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Gord -B

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'sup. Real handle is Frank. Small crabburg town just south of Columbus, OH. Retired Navy. Played the trumpet in concert band for about 10 year before giving it up. Most trumpet players don't get groupies. Just started playing bass again after about 20 years. My son started playing g****r last year, and remembered my regailing him with stories of my youth as a bass player in a metal band back in the late '70s.


Now that I'm rid of the pipe-head wife, and both my kids are off to college, I have a lot of time and quiet on my hands. My son convinced me to pick it up again, so when we went to buy his Ibanez for his graduation present, I picked up a cheapo Squire 4 string and a Hartke 15W 1x6. Getting back to where I was in college, which was not very good, but with a little work and a lot more maturity, I may even make it to half-assed!


Apologize for being late with this thread, but I didn't know it existed until someone pointed it out while admonishing bass_god_offmymeds about signing in properly.


Sabbath, BOC, AC/DC, Trick, Nazereth, Radiohead, that's what I'm into. Too bad you hear it now on "adult contemproary" radio stations now.


This is by far the best bass forum yet. I hope I don't smell it up too bad.


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


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Hello Everybody,


My name's John. I'm an upright bassist who has taken up the bass guitar after playing the big fiddle professionally for 23 years (earning while learning--no college or music school.)


I'm working my way through the archieves from the past up to the present--I have a few more pages to go--learning a lot with a few laughs along the way.


Just bought an off the rack new Fender P-Bass (Highway One) and I'm having a ball, even though I'm suffering terrible GAS pains--jonesing for a Jazz to compliment the P.





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Hi my name is Wade and I'm 31 and live in the South Suburbs of Chicago and I have been playing bass since 1990. My main bass is a bastard I assembled it through parts I obtained through ebay. It is a unknown P-Bass body with a single EMG P pick up and an EMG EXB with a Moses Jazz Neck. My other basses are an ESP B205 and a Carvin frettless. I've only been here a couple of days.
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Welcome all!


Wade, I'm up in Skokie, been playing since about 1986 -- with a few years off in the middle. There just might be a day of bass, beer, and brats in the not too distant future for some of us Chicago low enders...(zeronyne? scout? others?)






Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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Hello all,


I'm Nick, and I've been playing since 1991. I just signed up on the forum today. as for my background, I got interested in the instrument after listening to Pink Floyd, the Beatles and ELO, WAY too much.


I started playing alto sax in grade school, and took some time away from music for a few years. I got my first bass when I was in college, and worked my way through the whole bar band thing over the following few years.


I've played a number of different instruments over the years, including 4-string, fretless, 6-string, 8-string, 5-string, electric upright, and even an Ashbory...damn, does that thing sound FAT! My current rig uses an Eden WT-500 head, an Eden D-210 XLT cab and an SWR Triad III cabinet. I've got about 10 instruments at the moment. For the most part, I play 4 or 5 of them fairly regularly. Those being a Fender Roscoe Beck signature V, a Musicman 5-string fretted, a Musicman 5-string fretless, a 1975 Fender Jazz Bass reissue, and an Azola bug bass electric upright. The other weapons in the arsenal include a 1973 Fender Jazz that looks just like the jazz that Geddy Lee used on "Moving Pictures", a '91 Fender American Std Jazz, a Zon Sonus 6-string, a deArmond Ashbory, and a Tobias Toby Pro 6 that I had made fretless. I also just recently ordered an Epiphone Jack Casady signature bass.


Anyway, gear issues aside, I've been working on original projects since 1996. I've written some material, but probably not as much as I should have. I've done a 7" single, one full length CD, a couple of guest spots on some CD's, and played on and co-produced the last 2 CD EP's I've worked on. The last one, a project with a singer-songwriter, only came out independently a few weeks ago.


We gig around the NY/NJ area, and we're getting ready to work on promoting the new CD. It's definitely gonna be fun to get out and play a slew of shows.


It's good to have found this place and have some bass players to bounce things off.

