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Thanks, Neighbor...Fred Rogers passes


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I am not ashamed at all to say that I cried when I heard the news. America has lost one of the finest gentlemen ever to cross the airwaves. I hope he lives on in reruns forever. The lessons he taught are absolute and immutable instructions on how to be a good person. Go with God, Mister Rogers.


"So, let's make the most of this beautiful day..." :cry:

"I had to have something, and it wasn't there. I couldn't go down the street and buy it, so I built it."


Les Paul

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Fred Roger's main message was self-acceptance. He was keenly aware that very young people feel insecure and frightened...and his daily presence comforted them.


One time, my daughter (5 at the time, now 22) was throwing a fit...finally threatened me that she was going to run away. She ran outside, and shut the locked door behind her. I watched her from the window, as she cooled off and tried to come back in. The door was locked...and she started "praying" to Mr. Rogers to "come help her." Her daddy helped her instead.


By the way, Fred had his college degrees in music, and wrote many songs (all that you hear in the neighborhood are his.) However, he didn't play the piano you hear woven through the program. That was his longtime music director, John Costa...an amazing jazz pianist. Here is his official website.


And those sounds are in kids ears...a surreptitious way to keep jazz in the public spirit.

"Let's raise the level of this conversation" -- Jeremy Cohen, in the Picasso Thread.


Still spendin' that political capital far faster than I can earn it...stretched way out on a limb here and looking for a better interest rate.

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Having grown up watching him also I was saddened by the news this morning. He truly loved what he did, and it was evident in the show & interviews, etc.


The musical team on the show included Joe Negri, who is currently a guitar endorser for Fender/Guild. (Handyman Negri & Operated the "Neighborhood" music store). There is a lot of talent behind all those jazzy runs.

- Matt W.
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I haven't felt like this since Charles Schulz died a few years back. Another little piece of childhood gone.


There was some comedy movie in which a despondent Burt Reynolds seeks solace in watching Mr. Rogers. Funny, but, not really that far from the truth. Although a lot of folks poked fun at him, it's hard to find anyone that can honestly say they didn't find him comforting and reassuring, and I'm sure that many adults who found their own neighborhoods full of either crime, hatred, or just indifference longed for a place that was like the neighborhood Mr. Rogers created on TV.


He lives on in his reruns!

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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A good and honorable man who believed in what he was doing, for the children.


He has my respect.


Fair winds and following seas, Mr. Fred Rogers.

Bassplayers aren't paid to play fast, they're paid to listen fast.
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My kids watched the show, and on weekends I watched with them. I spoke to my daughter today and she's really sad. We all learned alot about the world at large (Lynn Swann and ballet, how to make steel drums, how crayons were made, etc.). And we learned about acceptance (thanks dbb), about caring for each other and being responsible, about the value of gentleness in life.


I have this picture of God and Mr. Rodgers zipping up their sweaters side by side. Thanks for the blessings.




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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