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Bad behavior in bars. OT/rant sort of.


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I hit a guy last night. Alot of these tiny town bars that we play just aren't taking care of these people. Not that it happens all the time or anything, but it does happen. This is only the second time in 14 or so years of playing that it's happened to me and I feel kind of bad about it. I don't feel bad for the guy I hit, I just think that its a suck situation and I feel bad for the staff, audience and the rest of the band.


The guy was coming up on stage and telling us what to do and demanding. Both singers tried to use the power of the mic to embarrass and maybe get rid of him, but it just egged him on more. The bouncer at this place just watched. Couple of local boys, you know? We play 3 hour sets at this place and it started at the end of the first set. All but one of his buddies left him behind because I'm sure he was ruining their night as well.


Anyway, by the start of the last set I lost it. I warned him for the last time, put down my bass and pushed him and his buddy to the floor. He got up, started towards me and I tagged him in the side of the face. I didn't knock him out, but he was down for a while. His buddy cleared out. A guy at the bar grabbed me and calmed me down and I tried to finish the set as musically as I could. The songs might have been a little fast. I had to engage "auto pilot".


The bouncer just brought him up to the front bar. They even called his mom. Can you believe that? A few customers told me that he was in the parking lot with the police. I thought for sure I was on my way to jail, but they told me that he was in a scuffle out there and the cops showed up. THEY LEFT HIM THERE! He came back in to the front bar and stared at us as we broke down and even stood out by the trailer as we packed up daring me to hit him again and whining about being assaulted.


It was horrible. I used everything I had left to restrain myself. I appologized to the staff and they told me not to worry about it. They also said that HIS DAD was in there a week earlier causing problems, so apparantly it runs in the family. We didn't loose the gig, but I'm not sure I want to go back.


I don't know how many of you play in these types of places, but its getting worse and worse. Even in my short years of doing this I remember problems like thtis being taken care of quickly and efficiently by bar staff.


We decided on the phone today that if this happens again, we will just quit playing and tell the staff that it needs to be taken care of before we start again. I'm not so sure that thats a good idea, but it's got to be better that last nights solution.

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If the bouncer isn't willing to take care of disruptive patrons, I recommend not playing there again.


I haven't played in funky bars in a while, but I remember being able to look over at the bouncer and point at someone. And that someone was immediately removed.


The guy must have really been cruising for a bruising because from what I know of you, you are a pretty reasonable sort of guy.

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:cool: I would not want to play there again. If the security at an establishment cannot insure the safety of the band, and their EQ during the gig, then IMO you do not need to play there. There are times that you do a gig where there are ppl in the crowd that heckle the band, but coming on stage, or messing with the EQ is just not acceptable.
If you smell something stinking, it's juz me, I'm funky like that
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Man no gig is worth that crap, it is just to dangerous to put up with behaviour like that. What if he comes back with his buddies and decides to wreck your gear? If this has been the 1st time in this bar then I would go back but if it even looked like a replay was on I would lift my stuff and go.
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If the bar has "security" they are the ones who should take care of this. I would talk to the owner/booking manager and let them know that you are not there to take abuse, and that they did not react.


However, you made the mistake of not taking the issue straight to the bouncer-- I've had rare instances like this in my past and we took it to management. I guess nobody here has to tell you that you were very wrong to lose control, you could have ended up in jail.


I remember one incident where we ended up in court- fortunately, we were there to testify against the moron who cold-cocked our keyboard player. The drummer and I were fortunately not charged with our enthusiastic activities when "restraining" the culprit, but man, in these small burbs you never know who knows who and could end up holding the dirty end of the stick.

1000 Upright Bass Links, Luthier Directory, Teacher Directory - http://www.gollihurmusic.com/links.cfm


[highlight] - Life is too short for bad tone - [/highlight]

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:D ATM - Being a former Minnesnowtan myself,

That's just friggin' funny "Ya Know"

(where's Lena ?) !


Donut, Sorry to hear about what happened -

but honestly I'm glad you did what you did, Sometimes Asses just need to be reminded ....


Carry on !



I'm Todbass62 on MySpace
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OK, I'm no master at gigging and crap, but back in the day that would have been the end of it. I've been in some rock clubs that catered to a younger crowd where A**wipe would have returned with a couple ten of the home-boys and been waiting out back with bats and maybe worse. It ain't worth the risk, I don't care how "harmless" everyone at the club seems to think this guy is.


OBTW, the only time I was ever picked up and charged with assault was after winning a "fair" fight that I didn't start.


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


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you get all kinds. i've had jackasses harrass me in just about every venue imaginable. the facts are that there's jerks (note: plural) in every crowd and jerks + booze = problems like this. it's not going to happen every time, but venue is no predictor of what you're going to get.


what would concern me is the bouncer doing nothing. did he have the opportunity to notice, or was he one of those staring out the front door and checking id kind of bouncers? i would definitely talk to the manager about that the next time you talk to him about booking. the whole point of having a bouncer is to bounce unruly patrons. think this guy would be in there if he was climbing on the tables and groping the waitress?

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It has always amazed me that people can get so intoxicated that they will challenge a person who has a large stick strapped to their chest. Not that I am an advocate for that sort of violence, but it is sometimes necessary. I have actually played in bars with a stage enclosed in chicken wire like in "The Blues Brothers". And the barrier was very necessary to protect the band. A very redneck establishment. That was about fifteen years ago and the place has long been out of business. But, you can run into trouble anywhere. Just a few weeks ago, in a rather upscale restraunt/bar, some juiced up revelers fell into our monitors and knocked down our singer (who happens to be female) after a he said/she said pushing match. This really riled the rhythm section. We stopped the gig early (about 1/4 into the last set) and had a very serious talk with the management about their lack of security. Some owners can be reasoned with, though I know that most do not give a damn as long as their stuff is not getting damaged.


It can be a tough business. Be tough in return.

My whole trick is to keep the tune well out in front. If I play Tchaikovsky, I play his melodies and skip his spiritual struggle. ~Liberace
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After the second set you should've gone straight to the owner and have him lean on the bouncers to do something about this guy. Those guys get paid to deal with a**holes like this jerk.


I've had many an unruly patron charge the stage to dance, bother us, yell at us, etc. The bouncers would always grab the guy/girl (yes) and forcibly eject them.


If you do a gig there again tell the owner that if you get any trouble you expect the bouncers to help you out.

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