Obligatory Social Media Link

"My concern is, and I have to, uh, check with my accountant, that this might bump me into a higher, uh, tax..."

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Originally posted by greenboy:

Hey new guys! : }


I see a shortage of avatar selection is impacting some self images ; }

I hear you greenboy. I usually notice the avatar before looking at the name and have at times thought I was seeing an opinion from someone that I knew was something they wouldn't have said. On looking back I noticed someone else had picked the same avatar.



I have basses to play, places to be and good music to make!
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Cool thread to come back to after a few months of actually working!

My name's Dan, 33, I live in Cresent City, California, which is about as far north as you can get without having a pine tree on your license plate, and as far west as you can go without a wetsuit... (I've tried it without, and believe me, its not as fun as it looks!)

I've been playing bass more or less seriously now for about a year or so I think...don't really remember, it may be longer, its all a blur...

I played guitar for a while back in highschool/college, took a 12 year break to do frivolous things like join the Marines, commercial fish, log, work in mines, lots of other stuff, too. I started back up a while ago just because, then I made a friend that needed a bass player, so I borrowed one and fingered it out. Been playing ever since, made a CD, then all of a sudden I lost my job due to some intra-office back stabbing this past summer. I immediately lucked into a job at a Hotel in town that was on the verge of opening, and since then, I've had two promotions, from Night Manager to IT/Training Director to Assisant General Manager (even got my name and picture in the paper! Cool!) and I've been working 12-18 hours a day. I've been so busy I have not even looked at this forum. Until last night, that is, when I saw the shortcut in my favorites and clicked it just for kicks.


I've got lotsa little kids running around here, actually only 4 in number but there's at least 14 of 'em in spirit! 4 dogs, some cats somewhere, and I think there's a 'possum in the garage.


I own a couple of basses:

the aforementioned 'borrowed' bass now belongs to me, it is a no-name brand P-J copy with issues, upon which I did some neck surgery last spring, and made it a fretless. Sounds almost OK, now. Gonna consider a pickup upgrade in the near future. It is affectionately and appropriately known as the 'Bandaid Bass.'

my other bass is a 5 string from Raven West. It is esentially identical to an Ibanez SR885, with different electronics... passive soapbars, more than likely of the 'licensed by' variety.

I also stole my son' Hohner Rockwood LP clone for when I get that old 6 string urge every now and then... I tell him that the Pearl drum set we bought him should more than cover the loss...

I play through a Carvin R1000 head and an Avatar 4x10... cheap power... and a nameless 18" in a Fender Cab.

I also recently picked up a **Ahem** B*******r Bass V-Amp Pro and foot controller, for the sole reason that my guitar player just bought a Line 6 Flextone 3 for $1500, and I wanted to be able to do everything he could do, plus some, as well as control HIS amp, the keyboards, AND the drummer's Roland kit at the same time for about a 5th of what he paid... the real kicker was when he looked on the 'net and found out that I paid HALF of what his amp is worth now! Ain't technology grand?

I sold all of my other guitars in the pursuit of my other rather expensive hobbies, namely Surfing and paintball. (Even my Godin, which I will miss, but it went to a good home.)


Wow... long post. Too lazy to edit... sorry.




{Lied, edited it}

Aerodyne Jazz Deluxe

Pod X3 Live

Roland Bolt-60 (modified)

Genz Benz GBE250-C 2x10

Acoustic 2x12 cab


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Originally posted by ian101:

Hi all, I'm Ian. I live in way out in the woods in alaska.

Where abouts, ian? I spent the best portion of my childhood and most of my adulthood up there... lived, played and/or worked just about everywhere up there except Kodiak and Cordova.



