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Gord -B

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Hrumph. . .um . . .Ok. . . kneel down. . . .yeah, on one knee, that's good. . ."BY THE POWER INVESTED IN ME I DECLARE YOU A ***MASTER*** WITH ALL OF THE RIGHTS AND PRVILAGES RETAINED HEREIN" Sure beats three years of schoolin' don't it?



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Hi everybody! (hi doctor Nick!)


My name is Ryan Wahl I am 18 years old and I live in Newark Ohio. I work in my brothers professional recording studio (Wahl of Sound Recordings) and I have played bass since I was in the 6th grade.


I play a custom built bass that I put together myself.


(Ibanez Alder body, Seymour Duncan Basslines "lightnin rods", Warmoth 4 string neck, Grover "Black Gold" tuners, Black Diamond strings, badass II bridge, and Aguilar preamp)

Im just a dreamer


Dreaming my life away

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Originally posted by Surrock:

I think Im going to join in on the fun!


My names Surrock --its a nickname--- but as a 15 yearold and one of the only girls on the forum Id really rather not give out too munch personal info. Besides that, I've been playing bass seriously for about a year, my older sis played upright and we got her an electric, but it lived in our basement so I picked it up. Anyway I recently won runner up in the nation John Lennon Lyrics Writting contest for teens, and a newspaper article sparked some guys from my school to give me a call, because they were in need of a bass player. I'm interested in any tips or help any of you more experienced players have for me, and I will constantly be searching for answers to my (sometimes stupid) questions.

Hey, Surrock!


We LOVE to answer questions, and there's no such thing as a stupid one. Post away!


Also, search back though older posts to see whether we may have already covered topics of interest to you.


Good luck!

The Black Knight always triumphs!


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Name: Andrew Hagler


Age: 20 (almost 21, i've heard it's a good age)


Instruments: Heavily modified standard Precision, standard Jazz, and a short scale jazz knockoff I got for 30 bucks and started me playing bass, and crappy Washburn 5 i'm trying to get rid of.


Amps: Bassman 1200 head, avatar 4x10 cab


I have been playing a little over 2 years now. I'm a poor college student studying physics, and I want to teach. I'd love to teach music, like DBB up there. He seems like the kind of teacher I always wished I'd had.


I'm going to Souther Illinois University. Good school, not the kind of party school that people expect. One on one with the physics professors is very very nice.


I love this forum and spend too much time reading posts here. Oh, and I just bought an amp fro robb. who seems like a really cool guy, so that'll be spicing up the dorm room in a few days. I'm eagerly looking forward to it.



unkownroadband.com - step into the unkown :-)
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My name is Jeff. I started playing in art school in 1988. I've been playing full-time for the last 5 years.


I was in a cohesive wedding/party band for awhile, but these days I enjoy freelancing. I play as a duo or trio weeknights and pick up various stuff on weekends. I always seem to get a call just in time to pay the electric bill.


I enjoy the variety of my current schedule: Jazz, R&B, Reggae, Salsa, Country. Even rock. I mostly do the stuff I like to do, and keep the grind to a minimum. The fun factor has GOT to be there; how pathetic would I be if I were in this for the money!


I have a modest collection of older electric basses, all of which were obtained for $500 or less. I got most of the bases covered: fretless, 5-string, passive, etc... My Kay upright is a rock. My amp is as small as I can get away with, often smaller.


I try to ride my 3-speed every day and soak in the sun rays. I like to write and watch movies, take photos and fix things.


That's about it!

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Hi everyone,I guess I'll throw down as well.


My name is Dan Hirtzel, I am 39 years old and have been playing bass since I was 14. I started out playing rock but my bass teacher, Mike Roberson a fantastic teacher as well as a truly amazing bassist on both electric and double bass, introduced me to Jaco"s music and so many other styles. Since those days I have played many varieties of music.


I am currently working with a new band playing "classic rock" covers. I also run sound for a friend's band on occasion.


In the past I have also played:Trumpet, Keyboards(still play),Double bass(love it! will buy one some day and really try to learn it.),Pipe Organ.


