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Timmy C Article


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Present company excepted, of course.
Nah... I'm an asshole and proud of it. Kiss me, you fool!



"To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."

--Sun Tzu

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Havent heard Tim C's playing, so i wont comment on that- But the fact that he didnt know how to play thru ANY kind of chrod changes until recently. His arrogance and secrecy- His comments about Chris Chaney, who is a very accomplished bassist. Nah, I'll pass. I'm with Jeremy C on this one for sure... this guys a trillionaire and we have spent our lives sharpening our skills to be ready for any situation- this guy doesnt know how to play thu 3 chrods-- pleeeezze!!- A.


i just read on the first page that he studided upright bass and is a Jaco fan

the second page is where he says he never played thur chrod progresion.

What the HELL was this guy studying on upright bass? Bach?? ... Blah!!!

Praise ye the LORD.

....praise him with stringed instruments and organs...

Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD.

excerpt from- Psalm 150

visit me at:


for His glory

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Now wait a minute. I've GOT to be missing something. (I'm sure the fact that I've not read the article has nothing to do with that. :rolleyes: ) He can't (or until recently couldn't) play over changes? How exactly does one manage to play AT ALL, in ANY genre, without playing over changes? "Tomorrow Never Knows" has no changes, but then again it doesn't get called all that often... Did he just have to work out parts or riffs that sounded good, without understanding why they sounded good over the changes? Come on...I'm just a day-jobber & a weekend warrior, but 90% of my playing is improvising lines from chord charts (although I can read, I like to make my charts without notes; even with charts with notes, I'll often improvise a line over the changes anyway). And I don't even play jazz. But this guy--the latest King Sh!t of Bassdom--is thrown by changes? You're exaggerating, right?


PLEASE, tell me you're exaggerating! I can't STAND IT! :eek:

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I haven't read the article, either, but I'm willing to bet he's just being a jackass to be a jackass. He's been known to do this in the past...


Ever seen the MTV video awards show where he went bugshit and climbed all over the set while people were trying to give an acceptance speech?



"To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."

--Sun Tzu

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I'm pretty sure the whole thing about the "changes" were because RATM was totally riff based w/o melody. With Cornell (enter melody), their riffs had to work melodically with something else for the first time in over 10 years. I think Timmy was just making a point on how his (and Tom Morello's) way of making music has been forced to change w/ the new group.


No biggie, they seemed to have handled it well.

Ah, nice marmot.
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Originally posted by dcr:

Oh, I see. So this is his way of dissing the new guy for being more musical than he was?


I think CMDN hit the nail on the head.

I think yer right on both counts.
Ah, nice marmot.
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from the BP article...

" What's the difference between playing bass for Rage Against the Machine and Audioslave?"


"With Rage, every single song was riff rock, we never had to deal with chord progressions, and we pretty much played only E, D and F#. In Audioslave we actually use chord progressions on a few songs like "The Last Remaining Light" (etc..). It's all new to me- I had never played a chord progression! Once I get my head wrapped around it, though, it all becomes one giant riff in the end"


and this guy has probably has the huge house and the 7 exotic cars , etc.. it KILLED me when Fieldy was on MTD Cribs flaunting his riches....

call me jealous, but i think the whole thing sucks.. I guess learning theory and reading and :eek: chord progresions was just a waste of my youth!!! and I struggle every month to pay my bills..

Nice tattoo, though, dude. :rolleyes:

Praise ye the LORD.

....praise him with stringed instruments and organs...

Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD.

excerpt from- Psalm 150

visit me at:


for His glory

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Just to add another tuppence - it really didn't seem to me like he was dissing anyone. Any remotely negative comments appeared rather tongue-in-cheek. And regarding changes, I think he was just pointing out that he wasn't used to the restrictions that chord sequences and vocal melodies can bring to your choice of notes.


Whatever you think about Tim, RATM or Audioslave, it is undeniable that he is one funky, hard rocking player with a deep groove and great tone!



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Oh yeah, nobody's saying the guy can't play...

I think his attitude is just kind of jerky.



"To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."

--Sun Tzu

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he wasn't used to the restrictions that chord sequences and vocal melodies can bring to your choice of notes.

I certainly hope you are kidding, Alex!


Oh yeah, nobody's saying the guy can't play...

I said it once before, Erik, and now I'll quote myself:

By the standards of the world in which I live, he can't play at all.
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Well I guess I'll weigh in now. I kind of liked the angry music of RATM and it has a certain juvenile appeal to it that sells lots of records. I don't see anything wrong with him saying in an interview that he's growing musically now that his current project is about more then kicking people in the teeth with music. I guess to most whats upsetting is that hes reached the level of success without all the study and work in his instrument. They just riffed and jammed their way along. It seemed to work for them. That has lead to him having to grow musically. I would say then that its about time!!


