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The daily adventures of "Mixerman"...

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[quote]Originally posted by Botch: [b] One question for you studio dudes: is it common to set up a PA on the drums, in the studio? I've never heard of this being done before (and apparently it didn't work).[/b][/quote]see the chapter on Jack Douglas and Aerosmith "Rocks" for PA drums that work.... :) -d. gauss
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[quote]Originally posted by Jeff, TASCAM Guy: [b] Am I the only 34 year old here who's edited with a blade? C'mon, there's gotta be more. Please. [/b][/quote]Well, I'm 39 and have certainly done my share of razor blade editing (never tried a window edit though, yikes!). I actually never found it to be a pain in the ass, I quite enjoyed it. Then again, we didn't edit a whole heck of a lot, people tended a lot more toward going for full takes or close to it. Usually editing was for things like if a solo went on for a long time and the producer wanted to cut it to eight bars or whatever... or sometimes you'd do different cuts for the album vs. single version vs. 12" dance single... things like that. Or there'd be too many verses and they'd decide to cut one out. Usually this was done on the 1/2" master, not the 2" tape. Only rarely would something happen like drum tracks being rearranged and having to slice up the 2" tape prior to doing overdubs. This Mixerman diary is just classic! Definitely reminded me of all the reasons I decided NOT to remain a full time engineer. I did way too many hair metal bands in L.A. that were just chock full of characters like the ones Mixerman describes - the megalomaniac singer, the complete idiot drummer (or guitarist or whatever), the band members all hating each other, the producer who collects fees from 20 bands at the same time and shows up at each one for a total of a half hour, the buddy/relative/girlfriend of a band member or producer who is hired as an "assistant" of some sort... LOL. I'm glad Mixerman seems to have kept his sense of humor! You definitely need one. Looking forward to the next installment...
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Sir Conan must be Clearmountain or Bob Rock? Willy Show must be "big", but not so big he can afford to just turn stuff down. The P.A. thing I feel is probably more because of Pearl Jam's 10 than Fleetwood Mac. He seems hands-off with Mixerman. Prefers tape apparently, razor editing. Doesn't find it artistically unappealing to make a drum track out of edits, not likely to be an alternative-purist-background snob. Apparently based out of one studio in L.A., a fairly affluent one. Hmmm. Perhaps an older gent who finds himself still currently in demand, a bit jaded but obviously respected although not from a distinct sound perspective (since Mixerman makes no allusions to specific sounds Willy Show might prefer). Runs down a list of disparate drum sounds illogically, indicating perhaps a slight.... non-awareness of the process perhaps, but apparently searching for an amalgamated sound, a "pure" producer not a technical one. Hmm.

Guitar Lessons in Augusta Georgia: www.chipmcdonald.com

Eccentric blog: https://chipmcdonaldblog.blogspot.com/


/ "big ass windbag" - Bruce Swedien

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Mixerman definately has a gift for writing. I enjoyed every word so far. I'm reading it as a kind of recording studio version of "Spinal Tap". And so much of it seems so familiar. :eek:

Mac Bowne

G-Clef Acoustics Ltd.

Osaka, Japan

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i was starting to get bored, but now that things are rolling, i'm back into it. some questions: #1: who is mixerman? #2: who is Willy? #3: you know but you won't tell me? why? #4: will the band/producer find out about [i]the mixerman chronicles[/i] before or after the album is finished? #5: who is mixerman? #6: did mixerman invent the word "Alsihad" #7: is "Alsihad" just his generic name for a DAW, or does he specifically mean PT? #8: is mixerman Fletcher? #9: well then who?
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[quote]Originally posted by ....wager47: [b]some questions: #1: who is mixerman?[/b][/quote]An engineer from helLA. [quote][b]#2: who is Willy?[/b][/quote]A big time famous producer dude. [quote][b]#3: you know but you won't tell me? why?[/b][/quote]Because you don't really need to know... and the brother is kinda putting his balls on the chopping block by posting this account. There are reputations at stake here... if you don't need to know, then you don't need to know. FWIW, MM and I talk quite often... and I don't know who "Willy Show" is, nor where he's working, nor with whom he is working. Why? Because it's really none of my fuckin' business... if he feels like telling me at somepoint... great. In the meanwhile, it's just fun to watch the show. [quote][b]#4: will the band/producer find out about [i]the mixerman chronicles[/i] before or after the album is finished?[/b][/quote]Who knows. Most people on that level don't really get into these 'internet' forums... they have limited time, they don't really care about "helping newbies", nor the social aspects that are included with this sort of activity... I would say chances are up in the 85+% range that no one in the orchestra, nor "Willie" will ever see the "diary" [quote][b]#5: who is mixerman?[/b][/quote]An engineer from helLA. [quote][b]#6: did mixerman invent the word "Alsihad"[/b][/quote]Kinda, with a little assistance from moi. [quote][b]#7: is "Alsihad" just his generic name for a DAW, or does he specifically mean PT?[/b][/quote]Specifically Pro-sTools [quote][b]#8: is mixerman Fletcher?[/b][/quote]Nope. I hate LA. Won't live there, try my damnedest not to have to work there. Feel free to give a call to the M-A office to confirm my where abouts. [quote][b]#9: well then who?[/b][/quote]An engineer from helLA.


