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Thank You - UPDATE


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Basshappi- my prayers go up for you- i think you have a great attitude and its an eye opener because there are things i need to check out although a doctor already said no worries.. they are human and they make mistakes..

glad you got some good news- i just went thru a very depressing divorce and as i find my way back into the mainstream of life, i have reassured myself of the importance of gratitude- so you are very right!!

hey, man- when you are all done with this .. and you get home- email me and let me know- i'll send you a coming home present!! serious!- peace!- Adrian

Praise ye the LORD.

....praise him with stringed instruments and organs...

Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD.

excerpt from- Psalm 150

visit me at:


for His glory

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Your positive outlook will get you through this. I've been there with friends, family and personally. I truly believe attitude plays a major part in recovery. Best wishes for total remission. You're already most of the way there, my friend. :thu: You'll be in my thoughts and prayers.
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Thank you for all your prayers and well-wishes, It means very much to me.


I go into surgery tomorrow morning. I must confess that I am a little nervous. However, at the same time I am actually looking forward to it in a strange way. I think that it is because, up to now, this thing has had everything it's way and as of tomorrow I finally get to begin kicking this cancer's ass!


So. I'm hanging around today and it will probably be sometime this weekend before I'll be up to giving you folks an update.


Talk to you soon. :thu:

Nothing is as it seems but everything is exactly what it is - B. Banzai


Life is what happens while you are busy playing in bands.

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Good Luck Basshappi. Hope everything comes out ok. literally. We will all hope for your speedy recovery.
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Well, Things have gone down the tubes today.


I was not feeling 100% last night when I left work. I didn't think much of it. I have been under some stress about this thing and not sleeping well. I had a restless night my throat was bothering me. When I go up today I was feeling worse with some congestion. I took some meds and was on the board for a while. But when I left at 2:00 to pick up my wife and kids from school I had to admit that I probably have come down with a cold or mild flu! I called the Doctor to report this.

When he found out about my condition he cancelled the operation. According to him (and a few friends of mine who have quite a bit of experience with this )They cannot put me under anesthesia if my lungs aren't clear and the possibility of a serious infection arising is a risk they will not take.


So I had to call work and the Insurance company and the relitives to give them the news.To top it all off, when I called my Mom I found out that she is HERE! She had flown in from Seattle to surprise me at the hospital tomorrow morning!


The operation has been rescheduled for October 21st.


I have to confess that when the Dr. cancelled the operation I had a real breakdown. I have been been psyching myself up for this all this time and now this.


Well, at least I get to see my Mom today and tomorrow before she goes back.


I'm trying hard to regain my positive attitude and I'm sure I will, but for today it has taken a serious beating.


As I posted earlier, I appreciate all of your prayers and well-wishes. I'm sure this will work out all right eventually.

Nothing is as it seems but everything is exactly what it is - B. Banzai


Life is what happens while you are busy playing in bands.

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I TOTALLY understand you and I am praying EXTRA hard for you brother! i would probably be a basket case if i had to prolong the suspense.. hang tough, enjoy Mom and kep the Faith alive... God bless.. Adrian

Praise ye the LORD.

....praise him with stringed instruments and organs...

Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD.

excerpt from- Psalm 150

visit me at:


for His glory

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I can understand the breakdown/upset. All the plans were made, and you were mentally prepared.


I know I'm asking alot, but try not to stew on it too much. The extra time between is the only change - everything else about your prognosis is the same....


God Bless - we'll be praying.



Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi airbear, I will be going in tomorrow morning at 9:30, surgery is supposed to start at 11:00 and last about 3 hours.They will keep me overnight.


I must admit that I'm feeling a little nervous, pre-op jitters I suppose, but that's only natural and I'm still looking forward to tomorrow. I will post an update as soon as I can.


I want to express my deepest appreciation to all of my brother and sister forumites again. Your prayers and well-wishes have meant a great deal to me and have been a big part of helping me to stay upbeat and positive about this whole thing.


Thank You

Nothing is as it seems but everything is exactly what it is - B. Banzai


Life is what happens while you are busy playing in bands.

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Hey man, I've had surgery before and I definately know about those pre-surgery jitters. Everything will be fine, man. Just relax and it will all be over before you know it (and everything will turn out fine).


I'm probably more nervous about having to fly to Dallas in a few weeks; and that's just plain dumb. I hate flying. I'm not happy about it. I just keep thinking about that hockey game I get to see when I get to Dallas.

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Ok, so remember, you are now on the road to kicking cancer's ass. (in your colorful terms!) :D


You are BassHappi, not BassSad! ;)


You are going to go through some weird crap, but it will enlighten you and give heightened meaning to your life.


You will probably be able to write a book about it all and retire on the royalties! (Or at least write a song!) :)


Now seriously... I wish you the best of luck for a SUCCESSFUL surgery. Your body is a POWERFUL machine that has incredible healing mechanisms built in. You are surrounded by LOVE , which has incredible HEALING properties to it as well.


Take care, and sleep well while you are under! :bor:


... connie z

"Change comes from within." - Jeremy Cohen


The definition of LUCK: When Preparation meets Opportunity!



