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Introduce Yourself

Gord -B

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I would like to formally introduce myself...


I'm a 29 year-old keyboardist. I have a great appreciation for bass players. I play left hand bass in my cover band. I know that what I do as far as LH bass will never be as cool as having a real bassist in the band, but I think I do a pretty good job. I'm strongly considering buying a bass, so I can learn the real thing.


I may post on the Lowdown from time to time, to get opinions and insight from you "real" bass players!


The thread that caught my eye was the "bass players per guitarist" thread... There is always the same old discussion on keyboard forums. I have no problem accepting the fact that I am not the star on stage, and I actually enjoy being a "support player" instead. I get a piano or Hammond solo here and there though!


Thanks for the welcome!





Stuff and things.
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Thanks for the welcome! No, I use the term "Hammond" loosely here, I guess. I'm using a Nord Electro 2 for my Hammond sound. When I used to play in ...church... I used a Hammond M3 with my Motion Sound Pro3tm, so that was the closest I got to using a real Hammond/Leslie setup. Now, if it were 10 years ago, and I didn't play every weekend like I do now, I'd probably be lugging around the real thing, but digital simulations have gotten so good in the last few years that 99% of people in the audience can't tell the difference.
Stuff and things.
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Just asking. I've only played with one Hammond player in the last 20 years and that was a in a house band, so it stayed in the hotel for a few years.


Back in the 70's I use to help one of my friends move his Hammond and two Leslies. It was either a C3 or an A100: even bigger than a B3.

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There is a young organ player living in my small town who doesn't seem to have a problem taking out his B3 & leslie. He says he can set up easier than most drummers. He has one of the new vehicles such as now used by UPS & FedX with a ramp. I'll be doing some playing with him at a friend's B-day party on April 24. I've always enjoyed playing with a good B-3 player.




Just asking. I've only played with one Hammond player in the last 20 years and that was a in a house band, so it stayed in the hotel for a few years.


Back in the 70's I use to help one of my friends move his Hammond and two Leslies. It was either a C3 or an A100: even bigger than a B3.

I have basses to play, places to be and good music to make!
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That's great to be playing with a real B3 on stage. Really, I wish I could - I play every weekend, many times in very small places, so it really isn't practical for me. Also, I already take up quite a bit of stage space - 4 keyboards in an "L" configuration. But, since we don't have a 'real' bass player, I'm taking up the space that his (or her!) setup would, so it evens out in the end.


A friend of mine gigs out once in a while with his B3/Leslie. His tipped over in the trailer. It was padded well, so no damage was done, but that's something I'd rather not deal with. The Electro weighs about 18 lbs - and no Leslie to mic!


Anyway, this is a Bass forum, so I'd better not go on and on about keyboards!

Stuff and things.
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  • 3 months later...

Thought I'd better introduce myself...


I'm Nick, I grew up in London but a few months ago I left for the "bright light(s)" of Aberdeen.


I'm trying to get myself into the local scene having spent the past couple of years playing (mostly) live drum'n'bass amongst other things.


If you want to check out some stuff I've done in the past try


www.myspace.com/beamergrande (muso pop to the nth power)

www.myspace.com/keiretsu (I'm only on Addict and Dirtbloc the other tunes are great as well)

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Hi everyone I'm Melissa,


I have been watching this forum for a long time and thought I would finally introduce myself.

I just moved to southern California from Phoenix, AZ (after a nasty divorce)and have been playing bass for 10 years or so. I'm not in a band yet but I hope to be soon.

I am looking forward to learning from all of you and from the looks of it you need some more girls here so, let's be friends.

An army of me
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from the looks of it you need some more girls here so, let's be friends.


Haha! Amen, Sistuh!


Actually, the guys on this forum are quite wonderful, but it will be great to have you dilute the testosterone concentration a little more.


Welcome, Melissa!

Queen of the Quarter Note

"Think like a drummer, not like a singer, and play much less." -- Michele C.

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Carlos, how is the music scene in Harrisburg these days? I graduated from Susquehanna Township High School in 1964 and left Harrisburg when I was 21. That is where my music career began.



I have basses to play, places to be and good music to make!
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I suppose I have not done a proper introduction. Bein the arrogant bastard I am, I can talk about me.


I play bass for Year of the Moth as well as keyboards when required. I also make beats for myself and my friends. I started playing bass when i was 16 and was on stage playing ozzy covers (poorly) 2 weeks into my bass carreer.


