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Timmy C Article


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I like Timmy C's playing with Rage and Audioslave a lot. The guy's got a serious groove...and his overdrive sound is one of the best out there...


But does the guy have to be so secretive? I don't get it...just because someone cops your playing or tone doesn't mean they'll end up sounding exactly like you in the end...and what's he got to be scared of? It's not like Audioslave will dump him for one of his clones, will they?


Good for him that he's so handy with a soldering gun, though. I'm impressed by any bassist in a chart-topping rock band that actually knows how to rewire crossovers and rewind pickups. Most of 'em are too busy hobnobbing and, um, indulging to even tune up without the help of their tech.


And I had to smile regarding his opinions on Nu-Metal... :D

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Dude.. where's this article?


I've said it before...


IMO, Tim C WAS the heart of RATM. I think he's WAYYYYYYY funkier than Brad Wilk. Now, with Audioslave, I think Cornell sorta steals some of his thunder, but that's OK.



"To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."

--Sun Tzu

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Originally posted by CMDN:

Dude.. where's this article?


Try here: BP website .


TC is the subject of the cover story/interview for the August issue of BP.


I like his sound. I enjoyed seeing him play live way back when I caught RATM at Lollapalooza. While I can see where robb.'s coming from in terms of his protectiveness of a "unique imprint," I still think it's weird he doesn't spill some more details.





Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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I visited my local Barnes & Noble last night. While I was there, I read the new BP from cover to cover! Timmy C. is a good player (or should I say playa'). Maybe a bit conceited, but good anyway. I mean he talked about his distortion pedal for almost half the interview! :confused:


I also saw RATM at Lolapalooza (in Philly). Unfortunately, I saw more of Timmy C. (and the rest of them) than I really wanted to! They decided to "protest" with there uh, mini-members hanging out. It was very odd. They just stood there buck-naked with fake beards on. This went on for the entire length of their set!


Anyway, I was looking forward to hearing them play back then, but obviously that didn't happen.


I'm not too big on Audioslave, so I could care less about seeing them. I was a huge Soundgarden fan back in the day though. Another band with an awesome Bassist (Hiro, not Ben).

Bee, why you sting me? - Jack Kerouac
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He sounded like one of the most egotistical people I've ever seen interviewed.


What are these secrets he's keeping? Are there some secret bass tracks that we can't hear?


He had a lot of nerve to put down session players like Chris Chaney, a versatile player who can play rings around him and was chosen for the reunion of a much more interesting and influential band than either of the over-hyped bands he has been in.


And on top of that he admits that he doesn't know how to play a song with changes and it took 30 takes to record one.


By the standards of the world in which I live, he can't play at all.

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I actually have to agree about how he put down Chris. I hadn't really heard of Chris until the article in BP, but for as much experience as he had had in schooling and being a "session cat" (a name which I find to be a little rude) I thinks that TC has no right to say anything about him. Just because this guy used to do sessions, doesn't mean he can't rock out with a band. I don't really get it. I would be flattered that someone would try so hard to sound just like me. ESPECIALLY if I was rewiring and constantly changing my gear around.



Still working on it...

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His opinions about Chris Chaney playing in Jane's Addiction bugged me too. Chris is the real deal, a jazz-trained cat who can rock out with the best of them. To suggest he doesn't belong in Jane's because of this is really weird.
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Oh, I don't think he was putting down Chris Chaney that much. I think he was just trying to reinforce the idea of having a band of guys that learn and grow together (as a band) rather than a bunch of great players thrown together to form a band (or to fill roles in a band). I think his point had some validity.

I'll agree about him being way too egotistical. To complain about not being named one of the 50 best rock bass players of all time? Come on. I think he's a good player, but he's not doing anything earth shattering. Not to justify that kind of attitude anyway.

I have no homepage.
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The secrecy got me a bit. I thought it a bit much. With all the equipment (from boxes to amps to cabs) available, is it really necessary to change the electronics? OK - some guys do custom work because they are looking for their tone, and because they can. But is it really that big a secret?


I disliked the Chaney comments. Jane's Addiction was a band without a bass player. Somebody had to step in, since we no longer had the guy that had grown with the band. And his versatility is impressive. I thought it was a cheap shot.


I thought Timmy C did a good job of describing his own band and the place he holds there.




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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I love the guy, and envy him at the same time (and funny enough, he worked under the name Tim Bob for one of the Rage albums, a name my parents have used for me for years) Anyway, I wish I could do half of what he does concerning his own electronics. I'm glad he's out there and has his own secret weapons. Fenders that don't sound like Fenders, pedals that don't sound what they look like, and jeez, think how much one of his amps would go for on ebay! His secretiveness (is that a word) is admirable in it's own way, and is only bothersome when you confuse it with arrogance.


