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Is this complaint fair (about an auction/seriously need opinion)?


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I received my Stewart Audio Pr-500 in a rather crummy box (with good, plastic air bag cushioning) on Friday afternoon. It came in much worse condition than I thought, I'd like to know if issueing a complaint is fair.


Here's the page.


It is stated that it has no damage and is in the following condition:

Good: Well used with visible dings, dents and scratches; may not be particularly clean and may have substituted hardware.


I was expecting one knob to not have chrome covering and the writing to be a bit smeared and maybe a few dings. Here's what I got.


The chrome covering for the knob was on the knob opposite to the one shown in the picture. It does not even fit on without falling off. The face plate is coming off and there are 2 missing screws as well as what appears to be a broken in-half screw on the inside of the plate next to the power button. Both knobs are in terrible shape though they do work. Also, some of the chrome on the face plate is chipped.


There's evident scratcing all along the face place as well as the bottom in addition to a ton of grime from stickers and think melted plastic (or so I believe). 2 metal "sheets" sticking out from the sides (of about 30) are bent to 45 degree angles. The back metal plate has "bumps" in it and is not straight in numerous areas. What I can guess are the fuses (that are attached to the back plate) are in any logical pattern and stick out in slightly different angles. The power cord's prongs were bent in a manner that I had to physically force them into a position in which I could plug them into the wall.


This seems like much worse condition than what was noted in the pictures and in the text. The unit works (to my knowledge) fine, and this is more or less what I want, but the condition makes me somewhat doubt if it's going to be reliable.


I bought this for $250 and a like-new used PR-500 went for $300 at Bassnw.com.


Because I would like to keep this, I'm going to ask for a discount. It did not come in a condition too reminscent of what was noted. What do you think would be a fair discount if you agree with me that it is in poorer condition than what should be expected. I'm thinking $50 minimum. Does that seem reasonable?




P.S. this was sold by a guy at GC who said this was the lowest he could go and he had a buy it now price of $320.

In Skynyrd We Trust
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I can't see the auction, but I think you're entitled to some credit - if not a full refund.


The condition you describe is poor! Good indicates (IMHOP) original parts, including all screws. At the very least, I would expect suitable aftermarket parts that fit properly. Cosmetic wear is one thing, abuse is a different story.


If you think a $50 refund is good, and that makes you a satisfied customer, there's no harm in asking.


Curious: Was it sold by GC? Or, by someone who just happens to work there?


I wonder if GC took it as a trade in, threw it in a dumpster (or sold it off dirt cheap), and this guy was in the right place at the right time to make a tidy profit?

- Matt W.
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Refund! Refund! Refund!


What in the world would possess someone to use a perfectly innocent, mint piece of gear as a speed bump on an interstate? Because that's how your item sounds like it was treated!


I wouldn't expect it to work past next week!


Refund! Refund! Refund!


You paid good money for a good item. What you got is NOT "GOOD" at all.

"All the world's indeed a stage, and we are merely players..."

--Rush, "Limelight"

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If it was a car in Minnesota, an accurate listing would say, "Good wood hauler" or "Good hunting/fishing vehicle." It runs, but...


The price you paid for that should have been no more than $50. For $250, I would expect no damage, just a 5 year old piece that had been sitting in the spare bedroom gathering dust.



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"worse condition than what was noted in pictures and text"


I have to agree with everyone here and get a refund. But I have a question, would the damage to the unit even show up in a picture? Like i've seen basses for sale with scratches and on some of them, I couldnt see the scratch in the picture.


I've been burned by a bait-n-switch ebayer on a elecronic item. Thus i'll never buy electronics from ebay again.

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That's not "good", that's "beater" condition. Sounds like somebody drug it behind a car. Get your money back dude.

"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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I agree with the cries of refund. I would also go so far as to photograph the unit along with the box it came in to document the condition. Additionally, if you paid with a credit card, I would contact your card company to get your money back. This just reeks of "bait and switch".

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"My concern is, and I have to, uh, check with my accountant, that this might bump me into a higher, uh, tax..."

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Thanks, I just wanted to affirm that I was correct in saying this wasn't in the condition noted.


I had to issue the complaint before I heard but 1 reply (I should've posted this earlier). I asked for a $60 discount.


After reading your posts, I think I should've asked for something in the ballpark of $75 to $100 off. However, thanks to your replies, I have more confidence that letting this thing go will not be a loss by any means.


Thanks guys for the support.


P.S. it was sold from a GC in CA and I think that the flaws would've been seen by the camera.

In Skynyrd We Trust
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Contact that GC salesman and ask for substantial compensation for their "confusion" and your trouble. I would, personally, ask for at least 100.00 off, and I would try for a full refund.

If he balks, contact that GC store's manager directly. Stay calm, get people's names, act like the cool customer you are, take lots of notes.


If necessary, let them know that you have an international army of bass players ready to scream "boycott!" ;)


Definitely photograph it all, document the condition of the unit, the packing materials, etc.

Unfortunately, most shipping related damage would have to have been noted by you at the time of delivery, before you signed for the box.

This does not sound like shipping related demage,



Best of luck, keep us informed.






I'm a lot more like I am now than I was when I got here.






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Hey Lady:


I couldn't see the auction page either: apparently you'd need to start an account with Instrument Exchange, and I'm not ready to do that, especially after what you said here.


As for GC, I don't think they're gonna take you seriously until you file some consumer complaints first, so...


One: was it shipped Postal Service or by a private carrier? If it was Postal Service, you have grounds to file a mail fraud complaint either online or via phone (800-372-8347). Private carriers don't take mail fraud complaints.


Two: your state office of Consumer Affairs (blue-outlined pages of your phonebook), which would be part of your state's Attorney General's office. Some states, such as New York, publish a guide to all the consumer complaint outlets (including Better Business Bureau) in the US, and are free for the asking. This is the difficult part as most states will only take on complaints against parties with a physical presence in their home state, but given the amount of business GC does nationwide (you might be able to get some stats if you hunt around a bit) your complaint may get a little attention.


Three: of course, it doesn't hurt to post your story on as many websites as possible, and have them turn up as search results on Google. Once they realize the leverage a few negative complaints can have on their business sales (I think Ford Motor Company found that out recently and is starting to respond online to consumer issues according to CNN) they may see the value of a refund offer/policy.


Four: keep us updated as to what happens. For now, I'm not buying anything from IE until I hear how they treat your case. Good hunting!


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IE is actually a very good site. If this was on Ebay, there'd be a much higher chance that I'd be stuck with a crappy amp.


The seller gave a counter offer of $50 off. I'm prepared to decline, but I'm going to wait a minute. I really like the amp, but this condition is terrible and paying even $200 for a mistreated P-500 isn't really worth it (though losing $20 bucks from shipping sucks). I'll make sure to leave bad feedback if I decline.


IE works like this. The sellers post auctions for free. Upon the completion of a sale, less than 9% goes to IE for their services.


Once there's a winning bin, a 48 hours clock begins to tick. Once that's over, you've won the auction. You then have I believe 72 hours to make a payment (through credit card, etc). This money stays with IE until the auction is completed.


After that, there's a another 72 hour period for the seller to ship. Once it arrives at your doorstep, you have 48 hours for inspection. You can either accept it, ask for a discount, or send rightback, no questions asked at the expense of shipping.


It's quite frankly a great service because it gives you the reliability and assurance of buying from a legit store, while having the variety and options of ebay.

In Skynyrd We Trust
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