Mercenary Audio


Roscoe Ambel once said:

Pro-Tools is to audio what fluorescent is to light

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I'm starting to look forward to Mixerman's Rockumentary more than the Anna Nichole Smith show. My favorite line from the latest installment: [i]"OK, but don't make me sound like a robot" he said. Better a robot then a horse, I thought. The way the drums were now, were it to ever get on the radio, entire cities of people would have to be treated immediately for sea sickness.[/i] This whole thing rules. - Jeff
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Jesus...I just got to the bottom. He made 188 freakin tape edits in a day. Since it seems most of you haven't edited with a blade before, let me say that if these edits sound at all good (which I have no reason to believe that they wouldn't)...this is a feat comparable to running a marathon in your bare feet over sharp gravel. Quickly. I'd be happy...no, proud...to make 30-40 good edits of this type in a 12 hour period. Anyway (again for those who have never edited tape), make absolutely sure you look at today's installment, which explains very well how you have to measure the tape to associate the tape length with time. It's a great primer on the act of doing this "archaic" editing action. - Jeff
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This sounds like the last drummer I had to work with! I was having to use about 16 takes, more or less depending on the song, to actually get one "take." Mixerman, I know that Dumbass is probably beyond help, but the next track you might want to suggest that he "emphasize the one beat." Most the time, when I get "galloping drummers," it really gets bad coming out of the rolls, and 95% of the time the roll ends on the 4 beat and the pattern starts back up on the 1. Usually when I get the drummer to lay more into the kick on the one, it helps them line up the rest of their playing. And of course, this is the producer's job, but if his playing is totally inconsistent from take to take, you may want to consider actually writing out the part- if the guy can't read, at least in some kind of shorthand, ala "8 bars hihat, 12 bars ride... etc." I feel for you. Drummer problems actually drove me to learn how to play drums, so I can just sit down and show them what they're doing wrong, or give specific feedback. Good luck! I would reply on you forum, but it takes forever for it to load, unless I disable cookies ;)

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I'm kind of hoping that (a) the whole thing is fiction, or (b) it's not happening in real time, i.e. this is a recounting of something that happened months or years ago, because if any of the musicians, the label, or any of the management involved figures out that this thread exist, it will not *ahem* do wonders for MM's career. Or Willie's for that matter. Great fun, though. I've learned a lot about the gross inefficiency of big budget recording. :D

The Black Knight always triumphs!


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thanks for answering all 9 questions, Fletcher :D i didn't really expect anyone to give up the identity of mixerman (since no one ever has, as far as i can tell). but, someday someone will. that guy is a genius. i can't comment on his professional skills, since of course i've never worked with him or heard (knowingly) an album he worked on. he sure seems to know his stuff, though, and you can tell that he's a genius by his writings. oh, Fletcher's a genius too, but not Nika ;) ;) ;)
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[quote]Originally posted by Christopher Kemp: [b]By the way...WTF is an Alsihad? Enlighten me, O Wise Ones... :o [/b][/quote]Pro Tools -- Rob
I have the mind of a criminal genius.....I keep it in the freezer next to mother.
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Yeah... so the user of a product is somehow not qualified to judge a product if they aren't capable of building it? Like if I test drive a car and I think it sucks by comparison to some other car, my opinion doesn't count because I can't design a car?
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Alsihad- (al'-see-had) 1. ProTools 2. loosely, any ProTools like DAW used especially for excessive editing (or editing that would be excessive for a good performance) {vernacular} Alsihad anagrams: HAD SAIL HAS A LID HI SALAD HAS LAID SAD HAIL DAHLIAS I agree the drummer needs to be clear, meat headed as he may be, on what parts are hat and what parts ride- that's a big element of any arrangement. Lotsa times that makes the difference between a groove and a mess. I'd definitely have Cotton given a big old posterboard with the arrangement in big blocky letters he can't miss. Something specially suited to his understanding of things, unique wonder that may be. Suprised the great master of vibe doesn't attempt more in the way of drum coach. Is a drum coach something that money can be thrown at? There's got to be a good one in LA, specializing in recording meat heads.



