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Gord -B

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Originally posted by Ayatollah Watts:

Sup Y'all.. I'm Ayatollah..


I'm a bass n00b from Maryland (a rocks throw from DC literally)...I honestly don't think I'm that good because I juggle playing the bass, lead, piano, and drums (jack of all trades.. master of none)... I got a mexican fender jazz which I beat up daily in the efforts to become a better bass player.. it's hard to say who I'm influenced by because i've listen to so many folk growing up (I'm 24).. but most notably Larry Graham inspires me... tho I've been asked to play for a couple of local bands I've declined most (all) because I am FAARR to shy to play for anyone outside of my bassment...


my ultimate goal is to be a producer...

update, I'm still Ayatollah... and I still SUCK!!



Pain teaches what pride won't let you learn...
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  • 2 weeks later...

Name's Rich. I'm 28. Mostly into metal, more specifically the progressive/fusion metal stuff. Dig everything from classical and John Tesh to old school death metal.


I thought about posting my music background etc etc, but I tend to ramble, so when I get my website re-worked, I'll post the linky. (could be a few months LOL). But briefly here I am:


-guitarist of 13yrs

-drummer of approx 7yrs (off and on)

-took keyboarding (piano) 101 in college to learn some basics there

-'officially' a bassist (fretless) since june 2004

-sing in the shower...


Nice to meet some of ya's already. Not sure what forums I'll frequent, but right now it seems to be the Lowdown one as my current hobby is learning the ins and outs of bass. Peace!

[Carvin] XB76WF - All Walnut 6-string fretless

[schecter] Stiletto Studio 5 Fretless | Stiletto Elite 5

[Ampeg] SVT3-Pro | SVT-410HLF


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Hello to all the new folks! Please take a moment to tell us about yourselves, your music, your gear anything at all.


Glad to have you aboard! :wave:

Nothing is as it seems but everything is exactly what it is - B. Banzai


Life is what happens while you are busy playing in bands.

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Hi. My name is Jan Jensen, I've been playing for about 6 years. Living in Denmark right now, but might consider moving to Iceland soon. Originally from the Faroe Islands, where I learned most of my skills. I've played rock (most kinds), reggae, blues, jazz, latino, pop, fusion, folk music (have I forgotten anything?). Biggest inspirations include; Jaco (of course!), Juan Alderete (of The Mars Volta), Flea and so on...


Hi :)

Current set-up:


Ibanez SR3005 into a Mesa WalkAbout head with a Mesa 2x10 Powerhouse

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey - despite the handle I am not nuts for all things ZZ Top, tho I do dig them. I just think if you put ZZ in front of anything it sounds good: ZZ Cole Slaw, ZZ Stegasaurus, ZZ Mother Popcorn....


I played the clarinet and sax frdom 9 until 16. I never practiced, and never really dug them, but always loved listening to music of course. I always wanted to play the drums when I was younger (I bought a set off my drummer pal about 3 months ago and am enjoying sounding pretty uncoordinated on those). For my 22nd birthday my bro got me a Peavy P Bass knockoff and I just took to it right away. So it's been almost 6 years, and I've really practiced pretty hard in that time. I really love it.


I play a '73 P bass that is literally heavy as hell, but that's all right, cuz it sounds great. I've never been in a band that actually got to playing out for money, but that's fine, I will someday soon. It'd be nice if I had started the bass sooner, but I'm just glad I found it, or rather, glad it found me.


My first 4 years all I did was play along with my favorite CDs and jam occasionally with friends. Two years ago I got a teacher to learn me the music theory. I've been working on that a lot since. I think I've got some real strengths and some real holes as a bassist - I hope after a couple more years of working on that musical foundation I'll be much tighter. I'm real glad to read here what some real talented pros are thinking and doing.


I currently work as a sales rep for a large power equipment repair shop and travel a lot around the US midwest (I take my knockoff on the road). Been here a couple years, gonna be here a couple more. I got degrees in print journalism and history in college and worked as a newspaper reporter before this job but being a reporter, while very stimulating and exciting and fun (unlike sales, which mainly just pays good), pays like crap! I took this job to save money, and that's what I'm doing, and I plan to work in Europe as a newspaper reporter after I leave here in 2007 (and after a fun sabbatical from work!).


