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Eden Users - amps not cabs


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Hey all,


Many people have suggested an Eden head of some sort when I mention getting a head for my Bergie HT112. I wanted to see what users of these heads have to say. I read good and bad - the bad seems to be reliability.


What have you found in your real world use? What head would you suggest for a 1X12 cab for me.



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I recently sold my Mesa Pulse 600 and purchased an Eden WT 550. ( built 3/25/05 )


Its the perfect bass head for me..


300 @ 8 ohms / 500 @ 4 ohms & 620 @ 2 ohms..

I read on the Eden board that the 2 ohm load actually produces 750 watts...

It weighs 20 lbs and has has the tube pre....


I have the single S - 15 D 8 ohm Bag End and 300 watts is perfect for that cab... I am sure the 12" Berg will sound awesome...

I heard Getz's Eden/Berg rig ..its rocks heavily.


I have used the head once at a recent show and with very good results...


I had a WT 400 and I dont see or hear any difference in the quality of the Eden stuff pre /post buyout.


Bass Central had the best price.....



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SteveC, for all the $$$ you have spent on gear in the last year, you could have called Walter Woods and had him hook you up. His amps aren't for everyone, but if you their resale value is excellent.
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Originally posted by tnb:

SteveC, for all the $$$ you have spent on gear in the last year, you could have called Walter Woods and had him hook you up. His amps aren't for everyone, but if you their resale value is excellent.

What's up, Thomas?


Ouch, that's one way to put things in perspective. It's like my guitarist who has wanted a nice SG for years, and keeps on buying crappy knock-offs. He's lost about $1,000 on the transactions after putting some work into them and flipping them and he has nothing to show for it. He would have been better off just buying the Gibson off the bat.

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I've been pretty happy with my Eden WT-500. I've been using it with an SWR Triad II and Eden D-210 XLT for several years now. I've had it for easily 6 years, and I've had to get it serviced only once. It's clean, powerful and transparent. I've been happy with mine.


However, if you're leaning towards a Walter Woods head, why not skip the intermediary steps and just get that? It seems like the most logical course of action to me.

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"My concern is, and I have to, uh, check with my accountant, that this might bump me into a higher, uh, tax..."

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I recently sold my Mesa Pulse 600 and purchased an Eden WT 550. ( built 3/25/05 )
Not to sidetrack too much off the subject.. I was wondering why you switched the Boogie for an Eden head. I know the M-puse has many of the same features now. I love my Eden cabs, but the heads have never been for me. Though I've tried them over and over.

Mike Bear




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I've been using an Eden WT400 head, D-115T/D-210T cabs a couple times a week for rehearsals, gigs, and recording for 4 1/2 years now without a single problem or complaint (OK, the cabs are constantly covered with dog hair from the bed of my truck!). The head also a has fantastic direct out.
my band: Mission 5
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Originally posted by SteveC:

I never mentioned Walter Woods....

And, sir, why not?


(just stirring the pot... :) )






I'm a lot more like I am now than I was when I got here.






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SteveC said:

I never mentioned Walter Woods....

Just tryin' to help you out, dawg. I just think that Walter might have what you need.


Besides, all the cool kids have/want one.

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Mmmm, Walter Woods...


I expect to see Richard Bona playing thru a Walter Woods head and Epifani cabinetry/speakerage tomorrow evening. I expect it to sound most excellent.


That Eden WT-550 sounds like a nice piece o' gear.



--Dub $$


PS: Don't overlook EA while you're searching.



Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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That being said I've never had extensive experience with an eden..but I still think those aggie combos are schweet if you ae planning to renovate your rig. Itd be cool to do up the 112 combo with your 112 berg. And when you consider the price of a ww or eden head, that aggie starts to make sense. Of course, i relaize that you've stated before that you're not particularly interested in the combo and I, thus, am not trying to push you towards anything, just saying that my most recent memory of "holy crap that a great sound" syndrome (hctgss) was had while playing this amp...with just about any bass, it always sounded schweet. dig?(man i love that word...dig....ya)

Hiram Bullock thinks I like the band volume too soft (but he plays guitar). Joe Sample thinks I like it way too loud (but he plays piano). -Marcus Miller
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Mike Bear...

The Mesa was a very nice piece of gear and I always got a very good sound with no service issues. My one complaint which is minor was it was a bit on the heavy side when racked...


I purchased a WW Ultra and decided the Pulse was no longer needed - I also own a Mesa Walkabout 12" Scout combo and thought I had everything covered....

The more I used the Ultra I realized I really missed the tube warmth ... The Scout Combo is a great amp that I use often but sometimes falls short in the power dept...300 watts @ 4 ohms

The features and power ratings on the Eden worked well for me and the price was right ... 720 watts @ 2 ohms - 20 lbs is very cool.. I also like the direct out on the Eden..


