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so what else do you guys play?


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what do you guys play besides bass? i play a little bit of guitar and im learning the ukelele this summer :D

"I'm thinkin' we should let bump answer this one...

Prepare to don Nomex!"

-social critic

"When I install my cannons, I'm totally going to blast their asses back to the 16th century; Black Beard style"


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Ukulele! Cool. For any George Harrison fans, that was allegedly his favorite instrument. He had quite a sizeable collection...and whenever he'd go into a town he'd check the pawnshops and stuff for ukuleles. Supposedly, if folks were over, he'd pass around the ukes for a jam.


What else do I play? Well, I'm sort of a guitar player trespassing on bass territory here. I dabble in bass...not proficiently, but I use it quite a bit in songwriting as many of the tunes that grind their way into my head have a certain defining bass line. Other than that...I'm mostly inept.

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Piano, drums, flute, piccolo, clarinet, bassoon, guitars, banjo, mandolin. I really need to get off my duff and brush up my chops, though. So much time on the bass lately has crowded out all the others.
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Ukelele is cool.


I'm a decent guitar player (I've gigged, not that this should be considered the test for decent guitar playing ;) ).


I used to gig on drums. I'm not good. I played the other night in rehearsal, and I was less than not good.


I can write on keys, but I would never say I could play.


Instruments are good. ;)

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I've pretty much settled on bass as my full-time instrument, but I do get out my acoustic guitar every once in a while to back my singing when not playing with a band.


Back in school days, I played the clarinet, alto sax and bassoon. Taught myself the trumpet just so I"d know the basics. I can also play the piano, but I don't consider myself a pianist as my keyboard skill are limited to only relatively simple tunes.

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Ukelele - Had to get one when I visited my brother who lives in Kihei, Maui. Mele ukelele is an awesome store. Yeah ukes rule.


Banjo - I can do forward, reverse, and mix rolls, but not consistent enough to trust on a full gig, maybe a tune or two if well rehearsed


Keys - do mostly synth stuff, some electric piano, but not all that great


conga's, bongo's - Besides bass this is my best instrument, Almost every show we play we do a percussion improv.


Acoustic Guitar - I own one for song writing ideas not good enough to say I can play it.


I only finger pick on these instruments, lately though I've been really getting into bass full time as I've been trying out some new exercises on playing chords/harmony theory on bass.

Together all sing their different songs in union - the Uni-verse.

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Bass is my main instrument. I've also played around with guitar a bit but, I'm more driven to play Bass. I'm my youth, before I found my true love, I've dabbled around with, in reverse order:

Drums (mostly marching, although I can get some pretty cool beats going using my body as a precussion instrument)


Bagpipes (you heard me)

and Trumpet.

I've seen a lot of trumpet mentioned here and tried to find a connection but was brutally shot down. :rolleyes: Even though the search feature didn't provide the answer I was looking for, and I wanted new members to chime in.


Originally posted by butcherNburn:

What's the connection between the Bass and Trumpet?


I've heard a lot of people here mention early experiences with trumpet. I also read once that Flea had started out with one as well (or Coronet perhaps). I too started out on trumpet but became bored with it after 2 years, mostly because I was uninspired to play "Mary Had A Little Lamb"... but I think that was partially my teachers fault too.


Originally posted by Mr. Phil.:

there is none.


Bass is a stringed instrument and trumpet is a wind/brass instrument. :D


plus, we have dicussed this before.



Bass is my one true love, don't tell my wife.

If you think my playing is bad, you should hear me sing!
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how hard were those bagpipes to learn how to play? I recently ordered some but havent gotten em yet. Stupid Back order
"Cliff Burton (the "Major rager of the 4-string mother f***er", from Metallica)" Direct quote from Wikipedia (censored out of respect for the forum)
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The pipes are tough. Even though the scale is easy to learn. The coordination of breathing, and suppling air was the hard part for me. The gracenotes are a little like playing vibrato. Luckily you can start on a low volume practice chanter. It doesn't have a bag and actual drone and tenor pipes. Everyone within a square mile will appreciate that.


Now the advanced version is the Irish Euillan (sp?) pipes which are lower volume and the air is supplied by wearing a bellows under your arm, while sitting. This is the type of pipes you'll hear the Cheiftons playing. Completely different fingerings. But man they do sound sweet.

If you think my playing is bad, you should hear me sing!
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lets c, bass is my main instrument. I also play drums, know alittle guitar, piano(anythin with same layout), harmanica, Ukulele, kettle drums(spelt wrong lol), congo alittle, and chimes alittle. Drums, kettle drums, and bass are the ones i play profecient tho.