I'd say my two biggest influences are James Brown and Jimi Hendrix. I love the blues, and the rock, soul and funk produced during say '68-'74, if that gives you an idea of what music I like. Like most of us I imagine, I appreciate any music that achieves a certain level of quality. I love jazz too, but not as much as the other stuff I listed and really since I started playing the bass I don't listen to jazz anywhere as much as I did before I started playing. Go figure.


Glad I found this site - picked up a few helpful tips already! Keep jammin'!

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Hey all, my name is Ray, been playing about 6 years. Right now I have a 5 string Warwick Rockbass. I'm heavily influenced by old school R&B and Funk but I like checking out all types of music. Quite often my wife asks me "What the heck are you listening to?" As far as players go, Verdine White is a huge influence. I like the way he puts his stamp on a song without being flashy or the primary focus.


I'm in the military, which bounces me across the country every few years so I haven't really worked on joining a band. Still, I'm at the point now that I need the interaction with other players so I keep my eyes and ears open for an opportunity. For the most part I just have fun learning and expressing myself through the instrument.

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<--- Me. 31, male, married, day job. playing guitar/bass/keys for 22 years, all poorly, but that doesn't matter :) Started taking lessons again after a 20 year smoke break, and mostly happy about it. I've realized exactly how little I know, and its frustrating, but I'm still slogging on.
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Hilloo. My names Luke and i've been playing bass for just over two years now and i'm just about 16. I'm in a band with a few mates (they're all very good at what they play) and we've got some stuff we wanna record.

I play and Ibanez ATK 300 and she's a tank (her name's Kimberley) although I'm looking to upgrade fairly soon. I've got a crappy little 0.3 watt Peavey which desperately needs a good kick in the arse.

Anyway, hi to everyone and where has this forum been for the last two years of my life

"You don't get burnt out from going too fast, you get burnt out from going too slow and getting bored"-Cliff Burton
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Hey what's up. My name's Mitch "Zero" Lebron. I've been playing for bout 7 years now. I'm in an orginal rock/metal/rnb band called Lost Art playing venues in the tri-state area. I play two ernie ball musicman basses the first is a 5 string black with a maple neck and the other is a 5 string fretless black cherry burst with a piezo pick up.

As for amps I play an Ampeg b2-48, got one when they still made it basically the B2 amp built into a 4x8 cab and the svt-1x15.

And effects I use a Line 6 Bass Podxt Pro.

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Hi all,


My name's Mike and I hail from Canada. I've been lurking here for a while but figured it was time to to introduce myself.


I currently own three basses; a 2000 Washburn AB-10 four string acoustic/electric (just for messing around at home)a 95 Ibanez Soundgear 1205 and a 2000 Ibanez BTB 505 equiped with an F-Bass preamp which is my 'main' bass. My rig since '98 is a Trace Elliot AH400smx mated with 1048H (4 x 10 w/horn).


I own a Digitech BP8, as well as a Sansamp BDDI and a CryBaby Bass wah. My main influences include Geddy, Cliff Burton, Geezer Butler, John Paul Jones, Jason Newsted - mainly rock and metal guys. I also have a deep respect and appreciation for guys like Sting, and Tony Levin.


I play original hard rock/metal in a band called Omega A.D. and unlike most of the people that post here - I actually learned to play with these guys and our line-up has been intact for 15 years. My twin brother plays drums so I've never had to worry about 'connecting' with him - we practically read each other's minds!


I've learned a lot while I've been lurking here and hope that I can start giving back to this great online bass community!



Ibanez BTB 505 equiped w/F-Bass preamp(<-for sale)

Trace Elliot AH400SMX & 4x10

Sans Amp Bass Driver DI

Digitech BP8

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Hey there everyone!


Thought I might as well introduce myself instead of continuing my lurking around here in this great forum! ;)


Well my name is Jonathan and I'm from Denmark yet another small country in Scandinavia. (So sorry for any bad spelling etc.)

Besides playing bass in my band Vanity Fair and some side projects I'm studying a combination of History and Geography which is called European Studies at the University of RUC (Not that I think you'll know it but that's where I'm at).