Now as for what hes got against Janes new bass player Thats just moronic.

Double Posting since March 2002

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I guess learning theory and reading and chord progresions was just a waste of my youth!!! and I struggle every month to pay my bills..
Nobody ever said life was fair.


I know nothing about this guy or this article (except what I've read here), but I have lived a few years and learned a few things.


I'm not a bassist yet, and may never be. I'm not really even quite a guitarist, IMO. I'm definetly not a musician, although many in my family where / are. BUT, being a musician, either "classically" trained or self-taught has NOTHING to do with being a "STAR".


For every person that makes it big in the ENTERTAINMENT (that's a KEY word) industry, there's a 100, no make that a 1,000 or MORE that are MORE talented. It's entertainment. What IS important is whether or not the general public (or critics) likes you and that has NOTHING to do with talent or training :rolleyes:


If you are the musician that YOU want to be, then be satisfied :cool:


If you want to be a star, you will never be satisfied.



Gotta' geetar... got the amp. There must be SOMEthing else I... "need".
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Originally posted by jeremyc:

he wasn't used to the restrictions that chord sequences and vocal melodies can bring to your choice of notes.
I certainly hope you are kidding, Alex!


No, I'm serious!!! I'm not saying that I feel restricted playing rock music with traditional melody and harmony but...


RATM's music was heavily blues based, with few changes, and no traditional vocal melody. Pretty much all the melodic hooks etc were played on guitar and bass, although some were carried by the vocals. Most of the melody within RATM's music was almost like a *really* good drum solo - constantly implied but never defined. Furthermore when things got more concrete, they rarely followed diatonic harmony, there was much more dissonance. That leaves you pretty free to play without fear of notes clashing - it just has to sound good and fit the mood.


Audioslave isn't that different - playing bass for them certainly isn't like playing for Motown or Steely Dan - but there are songs where the bass has to fit something that's predefined (i.e. within a chord sequence or under a vocal melody). In RATM a lot of Timmy's riffs defined the song and on the occasions that they didn't then Tom's riffs were the foundation and Timmy would approximately double them.


Jeremy, Tim may not be a sufficiently versatile player to play all the different styles that you expect a bassist to play, but he does express himself with his instrument and that's more than you can say for a lot of 'rock' bass players. But maybe none of them can play...



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Oh yeah, nobody's saying the guy can't play...




I said it once before, Erik, and now I'll quote myself:




By the standards of the world in which I live, he can't play at all.


Ooops.... My bad.

JEREMY'S saying Timmy C can't play.


I'm sure he's losing sleep over that right now. Poor bastard. Hahah.


Seriously... I wonder what kinda great drugs he was taking when he climbed all over the set at that MTV awards show? He musta been feeling pretty good. I'd hate be in a band with a guy like him... even though he's good at what he does (but it's not playing, right Jer?), it'd be such a pain in the ass to be worried about what he was gonna do any any given time... make asinine statements in major music mags, act like a moron on a major music awards show... ugh.



"To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."

--Sun Tzu

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In the US it could go either way; it depends on tone, which you don't get in posts. (Sincere tone: "Way to go!" Sarcastic tone: "Big frickin deal!") But context suggests to me that it's not sarcastic here.
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Originally posted by C.Alexander Claber:

Originally posted by robb.:

bully for you.



Is this a compliment in the US because in the UK it's a rather sarcastic insult...



It's not a term I usually use here in the US, but it is used as a compliment, not as an insult. Also, knowing robb., he wouldn't rip on a fellah for something like that.


Congrats on Gold Member status, Alex! The vast majority of your posts have been enlightening and enjoyable for me! :thu:


BTW, your comment made me check my post count and I just realized that I recently hit the "Hall of Fame." :) (Maybe that explains why I'm still working on that damned dissertation... :( )


Bully for me! ;)



Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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Originally posted by Bumpcity:




LMAO - I think of that little dude every time I utter the word "Timmy" :D:D
Ah, nice marmot.
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Wow... big thread... Anyway, I think Timmy C rocked in RATM and still rocks on Audioslave. Maybe his not a virtuoso or a music theory genious but he's got a great punch, feeling and groove just ome attitude and a freakin' enormous cockroach type tattoo... and you've got a bass monster... hehehe... :D


Did somebody mentioned Fieldy up there? Does anyone thinks Fieldy is a good bass player? I think he sucks. :freak:

Who Put The ' M ' In MySpace?

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I feel like a goof defending Fieldy, but how many of us can say that our sound (no matter how absurd to some ears), helped to define the sound of a band that was/is a huge influence and sold millions of records?


I'm sure he CAN play like a "regular" bassist, but his style really is a huge part of their sound.


Okay, I am now hated by everyone... :cry:

Ah, nice marmot.
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