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OT - Lost my job yesterday :-(

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No, I did not lose my job with the band I am in. My day job has expired. I have been working in a warehouse for a small business forms company for the past year or so. Basically, my job was to round up all the company's purchase orders and load them onto our truck for delivery. Well several weeks ago our driver was fired. That left me alone to do all the organizing, loading, and delivering myself. In addition, I was responsible for counting all stock that was received. For those of you who don't already know, cases of paper are very heavy. Running a warehouse that moves tons of paper a day all alone is no easy task. I know of no other warehouse position that has such high demands. Eventually, the job caught up with me and I crashed. I tried to get help, but to no avail. To them I was just being a baby and couldn't handle the work. So they started treating me like s--t beause they thought I was a slacker. Now I had to deal with both physical and emotional stress, and come yesterday I snapped after trying to cope with this for a couple weeks. I ended up in a doctor's office as a result of a stress attack and complete emotional breakdown. And the worst thing is that, technically, I quit. Granted it was for health reasons and also doctor's advice that my job was not doing any good for my mental and physical health, but I still don't get to collect unemployment. I almost think they forced me into quitting so they wouldn't have to pay unemployment. So anyways, any good jobs out there with friendly people??? :D
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Sorry to hear about your day gig.


I don't know what the policies are in NJ, but here in RI, you would be elligible disability and/or worker's comp. Even if you quit. You should check with your state unemployment office asap.

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Yes, take action on this. The laws of our nation considerably favor the employee vs. the employer. Most folks don't realize that. The problem of course is actually enforcing those laws...no one is going to call you and ask you if the physical and mental stresses of the job forced you to leave. You have to call someone and tell them that. I'm not sure exactly where to point you, but get on the phone and start calling until you find the right agency.


Good luck,


Old bass players never die, they just buy lighter rigs.

- Tom Capasso, 11/9/2006


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Yes, take action on this. I think you may have a slight penalty time but you will eventually get assistance. It sounds like you work for the printing company I did years ago, here in NJ. Please PM me with the name, I'm really curius to see if it's them. I too "technically" quit. I eventually had an arbitration meeting with unemployment and everything was going my way until they asked for former employer if they would take me back. He said yes and then I was asked if I would go back. My reply was basically, "you heard everything I said, I can't go back". "Well, since you technically refused employment, you are not entitalled to benefits." :mad::evil:

I was still better off leaving, the best move I ever made. So I left the unemplyment office, walked down the block, and got another job, literally. It was good because at the time I was in a computer tech school (3 months from completion) and got a tech job that lasted almost 11 years (that's a lifetime for IT). But, as you know in Jersey, all Banks must be sold sooner or later, and so was mine. I have been unemployed for about 5 weeks now.


I know it's of little consolation but, don't get streesed, it's not worth it, and don't give them satisfation of knowing they've won.


And yes, I know how heavy paper is. Unloading trucks, loading machines, and cutting pallet after pallet of paper will kill you.

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Some observations from someone who has been there (resigned/been fired, etc):


-Be very circumspect--don't burn any bridges.


-IMMEDIATELY apply for unemployment. Don't wait.


-Take a skills inventory, and perform a personal Strength/weakness analysis.


-Determine what kink of work you want to do, will do, and don't want to do.


-Focus on the first and then start marketing youself.


-Let everybody know you are in the market--be shameless and confident.


-Keep up your daily "work" routine--get up at the same time and start" "working" --your job is finding a new job.


-Don't get depresssed.


-Don't get discouraged.


-Use your anger/emotions positively.


-Hang in there--it happens to everybody sooner or later!



Steve Force,

Durham, North Carolina


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Definitely appeal this, but get your facts straight (names, dates, events) as the company is going to try to win this by dragging out all the negative stuff they have on you. Unemployment is sympathetic to employees who have been compelled to resign from jobs on threats or other forms of harassment (extra work load, negligence) so it would help if you could at least get a statement from a fellow co-worker who can substatiate the change in work and management's reluctance to deal with your situation.


Meantime, there are job-placement agencies (some are temporary service employment agencies) around NJ that also offer online training and help on resume building and interview techniques. Look in the Yellow Pages or ask a counselor for help. It's out there because some of us NJ musicians pay taxes to subsidize it.


The hearing may take 6-8 weeks to materialize, so do something to get working soon before the bills start coming in. It may be depressing now, but it will get better if you act now.


Bass players seldom stay unemployed! :thu:

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Believe it or not, I've generally made myself a trouble employee at most of my jobs. And it cost me, kinda. (been fired 4 times!!!!) Filed for unemployment a couple of times, never got it (had to pay a time penalty, and got rehired before that time was paid.)


First was a HS job working in an Audio-Video place. Ate too much lunch, swept too few floors.


Had a long term job (8 years) as a supervisor. Got crossways with the boss, he moved me to day shift (impossible, since I was in college.) I quit, with a 3 month old baby. Got a better job, doing the same thing. My bass teacher's wife worked in personnel, and helped me get the job.