My day job is as a maintence supervisor for a defence contractor.It pays the bills and allows me to ease my GAS pains! :D


Hobbies: I have been involved in medieval re-creation and medieval combat training/instruction for 14 years. I enjoy weight lifting, hunting & fishing and other outdoor activities.I once made my living as a woodwright and I still enjoy doing that.


Soooo, that's enough about me! :bor:


I really love this forum. Being here and interacting with so many of you has greatly strenghtened my resolve to be the best musician and bassist that I can be. So from me to all of you, Thank you :thu:

Nothing is as it seems but everything is exactly what it is - B. Banzai


Life is what happens while you are busy playing in bands.

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Before everything else :P


Hi to everyone I'm Irwin Galino. My friends remember me for being cool and cold. Well the former speaks for itself but the latter is about my poker face. Either way, that explains the Iceman thingy. :cool:

Okay then,I've been a bass player for almost half my life. I am currently a part time sessionist in a local studio where I usually play the bass (of course),acoustic guitars and lead guitar(well, it's not part of my job description but they somehow kinda love how I play and sound).

I used to own a custom 5-string with Phase 2 Basslines, a Yamaha RBX fretless and a japanese bass i got for $20. I sold all of these.

Now I only have only two basses that holds me to groove reality. A heavily modded Ibanez TRB and a 78 P which is 4 years older than me.

I used to slash like a samurai during my early years as bassist but after a life changing experience...after hearing Vic's A Show of Hands, Rocco and Jamerson...I put down my sword and started a different path to bass kingdom. (I dub thee Sir Irwin). That explains the sold items above.




I'm currently aiming to enter the realm of record producing and I'm still on the verge of getting my initial project together so please pray for this one.


Oh yeah, the only steady gig I have is the one at our church in which I am also the assistant music director. I get offers to play nightly but I just got tired of staying late for gigs and I laid down my sword already.(Here we go again.)


See you guys again in this forum.


FART OUT!!! :thu:



If Jaco's bass sound farts, please forgive me for doing it always!



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I guess it's time to bring some international color to this thread...


My name is Ville, 23, and I'm from Finland, just between Sweden (our arch rivals in ice-hockey) and Russia. Mobile phones (anyone ever heard of Nokia?) and (sometimes also mobile) saunas are what we're famous for. Many Americans (as well as some illiterate Europeans) are surprised by the amount of the high technology that we use here, so if you thought that all we have are muddy roads and wooden huts among with polarbears and penguins, feel free to educate yourself ;) . The bad side of living in a small country (population of about 5 million people) is that the music gear markets are relatively small. Thats why this forum has proven to be very valuable for me in regards of finding information about different gear.


Currently I play in a prog metal band called Helion (you can find a link to our website in my signature), but I've also played latin stuff as well as jazz (but recently not as much as I'd like). I played cello before I picked up bass, so music has always been a part of my life. With the band we're in the progress of looking for a record company to finance our new album, there has been some interest but unfortunately nothing more for now. I also acted as a session player for a (now) 2-piece pop band whose bassist quit just before the recordings, it was quite an educating experience, I'm still waiting for them to send me the finished record. The funny thing was that as I didn't have time to prepare for the session I had to make everything up on the fly. It went quite painlessly, but I'll have to wait to hear the finished product before I can say how it really turned out.


I'm somewhat of a gear'a'holic, but luckily I don't have a high paying job so I have to be quite carefull with my purchases. Currently I play Ibanez BTB 5- and 6-stringers through a SWR 750x through to 2 Goliath III cabs. Latest addition to my rig was the Korg DTR-1000 rack tuner, which is nice. I also have a self-built Ibanez Iceman 4-string replica, but it would need some care and attention to be playable, unfortunately I don't really have time to work on it now. I'm also in the progress of getting a custom bass build to my specifications, but I might have to sell one of my basses to get the financing in order. You can see a mock up Photoshop picture of the current version of the bass here . The neck PU might still change to a J-style one. So you can see that the project is still in planning stages, and I'm open to suggestions, and I will be posting some questions later on about onboard preamps and pu's.


I guess thats enough for now, keep up the good work guys :) .

(up to 200 characters) You may use UBBCode in your signature.
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Well, it's been well over a year since we three moderators did our intros, and many new members since, so here goes...