"There is nothing I regret so much as my good behavior. What demon possessed me that I behaved so well?" -Henry David Thoreau

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[quote]Originally posted by Fletcher@mercenary.com: [b]I hate LA. Won't live there, try my damnedest not to have to work there. [/b][/quote]I know this is totally OT, and maybe this should be an entirely separate thread - but could you elaborate? What exactly is it about L.A.? I just watched two friends get totally wacked out by being out there for awhile, a very pecular phenomenon... Almost like an abduction took place. I would imagine it to being akin to living 24/7 in the trendiest but sleaziet bar in town, or is it something else? Vacuousness? Trendbots? Something specific? I know Lee isn't exactly fond of it for various reasons as well, but....? I get the impression L.A. appears to be chock full of purveyors of shark-like mentality?

Guitar Lessons in Augusta Georgia: www.chipmcdonald.com

Eccentric blog: https://chipmcdonaldblog.blogspot.com/


/ "big ass windbag" - Bruce Swedien

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okay, raise your hand if you think the producer will decide not to use the take that mm edited today. :wave: i just got done reading today's entry, and it was great. i've talked to people who have sliced, and read articles about it, but this is the best, most descriptive account i've heard. and in 20 years, splicing stories like this will be mere legends. or maybe 2 years. it sounds like even Alsihater himself might suggest a PT transfer to the producer pretty soon.
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Quote from Mixerman: "I made my way for the muffin room. I had been thinking about that chocolate muffin all morning, and I wanted to make sure that I was the person that ate it today" This is a sign to GET OUT, GET OUT NOW.... See, this is *my* life. Mixerman is now in a situation where he's looking for little "Mind Vacations" in *anything*. I know that exact feeling: "man, I just want that traffic light to be green one time and the day will be ok", "if I happen to have enough change for a bottle of water I don't care about the rest of the day sucking", etc... He *should* be jazzed about being paid to record music in what appears to be a top-flight studio situation. MIXERMAN: "“Whaaaaaaa” Dumb Ass said in his best retard voice. ”Why no drummers allowed!?” he exclaimed (Perhaps he thought he was Tarzan or something) while stamping his foot as-if he was 3 years old. “That’s just the way it is, my man” I replied. “You’re not going to have to edit me very much.” he continued. WHAT? Was this guy smoking crack? Was he not listening to the way the music rocked awkwardly like the blinker of a car? “Of course not!” I lied. “But this takes allot of concentration, and I can’t really have disturbances.” “OK, but don’t make me sound like a robot” he said. Better a robot then a horse, I thought. The way the drums were now, were it to ever get on the radio, entire cities of people would have to be treated immediately for sea sickness. “I won’t” I replied smiling as I closed the door gently on him." Here Mixerman dons the garb of the Bard, all you need here is Yorick's remains and maybe some poison in a cup... MIXERMAN: "I made 188 edits today. And the feel of the drums still sucks ass. It’s just that now the drums are in time." This is insane. The band isn't wild about Dumb Ass/Cotton. Willy Show isn't. There must be a 1,000 good drummers in L.A.; certainly Mixerman has a short list of some good ones - unless these guys are playing some oddball prog rock (I would guess not...) wouldn't it make more sense just to have someone come in and ghost it on the same kit? What is the point is editing a crappy drummer on tape, if he's THAT bad? Certainly there are killer drummers in L.A. just dying to get in on something like this, even if anonymously? .. I know it wouldn't be the first time that's been done...

Guitar Lessons in Augusta Georgia: www.chipmcdonald.com

Eccentric blog: https://chipmcdonaldblog.blogspot.com/


/ "big ass windbag" - Bruce Swedien

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The point is clearly to establish with the producer that you're up for whatever he dreams up, and if Mix can do this, any splicy analog jobs that producer comes up with in the future may be going his way. Like cleaning the Augean Stables. "Here Mixerman dons the garb of the Bard, all you need here is Yorick's remains and maybe some poison in a cup..." The chocolate donut fills the poison in a cup role. Or does Alsihad? :eek: :freak: :rolleyes: I agree editing a drum part that way is pure madness, Alsihad or otherwise. Unless you're just sampling the guy and going midi or something, fer chrissakes. Maybe Cotton needs some muscle relaxants and a set of marionette strings.



"There is nothing I regret so much as my good behavior. What demon possessed me that I behaved so well?" -Henry David Thoreau

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Mixerman has more than 14000 hits on his first week thread, wow!! (is there a "hit counter on these threads?) IMHO MM is a very good writer and he should write a book about the subject after this session has ended (in case it ever will). I have been falling out of my chair a couple of times from laughing! I'm looking forward to read how Willy reacts on the edited drumtrack. I admire MM's patience and humor :D , for I would have kicked out "Cotton" the first or at least the second day. MIXERMAN, YOU ROCK!!!! Peace, Han
The alchemy of the masters moving molecules of air, we capture by moving particles of iron, so that the poetry of the ancients will echo into the future.
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