I must admit that I've really enjoyed this place for quite a while now - but I've never really thought of interfering. That will hopefully change now!

Like so many of you other guys I'm addicted to the smell of new bass gear and must admit that I've often suffered from G.A.S. I own six basses; a 2001 Fender American Series Jazz Bass, a pre-run Tribute G&L L-2000, a Epiphone El Capitan ABG, a Ibanez AGB140 (hollowbody), a beat up Univox Rickenbacker 4001-copy and my first bass a Hohner PJ. Needles to say I love them all. Besides that I'm the proud owner of a Ashdown ABM 400 (the old series) amp + Ashdown ABM 2x10 + 4x10 cabs and well a dozen stompboxes. Well now that I'm here I'll look forward to numerous talks about gear, music and bass :thu:

Once you're lost in twillights blue you don't find your way the way finds you

My Band: http://www.vanityfair.dk

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Welcome to the LDL everyone! So glad to see folks coming out of "lurk" mode and joining in the fray! :D


Glad to have you here! :wave:

Nothing is as it seems but everything is exactly what it is - B. Banzai


Life is what happens while you are busy playing in bands.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey all,


what a kick ass forum! Been reading for a few weeks and finally decided to register.


Brief history: guitar player for 25 years switched to bass about 5 months ago...f'n love it, man. Studying with a great teacher at Huber & Breese (any fellow Detroiters should know about that place).


Gear: Ibanez GAXB150 and a Fender P. No serious rig yet, still contemplating that set up and won't have the cash until the end of the year, using a 15 watt Ashdown for practice purposes.


Great threads here, looking forward to joining in.



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hey, my nickname's Tyler, my real name (for real) is Jet (long story 'bout the nickname). been playing bass for six years now. i have one axe and it's a fender roscoe beck 5.

my major influences are (in order of discovery) :


1. marcus miller - distinctive tone. i especially love "Panther"

2. Jaco Pastorius - influenced my playing the most

3. Jimmy Johnson - an admirer of his fluidity

4. Nathan East, Pino Palladino - i work for a top-40's cover band, and these guys play for everyone

5. Oteil Burbridge, John Pattituci - when i explore soloing, i usually double my lines with my voice an octave higher. i love their solo concepts the most


i wouldn't say i cop from anyone, but these people have directly influenced my playing.


i'm married to the woman of my dreams. life's good. glad to be a part of this forum!

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I've piped up once or twice, but I figure I might as well come out of these shadows at some point.


I'd hesitate to call myself a bass player in the face of some of the actual players in this town (a surprisingly ungodly amount)and on this board, but it's one of my favorite instruments, so...


Originally I was a sax player and at some point in high school I went to a Spyro Gyra concert and saw Scott Ambush do his thing. The next day I picked up the school's P-bass and started the road to funkiness.


Along the way I picked up piano and that's actually my main instrument now due to a severe lack of jazz pianists around here (remember, everybody plays bass!), but I still get the occassional fill-in gig. I'm friends with at least 3 of the regulars in this forum, too (repeat the mantra - everybody in this town plays bass). My day gig is music retail and I play most weekends.


Past Gigs:

Bella Vista High School - concert (sax/mallets), pep (bass), marching (mallets), and jazz (sax)

Various theatre gigs (whatever)

Sierra College - jazz (sax), jazz choir (bass), concert (mallets)

The Hallway (jazz combo- bass)

Sketches in Blue (jazz sextet- piano)

University of North Dakota Jazz ensemble (sax/piano)

Drambuee (college rock- keyboards)

Dick King Classic Swing (big band- sax)

Northland Jazz Project (smooth/trad jazz- piano)

The Austin James Band (blues- organ)

Fatlip/Groove Union (funk/soul- organ)


Current gigs:

Project 24 (jazz quartet- piano)

Soon-to-be-named piano rock band (piano)

Theatre stuff (piano/conductor)


My influences (limited to bass) would be Scott Ambush, Nathan East, Kim Stone, Randy Hope-Taylor, Steve Rodby, John Deacon, and to some extent Rocco.

"Modern music is people who can't think signing artists who can't write songs to make records for people who can't hear."