I'll flip over to 53 next month, started playing double bass 42 years ago, electric a couple years ago, and am still trying to figure out why I'm not better at it (not really, I know why). Also went to college as a music major but didn't graduate as one. I've had the pleasure of playing all types of music over the year, from rock to classical, bluegrass to contemporary country and folk, and more.


Currently, a classic rock band occupies my regular gigging time, with irregular URB gigs with old friends. I suffer from Fibromylalgia and post-Lymes Disease effects, which really affects my hands and arms, as well as the rest of my bod, so I just can't depend on my hands being regularly up to the task. Right now I'm going through a rough patch, and it's really pissing me off.


My main gig rig is a Euphonic Audio iAMP 800 and a pair of their VL-208 cabs, though I still have my Kern IP-777/RNC/QSC 2402 rig that I paired with EA VL-210 cabs for a louder band. URB gigs usually mean taking my Acoustic Image Contra or playing acoustically. I've also taken out all the other EA gear as I am a dealer for both them and AI, and regularly use other amps/cabs to be able to accurately assess and decide whether to sell the stuff. I've always been a gear-head, having designed built my own stuff over the years.


My first career was a very successful stint in the banking biz, but throat cancer and too many bank mergers took me off the fast track. After some interim years doing software reviews and technical writing, my sideline of selling bass-oriented stuff grew to become my (more than) full-time avocation, thanks to the net. It's a great job, I get to talk to bassists and bassists-to-be all day, sell them stuff to make them happy, and make a living at it. Who could ask for a better gig?? http://www.urbbob.com


More BS on Bob and photos of my gear at http://www.eclecticbass.com/bass.html - hint: I never owned more than a combination of three basses (electric/upright) in my life, until the late 90's, when kids finally started to graduate college, to free up tuition dollars to let Bob and Joanne have a little fun.


I get my first shot at being a Grandpa in Dec., just heard yesterday that it will be a boy. Good thing, because I didn't want to be a grandmother. ;)


Enjoy life and bassing your way through it!

1000 Upright Bass Links, Luthier Directory, Teacher Directory - http://www.gollihurmusic.com/links.cfm


[highlight] - Life is too short for bad tone - [/highlight]

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Please allow me to introduce myself

I'm a man of wealth and taste

I've been around for a long, long year

Stole many a man's soul and faith


And I was 'round when Jesus Christ

Had his moment of doubt and pain

Made damn sure that Pilate

Washed his hands and sealed his fate


Pleased to meet you

Hope you guess my name

But what's puzzling you

Is the nature of my game

You're not good enough for me
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Hello to Grandpa Bob from Grandpa Dave.


It is really true what they say about grandchildren...have 'em over, have fun with them, then send them home with their parents!


I just this morning heard an public radio show "The Peoples Pharmacy" and the topic was your condition. There is new research involving growth hormones and the "date-rape" drug that show promising help.


I know you have probably been everywhere and tried everything...the Docs on the program described a level of desparation from sufferers of it. But if you haven't heard: Link to People\'s Pharmacy


So you can enjoy that little fella when he gets here.

"Let's raise the level of this conversation" -- Jeremy Cohen, in the Picasso Thread.


Still spendin' that political capital far faster than I can earn it...stretched way out on a limb here and looking for a better interest rate.

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Hey everyone. I Be Scotty as the name states.


I'm a singer, song writer (new title), bass player, IT professional, husband, father of 2, and Beetle owner in no particular order.


I currently make my home in the St. Louis area but I grew up in Philly and then Massachusetts (RI Border) area. I was in the Navy for 5 years and traveled the globe. Lived in Guam for 4 years and Oak Harbor Washington for 1 year.


I currently play bass in an established band named Musical Illusion. Everyone in the band has fairly serious day jobs and family commitments but we're also committed to making music. The band has a CD out. I joined after most of the recording was done and only got to do the back up vocals. There are samples on the website of course.


My kids are 3 and 1 years old and they light up my life. My wife is the most understanding women in the world as probably most of us hobbyist will attest.


Damn glad to meet ya.