Aerodyne Jazz Deluxe

Pod X3 Live

Roland Bolt-60 (modified)

Genz Benz GBE250-C 2x10

Acoustic 2x12 cab


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Originally posted by greenboy:

Hey new guys! : }


I see a shortage of avatar selection is impacting some self images ; }

I picked the one I have since it seemed to signify a beginner. I'll add a photo or something that suites me better when I'm able, meaning when the wife has time to help me sort through the computer protocols of the task. :rolleyes:
Donnie Peterson
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Thought I'd better re-introduce myself since I've been away from the forum for so long. (Been busy on Nicedrums.com--check it out!) I'm a drummer who loves bass and I want to learn all I can about the other half of the rhythm section! Just bought a MIM P bass on eBay, have no amp but for my wee headphone amp (I think it's called Pocket Rocket or some such) and will be trying to sell my Ibanez GSR200 bass. I just got the job playing bass at my church as I help along the new drummer and relieve our worship leader of bass playing duties so he can concentrate on singing lead vocals. I'm thrilled to be playing bass on a regular basis and am here to learn! I love this forum; you guys rock.

"All the world's indeed a stage, and we are merely players..."

--Rush, "Limelight"

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HI,I'm Louie C.. Currently playing in a classic rock/Southern Rock band The X-celer8ers play a mexi-jazz with Fralen pickups Fender bxr head and Carvin 4x10 cab. Also back Nokie Edwards former lead player for The Ventures in his northwest shows and music festivals.

Very interesting forum.

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Originally posted by ian101:

Dan, have you ever done seismic work? I once worked with a guy named Dan that is your age. Looks like the picture too.

As a matter of fact I have... Worked for Geco Prakla/Schlumberger out of Deadhorse...

Don't even ask what year, I think it was 93-94, or 94-95. Just after that I lived south of Kasilof on Coho Loop, doing the set-net thing.

(Right up the road from you, apparently.)

Small world.



Aerodyne Jazz Deluxe

Pod X3 Live

Roland Bolt-60 (modified)

Genz Benz GBE250-C 2x10

Acoustic 2x12 cab


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Originally posted by GTRBass:

Hi there. I'm in LOs Angeles. I am a pro. I have made some records, and produced some too.

Good to know that all my assumptions about you after reading your posts were correct. :) Welcome to the forum, man. The rest of you new people too! Hang around and stuff. We have ice cream socials on Sundays.
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Some verrrry interesting bio's out there!


My name is Juan Dillon. I live in Central Florida, about an hour from Orlando. I'm 34, and have playing since 1983. I still play my "vintage" (lol) 1984 Washburn Force4 (a-la Rudy Sarzo),modified with active SeyDunc EQ'ed pickups, hipshot, and my own special mod, "knob-less pots"...that way no-one except me knows where the real volume is! :evil: My main player influences growing up had to be Steve Harris and Geddy Lee. I pattern my tone and style more after Steve, though. He is still one of my favorites, and they just might bury me in my "Piece of Mind" concert shirt! I played in the Jazz Band in High school, been in a bunch of hard rock/metal bands of which no-one outside of my town had heard of. The Ghanja Cowboys, Chameleon, Mean Season, other long forgoten ones. I actually made a little money in college playing, that was fun. Currently, I still play with Mean Season, as there second bassist. The first one got a life I suppose. In addition to the Washburn, I play an Ibanez 5 string, and a Honer fretless. The Honer has had some pro-luthier neck work done to it, and plays really sweet.

I will always play, that's just the way it is.

Nice meeting you all!

It's nice to have friends in low places...

I got wiring loose inside my head

I got books that I've never,ever read...


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Originally posted by Bumpcity:

We have ice cream socials on Sundays.



I have seriously been missing out!!!


Is this a secret thing?


ice cream... I'll be back later...




EDIT! It is Sunday in my time zone (eastern)!


tired tired... I'm so lame... tired...


Done editing



Still working on it...

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i`m rick from north carolina.i`m 47 and have been playing the blues for 30 years.i install elevators 10 hours a day,4 days a week and at night i play the blues.i have a 68 p-bass,a fretless p- bass,a j-bass,a gibson thunderbird,and a custom made zion bass(made here in greensboro)i play through a gk 800rb w/a 410 hartke/115 hartke.sure is great to be able to hook up w/ so many fellow bass players from the 4 corners and not have to leave the house.
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hey, i am sure most of you guys/girls think of me as the cocky lil guy that hates 5 strings, but oh well. :thu:


my names Mylan, i live in the home town of Papa Roach (its up to u to figure out what town i liave in) i have been playing bass for about 1 2/3rds. i have a squire p-bass 4 string, a Music man 4 string, a Carvin 410 cab & an R1000 Carvin head. i play in a rock/punk band with my 2 friends. well, nice to meet u all.