Worked that job 3.5 years. Never missed a day of work, but got crossways with the boss. Eventually I got fired (but the boss let me work out the week! What kind of "fired" is that?) Got a better job...my bass teacher's wife had changed companies, and she helped me get that job.


Worked there for 9 years, got crossways with the boss. I got fired 2 days before Christmas ('cause they asked me to do something which I believed was illegal.) Had to cash in my retirment. Had to substitute teach for 4 months, worked in a hotel for the summer...then I became a teacher.


I've held this job for 11 years, and all my bosses think I'm great.


MORAL: When you leave a job, you always get a better job.


MORAL TWO: When you finally find the job that perfectly matches your skills and personality and brings you joy, all those "crossways" things won't happen.


I know you're struggling right now; times seem rough. You may have to file for unemployment, or do other stuff you don't want to do. But keep focused on why the good Lord put ya here, and you'll find your head.


Good Luck


"Let's raise the level of this conversation" -- Jeremy Cohen, in the Picasso Thread.


Still spendin' that political capital far faster than I can earn it...stretched way out on a limb here and looking for a better interest rate.

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Originally posted by forceman:

Some observations from someone who has been there (resigned/been fired, etc):


-Be very circumspect--don't burn any bridges.


-IMMEDIATELY apply for unemployment. Don't wait.


-Take a skills inventory, and perform a personal Strength/weakness analysis.


-Determine what kink of work you want to do, will do, and don't want to do.


-Focus on the first and then start marketing youself.


-Let everybody know you are in the market--be shameless and confident.


-Keep up your daily "work" routine--get up at the same time and start" "working" --your job is finding a new job.


-Don't get depresssed.


-Don't get discouraged.


-Use your anger/emotions positively.


-Hang in there--it happens to everybody sooner or later!



Originally posted by Fred the bass player:

Definitely appeal this, but get your facts straight (names, dates, events) as the company is going to try to win this by dragging out all the negative stuff they have on you. Unemployment is sympathetic to employees who have been compelled to resign from jobs on threats or other forms of harassment (extra work load, negligence) so it would help if you could at least get a statement from a fellow co-worker who can substatiate the change in work and management's reluctance to deal with your situation.


Wise advice. Read it twice.
If you think my playing is bad, you should hear me sing!
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Originally posted by Rocket:

...I ended up in a doctor's office as a result of a stress attack and complete emotional breakdown. And the worst thing is that, technically, I quit. Granted it was for health reasons and also doctor's advice that my job was not doing any good for my mental and physical health, but I still don't get to collect unemployment. I almost think they forced me into quitting so they wouldn't have to pay unemployment...

You really need some legal counsel on this. Sit down and write down the entire series of events. If you don't have any cash for an attorney, check for one that works on contingency or look to see if there are any free legal aid agencies in your area who can let you know if you may have a case against your employer.


I am not one who is usually in favor of pursuing lawsuits, but if your boss put you in a situation that was forcing you to quit because of health reasons I believe you should go after them.

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Originally posted by getz76:

Oh, and lay off the weed. A lot of potential employers have drug tests.

Yeah...something tells me that would not help my cause. But I am perfectly capable of making necessary sacrifices to get a new job.
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52 pounds for each case of 10 reams of 8.5 x 11.


That sucks man. Sure sounds like they orchestrated it. I worked for a tyrant. Planned on leaving till I met a woman (funny how they will figure into trouble a lot of times :rolleyes: ) and decided to stay to see how it went between us. Well, she flaked and my boss decided that it would be best if I didn't work for him anymore. Wish I could have left on my own terms, but at least I'm out of that very stressful situation.


Good luck man, my Jersey cousin has no problem coming up with great jobs, but does have a problem with telling his bosses to $&!* off.



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Don't know the US legalities, but I'm sure you are better off away from a job that made you feel the way that one did. I understand how fear of unemployment can make people cling to jobs that are making them miserable, day in day out, but I still think that being fired from those kinds of job are blessings in disguise far more often than not. Good luck with the job hunt.
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Wow...I am surprised about how understanding all of you guys are. I know it's best to not get down and depressed, but I just can't help it. I went to an employment agency today and nothing great really came of it. I updated my resume and stuff but I am feeling so pessimistic and depressed I can't even function. I am even going back on medication to help ease my stress. NOT COOL since I had just stopped taking stuff for my anxiety a couple months ago. And on top of this...my fiance, who got me the job there, is still working in the front office as a secretary. She feels so uncomfortable there now because she knows how they feel about me. Granted they haven't treated her any differently, but it's an awkward situation for her. This is just a mess.
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Hey man thought I'd chime in here as I have plenty of experience when it comes to games with employers. Bottom line is you gotta look out for number one, don't give them any ammo to use against you, and don't let them rent space in your head. Its tough sometimes but we, as musicians, are a different breed then everyone else out there.

Take out some of this frustration on your instrument. Just make sure you have a recorder running when you do. Hope it all works out.


"The world will still be turning when you've gone." - Black Sabbath


Band site: www.finespunmusic.com

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Its tough sometimes but we, as musicians, are a different breed then everyone else out there.
A lot of working stiffs are in the same boat. Single moms too. I'd like to think I came into a smidgeon of maturity when I realized that "artists" aren't any different as a breed as many other people who have had dreams and goals and sometimes come into hard contact with the walls of cold reality.