Double Posting since March 2002

Random Post Generator #26797

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Sup y'all? My name is Rene. I was born in Costa Rica but I live in Orlando now. I used to play the bass with a latin rock band called Santamaria, but I came up here to attend audio school, so it's been a while since a play... that sucks. Where are the drummers in this city? :D

Who Put The ' M ' In MySpace?

don\'t_click | day_job

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Just a quick hi to Grandpa Dave and Grandpa Bob, from Grandpa Clay!
**Standard Disclaimer** Ya gotta watch da Ouizel, as he often posts complete and utter BS. In this case however, He just might be right. Eagles may soar, but Ouizels don't get sucked into jet engines.
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My name is Nick Walker (25)...I've been playing electric bass for about 10 years (wih pauses) and URB for about a year...I play w/ Split Midget Mild, Black Root Ensemble, Renaissance Jazz Band and Alabama A&M Orchestral Ensemble...I've been married for 5 years...


Orphan Wells: LMAO about "Dity Sanchez"...what a band name...


Max Valentino: Where is your CD available?

We must accept the consequences of being ourselves-Sojourn of Arjuna


Music at www.moporoco.com/nick

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From the Guitar Forum topic "The Bio thread... Who are you?"




If anyone has the patience, it is truly worthwhile to take the time and read EVERY post on this topic.


I am very honoured to have the opportunity to read about your lives. There are many inspirations in this one topic.


For all of the "experienced" individuals, thank you for your willingness to share. And for all of the "young 'uns", thank you for fresh perspectives.


Anywho... A little about me.


Born: Dec 26th, 1971

Place: Chorley, Lancashire, England (#8 Lupton street)

Lived in: Chorley 1971:1980

Montreal 1980:1981

Toronto/Mississauga 1981: present

Currently married, no kids, 1 fish, working f/t for an insurance company (NO INSURANCE QUESTIONS PLEASE!!!)

Family: Dad, mum, bro, all in Toronto area.


Had a largely uneventful childhood, normal bumps and bruises. Always a small, unco-ordinated awkward kinda kid. Never got into organized sports.

No real personal tragedies, and I count my blessings for that.

Graduated high-school in 1990 after spending FAR too much time partying. Never went to college/university (it would have been a waste of $$$$) Joined the Armed Forces Reserve instead and had a blast for 6 years. Worked Joe Jobs, in wharehouses and as a Security Guard before falling into insurance.



First musical memory is of attending a party at the ROF club in Lancashire where my dad was playing drums for a jazz band. Just slow dance jazz stuff. It was a Christmas party and my dad had me sit on his knee and play the snare with the brushes. I got a practice pad a little while later, but was dissappointed because it didn't make enough NOISE! I wanted to go nuts on the drum kit I picked up the guitar at the age of 15 (my high school offered a Beginner's guitar course and I was looking to fill out my schedule.) It was a Bontempi steel string bought at Consumer's Distributing for $45. I was hooked! The girls were nuts about a guitar player. All I had to do was carry the thing around the halls. The guitar broke about 6 months later (the bridge ripped off the body with a loud TWANG one night!) and I bought a $350 Hondo acoustic. My first electric was a used BC RICH Warlock copy. The thing weighed a ton and NEVER stayed in tune. I played for a couple of High School punk bands (S.H.I.T. and Abortion Stories) and we pretty much lived up to our names!

While in the work force, put the guitar down for about 2 year after hocking my guitar to pay for a Christmas gift for my long time girlfriend. Picked up a Vantage acoustic electric (which I still have) and met a guy at the insurance company I work for that plays guitar. We started jamming about 7 years ago. I now have 9 guitars and our band, martianrebel, has fully formed with a drummer and singer. We are playing our second gig tonight and are working on setting up more. I primarily play bass (a Godin A4), but love to wail on my MIM Tele!


Great thread idea Scott! Thanks to everyone for letting me ramble.


AND... Don't give up on a dream. You are NEVER too old, if you have the will to do it. Destiny is in the hands of the destined.

-{m}- What's these knobs for?



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Originally posted by Bob Gollihur (bob@gollihur.com):

I suffer from Fibromylalgia and post-Lymes Disease effects, which really affects my hands and arms, as well as the rest of my bod, so I just can't depend on my hands being regularly up to the task. Right now I'm going through a rough patch, and it's really pissing me off.

Hi Bob!


