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Gord -B

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I am Jason Stemm and I am a media/education minister in IL.


Here is my gear list: (I'm on a budget-don't make fun of me.)



Left Handed Fender Jazz Bass

Left Handed Fullerton Fretless Swamp Ash Bass



GK Backline 600 (300 watts)

GK Backline 4x10 cabinet



Behringer Vamp (I'm learning about preamps, I'll upgrade when I get the money!)


I've owned Behringer Amps, Peavey Amps, and CMI Basses.


That's it for me.


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Welcome StemmB!


No problem about the budget. You gotta start and you have! That's the best part. (I don't think anyone here will say that a Fender Jazz is budget)


Stick around, add some wisdom, or just bring some in, please!:) And get ready to be amused for hours on end.


If you figure out how to use the "search" function please let us all know.

Welcome Aboard!!




Don't have a job you don't enjoy. If you're happy in what you're doing, you'll like yourself, you'll have inner peace. ~ Johnny Carson
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My name is John and I am a bass player in Pleasanton California. I play in 2 bands: Subtribe (formerly "Swirl") and Underdog (lead vox AND bass player with Underdog). Singing lead and playing bass is the hardest skill I've learned...a lot of practice and focus, but it's soooooo worth it!
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Thanks to JBFLA! Not sure what happened there, I used the "image" function button...


Welcome Sponge! Huge props for singing lead while playing. I started singing backups here & there while playing a couple of years ago, and even that was really tough. You must have really put in the hard yards!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Not sure why I haven't done this yet...guess I'm just shy. Anywho, my name is Daniel, I moved home to TN from Anaheim CA in April(was there for 8 years) and have been playing in a metal band called the Wrong Brothers.

I'm married and have a daughter about to turn one. I have a 75 Fender P(given to me about 15 years ago) and a cheap-o MII Fender Squire J 5 string. Wasn't sure I would dig the 5, and only had a couple hundred from a work bonus that the wife would OK for another bass. But I actually dig it. I'm not a hard man to please.

Not much else to say. I've been calling myself a bassist for 17 years, but would wager only about a third of that is expressed in my playing. And then I found this lovely place and things started making sense.

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My name is Josh and I live near Seattle, WA. I picked up a bass (a Squier P-Bass) for the first time 2 3/4 years ago when I joined a band, "The Impressive Stains." I was, by far, the worst guitar player there so it was off to Guitar Center I went.


Now I can't remember the last time I played anything else. I still play with those guys once a year and I play 2-3 Sundays a month for my church. I'm on a tight budget and play through the house. I still have that Squier (though it is on "extended loan") and picked up a 5-string Dean last year (so my worship pastor can drop stuff down a fret or two).

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My name is Jason and I'm new here. I live in Seattle, WA. I found this forum doing a google search for the word "locrian". I've been tracing the origin of all those greek words as a pastime, and I saw people here speaking my language.


In college I started as an electrical engineering major, switched to computer science, and then finally music, and got a Bachelor of Music (BM, as opposed to BFA, BS, etc); Jazz Studies playing guitar and bass. /pedigree


Recently I've played bass in an instrumental progressive metal band in clubs around Seattle. I make my living as a teacher, giving guitar and bass lessons in the local music store chain.


See you around and cheers!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello all! My name is Jeff, and I live here in beautiful, snowy Fairfield, Maine. By professsion, I am a special education teacher at a local Jr. High. For fun, I coach soccer and basketball at the high school level...actually havnt coached hoops in 2 years...got tired of driving the 35 miles home from practices each night at 9:30 during snow season.


I recently posted a thread asking about the Spector Performer Bass...and I just purchased it 2 days ago. Absolutey love it. I am a returnee to the bass, having once owned a cheap little Peavey, and a MicroBass amp during high school....about 22 years ago. Dropped it fairly quickly back then....didnt know anyone who played an instrument, and didnt know where to go to learn etc.... A bunch of excuses. But I recently decided to take it up, and do it the "right" way. As part of my Performer package, I am getting 6 "free" lessons. I`ll take full advantage of them, and decide if I enjoy learning under that teacher. If not, I`ll find someone who I`ll like taking lessons from.


My musical influences, as readily apparent by my user name, are hard rock bands. Gene Simmons and Nikki Sixx play with that growl that I love. While I admit that they are far from being considered bass maestros, they (along with players such as Jason Newsted, Jeff Ament, Cliff Burton, Michael Anthony, Adam Clayton, and Flea) were among those who got be interested in the bass.


I love this forum. So much information at our disposal...so many knowledgeable posters. Thanks for making this such a great resource and forum!



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Hi I'm Dave,


I have been playing off and on since 1977. Seeing RUSH in concert three times, in the seventies, put me on this 30 year fishing trip! :thu:


While I'm here, I might as well condense several threads that I have seen and post my responses here.