I began playing music with trombone and piano. In school, I was in stage band, marching band, symphonic band and marching band depending on season. I was also in drum corps during the off marching season in highschool. I played trombone, baritone, tuba, saxophone, percussion, Piano and Bass depending on the time of school year and band program i was in. The first bass I ever owned was a Fender P bass frankennstein I put together from parts at pawn shops. I think there were 3 or 4 different brands of parts on it, but the body was a fender P.


I have played Hartke, Peavey, Kustom, Ampeg, Music Man, Ibanez, Fender and Yamaha gear. M-Audio keyboards as well. Roland, Tech 21, EH and Boss are my pedals.


I had to learn to play all over again about 10 years ago when a nerve tumor and mass of scar tissue was removed from my hand. I almost ended up with a paralyzed hand. I am still revovering feeling in my ring and pinky fingers on my left hand.


I am most importantly a father and husband.


My daughter studies martial arts with me and my wife. We all enjoy outdoor stuff. Especially if it involves large bodies of water and fire.


Music Man Stingray 5 HH

Peavey T-40

Hartke LH500

Ampeg SVT410HLF


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  • 6 months later...

Hi guys, I have been lurking here for a while. Background-raised in vocal family who did perfect 4 part harmony (Dad, Aunt, Uncle). Played bass guitar off & on since I was 11 or 12 years old-currently playing bass ('62 p) in a Christian Rock band and doing covers on off weekends with some guys in my hometown(me on Vocals, lead & rythym guitars).


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OK, since I don't think I did this when I joined the forum a little over a year ago...


My name's Richard and I play the bass. ("Hi, Richard!")


I first picked up the bass at the age of 45 (almost seven years ago), having zero experience playing any instrument, but a lifetime love for rock n roll and the blues, which intensified when I worked for a college radio station (WUVA-FM) as both a DJ and music director. In my 40s I finally decided, "hell, I'd like to play some of this music I enjoy listening to so much" and picked up the bass because, one: my son was taking guitar lessons and I didn't want to do the same thing, and two: it only has four strings. How hard can it be? :laugh:


What can I say--the last time like I felt God was directing me, I met my wife. This time he put a bass in my hands and it's like the bass picked me instead of me picking the bass.


When I started, I told my wife that my goal was to play in a band at my 50th birthday party, and about four months before then I did manage to hook up with a group of guys and--lo and behold--we did a half hour set on my front porch for my party. I owe that mostly to a great bass teacher I worked with.


Since then we've gigged out about half a dozen times and now have close to 50 songs in our repertoire. Playing in the band is the most fun I have with anyone not my wife--it's a great experience and has made me a better player.


I currently play a Fender American Standard Jazz 4-string and have two SWR amps and an MXR Octave box (which I don't use very often). I'd like to learn more about boxes and effects and fantasize about picking up a few more basses--like maybe a nice 5-string or a Rickenbacker 4003. Someday.


So that's my story. I would say I'm an adequate player who is slowly, slowly, slowly getting better. What I don't know about bass would fill a book, which is one reason I enjoy this online community so much.


Thanks, fellow thumpers.


"Everyone wants to change the world, but no one thinks of changing themselves." Leo Tolstoy
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Yo yo... new, well kinda new.. I think I had an account a few years ago.


Anyway, Fender Jazz owner/enthusiast and MTD drooler... one day, one day. Love music, movies, games, sports and all that jazz.


Just looking for info and to talk some shop. Have been playing for a good 8-10 years at this point, kinda started late as I had a pit stop on the guitar before arriving at my true love, the bass.

"It's all in the reflexes" - Jack Burton
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  • 5 months later...

Hey all, I'm going to start off by apologizing for my rampant "noobity". I've asked for advice on a few things here and gotten some great responses, all without ever paying attention to lowdown forum etiquette. I just realized I never introduced myself before stumbling in like the "best" drunk dancer at your last gig...So here goes. Been playing electric bass about 16 years, my bands have ranged from prog metal to funk. Weapon of choice: Fender Jazz. (love those things in just about all of their incarnations!)

Ok enough about me...

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Hi All. Just joined this forum, seems like another great way to waste more time at work.


I play bass and sing in a couple cover bands. Used to play in jam bands, but now just like playing what people know. I dabble in electronic stuff too.



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  • 4 months later...

I guess I should take the time to introduce myself.