And hey, he uses a Hipshot trem!

\m/ Timothy Lyons
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Is this story not online? I don't see it on the BP website. Throw me a frickin' bone here...



"To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."

--Sun Tzu

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Originally posted by CMDN:

Is this story not online? I don't see it on the BP website. Throw me a frickin' bone here...

I wouldn't have though so, otherwise there would be little reason to buy the magazine if you could simply read the whole thing online. Probably.
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Just checking.

I'm not buying that damn magazine just to see what Tim C has to say.



"To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."

--Sun Tzu

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Originally posted by CMDN:

Is this story not online? I don't see it on the BP website. Throw me a frickin' bone here...

Looks like it's not on-line, even though some other stories are. Sorry to mislead you, brutha. :( At least you got to look at the nice cover shot. ;)



Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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I haven't read the interview yet (being in the UK I've only just read the one with Hub) but I get the impression Timmy C does interviews like he plays bass - with serious attitude. Unfortunately, it's easy to put people's backs up when you speak than when you lay down a fat bass line.



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Originally posted by jeremyc:

Oh my god, it's not online, and I might have to go out of the house, we can't have that, can we? :freak:

Now why would you want to subject yourself to that nasty old thing they call "natural light" when you could just subscribe and get it delivered to your door. :D:P
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Yeah... leaving the house is bad... Last time I did that, I saw this incredibly frightening thing... there was a HUGE yellowish, flaming round object up in the sky overhead... when I looked at it, my eyes started hurting.


Have any of you guys seen this thing? It's quite scary. It can't be good for you. That's why I put tin foil over my windows.



"To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."

--Sun Tzu

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Yeah, really.. and what's it for, anyway?


Did the government put it there?


Damn politicians.


Like I said, it can't be good for ya.



"To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."

--Sun Tzu

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Maybe it's some sort of alien space ship just hanging there, and it was flying towards our planet then it caught fire. Or maybe the government did put it there, maybe it's all part of a massive conspiracy the government are in on with the aliens! We're... all... going... to... die!!!

Anyway, I think we've gotten a little off topic.

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anyway, I guess when you're "big time", sometimes you need to spend more time working on your "image". Just a guess, though, since I haven't experienced the "big time" (yet...) :)

unkownroadband.com - step into the unkown :-)
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Yeah, what if it got out that a punk/metal bassist with tattoos(insert name here) was actually a nice guy?


Nah, couldn't ever happen.

You're right... they're all assholes. I oughta know.



"To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."

--Sun Tzu

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Who dissed Ben Sheppard? He was the soul behind Soundgarden's best albums, "Badmotorfinger" and "Superunknown"... great bassist and arranger...


Now, onto Timmy C. Love his sound. It really is one of the best bass distortions I've ever heard. While you have to respect his D.I.Y. approach & his knowledge of gear and customization, keeping it all so secret doesn't do much for the young bassist who might try to do the same thing (i.e. actually open up his equipment and learn how to modify things himself) if Timmy C. would oblige to give some pointers. The guy just seems too arrogant for someone who is a good grove player with a really good sound, but not someone who is ever going to outplay a legend (insert: Jaco, Victor, Flea, Mingus, etc. etc.)...


Also, compared to early RATM or Soundgarden, the "supergroup" Audioslave is pretty mediocre fare. It's far from Chris Cornell's best singing and songwriting, and it's a bit too tame for the other 3 musicians. I had high hopes for this one, and I hope they really let loose on the next album, if there is one. But to me, compared to the potential, it was a boring album.

"Tea & Cake, or Death!"
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Yeah, what if it got out that a punk/metal bassist with tattoos(insert name here) was actually a nice guy?


Nah, couldn't ever happen.



You're right... they're all assholes. I oughta know.

Present company excepted, of course.
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Well, the mag's finally out over here and I've read the infamous interview. It amuses me how scared he is that someone might steal his tone, but on the whole he has a lot of good stuff to say. And I totally agree with him about his best recorded tone being on Evil Empire - it may be the weakest RATM album but that bass sound!




P.S. What the hell is he doing with those tattoos though? Each to his own, I guess...

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Oh well - I haven't read the article, but I doubt Tim sys anything as dumb as Rex from Pantera once said in BP: "I think what I play is way more exciting that what those jazz guys play." Whatever you say, pal. :rolleyes:

"I had to have something, and it wasn't there. I couldn't go down the street and buy it, so I built it."


Les Paul

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