Rocket, just be assured you are not the only one currently "weighing your employment options" and thinkin' dark thought 'bout The Man ; } Keep the chin up!

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Originally posted by Rocket:

I updated my resume and stuff but I am feeling so pessimistic and depressed I can't even function. I am even going back on medication to help ease my stress.

Ok, red flags there. But I know where you're coming from. I've been laid off twice and fired once. And the firing was just this last May after 3 1/2 months in Indy. But I was able to get a new job here in Phoenix very quickly.


Don't let it weigh on you. Go do something. Anything. But don't dwell on it. Losing a job does not make you a loser.



"Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body,

but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting "&$%^, what a ride". - Doug Berlin

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I am sure you are going through tough times. Having the fiance still working there means that you can't get away from it (I'm not suggesting that she quit - just stating the obvious).


Finding a job can be very tough. You have to work all the angles mentioned above. Some of them bear little fruit, but many of them unintentionally make you feel degraded. Try not to let this happen. Keep thinking about all that you bring to a job (willingness to work, think about what you are doing rather than mindless robot, etc.). Keep that list in the forefront of your mind, and you will give a more positive impression to all the folks you meet. That includes agencies, friends and neighbors, and other network contacts.


And I'm glad you see that the weed isn't going to help you. If you are feeling badly, you need to combat that spiritually and intellectually more than chemically.


Hope to hear good news soon.



Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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Ten posts in a year and a half and that's your best shot? Your avatar would be so disappointed.


I'm in a fix where my customer went out of business and my contract is about to arbitrated. As soon as that happens, my company is going to offer me a horrendous job in this area which I will turn down (I left that position previously to take my current).


This is why I will be moving to Washington state in about a month. There are good jobs out there, it's just that they happen to be in the southeast and southwest right now.


My job loss is attributed to union chicanery as much as outsourcing (the customer sold it's equiment to spin off companies in India and China. The parent company was bought by the friggin' French).


Now I didn't hear a lot of bitching when Honda, Toyota and Nissan opened manufacuring plants in the midwest and Alabama.


It's the nature of the beast (being global economics) ... eveyone wants $22.50 an hour for their labour and then wants to go to Wal-Mart and buy a 27" television for $187. Just not going to happen.


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


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I was fired but not ever told so from my last job. I worked in a soccer equipment warehouse pretty much just putting numbers and logos on jerseys.


Well, I was outsourced to pakistan. I was making $10/hr too which was better than what I'm making now.


Radioshack sucks. I hate working on commision. :mad:

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Sorry you lost your job, and I hope you find a better one, but I'm glad you don't work for me.

My job is hard, dirty work. We are a small shop, that I do not own (I'm buying it in 2 years), but I lead by example.

I started at the bottom, and have done every sucky job up the ladder, and still will do the dirtiest jobs (although I've sought out ways to improve every aspect of the job along the way; the dirtiest isn't nearly as bad as when I started).

Suck it up and do your job. If the job is too hard for you or not rewarding enough, find another and quit. Gain a good reference by giving notice.

But again, I sincerely hope you find what you are looking for, and can have a happy fulfilling professional career.

"Start listening to music!".

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I've lived the situation too, and even under the circumstance of being a foreigner in Switzerland, which is no land of opportunities and open to immigrants...

One last piece of advice: no matter how depressed you may feel, do not quit your music making. Even more: if you manage turn your anger and frustration at your situation :mad: into a driving force in your playing. :cool:


I found out as survivor of 4 unemployement periods (and possibly soon another one) during the last 8 years here, that each time you get a better job (as someone said) and that everytime you learn too to better handle the situation. I hope too I will once found the job that suits my personality and skills...

Good luck! :D

"If you don't live it, it won't come out of your horn"

Charlie Parker

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Sorry to hear it. Although I have never been fired or let go (just a matter of time) I did just start a new job. Not much fun being on the bottom of the totem pole. However, I can say this with true conviction. It will get better. Good luck, :thu: man.

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For those who believe, no explanation is necessary. For those who do not, none will suffice.



"Rendirme? Que se rinda su abuela, *#@!^$"

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I was unemployed for 6 months last year.

It sucked hard and was pretty depressing.

But now I have a good job with a good company and great people. Making more than I did and MUCH better bennies. I've been with this company for a year now altho officially it will be a year in November (I worked there 2 months as a temp before they hired me).


There is light at the end. you may not see it now but it is there.


And take interviews with companies your really not that interested in doing. its GREAT for practice so you will be better prepaired for the one you want.


After an interview with a company you want, follow up with a Thank You letter. You know, thanks for taking the time to interview, hope I meet your expectations and requirements, etc.


Once such company I sent a letter to, their President called me and we talked for a good half hour. All because I sent that letter in. I didnt get that job unfortunatly, but I made a good impression. Such a good impression that a few months back, the person they hired left. I got a phone call asking me if I wanted to work for them. but I like where i'm at now so I declined.


Good luck on your job search.

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