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i need emergency help!!!


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Hello fellow bassists- i have a dilemma- i am mainly an electric player and i recently auditioned for an upcoming Cirque du Soleil production in Vegas- i have made the last cut and now they are asking me to submit a couple of piece of "minimalistic" playing on some type of upright- i will attempt it on an electric upright- thing is , i need advice on the best way to prepare fo this asap- i need to submit a recording by next week- and i dont even own an EURB - i have my eye on an NS design since they have markers on the fingerboard and i need all the help i can get here- in a nutshell, Im praying to the Lord that i can bs my way thru this and get the gig and just shed the heck out of the URB- so, as a crash course- any suggestions on preparing for something i shouldve prepared a lifetime for?? i NEED this gig!!! thanks....

calling Bob Gollihur !!!!

Praise ye the LORD.

....praise him with stringed instruments and organs...

Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD.

excerpt from- Psalm 150

visit me at:


for His glory

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I wish I had more to offer than this, but, the very first time I played an upright, I had 10 minutes before the gig to familiarize myself with the bass. It was a very nice acoustic one from the '40's and sounded beautiful. The way I stumbled through that performance was to use a lot of vibrato. Now, it was a song that I was very familiar with on an electric and I just "visualized" playing my electric propped up. I would suggest doing a song that you know well on your electric and play the bass as much as possible before you record it. The position markers on the NS design will help you a lot.


You're a good player with a lot of experience, so this should not be any problem for you. Let us know if you get it. I'm planning a trip to Vegas in a few months and I love the Cirque du Soliel shows. It would be nice to say "I know that guy--sort of!"

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Just relax, be yourself, and fake your way through it. I'm sure you are hip to all this advice already, but it's the best thing to do. If you go into an audition and let it show that you're really nervous, it will show in your playing no matter how good you are. Just have fun, man.


I'm a terrible upright player (which, BenLoy will probably chastise me for if he reads this :D ) I played a little bit of upright in college, but it just wasn't my thing. I got a few gigs playing upright by just being confident and trying my damndest to not let them know that I had no idea what I was doing. :)


You'll do fine. Be confident. People can sense that and they will possibly overlook minor flubs here and there if you are just brimming with confidence.



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Adrian, you did not say when the audition was, but before you do anything else find the best upright teacher in Vegas and camp out side his/her door until he/she can give you a couple of hours instruction. NOW ! ! ! Oh yeah, get a bass.

Learning on such short notice, you will be learning fundamentals. You are already a good musician, you can already hear, that gives you a big head start. Kick some ass. Can I be your sub?

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ONCE you have access to a bass get you hands on "Ray Brown's Bass Method". It has many pages of walking blues lines. Starting from the, technically, very simple and moving up. Also has some crazy position studies. Do 'em later.


Really, for a crash course this is ideal. Save the bow studies for after you get the gig and nail the first four blues studies.


Trust me.



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they want a cd of music by thurs in Montreal -- i have to overnight wed... i arrannged a crash lesson with one of the baddest URB guys in Vegas- i will meet him Sunday afternoon.

I HAVE to pick up a bass TODAY!! i cant wait for shipping, so i will scour Vegas for one- i will LIVE on it fromnow till wed- they did say they wanted minimalist playing- not too many notes - THATS A GOOD THING!!

apparently the composer liked the video of my audition back in Nov- and just wants to hear me play some upright- considering the nature of Cirque du Soleil - i will try to provive a sensual ethereal piece which is what they want- or maybe ill just record a piece from one of my Eberhard Webber cds and tell them its me!! ;)

TOTAL crash course- ive dabbled in upright, but this is for real!! cool thing, its not straight ahead stuf- its hip-hop and world flavor music that they will have in the show.. thanks for all the help!!

Praise ye the LORD.

....praise him with stringed instruments and organs...

Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD.

excerpt from- Psalm 150

visit me at:


for His glory

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I like your Eberhard Weber idea.


Got a funny story.


Years ago I was in a jazz-funk horn band. For an audition tape, the leader put on the first Brecker Brothers album, told us all to talk and make noise and then recorded the room.


He then brought this tape to a club and said it was a live tape of our band.


After we got the gig and played it, the club manager said, "wow, you guys are really good. I was a little worried when I heard that demo tape, but I'm glad I took the chance on you".


Best of luck to you, Adrian.

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'm a terrible upright player (which, BenLoy will probably chastise me for if he reads this [big Grin] ) I played a little bit of upright in college, but it just wasn't my thing. I got a few gigs playing upright by just being confident and trying my damndest to not let them know that I had no idea what I was doing.
How do you think I learned the upright? :D I had owned my electric upright for only two months before I suddenly had to play it behind a crack horn band playing jump blues and swing, way up on top of the beat sometimes. My calluses didn't stand a chance.


