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New possible band opportunities


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Last Friday was an interesting day, music-wise. I took a later train to work and ran into a friend of mine, whom I've met through our respective girlfriends.


He plays guitar and keyboards, and his preferred style of music leans toward the gothic, folk, doom, dark avant-garde metal. He's been working on a solo-cd and we agreed on some jamming in the near future. If his cd leads to gigs, he will probably count on me for the bass chair, which would be cool :D


Right, long day at the office (volunteering for late shifts on a Friday is nuts :rolleyes: ) and so on ...


Back on the train home, I see a girl with whom I used to play in my very first (real) band. We talk (online) every now and then and have tried -unsuccesfully - to get something musical happening between us over the years. She told me she wants to get into some heavier music again, alternative guitar rock-style. I told her that if we can agree on a place and time, I'm her bass player (if she'll have me).


And then in the evening my dad and I met up with a drummer and a guitar player with whom we're very likely to start a new classic rock cover band. It clicked from the start between the four of us, all noses seem to be pointing in the right direction and we're all enthusiastic-yet-down-to-earth about the whole deal.


So yeah, I have a few things to look forward to. Nothing may come of either of the three but it feels good to have some perspectives :thu:

"I'm a work in progress." Micky Barnes


The Ross Brown Shirt World Tour

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Excellent news EPB. It's always nice when good things happen in clumps.

Nothing like that would ever happen in my little town either (population 620). The only signs of plenty we have are squrrels and hillbillys.

"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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Thanks everyone! I'm really excited about it, even if nothing comes from it... Geoff, I have this strange déjà vu feeling :D


The classic rock band will most likely happen. My dad surprised my by wanting to learn some "other" tunes for a change, like Dani California by the RHCP. And he wants to do more songs by them. Pretty soon I'll be calling him MC Daddy :freak:

"I'm a work in progress." Micky Barnes


The Ross Brown Shirt World Tour

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Too bad you are giving up on musical associations due to their unpredictable nature.....


Have fun, and I hope that more than one of these works out - even if it's just some jamming for fun.




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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