As a fellow fibro-sufferer, I want to say that I am soooooo sorry that you have it. I can completely empathize with EVERYTHING that you have to go through. :(


And I'm also very sorry that you had the experience of having cancer, but am super glad you beat it. :thu:


If you ever what to swap stories or methods of success regarding fibro, I am always ready. :)


I am lots better now, but lost about 12 years of my "prime time" to the stupid affliction (ages 30-42). And don't get me started on the DOCTORS!!! :mad::mad::mad:


Life is pretty good again, but I am still working at getting totally better. Carrying heavy gear with burning fibro muscles is a major drag! :D


And learning complicated bass riffs, with the STUPID FIBRO BRAIN FOG, is something that no one can understand, except a fellow fibro-ite. :)


Talk at ya later!


... connie

"Change comes from within." - Jeremy Cohen


The definition of LUCK: When Preparation meets Opportunity!



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Hi, I'm Nick and I'm a Sagitarius. I am 6'1" and I have short dark brown hair with super attractive green eyes. I ejoy long walks on the beach, reading a romantic book by the window during a summer rain...




this isn't the singles... chat... room...


Anyhow, I'm silly. I'm really Nick and I'm 16. I've been playing bass for 2 years and 11 months. I've played with assorted groups including middle and migh School jazz bands, a band called "To Be Annouced", we were young and we were all still learning, but it help tons to be in a band right off the bat for me. Now I'm in a band called "Brand New Blues." We play blues rock type stuff, but it's hard to explain exactly. (If you're in the ATL area, we're playing Sep. 20th in Lawrenceville for some festival, check it out!). I'm also just getting my feet wet with a 4 peice jazz group.


Awesome to finally get to know some of your names, you guys rock (both literally and metaphorically... ummm... yeah... I'm dumb... :thu: )!!!



Still working on it...

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I am 48, 6', blue eyes, and the last time I was clean shaven was 1975. I just celebrated my 25th anniversary (DBB is right behind me next month), and have two children age 22 and 18. My family is very patient with me (on many counts) but never subtle about it...


I've always loved music, and many aspects of it have moved me over the years (many vocal harmonies, some drum fills, certain guitar leads). I started playing when I was about 13 (my cousin's "learner" bass, after he stopped throwing it in the pool). I played sax in school and took a theory class, which has been enough to get me through as a rock/acoustic/church player. I never took a bass lesson or spent much time reading, because I've always been more of a hobbyist than fulltime guy. Paul McCartney, Jack Bruce, Chris Hillman (The Byrds) and Tim Bogert (Vanilla Fudge, Cactus) have been my biggest influences, but there have been so many.


I'm a computer consultant (like Dan said - it's puzzles all day). I have spent time studying and testing gear. Though I have no real qualifications, I know a bit about the stuff, and that's one of my contributions here.


I believe in helping people (it's a combination of religious belief and upbringing), and that attitude has come through enough that somebody entrusted me to help out on this forum. I try to attend Low-Downer shows when possible and talk to bassists whenever/wherever I find them (shy I'm not). I had to go to Kansas on business, and made sure I met Tedster (most often found on SSS and For The Band). And I carry equipment and help out whenever I can. The only person I've ever bitten is Erik, but he's been asking for it for years....


I have a Gibson EB3 (my only bass for 30 years until..), a Kinal custom made 5, an Aslin Dane J (cheapo 5 for traveling), Bergantino HT112, Kustom 2x12 (tuck and roll from the early 70s), ancient Carvin guitar head (grrrr), and Ibanez PH7 noise box.


I play in a cover 60s-70s rock band that practices about once a month (and gigs rarely) that is pretty cool. I also play in a Christian theatre troup 5 weeks a year (we travel to a different church every Friday), and have done some coffee house style work. I have been working away from home during the week in Hartford CT, and going to blues jams for fun.


I have a dry and warped sense of humor and can take it as much as I can give it.


Thanks to all that help make this forum the community that it is !!!