I had bone bruises a couple of times and had to wrap my index finger on my right hand in gaffer's tape, which threw my timing off completey...


I started practicing legit technique on it only because I was terrified the ruse wasn't going to last long enough before somebody figured out I was a fraud! :D


Thank heavens my sense of time was already decent from practicing electric... ;)


Adrian, I've heard you play electric from your website, you're a muthaf---a. You'll tear it up if they give you a rubber band attatched to a peizo pickup. :)

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Yo Adrian!! I would suggest you contact Morrie Louden and record your demo with him. I would think you'd know Morrie, but if you don't contact me and I'll set it up for you. He's a fantastic upright player in his own right, plus he has a studio, a great sounding bass, and knows how it should sound. I guess you just have to hope he's not going after the same gig, hahaha.
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Linwood!! i know!! Morrie is a monster!! i was going to call him yesterday and was unable to find his number- Jerry gave me Bob Sachs number- i am gettign together with him tomorrow for a rash course-- I got an ok to use an electric upright and i just came from looking at the only here in Vegas-- a bit more than i want to spend on such short notice... but if i dont do it , i wont get the gig for sure... they dont want vistuousi playing, thank God!! as few notes as possible.. i can do that. more of a vibe , you know?? so im goign to write som Cirquish music and apply the URB for textures and what not.. i woulnd cram this this much expect that ive managed to make the cut all the way to the final week-- so i better go for it!!

Praise ye the LORD.

....praise him with stringed instruments and organs...

Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD.

excerpt from- Psalm 150

visit me at:


for His glory

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Well- i was asked to play both services at church today . I usually only play one. So i was faced with a decisionn. I cancelled and played at church- i bought an NS design crm5 yesterday and i have been shedding it- the dots on the board help a lot!! so i will shed and shed some more until i feel i can come up with something simple but effective to put on a cd for them- we will see how that goes.. i am practicicng by going thru a tuner to check intonation- it helps a lot as well- i can do what i can and hope and pray for the best...

Praise ye the LORD.

....praise him with stringed instruments and organs...

Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD.

excerpt from- Psalm 150

visit me at:


for His glory

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Originally posted by jeremyc:

After we got the gig and played it, the club manager said, "wow, you guys are really good. I was a little worried when I heard that demo tape, but I'm glad I took the chance on you".


"I had to have something, and it wasn't there. I couldn't go down the street and buy it, so I built it."


Les Paul

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"If you love someone, set them free. If they come back to you, you will be together forever. If they don't, you never had them in the first place."


That mantra from the Sixties (I was ALIVE then!) keeps running through my head.


I just got back from the TMEA convention, where I attended a session with and met Barry Green, the "Inner Game of Music" guy. That has me thinking this way:


Cirque is off the wall, offbeat, moody, funny in a spooky way and spooky in a funny way. But you can't "be them."


Be yourself, utterly and entirely. Sure, explore the funny-spooky side of yourself. Have a GREAT time in the preparation of this music.


And then, let it go entirely.


If the music is suitable for Cirque, that would be a coop...you could brag about that for a long time. But (and I'm sure it's not) if that was your motivation, you'd fail completely.


Rather...if you say something, speak to someone with your playing; that's what you do.


Luck to you.

"Let's raise the level of this conversation" -- Jeremy Cohen, in the Picasso Thread.


Still spendin' that political capital far faster than I can earn it...stretched way out on a limb here and looking for a better interest rate.

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Adrian, as others stated above, you are a good bass player, just give it your best shot. On the up side it's a pension gig. I turned one of our Local 153 members, Marcie Blue Brown, a cellist, onto the Vegas show when I got the audition notice. She landed the gig. They were looking for someone with jazz chops on the cello and I thought of her right away.


Best of luck to you Adrian. I'm pulling for you. :thu:



I have basses to play, places to be and good music to make!
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I really am wishing you well on this. I swear, I can feel your insides churning over this one :) .


I've seen two of their shows, and am just stoked by the surrealism. Like being on acid without the chemicals....umm, that's what I've heard, anyway :rolleyes:


That's gonna be a sweeeet gig. The best to ya.



Bassplayers aren't paid to play fast, they're paid to listen fast.
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still waiting- they got the extra stuff they needed- to tell the truth, at first they sounded like i might have the gig- now my gut tells me no -

Praise ye the LORD.

....praise him with stringed instruments and organs...

Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD.

excerpt from- Psalm 150

visit me at:


for His glory

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