The basses

-'04 MIM Jazz bass black

-'98 Fender American-Deluxe P-bass natural

-Peavey FuryII blue

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:) Cool Thread! Man how do I list this without it sounding like I'm ancient? :D


Well, I play piano/synths. (Been playing since age 5; I'm 44 now.) I play the Clarinet with an area Symphony and also play Saxophone and Flute. (I'm a High School band Director during the day) I also play the guitar (My love is the electric but I also play Classical)-Started at age 13, I play bass; most certainly play bass! (I wanted to do something "different" while in college), I play drums and sing lead vocals in my group. I've learned one thing through this whole journey to now: "Stick with one instrument!" Saves a lot of money at the psychiatrist. ;) And now for my shameless plug of the day:


Listen at me play at Archie\'s Music Joint-Musically Mr M I'm playing all the instruments there and holding down the vocals. This place keeps me sane! :cool:

"Life Is Just A Game And They're Many Ways To Play...All You Do Is Choose." SC 1976


Fantom, XP 80, DX7 IIFD w/"E", Ensoniq ESQ 1, Roland Alpha Juno 2, Roland S 10, Korg Triton LE with EXB, GEM RP2

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Bass guitar is my primary instrument. I spend more time on the 6 than the 4,5 &8, but I do love my '63 fretless P.... :love:I bought it new in '64 with my paper route money. It was about $200 with a hardshell case. I also play URB. I played tuba and sousaphone all through school in band and URB in orchestra. I can play piano and keyboards, but not well enough to be comfortable performing on them. I use them as composition tools. I have an old acoustic guitar, but I can't play it worth a squat..... that @#*%##?!! "B" string just ain't right.... :freak: and the strings feel too tiny and close together. I never really cared about learning guitar. I was always meant to be a bassist. :cool:
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Originally posted by butcherNburn:

I've seen a lot of trumpet mentioned here and tried to find a connection but was brutally shot down.

I wouldn't call me brutally shooting you down...


I was making a little joke. The search feature isn't the best anyway, so I don't blame you. :D


I actually have played trumpet since I was in 4th grade, and now I play Baritone Horn.


But technically there is no connection with Bass and Trumpet. It's just a fluke. A few lowdowners said they never played trumpet, but used to play low brass like trombone or tuba.


But then there were some certain people who decided to play woodwind instruments for God knows why... :D

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Originally posted by BenLoy:

I still like to play Doom a lot. :D

Doom was fun. :D


Too bad I only played the demo. I never bought the full game. I should have... :freak:

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I still like to play Doom a lot.
this reminds me of what my uncle always used to say, "nobody likes a wise ass"


im surprised i didnt get a message that said "nintendo" yet (i was surprised it actually took this long to get someone to say something like that)

"I'm thinkin' we should let bump answer this one...

Prepare to don Nomex!"

-social critic

"When I install my cannons, I'm totally going to blast their asses back to the 16th century; Black Beard style"


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Keys- I have always noodled around with keyboards and developed riffs for song ideas. I have recently begun practicing regularly on them again. Working back up to performance level.


I am contemplating buying a cheap electric guitar to see if I can learn to play it. I am not sure I wish to pursue it to a performance level, but I think that it would be helpful(and fun) to have a basic understanding of the instrument.


I am restringing one of my basses to piccolo next week, that should be interesting.I bought my Warwick Rockbass specifically for that reason but have been having fun playing it with the standard strings. However, they are going dead so time to make the transition. Once I start working with it I may just forget about the guitar.I saw Ed Friedland play a solo show using one (5 str) and it was every bit as versatile as a guitar. Also, listen to Brian Bromberg's raging piccolo solo on "Teen Town" from his "Jaco" CD. :eek:


I will be purchasing an EUB this fall and I am very excited about that.I also have a real interest in 8 & 12 string basses and plan to aquire them in the future.What can I say, I'm a bass junkie! :rolleyes::D


My wife is very interested in middle-eastern tribal dance and percussion. She has a Djembe(sp?) that she plays and will be adding to her collection soon. I have been messing around with it some, it's fun but I am no percussionist! :o


Oh yeah, I played trumpet in 4th-7th grade. :P



Nothing is as it seems but everything is exactly what it is - B. Banzai


Life is what happens while you are busy playing in bands.

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Well, the relatively short list


1) Electric Bass (Altough the question asks the extras what can I place above it)


2)Classical Guitar (10 years of self teaching, I can read treble clef better than the bass one) But I also sometimes strum chords, play little solos, write, have fun with it. It is one of my true loves.


3) Harmonica. I have learned the natural notes only. I can't bend the notes properly (If I can ever bend). However I can get single notes, play songs requiring no bends. I hope one day I can play blues with it. Maybe I will look for a chromatic one in a few months.


4)cura: Well maybe one day I will post a picture of it here. A considerably small stringed turkish folk instrument. A G D tuned three pairs of strings, with extra frets to get the smaller intervals we use in our folk music. In contrast to bass it is the most treble instrument of its family, but it is mainly used as an accompaniment instrument. I am lucky for having a good one, but unlucky for having only little time to play one.


5) electric guitar. I do not have one anymore. I sometimes play at rehearsals and had study a few months even for a simple amateur gig.


Way to much I will begin practicing keys in a few months.

oops my signature dropped
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