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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hi fellow musicians,my name is ken,im 50 yr's old i've been playing bass since i was 15.been in about 20 bands since this addiction started.jack bruce and this guy that played on the motown hits were my influences.(didn't know it was jamerson for years).been in jazz bands,fusion,cover,death,punk,metal even wedding bands doing standards.the basses ive owned over the years :eb3,hoftner,guild starfire,ric.4003 and the one ive had for the past 13 yrs,an early 60's jazz.been with the same woman since high school,ihave 2 children and 2 grandchildren.im an unemployded welder since the plant closed due to forign imports.the band im in now plays the heavy shit (with a groove of course)check it out if ya want,hell the downloads are free. www.superdrivemusic.com well,time to go write some more songs.
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I'm Dave Martin. I've been playing bass professionally for just about 30 years. My first paying job was at a V.F.W. in 1972 - the band leader was the student teacher in my junior high school band - and the first time I ever passed out on a stage from too much beer was about 6 months later...


I've travelled on the road with duos, bar bands, and recording acts, but haven't done that regularly since about 1987. Most of the time I play on sessions in Nashville, or engineer and produce sessions at my own place.


I'm primarily an electric bassist, though I'm doing an upright gig tonight at Centennial Park in Nashville, subbing with a western swing band called "The Western Swingers".

Dave Martin

Java Jive Studio

Nashville, TN



Cuppa Joe Records


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Originally posted by Gord -B:

i knew this would be a good thread. Now we all know who NOT to mess with in arguments :)

I once left my bass in the back seat of my car, with the car windows rolled down. When I realized what I had done, I raced back to the car, but it was too late. Inside, were three more basses.

Harvey Gerst

Indian Trail Recording Studio


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Hi, my name is Thomas Brinkley, I have been playing electric for 25 years and acoustic for about 5 years. It seems as though most of my good gigs are on acoustic even though I suck on it :mad:


I was a tuba major in college and a trombone player in the army band. I have been a courier, a switchman for the railroad, a bouncer and a bum. I worked in Vegas, done a million cruise ships and played in way too many pit orchestras.


I have settled in Providence. I have a wife and a 2 year old little girl. Jazz, rock n roll, funk, blues, shows, 16th century chamber music, studio sessions - it's all good.


My musical influences are session guys like Anthony Jackson, Lee Sklar, Jimmy Johnson, Nathan East and Marcus Miller. I am a huge jazz fan and I steal regularly from bassist like Paul Chambers, Dave Holland, Ray Brown, Ron Carter and Richard Davis.


I am a minimalist bass wise. 2 electrics, an acoustic and an amp. that having been said, I can't believe all the basses and amps some of you guys have. Yes, I am jealous.

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Hey im Nic (i was gonna do the doctor Nick thing but someone beat me to it) I've been playing bass for almost two years now, i live in manchester where there is a really good music scene with loads of spare musicians (Which im slowly shifting my way through to find some good ones to start a new band with) Im 17 and im trying to learn as much bass as possible, which is why i came to this board which seems to be stuffed with priceless knowlage, im applying for university at the moment and hopefully going for one in california. I was in a manchester band, which did gigs, called Reemer but i quit when it became less fun and i started to hate it so im looking to put the fun back into a band and try out all the funky stuff i've learnt on this board. And finally ... my infuences are mostly rock but do reach out to other types of music when i hear a song i like.

Laters Nic

"i must've wrote 30 songs the first weekend i met my true love ... then she died and i got stuck with this b****" - Father of the Pride
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I'm Julie.


I barely qualify to post here, which is why I don't say much. That, and I tend to be long-winded for no good reason. It's still very new to me, and after a rather slow start, bass has taken a back seat in my life lately. But I still come and read here every day and the desire to learn is very much still there. No band, no real experience of any kind. But it's okay, I don't see bass ever being more than a hobby for me.


My pal Erik poops a lot. That kinda worries me.


I have a Carvin LB70, but no amp except a little headphone amp that's more trouble than it's worth. I was all set to get a real amp, but as often happens, life descended upon me and I spent all my amp money on gumballs.


I'm 33, married, and have 3 children ages 5, 4, and 2 (almost 3). I stay at home and am raising them to be perfect children who do everything I say. The 5 year old starts Kindergarten next week, and I'm looking forward to it. Mostly because I'll be able to strong-arm the other kids out of their lunch money to replace my amp money.


My muscial tastes are all over the place, and I wouldn't even know where to begin a list. I'll give just about anything a chance.


There are many people here on the LD that I admire and respect. These guys are a gold mine of knowledge and support and I appreciate the time and assistance they give here. That goes double for the moderators.


Also, KoRn RuLeZ.

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