput solid state 1x10 bass combo amp, an old MIDI controller keyboard, a leaden folding music stand, a Behringer Feedback Destroyer, etc. ...

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Hey man...the Behringer Feedback Destroyer is actually probably worth selling on Ebay or Craigslist. On the combo amp...by "kaput" do you mean it's not working, or is that some brand name I've never heard of? :freak: Even if it's low power, it might make a decent electric guitar amp...PM me some details, I might take it...


Let me know what else ya got...I've got two young nephews and one young neighbor who are all getting into music...if you got anything they might be able to use, I'll pay you shipping and just give it to them...



Old bass players never die, they just buy lighter rigs.

- Tom Capasso, 11/9/2006


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I say throw it on ebay anyway with a minimum bid (plus shipping) that would make it worth the effort. Just be honest about what you are selling, condition etc. You may even want to consider making it a package deal or 2.


If it was something worth while I'd say donate it to someone that needs it. A few years ago a co-worker that I knew had very little cash to spend, had a son with an interest in playing trumpet. I gave him my old student horn knowing that it had been collecting dust for about 20 years.

If you think my playing is bad, you should hear me sing!
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Good idea, Willie.


We do get donations from time to time. It's generally a mixed bag. For example, we seem to get a lot of donations of old drum kits. 5 years ago, we got some junker kit that we had to trash. On the other hand, last year we got an old metallic blue kit that was one of the original Gretsch maple kits; worth thousands.


I have, on the top of my storage cabinet, an old harp someone made out of a bed post. They donated it to the school, and someone put it on the "property list" before I told them not too. It is absolute junk, but I now have to inventory it every year!


I too have a graveyard piling up in my music studio. COMPUTERS. They still work, kinda. They are sloo-oo-ooow.


I have a Toshiba laptop with an orange plasma display. It's an old 286 machine! I have a Windows 95 Compaq and a Windows 98 Compaq. I have several printers that I can't get ink for, including a tractor feed dot matrix.

Yep. I'm the other voice in the head of davebrownbass.
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music-man, I'll take any cellos you're thinking about dumping. :D


I gave my trombone away to my wife's cousin when she was in high school. It wasn't her primary instrument (she also played piano, cello and tuba), but she wanted to learn so I gave it to her. [Like Dave's idea of passing things down to the next generation.]


Her parents had it fixed up a bit, so when she decided she didn't want it anymore and tried to give it back to me I felt a bit guilty. I told her to keep it or give it to her high school. So now a school somewhere has my old trombone. [Like Willie's idea.]


Like Dave Brown, I have a little "computer museum" in my basement, too. My wife would love to see this removed from the house. I think I'm finally to the point where I can part with it. I've already given away one (a Mac SE) to another computer junkie that's building her own museum.


Well, you just can't afford to keep things like that around when space is a premium like it is in NYC. And you generally don't have time to spare there, either. You could just leave it on the street; as long as they are small items that can be carried on the subway, they're sure to find new homes.

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The green part of me encourages y'all to find a local computer recycler... Office Depot has a program and so do many smaller stores. They either scrap the computers in an environmentally friendly way, part them out for what's usable and scrap the rest, or clean them up for donation to schools or third world countries. Whatever they do with them, I've cleared out some space under my desk and a shelf in my garage. I also have a 486 era machine that I have found some games for and the kids get to use it. Then there's that Okidata u82 dot-matrix printer that I just don't have the heart to unload because it still works, though it hasn't been plugged in for years.
- Matt W.
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Ditto Matt, we have such schemes in the UK that refurbish and send old PC equipment to countries in Africa - I'm sure someone, somewhere, would get a use out of them.
Now theres three of you in a band, youre like a proper band. Youre like the policemen.
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Unfortunately some of the computers sent to Nigeria appeared on the markets there and some people managed to access the information 'deleted' from the drives; find bank account details and sell them/use them. If anyone is thinking of donating PCs in this way; make sure the memry is wiped in more thorough than conventional ways.
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Pardon the slight OT ...


Yesterday was trash day. I had to stop at my neighbor's house on the way in to work: he left a guitar case out with the trash!


I took a quick peek inside. It was empty. :(


It was a cheap cardboard acoustic guitar case, and it was wet from a light rain, so I left it for the garbage collector.

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The news footage I saw of Detroit had a lot of standing water and a guy cleaning drains with a pitchfork. That's light rain?




You're right on about data retrieval. Just last week I saw a show about a data protection company that bought some cell phones from eBay. They found vital company records on a phone that had been owned by a CEO, text message records of an affair, all kinds of juicy stuff. In some cases following the manufacturer's instructions to clear memory was only effective on the surface.

- Matt W.
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Come on guys, those Nigerians come in for a lot of stick. They're not all bad, I've had some very nice emails recently from a few offering me money.

Feel the groove internally within your own creativity. - fingertalkin


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But joking aside, the old type Feedback Destroyers are going like hotcakes, I tried to buy one myself but it went to over half what the latest one new costs, so I bought a new one.


If you describe what you have clearly and emphasise special features, often people want a replacement of what they are used to using but can't get anymore, often newer gear might be better in some ways but older gear may have features that are no longer available.


I have a mixer that has 4 balanced mic ins and gives 4 independent direct line level outs (among doing other things), this is something you will not find on any of the latest generation of small mixers.

Feel the groove internally within your own creativity. - fingertalkin


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For the mini combo amp: I have an old Fender (relax--not vintage, not tube) guitar amp that was FUBAR. I turned it into a Fender Lamp. In it's first incarnation I wired in regular lamp hardware and a shade and wired it to use the on-off switch. Alas, it was to big, so I took out the speaker and hung the lightbulb where the speaker is. I cut some diffuser material to fit behind the speaker screen, and it looks cool as, as, as,......well, it's cool.


In the bathroom closet is my old Fender Bassman 50 cabinet---the one as big as a casket---- with two fifteens in it. I bought a crossover, rewired the speakers to the crossover, and waa-laa: A sub-woofer for the bathroom. It fits right in the closet, right below the first shelf, and even retains access to the laundry chute. Close the sliding door, and it's gone. Open up the door, and you can rock while you (fill in the blank)..... What's that? You say one doesn't need a sub-woofer in the bathroom? I beg to differ.

Things are just the way they are, and they're only going to get worse.

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