Steve C... The Ultra is a great piece of gear but its not for everyone..if you like a tube sound the Ultra might not be for you.. so I think you might need to buy both...


Hers a pic ..




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Wow 57 pbass, it looks like the only difference between you and stevec is that you keep all of your stuff!
Hiram Bullock thinks I like the band volume too soft (but he plays guitar). Joe Sample thinks I like it way too loud (but he plays piano). -Marcus Miller
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Thanks for your insight.


SteveC, I thought it was funny everyone was eggin you to look into the Walter Woods. C'mon dude, peer pressure. I've been on this board for about a year now. I have seen you go through some gear. I think it's really cool how you put some thought into it and get some thoughts from the rest of us. They board might be right, hold out for the boo-ya rig. Then again, there's always something better out there. When does it end? Good luck bro.

Mike Bear




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Contrary to popular belief, I really am trying to NOT be that guy that is always chaging gear. For the last couple years I have enjoyed doing it. It's been fun to experiment. I think I have learned a lot.


I think I know the kind of sound I want - mostly "hi-fi" with the ability to get dirty if called for.


I know I want a small package - 2 spaces at most.


I know my gigs will be small venue, jazz big band, jazz combo and maybe a little classic rock - coffee house, classy restaurants, weddings, and the occasional club gig.


I have learned from everyone on this board and really enjoy talking to the people here. I enjoy the ribbing I get and often deserve. I hope that soon someone else will take my place as the revolving door of gear.

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Just to add a little more to the pot.... I'm really digging this:

Clean and dirty channels at the stomp of a switch...


The AG500 is a 2 channel, solid state, 2U + 18 lbs, moderately powerful head (500 @ 4 ohms, 250 @ 8). I'm way impressed with the OD channel (like, leave the BDDI at home impressed) but I haven't really played with the clean side. It might be worth your while to check it out. Pricey though... ~ $1200. Sounds mighty fine pushing an Aggy 410.

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SteveC said:

I know I want a small package - 2 spaces at most.

I know my gigs will be small venue, jazz big band, jazz combo and maybe a little classic rock - coffee house, classy restaurants, weddings, and the occasional club gig.

Sounds horribly familiar. Sounds like how I make my living. Did I tell you my WW weighs 7 lbs?


The amp Nutt was refering to, sounds like that would be the ticket also, but I have never used one. EA makes great amps, I love them.


You also might want to check these out: http://www.epifani.com/amplifiers.htm

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Originally posted by musicfiend:

Wow 57 pbass, it looks like the only difference between you and stevec is that you keep all of your stuff!

Musicfriend..... I just finished unloading a bunch of stuff... but I do hang on to the classics... :)



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I'll tell you my fear. It's that Steve buys a Walter Woods and isn't happy with it.


I used one and it didn't change my life. 57pbass has noticed the lack of warmth. We'll still be alive tomorrow.


But if Steve turned a WW, people here would have a field day.




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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Please don't get me wrong. I love my WW and it sounds great on every gig I do, but there are better sounding amps out there not that I know what they are. But if you consider portability, power, ease of use, 2 channels, great tone for electric AND upright (and ABG)...come on! I even had a singer singing through my WW/Acme on one gig and the sound was great - certainly better than the so called PA the contractor had provided.


Another good things about a WW is that the resale value is very high. Even if he didn't like it, he wouldn't have to take a bath when selling it.


And Tom, whatever SteveC buys and doesn't like will have us clowning - but it's all out of luv! I wish I could go through gear like that, but I'm too cheap and not smart enough to constantly use different gear without getting really, really confused.

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Originally posted by SteveC:

Nothing is being bought or sold at this time.



Usually something for sale here:



Contradictions, contradictions :evil:

Just kidding. The plans you've made sound good though, 2 space, hifi rig that can get dirty.


Just sayin' the aguilar ag model ehad sounds like it did all that :rolleyes:


But where was I, it sounds good to me, good luck

Hiram Bullock thinks I like the band volume too soft (but he plays guitar). Joe Sample thinks I like it way too loud (but he plays piano). -Marcus Miller
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Steve - if you decide on EA (and it's one of the amps on my short list), work with Bob G. Over the long haul, you may want to add an EX112. It's more of a stack than you need now, but if you ever have to play a bit louder, it's the way to go.


tnb - I could give you a list ;)

what you describe (singing through a WW) doesn't surprise me. High quality stuff like that is versatile and complete. I had a keys guy use my Berg one night and it blew him away. Jim B says those 112 have worked as emergency vocal PAs and were fine.


Mike - what's that you are buying? Another new bass? Changing your amp? Why I oughta....

-- is that OK?




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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