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Great News!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was thinking about you yesterday, wondering if everything went OK. Good to have you back Bro! ;)


Remember Low Frequency's are therapeutic! :thu:

- Jon


You have the right to remain in the groove, any solos cannot be used against you, you have the right to snap and pop, if you cannot snap and pop, two fingers can provide the funk just fine.


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Originally posted by basshappi:

Right now I look like Frankenstien's Monster that's for sure! But it's the perfect time for it and I won't have to spend any money on a Halloween costume!

Wow! Your attitude blows me away. That is so optimistic! You guys amaze me sometimes. The world sucks sometimes, and I come home and sit down and read what you guys have to say, and it just makes my day!



Still working on it...

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Originally posted by basshappi:

The surgery went well. The tumor was very well encapsulated and they were able to remove it easily. They did not have to sever any nerve fibers. So, even though the right side of my face is numb (a blessing right now) I will regain full use of it and it should return to normal eventually.

That news is fan-freakin-tastic!!!!!


The pathology confirmed that it was malignant and I will be scheduled for several sessions of radiation treatments over the next few months. Like the doctor said, there things don't play by the rules and they can reoccur, but due to how well encapsulated this was and how eaisily it came out he feels very positive about the outcome.

Yuck. You'll be glowin' like a Timex! Just kidding. You might want to read up on good self-care techniques while you are going through radation therapy, to clear out your system of the excess radioctive stuff.


The only bad thing that happened is that I wasn't aware that I am allergic to Demoral!

CRAP!! What a way to find out!


But all in all I'm a-okay and on the road to recovery. Right now I look like Frankenstien's Monster that's for sure! But it's the perfect time for it and I won't have to spend any money on a Halloween costume!

Now you need to post a picture! Just kidding, just kidding :D


I can not express deeply enough how much you all mean to me.It has helped ,and continues to help me, face this time in my life knowing that all of you are out there praying for me and sending me "good vibes"!I have no doubt at all that the power of prayer and directed positive thoughts have a real and physical effect.

You're worth it.


Have a speedy, and interesting and successful recovery! Keep notes (for the future book.)


(And I do think you need to treat yourself to a nice new piece of bass equipment to help make up for all that you are going through! As in Wally and his 6-string Alembic!) :thu: )


And I would definately take up "Bassaddik" on his generous offer of the comfort strap, cause it will be really nice to use, and you'll always have it as a "souvenir" of this experience and of your participation in this forum!


... connie z

"Change comes from within." - Jeremy Cohen


The definition of LUCK: When Preparation meets Opportunity!



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Hi John!, Yep, things are going well. I go to the Doctor tomorrow for a check up and possibly some stich removal. He is also going to refer me to the Oncologist so I can get my x-ray treatments set up. Like Connie-z said,

You'll be glowin' like a Timex!
So pretty soon I won't have to turn on a light to read by! At least I'll save on my electric bills! But I wonder if I'll generate 60 cycle hum? maybe I should get some humbucking shoes :D


But what about you? How did your surgery go? What did the Dr. say? How long before your back to playing again? My cousin is about to go through that next month. My prayer list just keeps getting longer.

Nothing is as it seems but everything is exactly what it is - B. Banzai


Life is what happens while you are busy playing in bands.

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Glowing in the dark and wearing humbucker shoes huh? I can't wait to see you on stage like that.


I get my soft cast off tomorrow and the stitches will come out too. I probably can start a little light rehab then also. My girl friend ( who I met while going through physical rehab on my shoulder after surgery on it last winter) works as a rehab tech here at the local hospital so I get a lot of help from the entire P.T. staff without having to go to physical therapy.


I'll probably be off work another two weeks then go back under light duty restrictions for an additional three weeks.


As for how long before I start try to play again ? As soon as the Dr. say I can I will. I am not going to push it so that my left hand doesn't end up like my right one.


Good luck at the Doc's tomorrow and I know that you will beat this thing.



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Hi Dan, How did your doctors visit go?


I got my soft cast off and stitches out and I am now only wearing a strap on type brace. He said that he doesn't want me squeezing anything for the next three weeks so it will be a while before I get to try to play again. I can go back to work as long as I don't use my left hand for "anything". As a machinist I am not sure what I can do at work not using both hands. I check with my boss tonight to see if they have anything I can do. Hell.. even working in the tool crib I have to use both hands.


Let me know how your Doctors visit went.



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Sorry about the delay, I read your post but got called away before I could reply and then forgot,sorry.


I got most of my stiches out yesterday. Next week when they take the rest out I will get my referal to the Oncologist. Radiation treatments will take place over the next few months. I'll have to have yearly check-ups from now on but hopefully that will be the end of it.


The side of my face is still numb and I have some muscle paralysis (feels kinda like when you get done at the dentist's)but the Doc says that it will come back in time, it'll just take a while.


God was with me. All in all I got off real easy.There have been so many people praying for me and sending me'good vibes'I couldn't help but get better! Thanks everyone.


John, I wish the same success for you man. Hang in there!

Nothing is as it seems but everything is exactly what it is - B. Banzai


Life is what happens while you are busy playing in bands.

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Well that all sounds great! :thu:


It is a nice relief when things go OK now and then. (not that there is anything OK about getting cancer in the first place, but when it works out that way yours has worked out.)


My Mom had to deal with colon cancer that had spread into her lymph nodes. It was freaky and scary, but she really made a great effort and learned all about the cancer, and attended support groups and changed her eating, and drank the yucky "shiitake mushroom broth" I made for her (to shrink any tumors that may have been lurking around).


She is cancer-free and that's since 1989. :)


So keep on healing... and until you get the feeling back in your face muscles, you should probably avoid playing any tuba, or other odd brass bass instruments! :D


... connie z

"Change comes from within." - Jeremy Cohen


The definition of LUCK: When Preparation meets Opportunity!



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Originally posted by Connie Z:

So now JohnS... :wave:


What's all this about casts, and stitches and braces and all that??!! :confused:


What happened? (It's ok not to tell, if you are uncomfortable :) )


... connie z

Hi Connie. Thanks for asking. Check your PM for the answer
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  • 3 weeks later...

HI Connie, I've been busy this weekend and haven't been able to post.


I hope to get the referral from my Dr. this week to the Oncologist.If I don't hear from them today I'll march into their office and have some words with them.


I still have some paralysis but that will just take some time til it comes back. I have heard that it can be six months or so, no big deal.


Otherwise, I'm doing just fine. :thu:

Nothing is as it seems but everything is exactly what it is - B. Banzai


Life is what happens while you are busy playing in bands.

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Originally posted by basshappi:

I hope to get the referral from my Dr. this week to the Oncologist. If I don't hear from them today I'll march into their office and have some words with them.

Here are some words (to scream at them!) ... "Damnit, :mad: don't you jerkoffs realize that I am dealing with a major freakin health issue here, and it is YOUR damn job to give me my damn referral!" :D:D


Oh, that felt good, just to type it!


Just kidding though, I know it's probably not your style! :)


I still have some paralysis but that will just take some time til it comes back. I have heard that it can be six months or so, no big deal.
Has anyone recommended for you to supplement with B vitamins yet? B6 and B12 specifically, and lots of Vitamin C! All good for healing in general and specifically healing nerve damage. (I am not a doctor, but I did sleep at a Holiday Inn last night!)


Otherwise, I'm doing just fine. :thu:
Good. I like that part! :thu:


... connie z

"Change comes from within." - Jeremy Cohen


The definition of LUCK: When Preparation meets Opportunity!



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