Basses I have had:


Ibanez Ric/copy

Peavy Precision copy

Fender Precision

Chapman Stick 10 string Ironwood

Alembic Elan 5 string

Alembic Distillate


Currently own Warwick Corvette Proline

Saving up for 5 string CB Ball Bass


Top 7 Deserted Island Albums

Lol this started out as a top 5, now look at it! :laugh:


Dark Side of the Moon

Discreet Music

Remain in Light


The Unforgettable Fire


Torwards the Within (Lisa Gerrard's voice just melts my soul! LOL)

The Clash's London Calling comes in very very close.


Fave Players:


Tony Levin

Geddy Lee

Les Claypool


Percy Jones (very underrated)

Bill Laswell

Brian Eno (yea not a bass player, but my favorite musician)


Oh one last thing, sometimes when I practice at night, I turn off all the lighting... LOL! It seems to help with my positioning and makes my ear more focused. Swimming in sound in darkness. Ok I better stop, I'm getting weird!


Take care All!





Warwick Corvette 4 Proline

Tune Casiopea TWX 6 string


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Hi, Dave.


Wow...you covered most of the bases with your first post. All that is missing is your favorite recipe for deer meat! :wink:


Welcome. We're glad to have you.

My whole trick is to keep the tune well out in front. If I play Tchaikovsky, I play his melodies and skip his spiritual struggle. ~Liberace
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Hi Dave, I have not played in the dark, but I love listening to great music in total darkness. The senses really come alive, especially along with a good glass of wine.



"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb, voting on what to eat for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb, contesting the vote."

Benjamin Franklin

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Hi. This is me, and my old Cort A5.




I play in several bands in the Cleveland area. I use a Roland D-Bass 2x10 / 115x rig for most of my work, and I play a G&L Tribute 2500 mainly. I also have an Ibanez SR506, an Aria IGB-50, a Jay Turser Beatle Bass, a Takamine EG-512C acoustic, a Fernendes Japan P-bass, and I have a Yamaha BB415 due to be delivered tomorrow.


I am into prog rock. YES is one of my favorites, but doesn't every bassist love Chris Squire? I really like The Flower Kings and Jonas Reingold as well. He's pretty underappreciated in the bass world.


I've been playing about 10 years. I'm self-taught and use floating thumb technique. That's pretty much the whole thing!


Check out my band, Halcyon Days, www.myspace.com/animatedrecords

The tracks on the website are sorta sloppy right now, but THE demo is getting mastered and the quality will be stellar in a bit.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Welcome earwigger...kick your feet up and enjoy the show.


All that is missing is your favorite recipe for deer meat! :wink:


Ground and made into chili. Now the question is "What's your favorite chili recipe?" Ouch! Cut myself opening up that can.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I know people like to stay in the shadows, but I wish our members would put more info about themselves in their profiles. I think it would enhance the forum.


"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb, voting on what to eat for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb, contesting the vote."

Benjamin Franklin

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Hey all,


I'm Tim, 22, and I've been playing bass for a little over 2 years now. I work at Cornell doing IT support for their Food Science department. The thing that really turned me onto bass was listening to Flea from RHCP. I used to play Trumpet, Tuba, and Piano during high school - although I was never was able to get into them as I was never inspired to play them just for the fun.


I'm a pretty big Buffalo Bills fan (hopefully not the Toronto Bills anytime soon!) which of course means I have been pained for a majority of the last decade with no playoff trips.


I'll be seeing you all around!





Guess what? I gotta fever, and the only prescription is MORE COWBELL!
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Welcome Tim, i'm happy that our forum has such a big number of new forumites, newbies and experinced players alike, and we start to see a growing comunity of URB players.


To all of you, it's a pleasure to have you here, Stick around, pull a chair have a beer or orange juice and let the groove flow.




"And then the magical unicorn will come prancing down the rainbow and we'll all join hands for a rousing chorus of Kumbaya." - by davio



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Hi all,

My name is Pepi and I live in NY about 26 miles north of Times Square. I recently started playing again at the behest of my 17 year old guitarist son. I've been away from the bass for about 20 years. Currently I'm playing my old and faithful 1982 Daion Mark XXb and also have a Fender P-Bass that i Got in a business barter. I've been married for 25 years and also have a 23 year old daughter. I own an HVAC company in the area. This forum has been amazing in helping me catch up with all things bass. Although its going to be awhile before I digest everything and am fully back in the swing. Thanks to everybody thats helped so far and thanks in advance for the help in the future.

For sale: 1982 Fender Precision Special (American).

White with white pick ups and pick guard. Excellent condition. Includes original case.

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