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Completely OT: Food

_Sweet Willie_

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Maybe I'll come over and put in a Tex-Mex restaurnat. I could play bass for the patrons while they eat. If the food did not make them sick, the entertainment would.


"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb, voting on what to eat for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb, contesting the vote."

Benjamin Franklin

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My wife came home a few weeks back with a jar of cashew butter. Same idea as peanut butter, with much less oil and a very different consistency. It is somehow both more and less sticky than peanut butter. I've had a few sandwiches, and it also works as a dip (we have these flat baked pretzels that go well with it). I'm thinking about experimenting with it in pasta (like a peanut sauce) and fully expect failure, but what the heck.




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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If you are ever in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, you must make a stop at Nit's Thai Food. Easily the best food I have ever eaten (and I get to eat there a fair bit). Appetizer #2 is a must, and from there, the waitress will help you out. But man, it's all good. My fave: #23 with beef, medium-Hot.
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Man, I love peanut butter and I love Cashews. I will have to try that. Is it available in most large grocery stores?



Rocky, the brand I have is the private label (store brand). The store is Stop & Shop, the brand is Nature's Promise, which is the store "natural" label. It's made by Foodhold of Maryland, which appears to be a private label business (they showed up on a private label website). There is a phone number on the jar - 877-846-9949.





Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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My wife came home a few weeks back with a jar of cashew butter. Same idea as peanut butter, with much less oil and a very different consistency. It is somehow both more and less sticky than peanut butter. I've had a few sandwiches, and it also works as a dip (we have these flat baked pretzels that go well with it). I'm thinking about experimenting with it in pasta (like a peanut sauce) and fully expect failure, but what the heck.




In my past life I ownded a peanut butter maker. For some stupid reason, the ex took it with her; dunno why, as she had no kitchen skills or interest in any food not already on her plate. Issues, I know....


Anyway, said peanut butter maker was real cool. It worked well, and I also made other nut butters on a regular basis. You kind of had to mean it, as cleanup was a total PIA. Probably cheaper to just buy the various nut butters that are right next to the natural peanut butter in your local Wegman's.


OTOH, I had a juicer that I never really found a use for. I wish she took that instead.

Things are just the way they are, and they're only going to get worse.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Gumbo. I'm making gumbo right now. I had a good four months worth of shrimp shells stored in the freezer for the stock.


It's gonna be good. It'll be even better by Sunday when my father comes to visit.


Hope he likes gumbo.



Things are just the way they are, and they're only going to get worse.

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I ain't really been eating much recently, not had much of an appetite. I lost over a stone with in four days but I'm not losing weight anymore. Got anything that i can use to put on weight?

Okay I got my hair cut! Its now this short *shows how short using hand*


Lets get down to business gentlemen! I want that bagel now!...Don't forget the lettuce!

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Glad you stopped losing weight, Karl.


Hmmm . . . putting on weight . . . I know you don't have an eating disorder but, in common with those guys, you may have lowered your metabolism to compensate.


I would take it easy, don't just gorge yourself. Drink plenty of fluid too. Eat lots of carbohydrates. Porridge? Rice? Noodles? Potatoes? Soup? Cakes? I guess whatever you fancy!


I think it'd be better to eat frequent small meals than occasional large ones as you'll probably fill up quickly. My wife is Chinese American and the Cantonese have always had the philosophy of eating continuously rather than just at large meals. They eat little and often and this suits me just fine.


Snacking is good, right now!




both very useful!



Excellent snacks to encourage weight gain include any type of nuts, milkshakes, fruit shakes, peanut butter sandwiches and crackers with cheese.



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Depends on how you normally would!


I'd eat three or four small meals a day and lots of snacks in between.


If you get hungry, and it's not a meal time, just eat something!


That's what my wife recommends for healthy eating. And drinking lots of water, too. Since I got my stent last year I've been trying to lose weight, and with working out in the equation I have a hard time getting the pounds off.

My doc says the worst thing I can do is eat alot. He said, "Boy, you need to quit eatin' so much." Old habits die hard I guess.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Was reading Alton Brown's "I'm Just Here for the Food" book, saw the part of dry-aging beef. I gave it a try with a top-round roast. Easy as pie. I just dried it off and stuck it into the back of the fridge for five days. Very tasty, and very tender. Not as tender as a prime rib, but tender enough if you sliced it thin like a london broil. And very tastey.


Next time I will apply the dry rub before instead of after. It gets dry (Ha! No kidding!), so the spices don't stick anymore.

Things are just the way they are, and they're only going to get worse.

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Had the opportunity to go to Nobu in NYC a little over a week ago. Good lord, what a meal! And this is from someone who doesn't eat seafood. But I've also come to realize that kobe beef is REALLY REALLY REALLY expensive.

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"My concern is, and I have to, uh, check with my accountant, that this might bump me into a higher, uh, tax..."

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I'm flying to Parma, Italy tomorrow, and i'm looking forward to eat the 3 P's






Mmm I can't wait. I'm taking my other half to a really nice (apparently) trattoria(tradicional italian restaurant) for dinner, it's her birthday.




"And then the magical unicorn will come prancing down the rainbow and we'll all join hands for a rousing chorus of Kumbaya." - by davio



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We have a fine restruant here that serves Kobe beef hamburgers. They also have Avacado, tomatoes and Refried beans on them. They are fabulous but I can't afford $15.00 for a hamburger when I can get a really good burger for $5.00


"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb, voting on what to eat for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb, contesting the vote."

Benjamin Franklin

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Haven't read this entire thread, so sorry if I'm repeating something.


The missus and I had a small restaraunt about 15 years ago and served buffalo (bison) roast and buffalo burgers. Man, it's amazing, but the roast tastes just like a ribeye. So much flavor and very lean.

She taught me how to cook many different things, including a roux (sp?), which is used to start a soup or a gravy.


These days I'm on a low salt diet. Along with my doctor I'm tyring to get my blood pressure down and eating less sodium seems to be working. It's amazing how much sodium is in all pre-packaged foods like lunch meat, potato chips, even bread and tortillas. For most people it doesn't seem to affect their blood pressure, but it does seem to in my case so I have to watch what I eat. I'm craving a hot dog and some cheese dip and chips right now. :)

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Mamma mia, just arrived from Italy, the food the wine the cheese......




"And then the magical unicorn will come prancing down the rainbow and we'll all join hands for a rousing chorus of Kumbaya." - by davio



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If you are ever in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, you must make a stop at Nit's Thai Food. Easily the best food I have ever eaten (and I get to eat there a fair bit). Appetizer #2 is a must, and from there, the waitress will help you out. But man, it's all good. My fave: #23 with beef, medium-Hot.


Yep, Nit's is great. :thu: I never had a bad meal there. Should've went there more while I lived in MJ.




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