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Best of luck with your recovery Basshappi, I too know the burdon of cancer and had a small section of my right shoulder removed about 10 years ago, but since then there has been no recurrence, so hopefully you will also be fine in the fullness of time.


About this forum,


It's the best, freindliest group I have met on the net, people are extremely polite, tolerant, knowledgable and helpful, I'm only a new member here myself and I haven't copped any of the elitist crap I have encountered on other Forums (like Above Top Secret - what a pack of Wankers!),

This is a great forum.


But what would we expect from fellow bass players,




We are the heart and soul of modern music,

a medium neither rare nor well done.


Our thoughts and prayers are with you in this trying time.

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Hi BassHappi!


I believe that your surgery was taking place on the 21st and that you were staying overnight in the hospital, so you should have been home sometime on the 22nd.


Whenever you are ready... please let us know how you are doing! ONLY when you are ready. :)


Here are my basic queries:

How are you feeling?

Did the surgery go well?

Did they get all of the cancer?

How long will it take for you to recuperate?


... connie z

"Change comes from within." - Jeremy Cohen


The definition of LUCK: When Preparation meets Opportunity!



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If you are reading this (as Connie cleverly points out), you're home and in good enough shape to fire up the 'ol computer.


You might as well type, since I'm guessing that talking is difficult...


We've been praying and sending positive energy and hoping the best for you.




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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Hello Everyone,


I'm back from the hospital. The Dr. kept me in an extra night.


The surgery went well. The tumor was very well encapsulated and they were able to remove it easily. They did not have to sever any nerve fibers. So, even though the right side of my face is numb (a blessing right now) I will regain full use of it and it should return to normal eventually.


The pathology confirmed that it was malignant and I will be scheduled for several sessions of radiation treatments over the next few months. Like the doctor said, there things don't play by the rules and they can reoccur, but due to how well encapsulated this was and how eaisily it came out he feels very positive about the outcome.


The only bad thing that happened is that I wasn't aware that I am allergic to Demoral! The first night after surgery when I requested pain meds, they injected me with a fairly large dose of it. For a little while there I thought that I was going to die! I seemed to have caused quite a stir, there were nurses everywhere,doctors were called,one nurse was standing by to call the "crash team", it was quite a show.But fortunately after several minutes the reaction evened out and my heartbeat returned to normal and it wasn't too long before I felt all right.I just know now that I am allergic to something!


But all in all I'm a-okay and on the road to recovery. Right now I look like Frankenstien's Monster that's for sure! But it's the perfect time for it and I won't have to spend any money on a Halloween costume!


I can not express deeply enough how much you all mean to me.It has helped ,and continues to help me, face this time in my life knowing that all of you are out there praying for me and sending me "good vibes"!I have no doubt at all that the power of prayer and directed positive thoughts have a real and physical effect.


Thank You All Very Much,



Nothing is as it seems but everything is exactly what it is - B. Banzai


Life is what happens while you are busy playing in bands.

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i know that we will all be praying for you, but its important that you do too (and im sure you have). remember that no prayer is trivial to God, in Ephesians paul says, "remember to pray continually, about everything". God IS powreful enough to heal, so just remember that and it can give you a sense of peace while you are going through all of youre treatments. o.k. thats my sermon for today. i hope that this forum can continue to be a sorce of comfort to you.
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Chris Farley: "Does this coat make me look fat?"


David Spade: "No, your face does."


As you rightfully recognize, you should be glad that your face is numb. It will start to hurt like crazy before too long, but you'll be fine in the long run.


Good to hear about the tumor, too. I had a cousin who at 2 years old had a malignant tumor removed from the back of his shoulder. Preop diagnosis and scans had revealed that it looked like a big octopus, with little tendril-like formations branching out all the way up to his neck and down his back and over his shoulder to his chest. We prayed and prayed and when they opened him up, the tumor had miraculously receded into a small bundle with a few little stubs poking out in different directions, not nearly as serious as before. Now he's 8 years old and doing fine.


The human body is a miraculous machine, and I wish you a speedy recovery!

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Basshappi, glad to see that all is going well. I found out that I had a allergic reaction to adhesive when my surgery was done to reattach my bicep tendon. They put adhesive over my eyes during the surgery and when I was in the recovery room I couldn't open my eyes. I couldn't see for about a day and a half. Also when the cast was taken off my arm was blistering where they put adhesive as well. After my surgery is when I bought my six-string Alembic. Playing that bass was the best rehab.



I have basses to play, places to be and good music to make!
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BASSHAPPI!!!! Praise God !! I am so glad to hear you are recovering! most excellent news,, and I needed some, lately , there's been shortage, but I continue to pray..

hey! i TOLD you i had a present for you when you went home after this ordeal, and I am a amn of my word, so email me your shipping address so I can send you a brand new Comfort Strapp so you can practice with your bass even more.. serious!! email and i will send it off to ya, and congrats again, great news.. peace, Adrian


Praise ye the LORD.

....praise him with stringed instruments and organs...

Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD.

excerpt from- Psalm 150

visit me at:


for His glory

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