My name is Jeff. I am 42 years old and I am a Special Education teacher by trade. I work with at-risk middle school students who are involved with the legal system, have drug/alcohol dependencies, or whom simply come from extremely neglectful home environments.


I started plaing bass years ago, in the late 80's while in college. Didnt learn how to read music or any theory...just put on a tape or CD and played along. Learned how to play a number of songs, but learned nothing about music. But then...life kinda sorta got in the way, and I put the instrument down until recently. And the predictable result is that at this point I am basically starting from scratch! I now play a Spector Performer 4. Love the sound that I get, despite the little practice amp that I play with.


One of my favorite books is Victor Wootens, The Music Lesson.


I like to think that I listen to a wide variety of music....from Slipknot to Taylor Swift lol. Some of the bassists who have inspired/caught my eye and ears are Gene Simmons, Mike Inez, Paul Gray, Robbie Merrill, Jason Newsted, Cliff Burton, Rob Trujillo, Duff McAgen, and John Paul Jones.


I have lurked/browsed this forum for a bi now, and I can truly say that this MUST be the single greatest collection of music minds you could possibly hope to find, and then learn from. Many of you influence us lurkers more than you could imagine!



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I work with at-risk middle school students who are involved with the legal system, have drug/alcohol dependencies, or whom simply come from extremely neglectful home environments.


That's a tough gig, baby. You're like right on the front of a very important war. Hooray for you.




Paul K

Things are just the way they are, and they're only going to get worse.

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I have lurked/browsed this forum for a bi now, and I can truly say that this MUST be the single greatest collection of music minds you could possibly hope to find, and then learn from.


Yes. Yes it is.

"Everyone wants to change the world, but no one thinks of changing themselves." Leo Tolstoy
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I have lurked/browsed this forum for a bi now, and I can truly say that this MUST be the single greatest collection of music minds you could possibly hope to find, and then learn from.


Yes. Yes it is.


< insert sarcasm here>


Unfortuneately, we are also monitored by the most evil, despotic and tyranical group of mods in all of forumdom. We gathered to gether to do an "Occupy Griff" until we found he lives in someone's garden shed, has no electricity and monitors the forum using a stolen iPhone.


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


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  • 1 month later...

OK, you know me but after all these years it's time for some updates and revelations:


*58 years ago I discovered the South Bronx, my parents, welfare cheese, the Automat, and random music from a Hispanic background

*54 years ago I discovered sci-fi and horror films, teenage movies with surf music, AM radio, and the piano. the piano failed my attempts at surgery. I did watch Liberace on TV with my dad a lot on Saturdays.

*49 years ago I discovered I was an A student, which gave me extra time to watch late night TV and listen to Dave Clark and Ted Mack's Original Amateur Hour.

*45 years ago I tried and failed to learn trombone although I liked playing those low notes really loud in the living room

*42 years ago I picked up my sister's old Silvertone guitar and learned how to play single notes, got my first AM/FM radio and phonograph, and bought some Zeppelin and Moody Blues albums with my first paycheck.

*41 years ago I got my mom to ask my dad to loan me $200 for a used Hagstrom bass guitar and a Lafayette bass amp

*40 years ago I joined my first rock and roll band and upgraded to a Gibson EB-3 bass

*38 years ago I got so bored with rehearsals I bought an electric guitar and learned how to play all the guitar parts in my spare time; I also took a full-time job at my parents' request to pay for my gear.

*36 years ago I learned two invaluable lessons (a) the less notes you play the better it sounds, and (b) singing bass players get more work than just players.

*30 years ago I learned to branch out into other music forms, the circle of fourth and fifths, fusion and jazz in general, and that it still paid better to be the bass player

*20 years ago I relocated (or returned) to New Jersey after a detour into fourth generation programming and other employable skills; also bought an upright bass. discovered that anything I could hear or play in my head I could learn to play for real in a quick sitdown.

*10 years ago I started some interesting cover band projects and paid for all my equipment and then some; also bought my URB out of storage and decided it was time to change technique

*less than a year ago I branched out into ukulele and mandolin, but resolved to keep playing bass in my head

*less than a month ago I filed retirement papers and am waiting for my first pension check

*about 2 weeks ago I decided to reactivate my presence on this Forum


so this is roughly an idea of who I am (I'm still not sure what the answer to that really is) and how I came to be here. you'll have to read ahead to see where I'm going. Thanks for listening!


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