5 words you should live by...


Music is its own reward



My Band: www.Myspace.com/audreyisanarcissist

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Originally posted by Bass_god_offspring:

hey, i am sure most of you guys/girls think of me as the cocky lil guy that hates 5 strings, but oh well. :idea:


(Posts: 34 | From: Vacaville, CA | Registered: Dec 2003 )
Ummm, yeah. :freak:


Aerodyne Jazz Deluxe

Pod X3 Live

Roland Bolt-60 (modified)

Genz Benz GBE250-C 2x10

Acoustic 2x12 cab


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did u really know that, or did u just look at the bottom of my post.......cheater!!!! haha.


P. Roach went to the same high school as i go to, and i actually have some of the teachers that Jacoby had.



5 words you should live by...


Music is its own reward



My Band: www.Myspace.com/audreyisanarcissist

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Hi All! My Name's Tucker. I'm from the Denver area and have been here way too long. I'm 50, been thumpin since 1967. Started off on a white Hagstrom I and a Bassman 50 with the giant cab with 2 12's. I went thru more speakers in that thing. Still have the cab, don't know where the head went...too bad, I'd love to have it now. Went on to a Gibson EB1. Want that back too. Had a 74 Jazz Bass with a twisted neck that I gratefully traded for a new Sting Ray in '77. Still play it today.


I have played rock, country, country rock, blues, R&B...you name it. Currently semi-retired. I play occasionally in a tuxedo band, an acoustic 3 piece and I sit-in and sub for missing bass in several blues bands around here.


This forum is great! I found it researching the Bose PAS. Veeeerrry interesting.


Current equip list

'77 MM Sting Ray

Mid '80's ESP PBass w/EMG

'80 Ibanez Musician 8 string

Guild FB-46. Extremely rare. Never saw one on EBay

Dug out the Hag and pulled off the frets. Big Fun!

Amp is a Nemesis 210P Combo with 410 ext cab

If I need to goose it I'll power the bottom with an old Peavey head.


4 strings is all you need!

L Tucker

Nice, nice, very nice.

So many people in the same device.

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Hi: I'm John from NYC. I've played Bass for over 15 years, about 30 yrs. ago! Played Hard rock, Deep Purple, Ozzie, Led Zep and started originals until Disco creamed the band. e could'nt get a gig anywhere, so we broke up. I still have most of my equipment (Hiwatt 200's, Sound City, EV 15" and 18" horns, Voice of the Theaters A7's, Echoplexs. I'm playing again and my fingers still work quite well. Bass playing has changed but I'm adapting.


I started out with a Hagtrom, then progressed to a Ric, then a custom made Hagstrom Mark V with a Badass bridge, hot Ric pickups, stereo, a brass nut, and better heads. After hearing what that bass did, I stopped playing my Ric.


Now my 15 yr. old son is playing bass. He started out with my my Hagstrom 2 pickup (not mark V) but his friends made fun of him. Now he has a US Jazz bass. His amp is a 20 watt Fender Guitar amp for easy transport to various basements. Now that he proved he is serious about playing bass I'm buying him a new unit for Christmas. A Behrenger 3000T 350 watt rms Ultrabass with either a Avatar 4-10" w/horn or 1-15" w/horn cabinet. Can't decide which since I only played with 18" folded horns and 15"'s. I still think 410's have no bottom.


Nice being on this site. Just started today.


Happy Holidays to all.

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Welcome to the Lowdown John


I have played through a 1x15 cab and a 4x 10 cab. I play a five string and the 4x10 handled the lows of the B string quite well.


I don't think you would have and trouble getting the sound you want out of a 4x10

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