-Frank Zappa

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all, done lurking, time to start learning.


I'm Kevin "OMAL" from Pittsburgh, PA.


I started playing Bass, wow it's been a while now, gotta think back, oh ya in Feb. of this year :P


My good friend was starting a Country band, and needed a Bass player, so I said sure, I played a few instruments through out the years (Trumpet, Sax, Tuba, Drums, and Guitar), so how hard could it be.


So, after i got a nice slap in the face of how hard it could be, I am happy it is Country and not some of the stuff you all are playing out there. I listen to some of the songs in other types of music and think, " YA RIGHT, not a dam chance". But, I guess it will come in time.


I have already picked up many many tips and tricks just from lurking, so thanx for having me and I hope to stay awhile.


These opinions are mine and do not reflect the opinions of any band, company, blah blah blah....


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Hello all,


My name is Scott, 44 years old, South Texas. I'm a nurse and case manager for our county health department. Used to be a Junior High and High School band director.


Relatively brand new to the bass. I picked it up a little when I had some junior high band students who wanted to start a jazz band but didn't have a bass player. I enjoyed it and decided I'd like to mess with it again. Recently bought an old Hondo II (looks like a Fender) P-bass and a Fender 15B Frontman amp (about 2 years old) off of e-bay. Seems to be in good shape, but I can't get the bass to make any sound through the amp. My electronic tuner DOES hear the bass when it's plugged into the tuner, though. So, you think it's the amp?? Any ideas?


I'm hoping to soak up everything I can learn from the experts on this BB.


Thanks for having me!

"And you want to be my latex salesman." -- Jerry Seinfeld


"Broccoli........vile weed." -- Newman


"Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Who knew it was gonna be such a looooong, baaaad day?" -- Roseanne

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My name is Dave, I am a recording engineer who spends most of his time in tv/film post. My bass playing is mostly confined to recording into my Pro Tools Mix + at home in my spare time. I am here to learn from others and will mostly lurk.


I have, however had lessons from Carol Kaye, so I do get outta the house occasionally....

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My name's Mike and i'm a bass-a holic. I'm 16, senior in High School and i've been playing bass for about 5-6 years. Many bassist have influenced me but Chris Squire, Jaco, Percy Jones, Jack Bruce, Stanley Clarke, and JPJ have been players that have impacted me the most. I play in a bunch of bands including my own original band, "Clegg" which is very much inspired by Albert King, Muddy Waters, Buddy Guy, and a bunch of others. I also play in a more Progressive band harkening back to the days of Yes, Gentle Giant, and Rush. Its fun to play in because it allows me to be creative with my bass in anyway I can. My rig is something that I really just assembled out of sheer necessity but after college (possibly during) I hope to acquire another Marshall DBS but in 2x10 form along with a Mesa 400+. Ive got another bass coming my way, a MTD Kingston fretless which should be an interesting contrast to my Ric and Jazz. But enough babbling...

Status S1


Aguilar GS212

Lots 'o effects.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi all.


Im Max, 33 years old, from the Bay Area (S.F.). Im the Web editor at the Music Player Network (publishers of Bass Player, Guitar Player, Keyboard and EQ magazines), and I'm also a bass player (albeit not a stellar one) with a few cumulative years of experience, interrupted once for a while by a house fire in college that destroyed all of the gear I used to own.


I currently have Ibanez Roadstar II with an aftermarket chop-job of a fretless neck and the ugliest custom headstock ever conceived by man, but I spend my playing time these days on my new Yamaha BB414. I've got kind of weak little practice amp at home (it does the job), and an Eden Nemisis 120 watt combo amp in my office, which is a loaner, and sounds pretty sweet.


As far as hobbies go, I play the bass, write and draw (poorly), put out a bi-monthly music and art magazine with some friends in S.F. (www.meshsf.com) and try to get into much other cool/fun/productive stuff as I can (because boredom sucks).


I'm looking forward to contributing to the Lowdown, and learning lots from the combined years of experience and expertise so prevalent on this board.

Web Director, NewBay Media. msidman@nbmedia.com
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Welcome Max !!


Stop that drawing stuff and find JeremyC on this board. Then you can start taking lessons. You won't be "un-stellar" for long.




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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